Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama and a Mysterious Wizard ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama and a Mysterious Wizard

Chapter Seven:

"Yes," Trinity answered sharply and quickly.

Then, to the utter shock of everyone, Hermione said with a small smile, "It worked. I wanted for us to learn some Dark Arts spells and incantations, because it's hard to fight against something you know so little about."

Trinity only looked at Hermione for a moment before she said coolly, "You have no idea how right you are…" A small and cruel little smirk lit her lips, but only Kurama caught it.

The `new' Trina disturbed Kurama, and he watched her warily as she turned back to the bookcase and pulled a few volumes off.

Trinity examined the books she removed with an indifferent expression, having read and studied from almost all of them…

Harry and Ron stared at Hermione with incredulous expressions; both couldn't believe that Hermione off all people would break the rules by studying the Dark Arts, or what was provided for them.

Ron looked to Harry in hopes of the boy coming up with a plan, but was disappointed when Harry looked as lost as he felt. The redhead let out a quiet sigh and turned to Hermione who was scanning the large collection of books to see what they had to work with.

That was when Harry spoke, "Are we going to re-establish the DA?" Everyone in the room froze, and Harry spotted Ron staring at him out of the corner of his deep green eyes. "I mean, Umbridge isn't here anymore, but Voldemort still is, so should we start it up again? It would be really handy, especially considering we still don't know who our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is, or if what they're going to teach us is any good."

Harry's sensible words struck a nerve in Hermione, and she thought over what he had said. "Why don't we wait until we've met the new DADA teacher? We might not need to this year…"

Harry's sudden smile faltered when Kurama asked bluntly, "What's the DA?"

The raven haired boy face faulted and almost fell down anime style. "Uh… The DA is short for `Dumbledore's Army', and it was started because last year we had a nasty `inquisitor' called Professor Umbridge. She was, obviously, a bitch, and she was our DADA teacher, though she sucked at it." Harry scowled darkly to himself as resentment leaked into his voice. "She `taught' us DADA trough text books, and we weren't allowed to practice anything that we were supposedly `learning' until the exams came."

Everyone was staring at Harry in slight shock, all except Trinity; she only looked slightly intrigued and turned back to the books on the shelf.

"Well," Trinity said, breaking the silence, "Let's start on what we know. Harry, what kinds of spells can

you perform?" she asked impersonally, like a teacher.

Harry looked surprised, and named off all the hexes, curses, and many charms he knew. He was proud when the silvery-haired girl looked at him with respect when he named the more complicated ones.

Once Harry was finished, Trinity spoke, "I am impressed, not many SEVENTH years in this school can perform most of the curses you've named, it's quite obvious that you practice often." A small smile graced the green-eyed woman's lips when Harry nodded, and her eyes softened slightly before hardening again. "I suppose that we can go our separate ways, the larger variety of spells we know the better, so let's split up." When everyone turned to go in different directions, Trinity spoke in a commanding voice, catching everyone's attention, "However, only I will be the one to teach you the Dark Arts, which we may do now or later, your choice."

Hermione protested, "Why should we have to wait?! And since when do YOU know everything about the Dark Arts?!"

"'Since' I learned it at my old school," Trinity said sharply, causing everyone's eyes to widen.

Trinity turned away from the others and ignored them, so no one dared to ask any more about her. Hermione wanted to know more about the strange student, but thought better of it and turned to practice a charm she'd been having difficulties with.

Kurama spied on a rigid Trinity as she mechanically scanned all the titles on the large bookcase.

"You know," Kurama started, "the others and I will always be here if you need to talk about anything… especially me…"

Trinity looked at Kurama without facing him out of the corner of her eye, but didn't answer him. She felt him leave to walk into the darker recesses of the `library', but still didn't turn to look after him. The woman inwardly sighed and thought to Trina, ** You know, it WOULD be nice to vent stresses out to him… but we can't. It's a fact. AND we can't forget he's a demon, so that affects our judgement of him greatly… **

* Don't worry about it Trinity, I have an inkling that he's a lot better than we would think. Besides… you're right… it would be very nice to have someone to console me about what… SHE… did… *

** Am I not here?! **

* No! It's not that! * Trina thought desperately, * I just meant that it would be nice to have someone physically comfort me! *

Trinity was silent, and no sound crossed through their connection.

Trina began to worry and called out, * Trinity? *

** Yes? **

* … * Mental tears gathered at the corners of Trina's eyes…

** Trina? ** Trinity called out with a tinge of urgency in her mind-voice.

* Yeah? * Trina asked with a sniff.

