Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mated ❯ Meetings and Faintings ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

KM03: Hello ppl, im back again. I hope u liked my last chappie. Here's a new one. Please Review!! PLEASE!!

Kurama: They'll review it'll be okay

KM03: No it wont!!!

Botan: What's wrong

Kurama: she's sad because she wants ppl to review

Botan: Oh dear, what can I do to help

KM03: well, you can make it so that I own YuYuHakusho

Botan: I'm sorry I can't do that


(enter Hiei)

Hiei: stop that annoying noise you baka ningen

KM03: Shutup Hiei, I just want to own YuYuHakusho

Hiei: hn

KM03: I have to have it!

Hiei: hn

KM03: Stop saying `hn'!!!

Hiei: hn

(grabs bat)


Botan: Ouch, that had to hurt

Kuwabara: haha, shrimp got beat by a girl

KM03: shutup or do you want me to smack you upside the head with a bat too?

(Kuwabara cowers in a corner)

KM03: Thank you, now on with the story


*telepathy *






##Change of Scene##

^^Change of POV^^


Karei's features brightened at the prospect of killing demons. She hadn't killed legally in a while.

"Come on," she said, grabbing Kazeni's hand. She pulled her towards the school at a hurried pace. "I want to check out these demons so I can kill them."

Kazeni just laughed and allowed Karei to pull her along through the throngs of students that crowded the courtyard and hallways. No matter what, killing demons always seemed to cheer Karei up.


Karei and Kazeni walked into the main office to retrieve their schedules. The secretary behind the desk was too busy talking on the phone to notice their appearance. She ignored them until Karei finally slammed her hand on the counter, startling her into noticing them finally.

"Yes, how may I help you?" she said perkily. She was way too hyper and cheerful.

"Hi, we're the new students," Kazeni said, " We need our schedules. I'm Kazeni Shishimo and this is Karei Hinomoto."

"Here are your schedules," she smiled brightly, while handing them their schedules, "Hold on and I'll have 2 students come down to show you around. Wait over there please."

Karei and Kazeni walked over to the other side of the office and sat in the waiting chairs.

*Oh. My. God.* Kazeni thought.

*Some of these humans are too perky. It's kind of scary* Karei shuddered.

*Hell yeah*

*How many youkai have you sensed so far, Kazeni.*

*2. And I sense 2 humans with high spirit energy and 1 human with the energy of death around her.*

*The Deity of Death.*

*yep, Botan*

*why is she here*

*Ask her. I'm not the one with telepathy here. You're the only person as of now that can talk to me telepathically besides my mate.*

*Yeah, yeah. What of the demon energies?*

*One is a fire/ice apparition with a Jagan eye.*


Before Kazeni could reply, two boys walked into the room. One was a boy with slicked black hair and brown eyes. He wore a green school uniform and had a nice built body. He seemed to be annoyed about something. The boy next to him was a bit short and had black hair anti-gravitational hair and a white starburst in it. He had a white headband around his forehead and wore all black. His red eyes showed he was pissed with everyone and everything. He had a aura that said `Talk to me and you die. Touch me and you die. Mess with me and you die.'

"Ah, yes," the secretary said still in a perky mood, " Hiei and Yusuke, I want you to show these two girls around. They're new. Kazeni and Karei, this is Yusuke Urameshi and Hiei Jaganshi." The girls shared a look at the name. "Hiei and Yusuke, this is Kazeni Shishimo and Karei Hinomoto. You may leave now."

"Whatever," Yusuke said. He turned to the girls. "Lets go."

He walked out of the office followed by Hiei and the girls.

"Thank god," Karei said. Yusuke and Hiei looked at her strangely. She replied with a glare. "I couldn't stand her perkiness for another second. If she said one more thing I swear I would have fed her to my pet Pheonix."

"Karei," Kazeni warned. "Couldn't this wait until lunch. This is not the right time to be talking about that stuff."

"But you know you would have fed her to your fox too," Karei retorted, "Besides no one is in the hallway and these guys probably know by now. If not then they're really stupid."

"What?!" Yusuke cried.

"I want to know though," Karei said, "What is a demon doing in a human school? A fire/ice apparition at that."

"How do you know?" Hiei growled.

"Wow, I thought demons were supposed to sense other demons," Karei snorted, "Either we're really good with our aura and scent concealment spells, or you really suck at sensing other demons. I think I'll go for the first one."

"You're demons?!" Yusuke said.


"Owww!" Karei whined. She turned and glared at Kazeni. "What was that for? It's not like they wouldn't have found out sooner or later."

"I told you," Kazeni said, "We need to wait until lunch. Maybe then we'll find who we're looking for."

"What type of demon are you?" Yusuke asked, "and who are you looking for?"

"I'm a fire apparition with a little extra I'll tell you about later," Karei said. Kazeni looked at her strangely.

*I'll tell them when we find him. I don't feel like being shunned right now, especially when I'm in a good mood."

Kazeni nodded her head in agreement before turning to Yusuke and Hiei.

"I'm a siver/ice kitsune," Kazeni said.

"Hey, isn't Kurama a silver kitsune?" Yusuke asked Hiei. He just nodded in return.

Kazeni and Karei's eyes widened at the name they mentioned.

"D-did you s-say Kurama?" Karei stuttered.

Yusuke nodded giving them strange looks as to why they were acting so strangely.

"A-as in Y-youko K-kurama?" Kazeni stuttered. Her face was pale and here eyes were slightly widened.

Yusuke nodded again and Kazeni fainted.

"What's wrong?" Yusuke asked.

"He's who we're looking for," Karei kneeled down and picked Kazeni up, "Meet us on the roof and bring him with you." Seeing Hiei's glare, she shook her head `no'. "We were not looking to harm him, it's a form of reunion after hundreds of years. Don't say Kazeni's name to him. Just say that someone who knows him very well wants to see him. See you in half and hour."

With that, Karei turned and ran down the hall. Yusuke and Hiei just stood their shocked. After a couple minutes they recovered.

"We better get Kurama," Yusuke said, "Something tells me their telling the truth and that it's important for us to meet them at the roof."



KM03: Yaaaay, I finally finished this chapter. It took me a bit over an hour to write. Maybe less if you count the times I stopped to play my Gameboy Advance. Oh well. Please Review.