Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mated ❯ Youko's Death ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

KM03: Hello ppl, this iz mah first fanfic I hope you like it.

Kurama: you're forgetting something


Kurama: you know what, don't make me tell them myself

KM03: but I don't wanna.

Yusuke: wow you sound like a little kid. HAHAHAHAHA!

KM03: *eye twitch* shutup. Fine I'll say it. IdontownYuYuHakusho. Ionlyownmyownoriginalcharacters. Please Review.


Kazeni- demon type = silver/ice kitsune

Age(demon years)= all you need to know is that she is older than 300

Age(human years)= 17

Eye color = grey

Hair color and style = long black hair usually in a high ponytail

Powers = ice, ice crystals, plants, spells, illusion, telekinesis, spirit energy

Kitsune form = long silver hair in a high ponytail

Gold eyes

Silver tail, ice blue tipped, silver fox ears, ice blue tipped

Silver and dark blue Chinese fighting outfit with a design of a spirit fox on the lower part

Weapons = katana, Fox of the Silver Ice armband on left arm, seeds

Karei- demon type = ¼ fire apparition, ¼ dark apparition, ½ light apparition

Age(demon years)= same as Kazeni

Age(human years)= 17

Eye color = red

Hair color and style = short black hair about an inch above her shoulders with dark red streaks

Powers = fire, lightness, darkness, telepathy, spirit energy, mind control

Apparition form = long white/red tipped black hair that goes to the waist

White eyes with black where the white usually is

Black, Red, and White Chinese fighting outfit with Sun on lower part of the front and Moon on the upper back

Weapons = katana, Pheonix of the Solar Flame armband on her left arm







##Change of Scene##

^^Change of POV^^

"Don't die, Youko, please," a girl with long silver hair cried. She was kneeling next to an injured man. He had long silver hair and gold eyes. Silver fox ears rested on his head and a silver fox tail at his waist. He seemed to be wounded around the chest.

"Don't worry, koi," Youko whispered, "I will see you again, I promise. You know I always keep my promises."

"I don't want you to leave me," the girl said. Tears poured down her cheeks showing her sorrow. "You have to stay alive."

"I promise…koi," With those last words, Youko died. A white orb flew out of his chest and went to the Ningenkai.

"YOUKO!! NOO!!" She cried. She threw herself onto his lifeless chest and cried her heart out. Her love, her mate, her koi… had died.

After a few minutes, the girl stood up. Tears stayed streaming down her smooth cheeks, neverending. Her ice-blue tipped silver hair blew around her lean frame in the wind.

"I promise too, Youko," she whispered, "I'll wait. I'll wait as long as I have to until I find you again."

#####Tokyo, Japan Present Day#####

Two girls were walking down the street wearing the Sarayashiki school fuku. One of them had short black hair that stopped and inch above her shoulders. She had dark, mysterious, red eyes and a cold demeanor to any unfamiliar people. The girl next to her had long black hair in a high ponytail. She had bright grey eyes and a calm demeanor surrounding her.

"Why are we coming here again?" asked the girl with the short hair.

The other girl chuckled. "Karei, we are coming here because this is where I know I'll find him. There's just something that's pulling me toward this place, something spiritual, and I can't ignore it. I know we'll find him soon."

"But why did I have to come too, Kazeni?" Karei whined, "I'd much rather be in Makai killing demons than out hunting for your man. Heck, I should be out looking for a man for myself."

"You are coming with me because 1. No one can block you telepathic powers so that can be useful, 2. I could use a vacation and the company and so could you, and 3. Koenma said so," Kazeni replied, "I also sensed some demons around here. If they're evil you know we have permission to kill them."

Karei's features brightened at the prospect of killing demons. She hadn't killed legally in a while.

"Come on," she said, grabbing Kazeni's hand. She pulled her towards the school at a hurried pace. "I want to check out these demons so I can kill them."

Kazeni just laughed and allowed Karei to pull her along through the throngs of students that crowded the courtyard and hallways. No matter what, killing demons always seemed to cheer Karei up.