** Don't cry. ** Trinity said forcefully, and one would think she didn't care. Trina, however, knew that the presence had a hard time showing any compassion unless absolutely forced to by Trina's tears.

Trina shook her head mentally and wiped away her tears. * Kay *

Trinity sighed in relief when her ward didn't break into tears, and thanked whatever Higher Powers that existed that she didn't have to tear down her emotional shield to console Trina. She continued to scan the titles, and soon became bored when she only found two books that she hadn't memorized by heart as of yet. "I wish I had `Necromantic Techniques for the Gifted' by that anonymous writer…" Trinity grumbled uncharacteristically to herself. Then to her surprise, a book appeared where one hadn't been before… titled… `Necromantic Techniques for the Gifted'! Trinity swore under her breath, "Holy shit…" She tentatively reached for it and pulled if from the shelf. She blew dust from the cover and opened the ancient pages… it looked exactly the same as it had in her old school…

Kurama snapped Trinity out of her reverie as he hurried past her. She just looked at him with a raised brow in slight annoyance and asked him coolly, "And where are YOU going in such a hurry?"

Kurama only looked back at her and smiled. "I suggest that you tell everyone to get ready for class. A mischievous look was evident in his gaze as he stood by the door, his hand on the brass doorknob.

Trinity looked at her watch and her eyes widened. "HOLY SHIT!!" she yelled to the shock of everyone in the room, including Kurama. "WE ONLY HAVE FIVE MINUTES TILL OUR NEXT CLASS!!" with that yelled in her deepened voice, Trinity quickly gave control to Trina who looked slightly flustered as she ran about looking for her bag.

Trina's eyebrow twitched in annoyance and she yelled, pissed off, "WHERE THE HELL IS MY ACURSED BAG?!!"

Kurama whistled to get Trina's attention as the others ran from all directions to the main area in the room. Kurama held Trina's bag.

The blue-silver-haired girl narrowed her eyes at him and said in a low voice, though not as low as Trinity's, "This means war." With that said, Trina shot after Kurama like a bullet and raced after him down the halls, unbeknownst to her, to their next class. "KURAMA! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE YOU SLY LITTLE-!!" Trina screamed as they ran down the halls.

Many students stopped walking in shock as they saw the girl streak after a smirking hottie. "Oh? You JUST figured out I was sly?" he asked mischievously.

"KURAMA!! GIVE ME BACK MY BAG BEFORE I REALLY GET MAD!!" she yelled as a response.

Kurama only smirked back at her and wondered to himself why he was acting like a sly fox… * YOUKO!! You're influencing me again AREN'T YOU?!! *

** I'm sorry to say that it's not me… wish I had come up with that idea… **

`Well… I guess that even I,' stress on the `I', `can be mischievous at times… oh well. This is fun!' Kurama grinned to himself and gave in to his more immature side.

Trina was pissed. Not only had Kurama stolen her bag, he was leading her on a wild goose-chase!!! * UGH! I'LL KICK THAT GUY'S ASS WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM!- *

** Take a chill pill girl. **

Trina growled to herself and sped up to run faster than `normal' people. "Kurama…" she muttered threateningly under her breath, "You are SO dead when I get my little fingers around your frail and pretty neck…" she laughed evilly under her breath.

Kurama heard the threat with his inhuman hearing and gulped when he heard the evil laugh… this was not good. He ran faster and tried to get away. `I guess we'll get to meet our new teacher soon… I can't BELIEVE that she has a violent side! Talk about personality variety!!'

Kurama burst into the first room he came to, which just happened to be DADA. He stared at the confused students and realized where he was. While he had stared into the room of fellow sixth years, Trina had soundlessly snuck up behind him and taken her bag back. She glared coldly at Kurama, and he just backed off…

"Kurama!" Harry said, his voice laced with annoyance, "Why couldn't you have waited? And why the HECK did you steal Trina's BAG?!"

Kurama only blinked, and Harry and Ron burst past the confused youko to sit with the others. The redhead sighed and went to get a seat before class started. He decided against sitting beside Trina, and put Harry between them.

