Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's Wrong.... ❯ Hiei's 'it' ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
application/x-abiword AbiWord Mon Dec 27 22:02:33 2004

Chapter 3: Hiei's 'it'


Falling out of the tree was Hiei. You just stared at him as he tried to get all the squirrels off of him. They seemed to be licking him all over. (Odell: ALL OVER! HE'S MINE!!! *Bests living hell out of the squirrels and steals Hiei away.) In other words kissing him all over. Then he stopped, dropped and rolled. He just kept on rolling. Till he rolled into the pond. At that point you burst out in laughter. Hey, you couldn't help it! The almighty Hiei couldn't handle a couple, well a pack of squirrels (thank you for correcting me RabidFangirl101) actually. Then he was forced to stop drop and roll into the nearby pond! Of course your going to laugh!


You were laughing your head of and rolling all over the cement ground. Hiei emerged from the water all drenched and he just glared at you. You started to calm down a bit and were mentally laughing you head off. In a split second he was gone before your eyes. Thinking that he left to get dried off or something you just started laughing hysterically again. At that moment you herd a voice.


"Hey y/n! Glad you made it!" said Kuwabara as he advanced at you with two boys behind him. "why are you laughing so hard?" he asked. You started laughing even harder!


"Ok..." said yusuke staring at your rolling body on the cement.


"You" you laughed. "said!" you laughed even harder. "You said hard!!!" yes, your head was in the gutter now. You saw Hiei drenched and it looked like he was cold and you know what meant? You saw it. Yes, it.


"Oh I get it!" Yusuke said and joined you in your laughter. Kurama just sweat dropped. Kuwabara just stared at you dumbfounded.


"I don't get it" he says, and both you and yusuke stop laughing. You get up and dust yourself off.


"No Kuzuma, just no." you said. A little bi polar aren't you?


"Right" added Yusuke.


You looked over at him. You looked him up and down.


'cute. If he didn't have his hair yelled back he would probally look a whole lot better' you thought. (I think he does ^^)


"who are you" you asked emotionlessly. (is that even a word?)


"Oh sorry y/n, you should know him. He goes to our school. You know Yusuke" said Kuwabara.


"Oh, the Urameshi kid! The one that is practically owned by that Keiko girl?" you thought. You remembered that every time that you would see him that Keiko girl would always be with him telling him what to do and what not.


"What!?" Yusuke


"That's him" Kuwabara


"Oh ok." You


"Wait a minute!" yusuke


"Who's that?" you asked looking at Kurama. Taking in his sexy ness! (*grins*)


"What do you mean by owns me?" Yusuke


"Oh this is.." Kuwabara gets cut off by Kurama.


"My name is Suichi Minamino. My friends call me Kurama. You will find out why shortly or I am guessing you already know?" he asks.


"are you guys ignoring me?" Yusuke.


Then it hits you! Why didn't you thin of it before?! They were all at the dark tournament! They call him Kurama because he is the infamous Yoko Kurama! Ofcourse!


You stay staring at him wide eyed as you continue to shake his hand. He smiles and seems to get impatient with you shaking his hand. So he snatched his hand away from yours. You keep staring at him.


"Hello?!" Yusuke says getting pissed.


"I know you guys! You guys were at the dark tournament!" You jaw dropped and you went starry eyed staring at Kurama. You are talking to the Yoko Kurama! Well, in human form at least. Either way, you were honored! You absoloutley loved him! His like, you Idol! You only liked him because he was drop dead sexy though. but still!


While you were thinking all your little stuff in your little head, Kuwabara picked you up and they just started to walk towards the portal. They were half way there walking in silence when it hit you. You were being carried!


"Hey, where are you taking me Kuzuma?" you asked.


"Spirit World" Yusuke answered for him.




'Wait? Spirit World?! Holy Shit! they know! They have found out! I'm going to get locked up in Spirit World! They're going to lock me up and throw away the key! But how did they find out?' You thought.


You were panicking. You started figitind and Kuwabara accidently dropped you. You were spazing out! Sweating like crazy!


"Nooooooooooooooooooooo!" you shouted. You didn't want to get locked up! Your too young to get thrown in prison! So you ran off! You used your demon speed and just ran off. you didn't know were you were heading. All you knew was that they were following you.


'I don't want to get locked up! I don't want to rot in Spirit World prison! No!'


"I'm still a virgin damn it!" you thought out loud. You didn't know it, but now the only one following you was Kurama because when Yusuke herd your though, he stopped and busted out laughing. Kuwabara couldn't stop and ran into him and they fell. Kuwabara on top of Yusuke.


Hot on your trail was Kurama. You tripped, and fell face first.


"Ow was all you could manage to get out. Your eyes were all swirly like and you tongue was sticking out of your closed mouth. (what?)


"Kurama caught up to you and picked you up with his strong muscular arms. He knew that you were hurt. He down gazed at your beauty and he kissed you. Passionatley!" You just stared at the squirrel that you ran into that was saying this.


"What?" the squirrel asked. He srugged and took of into a tree.


"Ok" you just stared dumbfounded at the tree where the squirrel was.


"Stop fucking staring at me!" and the squirrel through a nut at you, which knocked you out cold.


-=-=-End of Chapter-=-=-