Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's assassin turned to Spirit team member ❯ Training ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho unluckily, but I do own my characters Ashkali.

Chapter 6

You give him the quick version of what happened and he agrees to keep it from Kurama and then changes back to his normal form.

You smile and ask him to leave.

Quickly you go into the cupboard and grab out some new clothes, same as you have on and walk into your bathroom. The tub fills up quickly and you undress and slip into the bubbly water. The water feels like bliss on your skin and you fall asleep.

You wake half an hour later remembering that you have training. Not wanting to bother with a towel, you raise your youki a bit and your blood runs like fire through your veins and the water steams off quickly, except for your hair with is still damp, but mostly dry.

You change into your clothes and walk out to the training grounds. You only brought out with you your favourite weapons, Shurikens (Throwing stars) katana and your needles. Your needles are sharp pieces of your demon hair that when pulled out are stronger than anything in the world.

You stretch out all of your muscles, which are pretty stiff from the loss of control over your body when Hiei knocked you out.

Quickly getting out your Katana you do the normal moves for basics to the hardest moves that have ever been performed, and some moves, which until you came along were thought to be impossible to repeat ever again.

You smile and looked up into one of the taller trees which are surrounding the arena.

"Hiei, you can come down, I know you are there. You can't hide from me." You say as you let the sword fall to your side, you haven't even broken into sweat yet, even though all the moves you just performed would make almost anyone else fall over in exhaustion.

Hiei lands at the base of the tree still looking at you.

"Training was cancelled. Kurama and the others had to go. Didn't Yusuke come and tell you?" A little annoyed and angry at Yusuke for his incompetence you force an angry smile.

"Do you think that I'd still be here if he had?"

`Well I probably would be, but hey, Hiei doesn't need to know that.' You think. Hiei lets through a small smirk, almost smiling.

"So would you like to do some training, even though the others really could use it more than you could?" you ask him.

"Hn," he replied, but got into the ring and had his katana out at the ready for you.

Smiling you take it as a sign to begin. You both fight for a while with your katana's until the last blow of each katana's hit the other and they shattered into small pieces and land all over you. Ignoring the pain from all the small pieces of metal you both begin with a bit of hand to hand combat.

Both of you spring back and Hiei yells out for his Dragon of the Darkness Flame. You call out for the Dragon of Darkness and for the Dragon of Fire. They merge together to make the Dragon of the Flaming Darkness. This is much alike Hiei's dragon, but only about four fifths of the size even though it is more powerful but about three times.

Soon, Hiei's dragon was defeated and before The Dragon of the Flaming Darkness could hit him you call it back. (If it had hit him then Hiei would have died.) At this Hiei comes over to you and smiles.

`Well fought for a girl,' you hear him in your mind.

"You haven't done that in a while," you comment quietly. `And that would be?" "Smile." Then you disappear, leaving him in a stupor wondering how would she know.