Harry was confused when Kurama sat on his right, while Trina was on his left. When he looked at Trina he knew why. The girl was sending Kurama a crippling death glare that could kill. Just then, Harry felt very giddy and almost couldn't contain his laughter at the sight. Kurama, of all people, was AFRAID of Trina at the moment! Harry thanked his lucky stars when the door slammed open, and a shadowed figure slipped into the room as quiet as a shadow…

Harry could feel Trina tense beside him, and had to resist the urge to ask what was wrong. He glanced over at her to see her extremely pale and trembling slightly. The sight shook him in his boots, because Trina didn't seem the type to be shaken easily…

Kurama felt a disturbance and tried to locate it. To his surprise, Trina seemed to be radiating fear, and her pale complexion proved she was scared. Kurama was shocked that she could be shaken by the mere presence of this teacher, and was also disturbed that the teacher seemed to emit an aura close to that of some demons and humans he'd met who'd-

"Good afternoon class, I trust your day wasn't TOO boring, eh?" the shadow said in a sexy and sensual voice, making many of the boys in the class perk up immediately.

Everyone in the class was at attention, all for different reasons. The girls because they resented the teacher, the boy's because they had a crush, and Trina, Kurama and Harry for their reasons. Ron had a crush like the other boys.

"Good," the teacher said sexily, and both Kurama and Harry could sense Trina shiver slightly… "Now class, put your accursed books away and pay attention. My name is Morgan le Fay, translated as `Morgan the magical' (From what I've read in a particular book. It also means `Morgan the Fairy'. But THIS Fay is NO fairy). I do hope all of you will enjoy my class." With that said, she stepped out of the shadows and both Harry and Kurama felt Trina tense like a taut string on a bow. When the shadows completely slipped from her form, she stood in all her glory. Her hair was a dark almost black brown and tied at the back of her head in a strange and messy bun that looked perfect in its own right. What was really strange was the fact that she had one green eye and one pink eye… She was dressed in slick black robes that complemented her curves nicely to all the brainless boys in the class. Her abnormal eyes scanned across the room and she smirked when they spotted Trina…

Trina stopped breathing when the professor turned her eyes to her. She tried to regain her bearings, but knew inside it was of no use.

"Ah… it seems one of my old students is in this class…" Morgan le Fay said in a sensual voice. "Trina. Come."

Trina immediately stood up rod straight as a reflex and walked to the front of the room. She stopped beside her old teacher and waited slightly behind her and off to the side like a slave. "Yes Professor Fay?" she asked monotone.

Kurama, Harry, and Ron were all shocked by the new development, and were mortified when Trina seemed to act like a servant or something…

"Ah, Trina, you haven't changed at all through the years… Perfect, you will be my assistant in this specific class, understood?" Morgan le Fay said in a falsely sweet voice that had something held back within it…

"Yes Professor."

Kurama frowned at Trina's strange behaviour. `Since when has she been submissive?'

The class passed by in a blur. All the students had a blast as their teacher taught them many easy spells that were handy to battle with to get started for the year. Trina traveled around the classroom and helped the students that were having trouble, though she did it indifferently and… impersonally… After class was done, Professor Fay held back Trina, and sent all of the other students on their way.

Kurama walked to the door and glanced back suspiciously, but none the less left the room. He met up with Harry and Ron outside and they agreed to wait for Trina. As soon as they had all been a ways away from the door, it slammed shut with a snap…

Morgan le Fay stared at Trina for a moment from where she stood, examining the girl. `She has grown in these past few years… which will make it much better. FAR more enjoyable now that she's matured physically, though it's also better when they're immature and innocent…' Disgusting pictures flashed through her mind, and she smiled pervertedly. `Ah, the good ol' days…'

Trina squirmed on the inside, though she showed no emotion on the outside… Her old teacher had more control over her than she'd first thought. It seemed that 8 years away from the… monster… had not been enough to banish the impulses that had been implanted in her from her childhood…

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*past*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Slut, I said sit!"


Trina, 8 years old, fell to the cold dungeon floor with a sickening thud, a bright red mark marring her pale cheek. Tears stained her eyes and she called out childishly, "Meanie! Leave me alone!"


Little Trina screamed as the whip sliced across her back, creating a pussy red mark that burned like many tiny electric sparks. Because of the enchantment placed upon the black whip, any wounds it caused created twice the pain and healed instantly without a trace to prove abusement…


Trina bit her lip as the whip streaked across her spine again and tore through the delicate flesh there, straight to the bone. Her tattered and slightly bloody white nightgown did little to protect her as she curled into a protective ball.

"You will obey me you little whore, or you will regret it with a more painful punishment than this," the cold voice said, resonating through the room like a death sentence.

