Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Looking Back ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Welcome to chapter 2. I don't really know how long this story is actually. I don't even know how long I am going to make this so if it only comes out to about three or four chapters don't get mad.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.
­­I was sitting on the couch in my living room, just how I am, found every morning. Although thankfully today there is no school considering it is a weekend. I was currently reading a case file Botan had left on my counter. Yusuke and I were, assigned apparently to go in search of a plant. Although the owner of this plant is a good friend of mine, I do not wish Yusuke to meet him. This man is the one who brought back my memories from when I was a Youko. He did not give them back to me by choice how ever. His aura is what brings out peoples memories, or darkest memories. Which is why I do not want to take Yusuke but I am guessing that Koenma is doing this for a reason.
“Morning Kurama.” Yusuke said as he walked into the living room wrapped in his blanket. He walked over towards me and laid down with his head in my lap nuzzling my thigh. I sat there with him in my lap running my hand through his semi long hair. After a while the nuzzling stop, but absently I kept running my hand through his hair.
“What cha got there Kurama?” Yusuke asked nudging me when I did not reply at first.
“A file from Koenma for our next mission. We're to go to the Makai to find an old friend of mine for a certain plant.” I answered still absently petting him.
“Well then can we go? I mean we don't have school today please I wanna go home.” He asked with a pout. I think I have taught him a little too well.
“Yes Yusuke we may go, but your not going in your pajamas go change.” I said as he jumped from the couch and ran a cross the house to our room. I really hope I am doing the right thing this might break him permanently.
“ Were not going to get there by dusk Yusuke if you do not hurry.” I yelled up the stairs. I heard banging and curses before Yusuke was, seen walking into the hallway.
“Well are we going?” He said with a goofy smile. I merely laughed and nodded. The trip to the Makai was as uneventful as always, although when we arrived there I was surprised to say the least. Jin and Touya were there to greet us, a welcome home of sorts. Yusuke was more then happy to see them. He wouldn't shut up either. After four hours and several promises that we would visit, they left Yusuke and I to our mission.
“Kurama where are we going?” Yusuke said walking with his head resting on his arms.
“We are going to my home Yusuke.” I answered, he visibly cheered up. Well at least one of us was happy.
“Really. Cool, this should be fun. I wonder if we'll meet anyone you know.” He said eagerly.
“Perhaps although I think I might have to transform into Youko to get us in.” I said
“Is it really that hard to get into the kitsune's territory?” Yusuke asked
“Yes although we're both kitsune so it shouldn't be that hard to get in. Though I really wish I didn't have to go back.”
“That's ok Kurama I'll be with you, just like you're here for me, kay.” He said enthusiastically. I just nodded my head and with all my will power changed forms. It is not as easy as it seems. Yusuke caught me before I hit the ground because of dizziness. I leaned against him as we walked through the barrier for my home, the kitsune's territory.
Yusuke's form changed instantly as we went through the barrier. His hair grew, his eyes changed to mid-night blue, and the mazoku marks were back.
“Well we're home, Yusuke.” I said, he merely smiled and continued to help me walk. He looked at me and then continued in the direction I nodded my head in. I lead him through the deep forests of our territory and to one of my many dens. I called on my ki to talk to the plants around the area and before Yusuke knew it. In place of a wall of vines was an opening to a well-furnished den.
“Whoa that's cool.” Yusuke whistled practically carrying me into the den. He set me on the bed and then went to leave.
“Yusuke wait, where are you going?” I asked as he stopped and looked back.
“I'm going to get some food and water, why?” he asked
“Be careful, kitsunes aren't your average demons. They'll take what they want, especially here it is their territory after.” I said
“It should only take me about an hour to be back to normal again. So don't take to long.” I said as an after thought.
“O.k. O.k. I hear you. Back in a hour, I got it.” Yusuke said leaving out of the cave-ish area. Gently I tried to stand, in a way, I succeeded but there was pain. I limped over to my cupboard to get the herbs I needed for, an elixir that would help me maintain my Youko form. I pulled out the herbs for it and a glass vile with tealeaves in it. I also grabbed an herb to put in Yusuke's tea for when he returned. I walked into the middle of the den which was were I usually lit fires, considering there was hole in the roof above it, that with a little manipulation of the plants covering it would allow the smoke out. I walked out of the den, considerate of my surroundings; I walked to the side of my den where I knew there was a small pond. It was not as big as when I was first arrived here, but it would suffice. I manipulated a few leaves to form into a bowl of sorts. I scooped up a sufficient amount of water and took it back into the den. I poured it into the metal kettle sitting above the fire. I twined my spirit energy into the leaves so that they could return to their original place.
The fire was, started and the tea was cooling as Yusuke walked back into me den. He came in and set down what he had retrieved which was not too much or to little. He started talking and jabbering about what he saw why he was hunting and how he wanted to stay here. I was not completely paying attention though something felt very odd. I couldn't place my finger, but I could tell something was amiss. I looked to Yusuke and gave him an apprehending look, as to tell him I felt off. He caught the drift and became silent. He eased himself up off the floor quietly, and hid not only himself but his spirit energy as well. I slipped his cup under the bed to make it look like it was only I that was here.
“What business do you have here, this is my den show yourself, or suffer the consequences.” I said icily. The creature that both Yusuke and I sensed showed their self.
“I'm sorry Kurama I just wished to know if it was really you.” A Youko said as he walked in. He was about as tall as Youko Kurama. He had mid-night blue hair like Yusuke's except it didn't have silver entwined in it. His hair wasn't as long as Kurama's but it was getting there.
