Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mazoku: Battle For The Throne ❯ Explanations ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 7
Keiko blinked. The thought of meeting Yusuke’s father, the king seemed to be a bad 
dream. She glanced at her parents walking silently. Sleep was still apparent in 
their eyes. Keiko knew they couldn’t wait to make it into the city and settle down. 
At least stopping at the village gave her time to buy the right shoes for this 
The sky was light blue with big, billowing clouds and the many trees shaded the 
group from the sun’s rays. A light breeze bristled through her hair and Keiko 
smiled. She looked at the others. Sanosuke was walking excitedly talking to Botan 
about all the things he heard was in the city. Yusuke was mumbling to all the guys, 
excluding Kuwabara. Kuwabara was surprising quiet.
“Mazoku.†Keiko’s father, Hiroshi called out. 
Yusuke turned slightly, “What is it?â€
“My family and I will only require your help until we reach the city. Then we will 
go our separate ways.â€
Yusuke scoffed and turned back, “Yeah, whatever. Do what you want old man.â€
Kuwabara spoke up. “Hey, Urameshi. When do we get to the city and what’s it like 
Yusuke scratched the back of his head. “Honestly I don’t really know what to say 
about it. I can show you around. It’s hard for me to summarize, but it’s like a 
different world from your village. Kurama can explain it better than I can.â€
“The city is mostly made of demons, but there is a sizable amount of humans that 
live there as well. At surface level the city looks barbaric, but the technology 
available is unparalleled. If we keep this pace we should arrive by nightfall.â€
“I hear that you can see movies anytime you want! There’s a lot of different food to
eat and everybody drives in machines. Is that all true?†Sanosuke asked earnestly.
Yusuke smiled and let out a laugh, “Well yeah basically. Of course you can’t just 
run off on your own. There are still some demons that really like to cause trouble 
for humans.â€
Jin slapped Yusuke on the back playfully, â€œYeah, but what demon would go causing 
trouble with the lot of us following him?â€
Botan stepped up to Kurama, matching his stride, “So what will happen to us once we 
get to the city?â€
Kurama gave her a small smile, “ After we arrive within the city limits, you’re 
actually free to do as you please. Yusuke, Hiei, and I will report to the king. Of 
course I think it would be best to stay with us at least that first night. It would 
be easier to navigate the city in the day.â€
Botan nodded, agreeing with the fox demon. Hiei glared at the group of humans behind
him. Kuwabara glared back. “Hey, what’s your problem small fry? We haven’t done 
anything to you.â€
Hiei scoffed, “You’re slowing us down.  All of us, even Pu, can travel at least 
triple this pace. If we weren’t babysitting you, we could be in the city within 2 
Kuwabara knew he was probably telling the truth, but he hated his attitude. “Well no
one is making you stay. You should just leave cuz we won’t miss you!â€
“Actually, I think Kuwabara is right.†Yusuke said.
The others looked quizzically at him. Hiei frowned and waited to hear why Yusuke 
would betray him.
“No, think about it. We have some pretty time sensitive information here. We should 
get it to my dad as quickly as possible and Hiei is the fastest in the group. If 
Hiei goes now, a course of action can be planned by the time we meet up again.â€
Chu smirked. “Well that’s a right bright idea, Yusuke. I’m pretty surprised you 
thought of it.â€
Yusuke returned the smirk, “Well even I have my moments.â€
Yusuke pulled the scroll out of his bag and handed it to Hiei. Chu stepped up next 
to the duo.
“I think I’ll go along with Hiei as well. While he’s plotting out a plan with 
Raizen, I’ll meet up with some old friends. You may need some help with this one, 
Yusuke, and I’ll ensure you get it. By any means necessary.†Chu grinned and made a 
“Well I’ll stay here with Yusuke. There doesn’t seem to be a need for me just yet, 
and more importantly Yusuke has a lot to update me on,†responded Jin, shifting his 
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eyes over to Keiko.
Chu caught on and laughed. “Well then we’ll be off. When you find out, tell me about
the two Sheilas they’ve got to their sides too!â€
Before Yusuke and Kurama could retort though, Chu and Hiei had taken off, leaving a 
trail of dust in their wake. Jin turned to Keiko and smiled, wiggling his ears in 
anticipation. Kuwabara looked between Keiko and Yusuke and Botan and Kurama.