"I will never obey you, hag!" Trina yelled at her in a child's voice, innocence evident in the tone and in the young brave expression that was so easily broken…



Trina fell to the ground, three new whiplashes randomly across her back and two new red marks on her pretty cheeks. Her eyes teared and the salty, bloody, droplets trailed down her frail cheeks in a cataract of crimson. Though the leather clad and whip armed woman stood before her forebodingly, little Trina did not make a noise… in fear of the terrible pain that only the woman could give her…

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*present*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Trina's heart almost stopped as her teacher stood before her like an ominous shadow that refused to be ignored.

Morgan le Fay smirked with lust-filled eyes and pointed her wand at the door, slamming it shut and locking it with a snap.

The snap of the door seemed like Trina's sentence to an eternity in hell, and Trinity could do nothing to help her… Morgan le Fay the cause. She wasn't `the magical' for no reason, she had powers… deadly powers… that prevented anyone from coming to the young girl's aid, even if the `aid' wasn't specified… therefore Morgan didn't know Trinity was there, because her magic only prevented, it didn't inform…

Morgan le Fay stopped before Trina and reached out to the 16-year old girl's cloak. She undid the clip that held it together, and it fell to the ground, leaving only her Gryffindor uniform… Morgan lowered her head and placed her mouth by Trina's ear dangerously, making tremors go down Trina's spine in cold fear.

Trina trembled at the closeness of her teacher… or rather, torturer. She felt Morgan le Fay's hot breath in her ear as the abomination spoke chilling words.

"You and I will finish this at another time, Trina." Morgan le Fay smirked when she felt the girl shiver… though her face remained stoic. She pulled back from the girl and looked into those stoic blue eyes that had long since forgotten that twinkle she had reclaimed a few years ago, when the abuse had been forced to stop. "Good," Morgan said with satisfaction and grabbed the girl's chin with a long nailed hand.

Trina waited for what she knew was to come, and didn't have to wait long. Though it had happened to her many times before, nothing could have prepared her for it. Her old torturer kissed her hard on the mouth with no mercy, her nails gripping Trina's chin roughly. Trina closed her eyes to prevent the tears from coming as the terrible woman took over her lips. Suddenly, she could feel the tongue trail slowly and sensually across her lower lip…

When Trina refused to open her mouth, Morgan forced her way in. She tasted every inch of the innocent girl's mouth in a bruising kiss. She pressed her knee against the girl's sensitive spot between the legs, and was awarded with the reaction she'd trained her little toy to give. Morgan smiled sickly through the kiss and forced Trina up against a wall.

Trina felt herself being pushed against a wall, and wanted to cry out in mental pain. Morgan had complete control, Trina could already feel her body's trained reactions to the rough ministrations, and she could do positively nothing about it. She felt unwanted pleasure when her torturer grinded her knee between her legs. Though she was unwilling, her body couldn't help but do as it was taught…

Morgan smirked coldly against Trina's lips when the girl suddenly collapsed in defeat, tears streaming down her pale cheeks. Morgan pulled from the kiss to get a better look, and smiled cruelly when she saw the same broken look that she had seen eight years past. She leaned forward and whispered to Trina, "You are mine, little Trina, and there is nothing you can do about it. You will come to me in my dorms at midnight tonight, and you will do as you are told when you arrive. Understood?" She smiled maliciously when the young girl nodded weakly beneath her with tear stained eyes. "Good, my little toy…" she whispered the last part into her ear and smirked triumphantly when Trina openly shuddered. "Go to your friends and speak of this to no one," she commanded and Trina obeyed without question.

Trina numbly followed the orders she was given and slipped on her cloak. She grabbed her bag and walked to the door. She wiped the tears from her eyes. Blood stained the back of her hands and mused brokenly to herself, `It seems that witch can still make me cry tears of blood. So, nothing has changed in these years. I had managed to get away during school because of the training program that demanded no interference, though it wasn't much better than that bitch's `training' sessions. I wonder what the headmaster would think if she knew that not only was the bitch teaching me to handle torture like she was supposed to… she was…' Trina's thoughts stopped there with a crash when she spotted her friends.

Kurama was the first to sight her. "Trina!" he called out softly with a small smile.

Trina banished all the memories that had been released by her `teacher' into the far recesses of her mind where they had always lain dormant. "Hi," she said, faking cheerfulness.

"What did Professor Fay want from you?" Harry asked.

"She just wanted to talk to me about past lessons, that's all. So, where are we going now?" she asked, leaving no room for questioning.

Kurama eyed Trina with suspicion. He'd seen enough fake cheer to know what it was with his eyes blindfolded. He was concerned for Trina, cause her eyes seemed to have lost their twinkle…

Harry automatically said, "We have Charms next."

