Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mated ❯ Reunion/Date ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

KM03: Hello ppl. I'm back, I just had to cram a whole lot of stories into my brain before I'm grounded. I know I will be no thanks to my grades. Anyway, here is my latest chapter for mated. Please Review.


-kawaii yasha: thank you for the review. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I was grounded. Hope you like this chappie.


*telepathy *






##Change of Scene##

^^Change of POV^^



With that, Karei turned and ran down the hall. Yusuke and Hiei just stood their shocked. After a couple minutes they recovered.

"We better get Kurama," Yusuke said, "Something tells me their telling the truth and that it's important for us to meet them at the roof."



##Half An Hour Later ##

"So this girl knows Youko?" Kuwabara asked as they walked up the stairs to the roof.

"What I don't get is how she does," Yusuke said.

"Well, demons have very long lives. Do you know what type of demon she is?" Kurama explained.

"The one that fainted is a silver/ice kitsune and the one that told us to bring you is a fire apparition. She said there was more to her that we would find out about later," Yusuke said.


After walking in silence for a few minutes, the group of boys reached the top of the stairs to see Karei standing at the door.

"Where's Youko?" she asked. Kurama stepped forward.

"I am Youko," Kurama said.

"You're Youko? I thought you had silver hair and gold eyes?" Karei asked suspiciously.

"He's Youko, baka onna," Hiei said.

"Fuck off, shorty," Karei snarled.

Hiei glared at her for the shrimp comment. He hated anyone who insulted his height. Suddenly, Kuwabara ran up to her and grabbed her hands.

"Pretty lady," he said, "Do not worry. I, the Great Kazuma Kuwabara, will protect you from any harm."


Karei smacked Kuwabara down the stairs. She had a tick above her right eye showing she was pissed.

"Never. Touch. Me. Again," Karei growled. She hated it whenever a man would act like she was just a weak girl and couldn't fend for herself. She turned back to Kurama and searched his thoughts. After a few seconds she nodded her head, her suspicions where sated. He was Youko. "I believe you. Your thoughts say you aren't lying, so go ahead in. She's waiting to talk to you."

Kurama nodded, although he was slightly offended at the fact that she had penetrated his thoughts without his knowing. He shrugged it off and walked through the door.

##Outside ##

He walked through, but didn't see anyone on the other side. He turned around, getting ready to ask Karei if this was some kind of trick, but the door was already closed.

`Where is she' he thought.

"Up here," a voice called. Kurama looked up to see Kazeni sitting above the door with her eyes closed. Her hair flew around her in the wind, and her features seemed so calm.

"Long time no see, eh?" she said.



[Who's that?]

{That's Kazeni in her human form. I can tell my mate's scent from anywhere}


"Are you just going to stand there gawking, or are you going to come up and start talking?" Kazeni asked.

Kurama was startled out of his inner conversation and jumped up to sit next to her.

"You smell different. You have a human scent and demon scent. Why?" She asked.

"Well I am only human with a demon soul inside of me," he replied. Kazeni's gray eyes snapped open. She turned to him with shock in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"This is human body, but Youko's soul is in it," Kurama repeated.

"How is that possible?" Kazeni said.

Kurama explained everything that happened after his death and up to the Dark Tournament with the Toguro brothers.

"Wow," Kazeni gasped, "I never thought that would happen."

Looking towards the sunset, she felt strong arms wrap around her shoulders. She looked back and saw Youko. His soft golden eyes staring into hers.

"Youko," she whispered.

"I told you," He said, "I always keep my promises."

Kazeni smiled. "You didn't say it would take 300 years to be fulfilled."

"Yes, well," Youko laughed. He was silenced by Kazeni's lips pressing onto his own. The kiss expressed every single emotion that she had felt from his death to his return to their reunion. Youko, sensing this, pressed back with his own emotions from the past events. After a couple minutes, they broke apart for much needed air.

"You taste as good as good as you did 400 years ago," she whispered, her lips still lightly brushing his.

Youko feigned hurt, "I thought that that was better than when I was young."

"Well neither of us are young anymore," Kazeni responded.

Before he could make another comment, a beeping noise could be heard. Youko reached into his pocket and pulled out his communicator. He opened it and saw Botan's face.

"Youko?" Botan gasped. She had expected to see the human Kurama not the deadly fox demon Youko counterpart.

"Yes," He growled, slightly miffed at the fact that his alone time with Kazeni had been disrupted.

Botan gulped in fear of him not wanting to anger him more. Kazeni peeked over Youko's shoulder to see who it was.

"Who're you?" She turned back to a now transformed-back Kurama. "Are you cheating on me?"

Botan, relaxed slightly at the return of the human Kurama, giggled. "You have a girlfriend? I'm sorry, did I interrupt a date?"

"NO, a reunion," Kurama said. Kazeni smirked and winked at Botan.

"So, you're saying that when we make out after 300 years, it's just a reunion? Not a date or anything of the like? You don't have any feelings for me anymore, do you? Did you find a new mate? You don't love me!!!" Kazeni burst into tears.

Kurama= O.O

Botan= ^o^ (laughing)

"No, no it's not like that!" Kurama cried frantically, "I never found a new mate!"

"You mean you were actually TRYING to find a new mate?!!" Kazeni yelled.

"No!" Kurama said. Before he could get another word out in his defense, Kazeni burst out laughing.

"Oh wow," Kazeni laughed, "I can still get you like that! You are so funny."

"You were joking?" Kurama said incredulously.

"Of course," Kazeni replied, "The mating ceremony is permanent. Your soul was still alive so our bond was still alive. It was just harder to pinpoint in your weak stature at first. But, it gradually grew stronger, so it would be easier for me to find you."

"Yes, well that's nice, but 10 S-level demons are on the loose in the Ningenkai."

"Demons? That we can kill?" Kazeni said, "Karei is going to be so happy. We haven't been able to kill for forever except for the few who tried to take us on. But they are no more."

"So you and Karei will be joining them?" Botan asked.

Kazeni nodded.

Suddenly, Karei bust throught the door, followed by Hiei, Yusuke, and Kuwabara. With her hearing and telepathy, she had heard every word, especially about the demons.

"We can kill demons?" she asked.


"Yes! I haven't killed in so long! Come on, we have to find them so I can kill them."

Kazeni and Kurama leapt down gracefully from the ledge above the door.

"Can you sense them?" Kuwabara asked.

"Yeah, they're in a park nearby," Karei said.

Kazeni nodded and transformed into her demon form, as did Karei.(Chapter 1 for profiles). Kuwabara drooled, Yusuke's eyes bugged out, and both Kurama and Hiei's eyes were filled with barely hidden lust.

"Wake up!" Karei yelled. The boys jerked out of their trance, blushing darkly. "Now if you're done ogling over us, we need to go kill some demons."


KM03: There you have it. Flames? Did you like it? Review please and I'll update as soon as possible.