Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's Daughter ❯ Mondays are the Worst ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I own nothing, meaning I can't possibly own Yu Yu Hakusho. I'm much too sore to be more creative then that.

I entered the school to be surrounded by pinkish purple and gold uniforms. I don't know what color they are and I don't care enough to find out. I think they look very stupid, but whatever floats the principal's sinking boat. Even though my school record wasn't so hot, I prided myself in being the top 3rd student in the school. Only Shuichi Minamino and Kaito are ahead of me. I wouldn't want to break anything by trying to beat them, so I stick with 3rd.
I walk to class and take my seat just before the accursed bell rings. Sometimes I truely wonder if my life is ruled souly by bells. We enter before the bell and leave after it after all. Ah well. Time for my favorite thing of the day, pretending to be asleep and surprising the teachers with the correct answers and glaring at all the students. No, I don't have friends. It's funny though, the teachers are still surprised that I'm not asleep and all that after me going here for half a year. How stupid can they be? Oh, and I like glaring at the students. They give me something to take a fraction of my anger out on.
That's pretty much how class went though. I pretended to be asleep and spooked the teachers, and glared at the students when I looked around the classroom. Bell ring and I was out of there and on to my next class. I actually like chemistry though, so this particular teacher has never learned of my sleep pretending ways. I took my seat and after another bell ring, class began. We did an experiment and near the end of class, we learned we were going to have a project. Oh, did I mention we had to have a partner for it? So, the oh so lovely and now much less loved teacher pulled out a chart he already had made up to tell us who got the joy of being our partners. And guess what, that's right, it just wasn't my day. I got the much beloved by fangirls, Shuichi. ::Ugh, can't at least one thing go right today?::
I ended up getting glares from the girls in the class before I reminded them of who did the glaring around there and gave them a death glare to end all death glares. I felt rather proud of that one. It was one of my better ones. Guess what again, it definatly had the desired affect. Instead of them glaring at me hating me, they felt oh so VERY sorry for their poor, misfortunate Shuichi. I tended to feel sorry for me before I squashed that useless emotion.
Feeling sorry for one's self didn't make things better, so I had learned to put that wasted energy to a better cause, actually trying to make things better. Well, after being condemned to work with the top student in the school, the bell rang, so I had to actually talk to him long enough to decide for him that it was DEFINATLY his house we'd be working from. Well, since I didn't leave any room for arguement, he asked what time I'd be over. I told him not till atleast 6:30 I still had work after all. He nodded and the exchange was over, both of us going on to our next class.
The rest of the day wasn't very exciting, so lets skip to after work shall we? I was heading to Shuichi's house. ::Fun, fun. NOT. Blasted teacher, couldn't he have done something, ANYTHING else?:: I continued thinking thusly until I realized something. I was, for an instant only, lost. I shook my head and realized something else, I did too know where I was, it was the wrong street. After backtracking I managed to make it there no later than 6:50.
Well, I knocked on the door and he answered. After letting me in he took me to introduce me to his mother Mrs. Minamino. Joyus. That over, we went to his room where he already had friends waiting. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Am I interrupting something?" I asked. He said no and introduced me for the second time that day. This time to his friends. He then proceded to tell me their names.
He pointed to a boy with slicked back hair that looked like he had drowned it in gel and said "This is Yusuke." Next he pointed to a boy with orngeish redish hair in the ugliest Elvis do and said "And that's Kuwabara."
"Hey," was all I managed. I'm not used to actually talking, unless it's saying an answer for a teacher's question of course. That is natural. This isn't.
"Hey," they both replied. They began to look over me as I turned back to Shuichi. "You're sure this isn't a bad time?" I raised my eyebrow again. "We can always work on this tomorrow. I have work to do back home anyway." Shuichi looked thoughtfull for a moment befor saying that he did have something that needed to be taken care of too, we then parted ways. I left the way I came in asking Shiori (Shuichi's mother) if she didn't mind that I'd be back to work on the project with her son tomorrow. She said no, and then it was off to find something else to keep me from the horrid house for another 35 min.
