Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello once again. I hope everyone is fine today. Here is another new chapter for you all. Sorry about the repeats last time.


China's screaming jerked Hiei and Mukuro from their glaring contest. Hiei's gaze snapped in the direction of the screams and, judging what room they were coming from, ran off to see what was making the human scream bloody-murder.

His half-sister's screams awakened the newly-protective Hikuro from his slumber. Tossing off his warm blankets, he raced to where he had seen China go. He had to make sure she was safe; he had just realized that she wasn't so bad and wanted time to really get to know what having a sister was like. Plus, he was already in enough trouble, he didn't need her to get hurt on top of that.

Both demons reached the girl's room at the same time. Hiei threw the door open, and they rushed in, concern for the half-human flooding them.

Following her former heir at a slower pace, Mukuro walked down the hall to the room she had ordered the girl be placed. She walked in the open door, curious as to the problem, and had to stifle a laugh at the sight greeting her.

The young humanrather, the young half-demon was yanking on her newly-appeared, wagging tail. Her head on the bed and her butt in the air, her high voice screeched for the fox.

Wow! Hikuro exclaimed, a wide grin stretching across his face, You've got a tail just like Mommy!! China looked at him for a moment, horror written all over her face, before wailing louder than before.

Hikuro stared at her, confused as to why his half-sister was so upset. He wanted a tail, especially after seeing his mother's youko form a few times. He also wanted a Jagan, but Daddy said it was far too dangerous. But he would settle for a tail. Hey, don't cry! That means you're a demon just like us.

Hiei glared at his son when her wailing grew, impossibly, louder yet. He sighed and picked up the screaming girl. He didn't really understand why having a tail was so traumatic to the girl. If she had gotten fox ears that might have been a problem, but a tail, easily disguised, wasn't a big deal.

China, once she realized who had picked her up, clung tightly to the fire demon. Shushing the girl, he shifted her slight form into his right arm. Hiei nodded curtly to Mukuro, grabbed his son, and sped away from the palace.

Laughing softly, Mukuro just shook her head. Her hand rose to her temple, rubbing it to help alleviate the headache caused by the child's wailing. She headed off to bed, resting her aching head.


Halfway home, China stopped screaming and crying, her sobs fading to hiccups as she fell asleep curled into Hiei's right arm. On his left, a solemn Hikuro reflected on the events of the past few days. He smiled as he looked at his sleeping half-sister, her chocolate-brown tail moving from side to side as she slept. Maybethis won't be so bad after all

Hiei ran at his top speed. Now that he knew the children were okay, he had to make sure his mate was fine and not doing anything foolish. He chuckled tiredly to himself. Knowing Kuramahe's halfway to the Makai by now

Confirming Hiei's prediction, after going through the portal, Hiei spotted the stricken fox. His red hair was a tangled mess, his complexion too pale, and his youki radiated exhaustion and tension. Kurama was worse for the wear from this whole mess. But when he saw Hiei and his children, he fell to his knees, tears of joy streaming down his face. His kits were safe, and he couldn't ask for anything more.

Kurama hugged his children close, snatching them from Hiei's grasp. He looked his son over for injuries, and, seeing none, moved to look at his daughter. His green eyes widened and took on a blank look when he spied China's tail. He blinked once, twice, three times before fainting dead away.

Hikuro and China looked at the fox before turning wide eyes to stare at Hiei. The fire demon sighed. Hiei picked up Kurama, carrying his mate home with the kids following close behind on foot.

Hiei lay his fox down on their bed, making sure he was comfortable. Satisfied Kurama would be alright, he tended to the children. After feeding the kids and tucking them into bed for the night, Hiei sat at the kitchen table for a while.

His fox was safe in bed with his unborn kit. Hikuro was sleeping soundly in his bed. And China was curled up on the couch, apparently having decided a tail wasn't such a terrible thing to have. It seemed to the fire demon that, over time, his precious family would adjust to these changes. He was just grateful they would have the time to work everything out.


After a few weeks had passed, everything had settled into a normal pace. They moved into a cozy house not too far from their old apartment. Hikuro and China were the typical brother and sister. Hiei had settled into his r ole of parent well. He had developed a talent for juggling both of his children's needs, wants and complaints, as well as those of his beloved fox. .

Now, it seemed, Kurama's only dilemma was the kit he was carrying.




I hope you all enjoyed Kurama's Dilemma! And yes, if you want to know the kit's sex and all that good stuff, another fic will (probably) come soon. It depends on the feedbackso review!!! Please?