Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mazoku: Battle For The Throne ❯ There's charm, then there's Yusuke ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ok I'm here trying to keep my word on finishing this story. Flames are welcome, but 
please let it actually concern the story, rather than the manga, show, or any other 
fanfic you've read before. It's my frickin story. So if I randomly wanted Hiei 
singing country in a bunny suit wrestling a walrus, I could do that. Ok on with the 
Oh yeah forgot to say this earlier. I DO NOT own Yu Yu Hakusho, or any of the 
Ch. 2
There's charm, then there's Yusuke
Yuki and Ami set their belongings down by Keiko. Keiko had no problem with Ami, but 
Yuki gossiped too much, and always tried to outdo others. Botan had just entered the
house when Keiko dragged her over to where the chattering girls were. They laid down
on their cots before talking in hushed voices.
"I can't believe something like this actually happened in our village? It's like 
something out of the movies!" exclaimed Yuki.
Keiko groaned. Yuki gave a quick glare before returning to her conversation.
"That Hiei guy was scary, but he was fast! It's a good thing he didn't fight 
Kuwabara for real. We would have been goners if he'd taken Kuwabara seriously." Ami 
"Whatever about that short guy, did you see his friend? He was so cute, even if he 
was a demon."
Keiko looked at Yuki like she'd grown a second head.
"Are you serious? That guy wants us all dead, and you think he's cute?"
Yuki fluttered her eyes dramatically. "He's the ultimate bad boy."
A sweat drop appeared on the three other girls. Botan was the first to recover.
 "He couldn't be all bad, though. He didn't kill Sanosuke. I wonder how Sanosuke 
even survived that fire. His clothes looked a little burnt, but not his skin."
Keiko still had her doubts. True, the demons hadn't really caused as much damage as 
they could have done, but they were coming back.
"What if that Yusuke guy is only using Sanosuke as a link to our village?" Keiko 
"Why would he? If he wanted to, he could easily take us out. I don't know. That 
Yusuke is just a mystery. Even his appearance seems weird. He really looked human to
me." Botan said.
Keiko thought about the demon boy. Now that she thought about it, he really didn't 
look like traditional demons. He had jet black hair, slicked back, and big chocolate
brown eyes. When he was talking to Sanosuke they looked so innocent, childlike. But 
it seemed that's where the child ended. He was tall, much taller than Hiei. He 
didn't have a bulky body, but a lot of muscle. And his power was unimaginable. He 
broke Kenjiro's rib by throwing a rock that could fit in his hand! There was no way 
Keiko could left down her guard with Yusuke running around freely. Not matter how 
cute he was. Keiko gasped softly. 'Did I just think that?' Keiko blushed lightly.
"What is it, Keiko?" Ami asked.
"No-nothing," Keiko stammered, "I’m still shaky from all that's happened. I think 
I'll just go to bed."
Keiko turned over in her bed. She blocked out all Yuki's fantasies about Yusuke, and
drifted off to sleep.
Keiko rose early in the morning. Her throat was so dry, it was almost unbearable. 
Keiko raked her fingers through her short brown hair, and slipped her robe over her 
"Botan. Botan…wake up." Keiko shook her gently. "Come with me to get something to 
drink, please. I don't think it's safe to go alone."
Botan rubbed her eyes. "Ugh, Keiko, you better be glad we're best friends."
Botan rolled out the bed. The girls put on their shoes and headed for the river that
cut through their village. The sun's rays shone brightly on the water. Keiko smiled 
softly. Everything was so tranquil. Keiko listened at the bird's singing. Among 
their chirps, the girls heard a familiar sound.
Botan was the first to see the strange beast at the river with Sanosuke. Keiko 
watched with interest. Sanosuke was trying to catch a couple fish to eat while Pu 
gathered twigs and dry leaves for a fire. Long after Pu came back, Sanosuke still 
hadn't caught a single fish. Pu hovered over the river before diving in. After a few
seconds Pu came bursting out with three fish, one in his mouth, and two in his 
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claws. Pu dropped the fish in Sanosuke hands, and started up a fire.
"What a strange little thing," commented Botan.
Keiko walked up next to Sanosuke. He glared for a moment, moving his precious fish 
away from her. He roasted them on a few discarded sticks. Keiko gave him a small 
smile before taking a couple sips of water.
"Good morning, Sanosuke. Why are you up so early?" Keiko asked after finishing her 
"I'm eating all the fish I can so I won't be hungry when Yusuke comes to get me. I 
don't want to slow him down." said Sanosuke chomping down on his fish.
"Why would you want to travel with demons? Don't you see what they do to us?"
Sanosuke looked down and was silent for a moment. "Everyone left me. I was sleeping 
when the sirens started. When I woke up, everybody was gone. I tried to find someone
when I saw Pu flying. I got scared so I ran away from the center of village, but I 
wasn't fast enough. I saw the fire all around me, and I knew no one was coming to 
help me. Nobody even noticed I was gone."
Keiko felt terrible. It was true. Botan listened, confused. "But why stay with 
"Well," Sanosuke continued, "Yusuke saved me. I couldn't escape where the fire had 
spread. I kept screaming, but soon the smoke got too thick, and I started coughing. 
My clothes got burned, but before I burned up, Yusuke came. His finger started 
glowing greenish-blue and he blasted the fire away from me. Then he checked to see 
if I had any burns, picked me up, and brought me back to the elders. He didn't know 
I was an orphan. He thought someone was looking for me."
"Wow," sighed Keiko after a few moments of silence.
"Wow, indeed. I didn't know you had such a kind heart." said a soft, but firm voice.
