Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama, Hiei, and the new demon. ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I still don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. When will you mortals learn? Maybe when Hiei is actually nice to Kuwabara…like that will happen…Oh, and I know that Hiei is kinda out of character but this is how I want him and this is how he shall be. Anyone who says different shall die!!!

And I know that I said that I wouldn't update until I got reviews but I'm kinda bored and writing this story has become my life…kinda…*looks around for her sanity and shrugs finally noticing that it's not coming back* Hmm…my sanity has run away…Oh well. I'm fine without it…*laughs like a maniac then coughs* …or maybe not…nyah…read and review…

Chapter Two

Kurama put Kiana in one of the spare rooms and returned to the living room where Hiei was waiting on him.

"Now, what were you saying about the sword?" Kurama asked and Hiei handed the sword to him.

"Look at it. That's no ordinary sword." Hiei said and Kurama nodded. He looked at the sword and saw that the gold on it had silver streaks in it.

"Yes…I know this sword but I do not know where it is from." Kurama said and gave the sword back to Hiei.

"Do you think the girl knows?" Hiei asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we can ask her when she wakes up." Kurama said. Hiei looked at the door behind Kurama. Kiana stood in the doorway looking at them.

"At least we won't have to wait for that." Hiei said and stood up. Kurama walked over to her and smiled.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her and she looked at him for a moment then responded.

"My head hurts…I feel as though I've been run over by a truck…" she said.

"Hmm…maybe that would have been better than going head to head with Hiei." Kurama said.

"More like head to tree…" Hiei said and smirked.

"Who are you two?" Kiana asked and walked over to a chair and sat down.

"I'm Kurama and he's Hiei. And he's like this around everyone, not just you." Kurama said. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Kiana." she said and looked at her sword which lay on a table by Hiei.

"Where did you get that sword?" Kurama asked.

"One of my father's friends gave it to me." she said and got up to get it.

"And who was his friend?" Hiei asked.

"Shishi Wakamaru." she said.

"Yes, we know him but I don't think he's around anymore…at least I haven't seen him lately." Kurama said and looked at Hiei.

"If he's around, he'll be in the tournament tomorrow." Hiei said.

"Tomorrow? I thought it was the two days from today…" she said and sat down again.

"Shows how much you know." Hiei said and looked away from Kiana.

"Well, I have to go for a little while. Hopefully you two can get along." Kurama said as he headed out the door.

"I doubt it! He hates me!" Kiana yelled after Kurama.

"It's not that I hate you. It's that…forget it. I shouldn't bring you into this just yet." Hiei said and disappeared.

`Bring me into what? What is he not telling me? It's not like he actually knows me…or does he? He seems kinda familiar.' Kiana thought, then she grabbed her sword and went outside to train some more. Hiei followed her outside and watched her train. He memorized what moves she did wrong and thought about how she could correct them.

"Kiana." he said as he walked up to her. "Try pushing off with your right foot instead of your left foot." he said as he tried to help her with a move she had been working on all afternoon.

"Why?" she asked and lowered her sword.

`I'm trying to help and she has to ask why…' he thought and sighed. "Because it would help you gain more speed and maybe then you could actually hit your opponent." he said and pulled out his sword. "Try it."

"Okay but I don't see why." she said. She stepped back away from him and lunged forward at him. Hiei easily dodged her attack. "I thought you said it would be easier to hit your opponent…"

"I did say that." Hiei said. "But I didn't say it would be easier to hit me…" he said and walked away.

`How could he do that? He knew I couldn't hit him…he only tried to help me…wait…Hiei, helping someone? That's odd.' Kiana thought.

"Even Hiei helps people when he feels they need it." Kurama said as he approached her.

"So he thought I needed help?" she asked him. He laughed and smiled at her.

"No…not quite…Actually I think you need his help. May I ask who taught you to fight?" Kurama asked.

"Shishi taught me since my parents were killed when I was younger…He was like a father to me…but I haven't seen him in a few years…" Kiana said and looked down. Kurama walked over to her and grabbed her chin and turned her head up towards his.

"Don't worry about it Kiana. I'm sure you'll see him soon. Now, maybe I can help you with your fighting moves." Kurama said and got his Rose Whip out. Kiana and Kurama proceeded to train while Hiei watched from a nearby tree.

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Nakira: I'm still going to update even though you useless baka ningens don't review.

Hiei: ……*is confused at Nakira's mood swings*

Kurama: She's just a little bit upset at the moment. But Hiei, you should understand why. I mean you-

Nakira: *tapes Kurama's mouth shut* Don't tell them yet. Save it for later chapters.

Hiei: Nakira, I understand that you're half fox youkai and half fire youkai but this is no reason to take it out on these ningens…

Nakira: Whatever.

Hiei: I'm leaving until you take some medicine for your mood swings.

Nakira: Whatever floats your boat shorty.

Hiei: I am taller than you.

Nakira: Not much. *tackles Hiei and ties his arms and legs together* Now, I'm going to type the end of chapter three and put it on here and then start on chapter four.

Kurama: *pulls the tape off* No more chapters until you've memorized Pirates of the Caribbean: Part 1.

Nakira: My flute's not here. *sticks out her tongue*

Kurama: *sighs* Nakira, your marching music should be more important than some fanfic. *grabs her fox tail and picks Hiei up and leaves with them both*