Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mated ❯ Fire and Ice ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fire and Ice

KM03: Hey ppl, so yeah after 5 days I'm back again to update. Okay. Please review.


-SeasonsChanging101: Yeah… okay… so here's the update you wanted. Please Review again.


*telepathy *






##Change of Scene##

^^Change of POV^^



Kazeni nodded and transformed into her demon form, as did Karei.(Chapter 1 for profiles). Kuwabara drooled, Yusuke's eyes bugged out, and both Kurama and Hiei's eyes were filled with barely hidden lust.

"Wake up!" Karei yelled. The boys jerked out of their trance, blushing darkly. "Now if you're done ogling over us, we need to go kill some demons."



"Ice Crystals!" Kazeni yelled. She held her hands in front of her and blew. Silver ice crystals formed and darted towards one of the demons, killing it instantly.

"Solar Blaze!" Karei placed her hands in front of her face, and then jerked them outward as a line of fire scorched the next demon.

"Rose Whip!" Kurama's whip sliced through one of the attacking demons, leaving 7 behind to kill.

"Spirit Gun!" Yusuke cried, using his spirit energy to create a blast of blue energy, emitted from his fingertips, to destroy the next demon.

"Spirit Sword!" Kuwabara hollered, cutting haphazardly at another demon until it was nothing but tiny pieces of flesh.

Hiei himself was busy just cutting up any demon that got to near to him. Surprisingly enough, the demons were actually kind of easy for S-levels. Soon there were just 2 left to kill. Karei and Kazeni both new that these last 2 had been fighting the whole time, and were still alive and practically unharmed. That meant that these were the toughest ones to beat.

*One more attack* Karei said to Kazeni telepathically.

*You mean..* Kazeni gasped slightly, understanding Karei's words.


Kazeni nodded and went to her place on the opposite side of the demons. Karei did the same facing Kazeni from across the demons.



`What are they doing?' Kurama thought. Kuwabara decided at that time to voice Kurama's thoughts.

"What are they doing?" he asked, "Those demons are really tough. They could get hurt."

"Hn," Hiei said, "I might hate to admit this, but they are very powerful, and could probably easily kill these demons with the right attack."

"of the.."

"of the.."

"You know," Yusuke said, looking thoughtfully at the 2 girls surrounding the demons, "This sort of reminds me of when Hiei did his Dragon of the Darkness Flame."

`No,' Kurama thought. `They couldn't.'

{She could have possibly gained more powers while I was gone} Youko said in the back of Kurama's mind.

[I have to stop them] He cut off his link to Youko, preparing to run and stop the girls. But, before he could do anything, the girls said the last words of their attacks.

"Solar Flame!"

"Silver Ice!"

A large, bright orange and red, fire phoenix formed from Karei's energy, soaring through the air. As did a large, silver and ice blue fox, from Kazeni's. Both animals lunged at the demons, destroying them with ice and fire. By the time they were done, there was nothing but a small pile of ash in place of the two demons.

"Woah, that was like Hiei's Dragon of the Darkness Flame," Yusuke gasped.

Karei and Kazeni walked over to the boys, hearing Yusuke's comment.

"Well, he's not the only one with that type of attack," Kazeni responded, yawning slightly.

"God, even after I absorbed it a hundred years ago, it still has the same effects as it did the first time," Karei yawned.

"Yes, ~yawn~ well neither of us have used it for a long while. ~yawn~ I just wanna take a nap now," Kazeni sighed.

"Me ~yawn~ too," As she said this, both girls fell back onto the ground sound asleep.

"Well, they reacted the same way Hiei did right after he absorbed his dragon during the dark tournament," Yusuke laughed.

Botan appeared above them in the middle of Yusuke's statement. She looked around before her eyes landed on the sleeping females.

"Oh dear, lets get them to spirit world," She opened a portal and allowed Kuwabara, Yusuke, Kurama with Kazeni, and Hiei with Karei through first. She gave Hiei a strange look before turning away from his icy glare. Following through, the portal closed behind her, leaving no evidence that a group of spirit powered teens had just defeated 10 demons from another world. No one would know the truth, except for 2 men who had watched the whole scenario, hidden in the bushes. One's name was Kurai no Kage. Shadow of the Dark. An old suitor of Kazeni's. The other was a man named Chi no Tsumi. Sin of the Blood. An old suitor of Karei's.


KM03: I just love this cliffie. It was so good. ~sees angry readers with sharp objects in their hands.~ Alright, alright, I'll update soon. Review!