Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's assassin turned to Spirit team member ❯ Meeting your brother ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho unluckily, but I do own my characters Ashkali, and now to introduce Askorin, Kira and Laurana.

Chapter 7

You go back to your room for a quick shower to get rid of the sweat and blood that is pouring down your back from the fight.

You pick out all the pieces of sword that are spinkled all over your body then get dressed in a long black dress which has splits up to your thighs with a halter neck. Then being only six in the evening on a Thursday.

You take out your purse and find that you have to get some more money anyway. (You haven't really used much of them money that you have gotten from the demons that demand you to kill people and demons alike. Son you are very rich)

Taking out the bankcard you go to the Spirit World bank and get out some human money from your account.

You go through the nearest portal to the Human world, while unbeknown to you, Hiei is following you at a distance. You stop outside of a mall and send out a telepathic call. Then a boy your age appears behind you and is all dressed up. Smiling you turn to see a blur flit away in the darkness, but ignore it.

You turn back to the boy.

"Hey gorgeous, did you miss me?"

He smirked and laughed at your question. "Ashkali, of course I misses you what would I do without my other half."

You see the blur again, but this time it leaves the area all together.

"Seriously Askorin, you'd think that I was your lover the way that you speak of me, not your twin sister."

Askorin, looks much alike to you as a guy can to a girl, but has short white-blonde hair, is about half a foot taller than you are, and has a set of piercing dark blue eyes. In his demon form he looks practically exactly like your demon form, except his clothing are different, he's stiller taller then you and his body gives off a sense of more masculinity. He's older than you by a few seconds because he was born from the double egg first, so he is very protective of you.

Well you go off to dinner with him and then drag him off to the movies. You go in and see the newest movie that you and him are both dieing to see. You both come out of the cinema laughing while everyone else is looking at you like you are a pair of freaks because everyone else was scared shitless.

Not wanting to shop anymore you walk with Askorin down to the beach. You sit down and look out into the ocean. Askorin knows something is up and asks quietly. "Ashkali, is there something you want to tell me?"

You sigh and look at him. "Koenma has decided that he doesn't want be to be his secret spy assassin anymore. Instead he wants me to become part of his team of Spirit detectives. The thing is that I agreed to it, and now I think that I'm falling in love with one of the team members."

Askorin looks at you a smile on his face. "Ash, which one are we talking about? Hiei or Kurama, I know you hate the other two."

"Hiei." You say and can't suppress the smile that comes out on your lips as you say his name.

You lean in on Askorin's shoulder as you yawn.

"Well, if he does anything to hurt you, all you need to do is tell me, and I'll come and sort him out for you, okay."

You nod. "The thing is they don't know anything about me except for that I am an assassin and Koenma isn't going to tell them that I have been working under that cover for him until he thinks that it's truly necessary."

"Well, don't worry too much about it, you know you can always come to me if you need help. I'm sure that if you ask my wife Kira also when you come for your next visit you will see, she'll be glad to help you as well."

"Yeah, so how is my little niece Laurana doing?"

"She's good. She has finally reached the age that she is becoming more seductive than the Kitsunes, and I'm beginning to wonder if this period of time, is going to go on forever. I think she may finally have come to terms with having to take over the Northern lands in the Demon world."

You smile, "How old is she now?"

"Ninety-none, turning to her hundredth year in a months time."

"Askorin, can you take me to your place in the human world, I don't want to be alone tonight."

He nods and takes you to his place, he puts you down on the king bed he has saved in a room for when you come to visit.

You sigh as he begins to walk away, but you grab his wrist and say, sleep on the bed beside me, like when we were smaller. I don't want to be alone tonight." He nods and still dressed as you are you both fall asleep. Askorins arm wrapped around your side.

Outside the window, a black blur has seated himself in the tree and is watching you asleep in your brothers arms.

*Hiei's POV*

`Why can't I get her out of my head? Why does her name plague me so? I don't understand these feelings that I am having.' He thought. `She shouldn't be in his arms' came a ferocious voice in the back of his mind. `She should be in mine, I don't care if she was an assassin or not, I was one and have made up for it some.' These thoughts raced through Hiei's mind like bullets until he was almost ready to pounce through the window and steal her away into the night. He ran, before he did anything that he knew he would regret later.