Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama, Hiei, and the new demon. ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of the characters. It is all the property of someone that I don't know. All I know is that Kazuki Takahashi owns Yu-Gi-Oh! but what that has to do with the owner of Yu Yu Hakusho is beyond me…since I don't know him/her or whatever…it's too late for all this…11:00 PM and I should be in bed……nyah……

Chapter One

"Kiana, you've been training for hours! Come inside and rest!" Cedrik yelled and hoped she had sense enough to listen to him.

"I can't! I've already told you that the tournament is in two days and I have to be ready!" Kiana yelled back. She continued her training as Cedrik approached her and pulled her to the ground so she was sitting.

" It's a demon tournament. Demon, not human. Have you noticed that you are a human?" he asked her and she pulled her baseball hat that she wore all the time down over her eyes.

"How do you know what I am? I barely even know myself…" she said and stood up. He stood in front of her.

"Where are you going?" he asked and she shoved him aside. He watched her as she ran off without saying anything to him. "Man, she needs to learn to control her temper before she ends up getting killed at that tournament……" Cedrik said aloud. He decided to follow her to see what she was doing before she got hurt. He ran into his house and got his keys to his motorcycle and left.

"Who does he think he is bossing me around? I can't tell him what I am…he would never understand…I need to find people that understand me…" Kiana thought as she walked around looking for other demons.

"Who's to say that no one understands you?" a voice said behind Kiana. She turned around quickly and saw a demon not much taller than she was. Kiana pulled out her sword and held it in front of her.

"Stay away from me!" she yelled and he laughed at her. "What are you laughing at?" she asked and swung her sword at him. He dodged it by jumping on top of it as he landed.

"Silly human. You don't understand do you? I'm a demon, you're a human. There's no chance of you surviving a fight with me." the demon said and jumped off her sword and pulled out his own.

"I'm not a human. I'm a demon." she said and ran towards him again trying to attack him with her sword.

"Prove it." he said and dodged her attacks. She ran at him as fast as she could but he avoided her again. She didn't stop in time to avoid the tree that was right behind the demon though. She ran into it with full force. Her baseball hat fell off revealing her fox ears.

"What the-" the demon said and lifted her up. "She's a kitsune…"

"What have you got Hiei?" Kurama asked and walked over to Hiei.

"A kitsune…she was trying to fight me and I called her a human and so she attacked me…I dodged her attack and she ran into this tree…" Hiei said. His voice wasn't much more than a whisper.

"What's wrong Hiei?" Kurama asked and took Kiana from Hiei and he stood up and looked at Kurama.

"N-nothing…it's just…she seems familiar…I don't know why…" Hiei said and picked his sword up from where it lay on the ground. He also picked Kiana's sword up.

"Well, she's going back with us so you'll have plenty time to worry about where you know her from." Kurama said and started walking back to his and Hiei's house. Hiei followed him. While he was walking he looked down at Kiana's sword.

"Kurama, wait." Hiei said and Kurama turned around.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I've seen this sword before. And so have you." Hiei said and Kurama shook his head and smiled.

"I'll look at it when we get home." Kurama said and began walking.

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You want more chapters? REVIEW! No more chapters if there are no reviews. This will be a one chapter story even though I've finished chapter 2 and started on chapter 3. Review and I'll update this story.