I ended up doing my homework in the park. I walked until I found this really secluded part, guns and what not could go off, heck, even a mini war in there and no one on the outside would notice. I found a comfortable position under a shady tree and started on my homework. Finishing that, I put all my things back in my bag. I then decided that I would stay a little longer and read. Bad Choice. A group of what I can only assume was a street gang moved in on me befor I could even reach for my book. Good thing I was well trained. As they moved to do who knew what to me I was up and had my daggers out. As quick as a blink they were inbeded in someone too. I then grabbed my bag and ran, I could get more daggers later.
I managed to lose the rest of them near the edges of the park and started, not towords home, but a store. I had finally had enough of this and I was going to use my money as I thought I wouldn't have to. I was going to buy a gun. It would normally be hard to get one on such short notice, but I knew where to look. I let the matter rest at I went in, bought one, bought ammo, hid it on my person, and left. I also bought a few more daggers and knives, I was beggining to run low. With all the money on my person used, I sighed at fate and headed home. I'd have to slip in, grab some of my "loose cash" and slip out if I wanted dinner. Well, at least my stomache wanted dinner.
I made it home with no further mishaps and managed to slip into my room. It was a disaster area, I hated that. Sure, it hadn't looked so bad this morning, but then, I was never fully awake in the morning. There were clothes everywhere seeing as I had no closet of my own and Maddie and Jerry were too cheap to get me anything. So, clothes on the floor, books strewn about, a sheet here, a pillow there, that was kinda how my room looked. But even in the chaos that was my room, I had things set up so I could tell when the evil beings had been in there. Since things looked worse than usual, I safely assumed that they had been in trying to catch me for a "lesson." (Beating in other words.) I could fight back, I had my daggers and I was fairly good at hand to hand, but for some reason, I never did. It astounded me. I wanted to be the crud out of them as they did me, but I couldn't lay a finger on them. So I ran, and I kept out of their way, and I went out of MY way to be invisible to them. It worked sometimes. Of course, the fact that I was half shape-shifter didn't hurt. I grabbed the money I was there for and left.
Too bad for me, I wasn't expecting my "parents" to be waiting on the ground. They got me pretty good and I knew I'd look like a mess tomorrow. ::Just great. I hope Shuichi doesn't get all nosy about this.:: The evil beings wanted to continue, but I managed to get around a corner of the house and shifted into a cat. This done, I ran like mad. I didn't stop until I was in one of my favorite spots in the park, a very secluded one mind you. I then shifted back and headed for Mc Donalds. I was slightly upset that I let them catch me like that, but I quickly forgot it in my musings of what to choose. Hey, a gal's gotta eat! I picked a burger and fries and went back to the park to eat. After I was through, I pondered on my complete stupidity. I thought through all my choices and formed a plan. A stupid one, but it was better than staying where I got beaten.

Dark Angel Lytha: Well there you go, for those of you who might read this out of interest or because you read the rest and have been waiting on my slow butt to get in gear for you. Shout-outs for people who review will happen next time as I'm still in pain and slightly shaken. I'm grateful to be alive and mad as hell to boot so this is what you get (the story I mean). Some people don't know how to saddle their own horses and I almost paid for it with my life. Let's just say you don't want to ride a horse at full gallop with a loose saddle on the side of a country highway. :mutters darkly: Not that I was the one wanting to gallop mind you, that was the people that kept smacking my horses rear! Lucklily I managed to keep my seat and walk away with bruises and pulled muscles. No broken bones, and I didn't die, though I did almost fall off 5 different times. Needless to say, I won't be repeating ANY of that. I will saddle the horse myself next time! Anyway, hope you enjoyed or not, whatever floats your sinking boat. Like it, tell me, hate it, tell me! I live to hear from you people and want to know what you think. If you honestly think I can improve, tell me about it and how you think I can improve! I want to know how to make this better! Later.
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