Harry and Ron exchanged knowing glances and started walking in the Charms class's direction. Kurama and Trina stayed behind for a time and watched them go.

"Trina?" Kurama asked softly.


"What did Morgan le Fay really do in there?" Kurama asked and stared down at Trina.

"She did what I just told you."

"No. What did she REALLY do… to you…"

Trina went rigid when Kurama said the last part with sadness, and she turned to look at him. "She did nothing," Trina said, her voice cracking a little.

"Are you trying to convince me, or yourself, that?" Kurama asked softly, compassion in his emerald eyes.

Trina turned to look up at him and couldn't help but let him see a fraction of her pain.

Kurama's heart skipped a beat when he saw the sadness in those tortured blue eyes… He wanted to comfort her, to tell her everything was okay, but he knew that everything WASN'T. His heart constricted when he saw her begin to cry, and he moved to wipe the tears away when suddenly her tears turned… crimson… blood… she was crying blood… Kurama's eyes widened and he cupped the side of her face with a hand.

"Trina? What's wrong? I can't help you if you don't tell me…"

But Trina only turned away and wiped her tears away without a trace in a practiced motion. "You can't… you can't help me… right now…" she said quietly and hurried after Harry and Ron with fake cheer.

Kurama watched her go and deciphered the meaning of her words… she had said he couldn't help her… right then. That didn't mean that he couldn't help her at another time… Kurama allowed himself a small smile and jogged to catch up with the others.

"What do you think we're gonna do in Charms today?" Ron asked eagerly.

"I don't know, but I hope it's something fun," ever since Harry, Ron, and Hermione had started the DA, he'd loved Charms, because it was the only subject that they had done anything useful in at the time…

Ron and Harry trotted cheerfully to Charms while an ominous cloud hung over both Trina and Kurama.

Soon enough, they arrived at Charms, and all found seats. Kurama sat beside Trina with Harry on his right and Ron on HIS right.

Trina glanced to her right and saw Kurama staring at her out of the corner of his eye. She turned away from him and put her mask on. She had gotten quite good at that…

Kurama was disappointed when Trina didn't so much as talk to him, but his attention was soon stolen away to a short little man that had appeared at the front of the class. To Kurama's amusement, the little man had to stand on many stacked books.

Trina stared at Professor Flitwick and waited for him to start. She didn't have to wait long, and soon everyone was paying attention when he began to speak.

"Well, since it's the first day back from the Summer holidays I decided to let you all have some fun and play around with the spells that you've learned. If you'd like to learn anything new, or have questions, I will be here to help. Well, don't just stare at me, have some fun!" Professor Flitwick smiled to the class and hopped down from his `desk'.

Trina's shoulders slumped when she didn't have anything new to learn to keep her mind from memories, and buried herself in a book called `Ancient Spells and Incantations'.

Kurama sighed and listened to Harry and Ron's conversation while they had fun zooming cushions around the cluttered room with the Accio charm. He smiled in amusement when Harry's cushion went crashing into a wall because of a collision. He began to float around in his mind and reflected on the last few days… He'd never thought, two months ago, that he'd be in a famous school for witches and wizards by the beginning of the new school year. If anyone had told him so, he would have just shook him or her off with a calm smile.

A sigh escaped Kurama's lips, and he wondered what he was going to do about Voldemort… from what he'd been able to find out, Harry had been the only person to survive the Avada Kadavera curse, escaping with only a scar. The red head contemplated the strange string of events that had occurred throughout the past, and wondered why Koenma hadn't sent someone sooner. Kurama mentally rolled his eyes at the toddler and couldn't help but think that the prince of Spirit World was `incapable' at times… Kurama could have snorted in amusement, but that just wasn't him. He settled for a tiny and a mysterious smile with hidden amusement.

Kurama turned his eyes to Trina, wondering how in the world he'd suddenly become bi. He sighed softly again to himself and shot a glance at Harry. Unconsciously, he raised an eyebrow when he saw the raven haired boy and Ron going at it, their cushions flying all over the room in a war of strength.

Trina glanced up from her book, and miraculously dodged a set of flying cushions before they rammed into her. Since she'd dodged away without being prepared for it, she rammed straight into another body. She grunted as they collided to the ground from the force and speed of her momentum.

Kurama was suddenly thrown from his thoughts when an unknown body crashed into him, and was shocked, to say the least, when he found Trina and himself in a very… compromising… position…