Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Legal Human Practice ❯ Do You See What I See? ( Chapter 15 )

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Do You See What I See?


Word count: 899



Seiji yawned as he put a kettle on. He was tired but sleep wouldn't come. There was too much tension these past few days. Word had spread throughout the family that the clan head...a nineteen year old boy...was going to have the clan reinstated. There was some doubt that it would happen. After all this was Akira's grandson and Akira had gotten so disgusted with the pureblood way of thinking that he'd removed the entire clan.

As he waited for the kettle to boil, not bothering to cast a heating spell, his mind wandered. He was in the camp of hopefuls and dreamed of the clan's reinstatement. After all, with the entire clan's support...maybe the girls could finally be found. The girls, the three grand-daughters that had been missing for years. Jonnessa, the daughter of his oldest child, Emi. She'd been so young when she'd run off with that Harris boy. All they knew was that she was alive, but no matter what they tried they couldn't find her.

Joyce, Kiku's oldest was...well according to the records she was dead. However that was too convenient. There was no way she went to college all those years ago and then simply died. Even now it was unclear whether it was an accident or not. After all her body had never been found. They had no proof that she was alive, or dead. However every copy of the family tree listed her as deceased. That had never set well with him...the fact that Kiku's husband's family, the Blanc Clan had disowned Calvin and Kiku when Joyce was born a squib, with almost no magic to speak of. And then welcomed them back with open arms after Joyce was declared dead, because their other daughters, Arlene and Lolly were magical. Calvin, so distraught over Joyce's death had not spoken to his family since. Calvin Blanc was the best of the Blanc Clan.

And Mari...had simply vanished. Oh her name was still on the chart but...there had been no contact. No one had seen her, no one had heard from her, no one could find her.

The kettle whistled and he turned the burner off. He had just finished pouring the water in a mug when a sharp crack came from the basement. It made him jump and nearly scald himself with the water.

Seiji was ready with a sharp tongue when his oldest son Daichi burst through the door that led to the basement. “Daichi, you're in your sixties. Please act like it.””

Daichi made a face at him. “We're wizards. I could live to be two-hundred, I'm still plenty young.”

“You could at least use the door, you only live twenty minutes away. You don't have to apparate into my basement.”

“There wasn't time...have you seen it?”

“Seen what?”

“The Family Tree! Its being updated. The Clan's been reinstated. That Kazuma kid did it!”

Seiji stared...and then rushed to his study where his copy of the tree covered one wall. Daichi followed him eagerly. He flipped the lights on. And stared.

Names had appeared on the chart and were still appearing. Akira's family had grown since his death, his remaining daughter Aiko had a son and two grandchildren. Young Kazuma had a sister, and his new son Hari was on the tree as well. And...damn. He hadn't realized Akira's youngest daughter, Tomoko had died, or that she'd had a daughter, Makoto.

Their sister Hana, may she be at peace, had two children, three grandchildren...and a great grandchild...who named their kid Shippo?

Their other sister Eiko was still alive...three children...one grandchild...oh geeze. One of her daughters, Jun, was dead.

“Dad. Where are you looking? You can tell me about the main clan later. Look at our side.”

He did...oh god. “Jonnessa...”

Daichi nodded. “She's alive...looks like she changed her name to Jessica.”

“She has a son. Alexander.” Seiji could feel tears prick his eyes.

Daichi's voice grew softer. “Keep going.”

Seiji looked under Emi and Calvin's names. Joyce's name...it was in green. She was alive. “Joyce...”

“Looks like you were right. She faked her death so the Blanc Clan would take her family back.”

“Damn Pureblood snobs...she has a daughter.”

Daichi snorted. “If you can call 'Buffy' a name.”

“Its a fine name...Daichi. Do you see what I see?”


“Mari's name...its in blue.”

“What does that mean? It hadn't changed before I left.”

“It means she's in between worlds.”


“She's under a spell, or in some sort of stasis, maybe a coma. Oh god Daichi, she has a daughter.”

Daichi grew pale and whispered the newly appeared name. “Anna Marie. I have another grandchild...we have to find them.”

“We will...well. It looks like your brother has some explaining to do.”

Daichi looked closer under Hayate's name, it was connected to two different women, each with a child, a son. “I bet he doesn't even know about them.”

Seiji sighed. “Probably not.”

“I can't wait to tell him.” Daichi moved towards the phone on the desk.

“Daichi...look at Kazuma's adopted son.”


“His birth name.”

Daichi looked again, and gaped. “How the hell did we get Harry Potter on our family tree?”

Seiji chuckled. “That, is a good question.”