"I don't. This kid's just…different to me." countered a louder, brash voice.
Keiko visibly stiffened at his voice. Botan turned around to see Yusuke standing 
behind them with a red head. He didn't look threatening, but he had to be strong 
under his gentle exterior. Especially if Yusuke was with him. A wide grin appeared 
on Sanosuke's face as he scrambled to Yusuke's side.
"Hey, you two aren't very friendly," said Yusuke. "Didn't even say hi to us or 
introduce yourselves."
He turned to Sanosuke. "Go grab the rest of your stuff. We're leaving soon." 
Sanosuke scampered off while Pu behind him.
"Sorry. I didn't know we had to be hospitable to the guy who burned most of our 
village, and injured one of our elders!" raged Botan
Yusuke scowled. "That bastard better be lucky I didn't end that pathetic life of 
"And where is that other demon that was with you?" continued Botan, ignoring 
Yusuke's comment. "Why are you here?"
"Please excuse my friend's behavior. He can be rather discourteous at times. My name
is Kurama. What is yours, if I may be so bold?"
"It's Botan."
"Well Botan," Kurama lingered a moment on her name. "After causing so much havoc, it
seemed for the best that Hiei stayed away. Yusuke came, of course, for his spirit 
beast and the child. I came to ensure that no further violence ensued."
Botan hadn't expected Kurama to be so charming, and eloquent. If he fought as well 
as he spoke, he was definitely a force to be reckoned with.
Yusuke had listened to their conversation for a moment, but his eyes became focused 
on the girl who had yet to turn around to see them.
"What's with your friend? Is she too disgusted to look at us or something?"
In the time it took for Keiko to blink, Yusuke was a foot away her face. Yusuke's 
dark brown eyes connected with Keiko's lighter brown eyes. 'He's so close; he's too 
close.' Keiko's cheeks flared up as a light blush appeared. 'Why won't he move? 
Someone make him stop staring at me like that.' Yusuke saw her blush and smirked.
"What's your name?" Yusuke asked.
"Ke- Ke- Keiko." Keiko voice was almost inaudible.
"How old are you?" inquired Yusuke, standing up.
"17," answered Keiko mirroring his actions.
It wasn't until Keiko stood up that Yusuke noticed how curvy Keiko was, and how 
short her nightgown really was. A variety of thoughts went through his mind as a 
wicked smile came across his face. Keiko turned to tell Botan that they ought to be 
getting back to their raid group when she felt a hand reach under her nightgown and 
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rub her butt.
" Nice ass, Keiko," said Yusuke.
SLAP!! Keiko slapped Yusuke before he could react. Yusuke staggered back a bit, 
holding his red cheek. He was laughing a bit. Keiko pulled her nightgown down lower,
and walked away.
"You know if you didn't want a guy to notice, why would you wander around the woods 
in next to nothing anyway?" Yusuke whined still rubbing his cheeks.
Keiko ignored him. "I'm sorry, ok?"
Keiko looked back at Yusuke. She was clearly embarrassed. 'I don't why; it's not 
like she doesn't have a nice body.' Yusuke thought.
Yusuke stood up, and walked steadily to Keiko. Yusuke looked down at Keiko and 
stared into her eyes.
"Wow," he breathed.
Keiko was already the color of a tomato from all the attention she had already 
received from the little pervert.
Yusuke's eyes traveled down. "The lower you keep pulling that nightgown, the better 
it makes your tits look," he "observed".
That comment got Yusuke another hard slap, so hard he made a dent in the ground when
he hit it.
"You don't even act like a real demon. You're nothing but a pervert!" shrieked 
She ran off. Botan followed behind, leaving Kurama laughing at his friend's expense.
"That jerk with his vulgar humor. He didn't pick on you," fumed Keiko.
"I don't think he likes me as much as he likes you," smiled Botan.
Keiko was silent, but the small blush crept up her face said what she was thinking. 
Keiko had never really been anything special to any guy in their village. In a weird
way, Keiko was kind of flattered to get the attention. 'Yusuke…'
"Yusuke, what came over you?"
Yusuke had wondering the same thing. "I just wanted to have some fun with her. Why? 
Did I ruin your moment with Botan chick?"
Kurama sighed, "Yusuke, just think about your actions. If you're going to reign one 
day, you'll have to be less childish."
"And if we're going to be friends, you'll going to have to get the stick out your 
ass, and have some fun." Yusuke retorted.
There was a silence that lingered in the air before Kurama spoke up again.
"It's by the King's orders that we kill everyone associated with the Council. This 
whole village is involved whether directly or indirectly. Those girls-"
Yusuke cut him off. "Raizen said every suspect we find. As far as I'm concerned if 
we take the elders out, we can avoid an uprising."
"Then why didn't you take Kenjiro out when you had the chance?"
"Too many people. Raizen wanted it done without human bloodshed, which is why it 
wasn't a good idea to send Hiei, and not you to do the job in the first place," 
thought Yusuke.
Kurama nodded, "We should get Sanosuke now."
"Right. We need to have him far away by tonight."
Yusuke gave a bitter smile. If they didn't play their cards right, an all-out war 
would begin.
It's 2 a.m. right now, but I knew I'd forget everything if I didn't write all this. 
Did I portray everyone's feelings well enough? I tell if I should add something. I 
hope this was both insightful, and entertaining. I tried to clear things up a bit 
and make it at least a little suspenseful. I probably should have had Botan and 
Kurama, but this story isn't mainly about them so just know they'll like each other 
by the end. Please REVIEW!!! It's the only way I know if you even like the direction
the story's going. Next Chapter: Exiled. I think that basically speaks for itself.
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