Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Looking Back ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Brother, Brother, Brother.” Tatsuki chanted as Kurama kept turning in his sleep, swallowing slightly Tatsuki reached out and gently shook the softly growling gingitsune. “Brother.” He said again and Kurama opened his eyes.
“Yes Tat-kun?” Kurama asked sleepily. He sat up slightly stretching as a yawn made it's way out. He looked around his den and then back to Tatsuki.
“Where's Yuusuke?” He asked lazily, and then it changed to concern as he saw his little brother's face,
“That's why I woke you up. He's gone. I went outside to get something to drink, and since he wasn't in here I thought he might be out there but he wasn't and I don't know his energy yet so I can't sense him.” Tatsuki said in a rush holding onto his brother. Kurama ran his hand over Tatsuki's head hushing him.
“Alright you stay here where it is safe and I'll go find him.” Kurama said getting up and walking out of the den, if Tatsuki had been able to determine Yuusuke's energy he would have known the boy was but a few miles away. Walking out of the den and towards Yuusuke's energy his aura flaring slightly as he realized the boy's energy was erratic. The tension in the area grew as he started to speed up his pace eventually running through the surrounding forest to get to Yuusuke. Kurama ran until he passed a forest line into a small clearing Yuusuke laying in the center his arms wrapped around his own body as he whimpered and pleaded. His energy flaring around him, scaring most of the surrounding area into hiding. He started yelling, his body jerking involuntarily in his sleep as his energy hit a climax and as long as it had been going it stopped diminishing into the boys body as a cold sweat took him over and his ragged breathing thinned out.
“Yuusuke.” Kurama breathed in a sign of relief as he walked to the boy who automatically turned into his touch nuzzling his hand as whimpers reined free from his throat. Kurama ran his hand through the teens hair whispering to him.
“Shh Yuusuke it was just a dream, nothing will hurt you as long as I live.” Kurama continued running a hand threw his hair. Yuusuke's whimpers and pleas turned into growls and purrs as Kurama's hand continued to run through his hair, and before the boy knew it he was looking into emerald eyes that made his breathe hitch.
“K-kurama?” Yuusuke asked sullenly as his eyes fluttered a few times. He pulled himself up leaning against Kurama as he looked around the dimly lit area.
“What's wrong?” Yuusuke mumbled as he ran his hand through his hair, looking back into Kurama's tantalizing emerald eyes. The said gingitsune merely shrugged smiling at him. “Nothing Yuusuke, Tatsuki was worried about you so I came looking for you.” Kurama said as Yuusuke stretched out against him grinning madly when he choked in a groan.
“What you didn't miss me Ra?” Yuusuke pouted. Making Kurama smiled as he smacked the boy lightly, who in turn smacked back. The two sat there for some while smacking each other back and forth eventually ending with laughter that carried through the wind into the silently moonlit night.
“I was worried about you, you know Yuusuke you can't just go off like that and make me worry I know you're strong
but someone is always stronger please be careful from now on.” Kurama said as Yuusuke lay against him looking
towards the horizon as the makai suns arose.
“Aw come on you worry to much Ra. I know someone's always stronger but when have I ever not beaten that other person. I always win even if I don't come out a live.” Yuusuke said as he laughed slightly trying to lighten the high-tension mood Kurama had put them in. When he realized it wasn't working he became solemn.
“Look Kurama I know you worry and I don't mean to worry you but I can't help the way I am. Just ease up kick away the worry and go where you push yourself.” He said his hand coming to rest on Kurama's cheek as he gave the spirit fox a smile that Kurama knew was only his.
“Yuusuke I've done that once, and my best friend and lover died I don't want that to happen again. Not only do I have you, I have Tatsuki too and you can't forget I've been there. I've been like you, but I let something get to me and look at me now. I'm to afraid to let it happen again.” Kurama said as he leaned into Yuusuke's touch something he had been dependant on as much as Yuusuke had been dependant on him these last few years.
“Kurama, You know I won't let that happen. For all the times you've let you be there for me you have to realize I have been here for you. Don't ever think that just because I can't be strong all the time that you have to. I would never ask that much from you. Plus then I don't have a job.” Yuusuke said lightly leaning down to capture Kurama's lips in a light kiss, just lips brushed lightly against lips in an innocent kiss that had both of their hearts raising.
“Go to sleep Kurama we'll worry about it later.” Yuusuke said as he fell against Kurama his eye's closed as he seemed to fall into sleep so fast it was like he was never awake. The only thing that worried Kurama was. `We'll worry about it later.' Did Yuusuke mean the kiss or his weakness? The spirit fox thought for a second before taking Yuusuke's advice and lying back down with said boy. They would worry about it when they awoke.
The two actually didn't get to sleep long due to the fact Tatsuki had awoken early and set out to find them.
“Nii-san and Yuusuke sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g..” Tatsuki chanted repeatedly cause Kurama to finally snap on his little brother.
“Tatsuki would you please shut up we're trying to sleep!” he screamed plopping gracefully back onto the forest floor and nudging against Yuusuke to get comfortable again. Couldn't he for once just sleep in?
“But nii-san someone's here for you, you gotta wake up.” Tatsuki whined as he pushed his brother. I guess that's a no.
“Alright fine, I'm awake. Whose here?” Kurama said sitting open and stretching his senses. He looked around and then back to Yuusuke as the boy curled up tighter with out the added body heat of Kurama.
“O Kurama?”
“Botan?” Said spirit fox questioned.
“Bingo!” Botan shouted fly by on her oar.
“Good morning Botan.” Kurama answered back nudging Yuusuke awake as he stood up brushing himself off noticing how Yuusuke didn't take his offered hand to stand up.
“Good morning, great news great news. Everyone you fought yesterday has been sentenced to limbo. You and Yuusuke can go home. Your mission is complete I'm here to take you back.” Botan exclaimed happily as she landed with her feet on the ground. Kurama smiled for a moment before he automatically remembered something.
“Botan, what will happen to Tatsuki?” Kurama asked, as he looked towards his little brother and the look of worry on his face.
“Kurama, you're not going to leave me again are you?” The boy asked as he walked towards Kurama attaching himself to his older brother's arm. Yuusuke didn't even miss a beat when he answered for Kurama.
“Of course not squirt you're coming with us unless you'd rather stay here.” With a frantic shake of Tatsuki's head it was agreed, he was going with them.
“Alright then off to the human world it is Botan cheered as she got ready to open a portal.
I AM SO LAZY-Hides from the reviewers- I AM SO SORRY>> I HAD NO MOTIVATION ONCE O EVER TO WRITE THIS BUT NOW I DO YAY. I shall continue this story. Because I have a KAWAIII Idea for it.-does the dumb dance- wahoooo