“Uh wait did I miss something here? What are these guys talking about?â€
Keiko smiled at Kuwabara and shook her head. “It’s nothing, Kuwabara.â€
Kuwabara shrugged and turned his attention to Yusuke again. “So what time sensitive 
information were you talking about? Would it explain why you attacked the village? 
Why did you decide to save us anyway?â€
Yusuke sighed and cleared his throat. “Actually yeah that information does kinda 
explain why I destroyed your village. I’m doing some detective work for my dad. Some
demons are trying to stage a rebellion against him and turn things back to when 
demons had free reign.â€
Botan interrupted, “They basically have free reign now! Very few humans can stand up
to a demon.â€
“That is true,†Yusuke continued, “but these demons want to return to the days where
a human was nothing. Back to when they could eat humans, sell them as slaves or do 
whatever they want. At one time my dad was their biggest supporter.â€
Keiko looked puzzled. As far as she knew King Raizen had been in favor of human and 
demon equality. “I thought King Raizen was always pretty progressive in his thoughts
about humans though.â€
“No, he changed when he met my mom. Before that his main diet actually consisted of 
humans. He stopped though after he fell in love with one and of course had a half 
human child.â€
Sanosuke gasped, “Your dad ate people! Does that mean you’ve eaten people too?â€
Yusuke grinned and shook his head. “No, it’s never really sounded tasty to me.â€
Kuwabara scratched his head. “Okay so your dad ate humans and then when he fell in 
love with one, he stopped. I get that. I understand why some demons may hate him 
now, but that doesn’t explain why you came after our village. There were only humans
that lived there.â€
Kurama spoke up. “There had been rumors that some demons had teamed up with the very
humans they claimed to have hated in some more remote areas. These demons promise 
the leaders of a village riches or power over kingdoms for their cooperation. There 
have even been cases where demons take control over a leader’s body to deceive the 
villagers. We thought your village was in one of those cases.â€
“Honestly after I saw how you treated a kid, I was going to kill everyone. Everyone 
in that village seemed off, brainwashed, and willing to turn on anyone to save 
themselves. I thought regardless of your stance about my dad, scum like that 
shouldn’t be around. I decided to tell you guys to leave because you helped 
Sanosuke, even when your village turned on you.†Yusuke concluded.
“I’m glad I did though.†He gave Keiko a quick side glance that didn’t go unnoticed 
by Jin and Kurama.
“So you don’t even feel bad for what you’ve done?†Hiroshi asked.
“Well no. I don’t kill people for the fun of it. I wondered if I should have just 
taken your elders out, but I thought after seeing the villagers someone like them 
would just rise up and then I would have to come back to finish the job. That’s why 
I took everyone out in one big bang. No pain for them and I don’t have to return.â€
Sanosuke yawned. “How much further do we have? I’m getting tired again.â€
Jin perked up. “We still have about five hours or so at this pace. We probably 
should go on and rest though.â€
Yusuke agreed and stopped at the next clearing by a small stream. Yusuke leaned 
against a tree, staring up and noting the clouds had begun to darken. “We can’t rest
too long. We’ll have to stay ahead of that storm that’s forming.â€
Jin sat next to him, grinning like a cat. â€œLike father, like son.â€
“What are you talking about?â€
Jin’s ears wiggled with excitement and whispered, “I’m talking about the girl you 
keep looking at, Keiko. She’s a beauty and you’re smitten. I wonder what Raizen will
say. He’ll be hounding you about kids for sure!â€
Yusuke rolled his eyes. “Jin you sound like some hyperactive girl jumping to 
conclusions like that. Keep your voice down. Yeah I like her, okay? I can’t explain 
it all right now so just drop it. At least until we can talk in private.â€
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Jin’s grin stayed plastered on his face. “Alright Urameshi, but I’m holding you to 
that promise as soon we get to the city.â€
A roll of thunder was heard in the distance and the two stood up. Yusuke stretched 
and turned to the group. “Okay, let’s keep moving. We still have a long way to go.â€
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