Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's Daughter ❯ Evil Mornings, Evil Fosters ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I STILL own NOTHING! If I did, Yu Yu Hakusho would be minus one VERY stupid Kuwabara. Also, it wouldn't be a very pretty sight.

But enough of that, it's too close to complaining. I got up and went through the MORNING ritual, that is to say, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, got changed into school clothes, er well, clothes I wear to school to be exact, then brushed my shoulder leangth brown hair. I might have considered wearing the uniform, but I don't for 2 reasons. Number 1, I HATE skirts! There is almost NO FRIGGIN WAY I'll wear one. Besides that, it shows too much of my bruised and cut skin, not to mention my hidden daggers. Yeah, not supposed to take those to school, but the last time I didn't, I regretted it. I don't like to talk about it so suffice to say that it was after school and NO ONE at school knows that I carry my daggers. I'm NOT planning on killing anyone in the school, that would be stupid. I just want to live a little longer. Number 2, I couldn't afford the uniform even if I went mental and WANTED to. So there you go. It's pants and depending on the day, short sleeved T-shirts, or long sleeved ones. I also happen to like sneakers. I can run and do pretty much everything in them, including sneaking. Useful.
Now that I was ready, there was only 2 things left to do; grab my bag with all my books and my daggers in it, and make it to the door without getting caught by the Evil Beings. I went into my room and stood near the door, cracking it slightly. My hand went to the bag's straps in old habit as I carefully peeked out the door. Half the time I wondered why I didn't just kill them off and make my life that much easier, the other half I knew that it wouldn't help all that much and that then I would have one heck of a dissapointed father. Of course, it still seemed that he didn't care, I mean, when was the last time I heard from him? But it was still a nice dream, thinking that maybe one day he'd notice the living hell he left me in. Then, of course, he'd bring me back home and everything would be better again. Like I said, a nice dream. I gave up actual hope long ago. See, he wouldn't know this, but I kinda turned into a "if I can't fix the problem myself, then it's not going to get better" kind of person a while back.
I learned that if he said he was busy, he was. If he said he'd get back to me later, I better forget whatever it was I was trying to talk to him about, though it usually was about my pathetic exsistence here. I learned that my father's job kept him very busy and that he was never going to notice my problems that were my foster parents.
Maddie and Jerry were the 2 Evil Beings. I was trying my hardest, at the moment, to avoid them. I learned I better take care of myself, cause with all the best intentions, my father had sent me into my living nightmare. Well, not exactly nightmare persay, I wasn't scared, it's just it was early still and I couldn't think of a better way to describe it. ::To give him credit though, he was trying to protect me when he sent me here. Next time though, I think I better make sure to have a say in the matter.:: Again, not hope, I'm not hoping for a next time. If I did that, then there definatly would be no next time, all my hopes got dashed after all. No, that was part of my dream invading my thoughts. Again, and I can't stress this enough, it's early!
I'm not a morning person. I just smite the clock of doom, get up, get ready, and go to school in hopes of getting enough of an education so I can get a better job, and get OUT of this house. I would have moved out long ago, but I didn't have the money. Yes, I'm 16 so the law would supposedly be against me, but I don't look 16, therefor I can and have faked my age. I don't get all hung up in if it's wrong or right to do that, not anymore anyway. If it gets me out of this place for longer, I'll do just about anything.
Now, back to the matter of me peeking out my cracked door. I heard steps on the steps. ::They're coming to me today. Cripes! The window it is.:: Since my hand had already cought the straps of my bag for just this reason, I just slung it on my back, shut the door quickly, but quietly, and ran for the window I always left cracked open when I went to bed. Never know what's going to happen after all.
I slipped my fingers into the crack and opened it quickly. Noise didn't matter much now, just speed. I swung my legs out of the window and made a 2 story drop to the ground and took it in a roll. It hurt and the first time I pulled that particular trick, all I broke was something. Don't remember what now, I've broken too many things since. Point was though, I had gotten used to doing that since and it was now an art. Well, I came out of the roll on my feet and took off running. I wasn't going to give them the time to see which direction. Last time I did, they chased me in the car. Hit me too. So, as with many other things, I had learned to run the moment I could and take as many side streets as I could and NEVER go straight to school.
If I had been even slightly normal, not that I really wanted to be, I would most likely have gone after a coffe shop in the search of breakfest. But I don't eat breakfest. I eat lunch and dinner if I can get it before going having to go back to the house. So, after running through many streets, allys and other such places, I made it to school. Still with enough time to be on time. ::Huzzah.::

Dark Angel Lytha: I know I could have posted more, but I'm still silghtly sick. *cough cough* Well, to the person who had WAY too much candy (HIEI LOVERS), you finally got me to update.... I think that's a good thing, but I'm still not quite sure. *cough cough* I would have done this sooner but I've been sick for a week, a WHOLE friggin week, and this is one of my first true days of clairity when it comes to thought. In other words, I can counfuse people again while still knowing EXACTLY what I'M saying! Huzzah. I can also come up with creative threats for the authors I like again! That's what truely makes me happy! Moving on, Thank you HIEI LOVERS and hecates_slave for reviewing and liking. I guess I floated your boat, and it's stoped sinking or whatever. For the rest of you, I want to know what you think so if you think it was the worst thing you ever read, say it, if you think this is the best you ever read, say it. I want your opinions and thoughts. I also want a challenge to go with this story, and while it's on my profile, I'll put what I said here too. I love anime and manga, and I want someone to challenge me to write a story for them. I know more manga than anime though, so be warned that I might not know the series, but if you have a Yu-gi-oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Knights or whatever story you want me to write, just tell me: What do you what to happen? (As in do you want this and that char to fall in love? Do you have a plot but not know how to run with it? along those lines...) Who do you want in it? (I can keep whatever chars you want out, out! Yu Yu Hakusho would be better off with out Kuwabara in my opinion.) I also want to know if you want a short or long story. I have to say that I never have managed to write a short story though, they all tend to cry out to me and say: I know you want to write more, look how pathetic your making me look! You NEED to write more. DARN THEM! They're always right too! Well, anyway, if you have a challenge for me, e-mail me at Alisetuk@hotmail.com
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