Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mazoku: Battle For The Throne ❯ Two More Join ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 6: Two More Join
Keiko shut the bedroom door and snuggled up under the covers, trying to make sense 
of the chaos. When she couldn't she, she shook Botan awake.
"What? Where have you been?" Botan asked groggily.
"I was out with Yusuke, and we were attacked, and he killed the demon, and he kissed
me, and gave me gifts." Keiko whispered in one breath.
Botan shot up out of the bed. "Ok, we have some catching up to do."
Keiko retold the story with Botan eagerly listening.
"What was on that scroll thing? Did Yusuke tell you or could you read it?"
Keiko shook her head, "No I was just shocked by what happened. Do you feel like this
is normal? I don't even know what to think anymore. I feel like I'm betraying my 
race being so close to him."
Botan walked over and hugged Keiko, " You're betraying anyone. You like a guy. He 
likes you back. End of story. Besides it will be morning soon and then we'll have 
all our answers."
Keiko sighed and nodded in agreement. "I really want to know what was on that scroll
to make Yusuke flip out."
"Me too. If you want, we can see if the boys are still awake." Botan grinned. Keiko 
looked at her and thought it was probably because she wanted to spent a little more 
time with Kurama. Still when she started her interrogation on Yusuke she wanted to 
have back up.
With new determination, Keiko stood up and the pair made their way to the boys room.
Botan gently tapped on the door and listened for a sound. After a moment of 
shuffling, a sleepy Sanosuke opened the door.
"Hey Keiko. Hey Botan. It's really late and the guys left." Sanosuke yawned, rubbing
his eyes.
Botan peered in and scratched her head. " Where did they go? Can we come in?"
Sanosuke opened the door wider to let the girls in. Keiko walked in and sat on what 
she assumed was Yusuke's bed. Pu laid snuggled up against a pillow, but waddled to 
Keiko's lap when she sat down. Botan sat on the opposite bed.
Sanosuke hopped on the bed next to Keiko and pulled the covers in around him.
"When will the guys be back?" asked Keiko softly.
Sanosuke looked at her, "I don't really know. Where Yusuke came back he looked 
really tense. He whispered something to Kurama and Hiei and then they just kinda 
Botan chimed in, "So he didn't say anything?"
"Yusuke didn't say anything about where he was going. He just said I should get some
sleep and if I got scared or something I should go to Kuwabara's room. That was it 
Keiko stood up and laid Pu back down. "Then I guess we'll head back to our room 
"Wait!" Sanosuke jolted up before calming. "You don't have to leave yet. You can 
wait around if you want."
Sanosuke looked down as a little blush tinted his cheeks. "I'm not really used to 
sleeping by myself yet."
Keiko smiled and nodded, "We can keep you company then."
- Yusuke walked back to the hill where he'd left the demon. "Do you guys recognize 
him anywhere?"
Hiei walked closer, "He just looks like some low class demon to me."
Kurama nodded, "I don't recognize him either. Who would sent such a weak being with 
such powerful information? Surely this had to be some sort of trap."
Yusuke pulled the scroll out from his pocket and stared at it, " I don't know. The 
demon really did think I was human for a moment. What really confuses me is why 
write your plans down in such an old way? With all the technology there is in the 
city. I mean, that's where the attack is supposed to be anyway."
Kurama read the scroll over again, "Maybe because it's all new. Obviously these 
beings want things to return to how it was before Raizen's rule and the war. Perhaps
their way of messaging is a symbol of some kind."
Yusuke stuck the scroll back in his pockets, "Well, if these bastards are rising up 
some army, we need to get some men together too! Hiei, go find Jin and Chu and let 
them know what's going on. You guys can meet up with us at the inn. It's time to pay
my dad a visit."
Hiei smirked and without a word left. Yusuke and Kurama headed back to the end 
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silently. As the reached the door of their room, Kurama spoke softly.
"Yusuke, wouldn't it be best to leave the child here and the rest of the group as 
well? It would seem that we have more enemies than we first thought."
"Well, that why they need to come. They would be safest in my dad's territory 
Before Kurama could protest, Yusuke moved past him and opened the door. He chuckled 
a little at the sight he saw. "Oh Kurama, it looks like you have a wild sleeper in 
your bed."
Puzzled Kurama walked in to see Botan. The covers were sprawled around her body, a 
pillow was over her head, and Kurama could hear the gentle snoring coming from her 
lips. His eyes moved to Yusuke's bed and he gave a light laugh. "Well at least I 
have room to sleep in my bed."
Yusuke turned to look at his own bed. Pu had taken most of Sanosuke's pillow, using 
it as a bed for himself. Sanosuke had curled into his own little ball, huddled up 
with covers all around him, and a thumb in his mouth. His other hand had a loose 
grip of the fabric of Keiko's gown. Finally Yusuke's eyes rested on Keiko. She was 
breathing softly, and every so often shifted a little. Most of her body was under 
the blankets, but sometime in the night she had kicked her legs out from under them.
Her hair was scattered around her face. Yusuke smiled.
"Well I don't know about you, but I could really go for some sleep now."
Keiko turned into a source of warmth and buried her face away from the cold. She 
heard a chuckle and a heartbeat in her ear. She bolted up.
"Woah, Keiko calm down," Yusuke said softly. He leaned up and propped himself 
against the pillow.
Keiko relaxed when she recognized Yusuke, but then blushed at their closeness.
"When did you come back?" Keiko asked, lying on the pillow.
"Maybe an hour ago. Why?"
"We need to talk. You have a lot of questions to answer, mister."
Yusuke smirked and stretched a little. He lied down and laid Keiko back on his 
chest. "Can you at least wait until daylight, babe?"
"Don't call me babe. What are we anyway?"
Yusuke turned away. "Come on Keiko, you're messing up a good moment. We'll talk 
Keiko pouted and pushed away from Yusuke. Yusuke sighed and pulled the blankets over
"Yusuke! Yusuke!" Jin burst through the door. A sleepy Yusuke sent him a glare.
Chu followed Jin in and yanked the blankets off. "Up and at 'em, my Prince. Oh."
Chu fixed his eyes on Keiko, who was shivering from her loss of heat. "So you had to
get one more screw in before heading off?"
Jin snickered and looked at Sanosuke, "Hopefully not with the lad in the bed too. 
That could scar a kid Yusuke."
"Well it's nice to see you know how to knock," Kurama said sarcastically. He stood 
up and head to the bathroom. "I suppose now is as good a time as any to depart. We 
should wake the others."
Yusuke sat up groggily and shook Keiko awake. "You need to wake up. We're leaving 
soon. You too, Botan."
Botan stood up slowly, and sleepily brushed past the two demons heading to her room.
"I didn't even see her. Fox boy has a girl too?" Chu asked.
Keiko rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and looked between Yusuke and the two strange 
demons quizzically.
"They're friends of mine. The one with the blue Mohawk and stupid grin is Chu. The 
one with red hair and even stupider grin is Jin. They're going to be joining us on 
our trip." Yusuke smiled.
"Where exactly are we going?" Keiko asked as she stood and adjust her gown.
Yusuke gave Sanosuke a quick shake and looked at her. "Get all your stuff and meet 
us at the entrance of the village. We're going to see my dad, King Raizen."
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