“T-Tatsuki” I stuttered in utter disbelief.
“Kurama it is you, o Kurama!” Tatsuki burst out as he swiftly pounced me.
“Yusuke you can come out it's just my little brother.” I said as I was, feverishly licked, and nuzzled.
“Little brother.” Yusuke blurted out.
“Yes he's my little brother Yusuke. He was the closest to me out of all of my siblings. Before I was nearly killed we would always hang out as far as that goes for makai's most well known thieves.” I said absently running my hands through Tatsuki's hair.
“Okay. That's cool. I'm Yusuke.” He said cheerfully, he reached down and grabbed his tea out from under the bed and drank it.
“Kurama where have you been the last twenty years?” Tatsuki asked me
“Well for four years I was off playing thief, but while I was I was severally wounded so I spend six-teen years of my life living as Shuichi Minamono.” I answered casually. His face fell into an `o' shape when I was done and he had comprehended it.
“Kurama?” Tatsuki said
“They know you're here.” He stated simply, although that simple statement made my stomach churn.
“That's why I came here, I thought that if I found you before they did I could warn you, so here I am. Please Kurama run, I don't want you to get hurt again.” He said concern and worry lacing every word.
“Who?” Yusuke blurted out reluctantly I answered
“The nightmares of my past.” I said darkly, he automatically understood, like himself I had people I was afraid of as well.
“What happened?” He asked.
“Tatsuki wasn't my only family.” I answered knowing he would use this statement as the finally piece of the puzzle. He merely nodded his understanding. Although every part of my body froze as I felt, the people I was afraid of most approach my home. Anari help me.
Yusuke walked out side, passing me his air of confidence intoxicating. He had no idea what he was getting into the fool. I followed Yusuke out side my brother in suit. We were confronted by the only three beings I feared in the three worlds. Banki, Mei, and Jinko.
“Well well well, what'daya know foxy's alive. Finally done hiding and ready to die with the rest of your family, including your o so cute little brother.” Banki said. After all, of these years he was still the leader of the three.
“I don't hide Banki.” I hissed He merely shrugged it off and walked towards me flexing his youki. I concentrated all of my will power on not backing up and running away. Yes the great Youko Kurama running from his past. Banki started to laugh and continued towards me. My brother was behind me and Yusuke was somewhat beside me. I merely stood there with a stoic look on my face. I was not going to falter, especially with my brother's life on the line. Although I knew I was fooling the enemy, I knew I was not fooling Yusuke. Banki went to strike me and before I knew it Yusuke was in front of me pushing Banki back with his spirit and demon energy. The surprise on Banki's face was resolving as I straightened up and stood my ground just as Yusuke had down for me. Banki noticed my stance and laughed.
“You fight me. In your dreams maybe fox, but not here.” He stated, I merely ignored it and continued to advance on him, takes decades of rage and vengeance, letting it fuel my powers. I attacked him repeatedly letting the words escaping Yusuke's mouth sink in.
`It's all in your head, your strong then him now. It has been years. Take him down.' Although the more I hit and struck at Banki the weaker I felt. Before I knew it was backed into a corner just like when I was younger. He had killed my parents and the only ones left were Tatsuki and I. He had backed me into a corner beating me until I was nearly unconscious. He would repeatedly talk about how worthless I was and how worthless my family was. That was the day Tatsuki and I left the Kitsune's fortress and became thieves. That is also the day I became a carefree, strategic youko.
I could feel the numb tears role down my face as Banki's first hit struck me, ripping a ear piercing scream from my throat. The next hit that collided with me caused me to collide into the rocky walls of the area. As I was looking down waiting for the inevitable strike that was to come next, I was surprised when it did not. I looked up to see Yusuke standing point blank in front of Banki, his rei-gun fully charged, aimed directly for Banki.
“Move,” He dared his demeanor wavering not even in the slightest. Banki stared hard at him for a second before asking.
“Who are you?”
“I'm his mate.” Yusuke answered making my head spin. Banki started laughing.
“Haha, I'm guessing you're as weak as him, and for a second I thought this was going to be fun.” With in seconds of that sentence ending Yusuke was standing over the limp forms of Mei, and Jinko. Banki stared bewildered at the sight before him.
“How you're just as weak as Kurama, I can feel it,” he stammered
“O yea about that, abate.” Yusuke said releasing the seal on his energy, he glowed gold for a while before calming down. Banki was speechless. He turned to me and charged towards me. With in little less then a second Yusuke was again between Banki and I holding his rei-gun in Banki's face.
“You had your chance.” He said with a sad expression before firing his rei-gun. Banki was, incinerated completely. Tatsuki watching in pure fascination.
“Are you really mates?” He asked
“Nope just wanted to mess with the jerks brain. I guess its what you call, what was it o yea diversion.” Yusuke answered not at all rushed
“O, aww man it would be cool to have you as a brother.” Tatsuki pouted
“Maybe one day kid but not now.” Yusuke said, starting to pounce back and forth with Tatsuki. I merely rolled my eyes and went back inside my den falling on to my bed, sleeping with in moments.
:;:After 5 hours, of thinking of a good chapter, typing that chapter with out looking or breaking the computer from messing up because she wasn't looking at the keyboard later the second chapter is complete.:;: I hope you all liked it please review its 3:15 am so now its time for me to hit my bed and crash till like three tomorrow bye people.