Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's assassin turned to Spirit team member ❯ Conversation with Botan ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho unluckily, but I do own my characters Ashkali.

Chapter 5

You run through and stop a second later. Botan turns to you and smiles. "So how long are you planning on staying for this time?"

"A long time. Koenma has decided that I have to join his team for a tournament. So it'll be the four guys and me for a while. It's not that bad, but I don't think that it's a good idea. Knowing Koenma when I get kidnapped or something they're all going to be told. I think he's finally realized how miserable I am at doing this for so long. I mean I can't really make friends or anything when I worked like that and I'm not being mean to you or anything, but you were the only other person that I could talk to other than Koenma, and he never has much time for me anyway"

"I know, so you're working with the Uramashi team. What do you think of them?" Botan asked.

"Oh, they're not that bad. I've had run in's with Kurama and Hiei before, but they have changed a lot. Kurama, I met what about 205 years ago. I worked with him for five years. We became close lovers in those years, then during our last mission together he was caught, so I went back to get him out and got caught as I was heading out. Kurama never came back, but then again, that was when I found out I was Koenma's cousin. So I didn't worry about it. But I wonder what Kurama is going to do once he finds out. I mean, if he had come after me soon after I had been captured, I would have gone with him. But now, I don't love him anymore. So I don't mind being around him, I forgave him long ago, but how is he going to be?" You look to Botan for an answer.

"I think he'll try to avoid you, or every time you go near him Youko will use his bloody tactics as the fox does and show Kurama pictures of you naked in his head and then blush bright red every time you are about. You smile and face the wall. I can feel someone coming up to my room, looking for you maybe. We have to go back." You say sadly.

"They probably think that I have killed you or something, not that you can die." You smile and laugh. You both run back through the wall as you feel someone open the door. You turn to see Kurama and Hiei walk into the room. They look at you and then you lock into the telepathic conversation they start.

`How did that happen, her youki disappeared out into thin air along with Botan's and then they appeared back just as we walk back in.' says Hiei.

Kurama looks towards you and pictures of you naked thanks to Youko flash through his head, and he blushes.

Hiei looks at Kurama in question. `Youko and her were lovers at a time and now he is forever hassling me with pictures of her naked when ever I am near her.'

`Don't say any more we have a spy.' Then you feel Hiei try to get into your mind. Quickly you back off and go back to your own mind, but Hiei is already there.

`What the hell do you think you are doing spying on us.'

`Get out, you have no right, my secrets can't be divulged, leave NOW!' You blast him out of your mind and see him on the floor seconds later.

Kurama looked to you and glared questioningly. "Ash, we have training in an hour be ready." Then he turned to Botan and said nicely. "Koenma wants to see you."

You look down sadly and see that Hiei is gone. Then Botan leaves. Kurama turns to leave as well, but you stop him.

"Kurama, could you let out Youko, I need to speak to him privately." Kurama looks at you surprised and nods half unwillingly. A burst of light blinds your eyes and then you see Youko, your old beloved friend. "Kali, you wanted to talk to me, or is there something else you want to do with me?" he asked suggestively.

`You glare at him and say, "Youko, get your mind out of the gutter and keep it there for a minute. What I have to tell you now will explain why I never came back and why I'm still alive. You can't tell this to Kurama though. And if you do you will be in so much trouble with Koenma and me that you'll wish that you had truly died."