Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ Traing in secret ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello!! WE are back!! Hee is our new part of this never ending story line!!

warnings: Yaoi and just about anything else are twisted minds can think of
Also this is the third part. If you have not read hiei's Mistake or Mukuro's lie please do.Though it may not matter.
Disclaimer; Sorry it is not us who own these great characters!!
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Everything was going great for Kurama, Hiei, and Hikuro.

It has been six months and their small family had grown very close. So close in fact, you wouldn’t think that any of the events of the past had even happened. Hikuro still missed Mukuro and Makai, but was tolerant of being in the Ningenkai. Hiei and Kurama were now sleeping in the same room again.

Kurama had taken time off school to help his son get used to living in Ningenkai. Now, thanks to Kurama’s clever thinking, Hikuro looked like he belonged in the Human realm. Well, around other children he did.

Kurama was in a very good mood today. Last night, when him and Hiei started to share a room again, they had made love ‘till this morning. Even with the lack of sleep he was happier than he had been in a long time.

Yes it had taken time but everything was back the way it should be. Kurama thought to himself, Let this world or the next try and stop our love. We will take it on and come out stronger than ever!

Glancing out the window into the wooded backyard, Kurama saw that Hiei was teaching Hikuro some jumps, and a couple of basic martial arts techniques. Hikuro took to the new skills almost as quickly as his father learned new ones. He’s going to be just like his strong, handsome, moody father, Kurama mused for the umpteenth time.

Yes, life was good.

He went and made breakfast, deciding to surprise them with some hot chocolate- a favorite of the two demons- topped with whipped cream- which was *almost* as good as sweet snow. Both his men came in very hungry. The meal was gone in a few minutes, the hot chocolate inhaled in just a few seconds.

Hikuro, to Kurama’s joy, was going to start pre-K next week. It had taken Kurama three months to get Hiei to allow his son to be around ningens that long. He didn’t want them to rot his precious son’s mind. But, as usual, in the end Kurama got his way.

Hikuro was a bit harder. You see he was still only a almost-year-old demon child- not a human child. His blood was far more demonic than the small amount of ningen he inherited from Kurama. While he could pass as a four year old, he was still only going to be one. He was very smart and learned quickly. His ever-wondering nature got him into more trouble than he could deal with at times, like when he had gotten himself stuck up in a high tree while trying to copy his Daddy. Kurama shook his head, Hikuro reminded Kurama of himself as a young kit.

Kurama had already invited all their friends for Hikuro's birthday party. He had also gotten the games and cake mix. Kurama was making two- one for everyone, and one solely for the birthday boy. Yes, everything would be perfect.

Kurama kissed his men goodbye then left for work. All was right in the world.


Now that Kurama has left for work, Hikuro and I are going to Genkai’s to train. Last thing I want is for my son to become weak from living here, that, when we return to the Makai, he would not be able to defend himself.

We left, and, as usual, he was excited. If Kurama knew how much we trained he would have my hide. But that is our little secret, right Hikuro?

We left and ran over the roofs and on the many telephone poles of the city, Hikuro in my arms as my legs carried us. He was delighted to be doing this. He says it the best, his favorite part of the day. I am so proud of him.

We get there and no one is around. Hn good, all the better to ensure secrecy.

I teach him how to hold a sword. I had gone to the Makai a few nights ago, and swiped it from an unobservant merchant. It is small and light, perfect for my little boy. His crimson eyes lit with curiosity and happiness when I gave it to him. He hugged me and said he was happy to be just like Daddy. I smiled, happy he liked it, and made him promise not to tell Kurama about his little present. He agrees and tries to mimic moves he has seen me do.

Soon his lessons will begin.

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TO returning Readers welcome back!! I hope that we are getting better with time and not worse. Please let us know what you think!! New readers welcome!! You may want to know what happened to the first two first though. Oh and Under the sn Hiei’s pheonix girl on fanfiction .net is our side story Hikuro's Surprise!! Please go and check it out!!