Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Looking Back ❯ Reminisce ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tic, tic, tic. That's all the clock does anymore. First, she drags me to school then leaves early. I don't understand her. Now I have to sit here and pretend to write something down. I mean why do we even go to school, it's more of a jail to me anyway. I mean most people look out the window and daydream. Why can't we do that at home? I could be anywhere right now. Why here of all places does she drag me? Thankfully, there's only ten minutes left them I'm free until Keiko finds me. What is it with her anyway; I mean she acts like a nagging girlfriend. Whoa, wait I hope that's not what she thinks we are. I don't understand the way she thinks.
"Yusuke!" Kurama said in a singsong voice.
"It's time to go Yusuke,” he said grabbing my books.
"O Yea I almost forgot I was here." I said standing up and yawning. Another reason I come to school; Kurama.
"Hey kurama?" I said and when he looked back at me from walking to our locker, I kept going.
"Keiko's creepy." I said with a straight face, serious almost. He started chuckling.
"Yusuke, she is a girl what do you expect?" Kurama said unlocking our locker.
"I expect her to stop acting like my girlfriend. I hate it." I said leaning against some lockers.
"She's you girlfriend." Kurama said his voice cracking a bit; it could have since his head was in a locker but still.
"No! I can't stand her she's like the bratty sister I never wanted." I yelled
"You really are hard to please Yusuke. If keiko isn't for you the who is?" he said mischievously I had to think on that, what would I want?
"They would have to be smart, but not to the point it's aggravating. Nice body like strong but feminine. Easy to relax around. You wouldn't have to talk for the other to know what's wrong. They would have to be wild but peaceful like a storm. I don't know Kurama I don't think there is anyone for me." I said following him through the building to leave.
"You never know Yusuke perhaps there is, you just haven't realized it yet." Kurama said
"Maybe but I'll follow the river." I said while we walked through the forest behind the school. I groaned when we came to the clearing I hated more then life it's self.
"I am not doing my homework," I groaned
"Who said anything about homework" Kurama said
"That's the only reason we come here and you know it." I argued
"But Yusuke if you don't do your homework you can't come to this school." Kurama practically pouted.
"So if you don't come here you can't live with me anymore." Kurama said combing a hand through his hair casually.
"O yea I keep forgetting that." I laughed out nervously. Grudgingly I sat down to do my stupid homework with Kurama. About ten minutes later, I had to ask him for help, again!
"Kurama how do I do this?" I asked frustrated to the point of wanting to blow something up. He came up behind me to see what I was talking about when he finally figured it out he grabbed my writing hand and guided me through the problem.
"It's a simple algebraic sequence Yusuke. (9a+7b) multiplied by (3a+4b). You multiply the a's and the b's separately, Then don't forget to square them like this." He said writing the answer of 27a-squared +28b squared.
"Do you get it now Yusuke?" He asked letting go.
"Y-yeah I think thanks." I said blushing furiously. What the hell, how did he do that and why am I blushing all he did was help me solve a stupid math question, and why does he smell so good. Ah, Yusuke, stop rights there shut up and concentrate on something else and quit starring before your caught. Up to late for that. Shimatta he found me out. I hope he's not as perverted as I've heard him to be.
" Urameshi Yusuke are you blushing." Kurama said smirking his ass off.
"Yea got a problem." I admitted after the grumbled 'jackass kitsune' He is not going to let me live this down. He's going to be mocking my ass for the rest of eternity. He's-
" No you look absolutely stunning." he smiled
"Huh” and for the second time today, Kurama was smirking his ass off.
"Your not funny Kurama. Not funny at all baka kitsune." I said
"Hanyou." He said back
"Jackass" I retorted not backing down from the challenge.
"Pedophile." I said smirking at the look on Kurama's face. His face was hilarious. His jaw was, dropped leaving his mouth wide up with a stupid expression plastered over his face. I was laughing so hard I literally had to bend down to keep from falling, but in the end, I landed on my ass.
"Very funny Yusuke but that doesn't count. I'm a demon,” he said hitting me upside the head with a book.
"So am I. Your point is what?" I said standing up with his help.
"Are you finished?" Kurama said
"No" I lied. I loved ragging on him.
“Quit lying let's get home it's almost dark. He said walking towards our home on campus. I swear that if it weren't for Kurama I would be dead right now, again. We walked all the way home in silence just company for the other. When we finally did get home, I helped make dinner and almost set Kurama ablaze. It was funny, to me.
“Kurama?” I said getting ready for bed. Kurama had it so his huge bed room had two separate twin beds instead of the king sized bed it originally had before this happened.
“Yes yusuke?” He answered already in his bed.
“Thank you,” I said lying down to sleep.
“Your welcome Yusuke.” Kurama said a while later hoping Yusuke was asleep.
Kurama's P.O.V.
Why does he have to thank me so much? I know I saved his life and all but, I was repaying my dept nothing more nothing less. I mean Yusuke was on the verge of way more then death…
I was walking to Yusuke's house to retrieve him for a mission, but when I arrived at his house instead of making my self-known. I hid and spied for a while. After a while, I heard screaming, so I went closer sitting on Yusuke's window ledge. What I saw made me rethink my sanity. Yusuke was, curled up on his bed yelling, pleading, and begging someone to stop. His mother, she was abusing him. It was not the physical pain he could not take though, it was the mental and emotional. Yusuke was way past the verge of tears and crying himself to sleep. One thing raced through my mind at the time `protect' he was my pack after all.
That night I took Yusuke back to my home; later after I put him to bed, I went back to his house to gather his things. When he awoke the next morning, I practically didn't recognize him. He was pale and his usually captivating brown eyes were, dulled down to a gray. That morning I had been on my couch rethinking last night's discussion. When he walked in wrapped in a blanket and laid down with his head in my lap. Nuzzling me as he repeatedly said how sorry he was. He was acting on pure instinct that morning just like every moment for three months.
End Flashback
It's been almost two years since that happened. Though I knew Yusuke was a demon, it wasn't until then I found out he was a hanyou so to speak. A cross between an inu and kitsune, which explains his reactions every morning, It's still the same though except with out the repeated apologizes.
::: Dodges fly objects O.O::: Welcome to my story. Yay I have readers. Please review if you want another chapter Ja ne