Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mazoku: Battle For The Throne ❯ King Raizen ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay I went back and revised every chapter, but if you catch a mistake let me know. 
Raizen meets the group in this chapter.
Chapter 8
King Raizen
When the group finally arrived in the city, the last rays of daylight were 
disappearing. They had taken more rest stops than Keiko thought they would have. It 
was probably to accommodate the humans within the group more, especially Sanosuke. 
Every hour or so, he would drag behind the others and Yusuke would threaten to leave
him behind. The little guy would run to the head of the group and try to keep that 
pace, but; would end up even more tired than before. Halfway through the trip Yusuke
decided to just carry him. 
“So what’s what the lad anyway? I never took you for a babysitting type,†asked Jin.
“He came from their village, and I won’t be babysitting him because he will be 
training and getting much stronger, isn’t that right?†Yusuke nudged Sanosuke.
Sanosuke nodded with a small smile. “Do you think I can be as strong as you?â€
Yusuke shrugged nonchalantly. “Well if Kuwabara can wield a spirit sword, you can do
something too I’m sure. I mean you’re already smarter than him and you’re like 6 
Sanosuke stifled a small laugh. “I’m seven.â€
“Hey! I’m actually really smart! Why do these guys keep picking on me?†Kuwabara 
pouted a bit.
(End of Flashback)
Keiko let out a small giggle. Botan turned to her, confused. “What’s so funny, 
“I was just thinking about poor Kuwabara earlier. He always seems to be the butt of 
their jokes, but it all seems good natured to me.â€
Botan smiled and agreed. “In fact, he might be adjusting better than the rest of us 
with these demons.â€
The group walked through the gates and was greeted by Hiei.
“I knew you would take your sweet time getting here. Your father is waiting you. He 
wants to see you immediately.â€
“Well I guess I kept the old man waiting long enough. Let’s go and then I’ll show 
you where you’ll be staying the night.â€
“You go ahead, Urameshi! I’ve got to get Chu before he gets too drunk and starts his
fights like usual. I’ll meet you at your place, and we’ll continue our 
conversation.†Jin called out, flying as fast as the wind could take him.
“He could fly the whole time? Amazing.†Botan commented.
Kurama looked on. “Yes, he’s the wind master. I’m surprised he walked with us as 
long as he did. He loves the air much more than being confined to the ground.â€
“I can see why. Flying looks so fun, I wish I could fly somehow.†Botan sighed.
“I think that’s enough daydreaming. I was only told to deliver the message and I’m 
sure you can find your way to the castle. I’ll return when you’re done.†Hiei 
Kuwabara glared, “If you aren’t bothering to go, how will you know when to come 
Hiei glared back, “I’ll know.†
His Jagan eye opened and glowed through his headband. Kuwabara took a step back.
“Ah, what is that glowing? You have three eyes?â€
Hiei elected not to respond giving a look to Kurama and Yusuke akin to pity before 
disappearing in a flash.
Kuwabara sulked, “That guy really freaks me out. He’s not normal even for a demon.â€
Yusuke pulled Kuwabara along with the rest of the group. “Oh come on. It doesn’t 
matter anyway and we have to get going if you want to get some quality relaxation.â€
The castle wasn’t that far from the city entrance and within twenty minutes time, 
they had arrived. The guards gave a bow to Yusuke before he waved them off. When 
Yusuke made it to his father’s room, a guard stopped him. 
“My Prince, you may enter, but the humans are not permitted.â€
Yusuke noted the disgust and growled, “Look cut the crap and let me see my dad!â€
Before the guard could respond he heard a low guttural voice. “Enter my son.â€
Yusuke smirked and pushed past the guard with the others following suit. Keiko 
gasped when she saw Raizen.  He was lean yet muscular like Yusuke. He didn’t have a 
shirt on, but he wore white pants with a yellow sash. Her eyes traveled to his face,
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admiring the tattooed demonic marking below his left eye.  His white hair streaked 
around him, pulled back slightly from his yellow headband. He smiled, showing off 
teeth like a wolf. He stood up. He was easily a foot taller than Yusuke. Raizen’s 
eyes were piercing as he stepped closer.
“You brought me a snack?†Raizen asked, taking in Sanosuke on Yusuke’s back. He 
smirked as he looked upon the rest of the group.
“No, it looks like you brought me a whole meal.â€
Hiroshi pushed Keiko and her mother behind him.
“Yusuke! You said your dad didn’t eat people anymore!†Kuwabara cried out.
He pushed to the front of the group and brought out his spirit sword. “Well I’m not 
getting eaten without a fight.â€
Kurama shook his head, unfazed. Yusuke pushed Kuwabara back.
“He’s joking, you idiot. Put your sword away.†Yusuke then turned to Raizen. “ Now 
old man, what do you want? I just got in and I don’t feel like a long reunion.â€
Raizen gave a sadistic grin and motioned toward Sanosuke. “Yusuke, put the boy 
Yusuke slid Sanosuke off his back and no sooner after that Raizen had thrown him 
into a wall. The sudden impact had Yusuke coughing up blood. Everyone watched in 
silent horror at the pain the king inflicted on his own son. The force of that throw
was hard enough to crack the skulls of humans and demons alike, the splintered stone
wall was a testament to that. Yusuke staggered up only to have Raizen grab him by 
the throat, raising him up to his eye level.
“You still have much to learn boy so don’t get smart with me. You will never get 
stronger by avoiding me or your duties. You’re not ready to take this throne.â€
“Maybe I don’t want it,†Yusuke rasped out.
Raizen tightened his grip. “I didn’t ask what you wanted! If this throne was taken 
from you, you could never reclaim it as you are now.â€
“I’ll just get stronger old man. I’ll show you and everyone else.â€
Raizen smirked and threw Yusuke on the ground towards Sanosuke, watching him roll a 
little. Kurama ran to his side checking for injuries. Keiko ran to his side as well,
angry tears spilling from eyes.
“What’s wrong with you? That’s your only son and you could have killed him!â€
Raizen walked towards her and couched down in front of her. “Watch your tongue girl.
You might just lose it.â€
He reached a hand out toward Keiko. 
“Get away from her!â€
With lightning quick speed, Yusuke punched Raizen in the jaw before giving him a 
direct hit with his spirit gun. Raizen was knocked back a couple feet. With quick 
thinking of his own, he dodged the blast, sending it through the wall and into the 
“My lord, what was that sound? Are you alright in there? May we enter?â€
The sound of a knob being turned was the only audible thing on that room. Armored 
soldiers filed into the room, ready to lay down their lives to protect their king. A
couple soldiers gasped at the gaping hole behind King Raizen. The hushed silence 
continued as Raizen stood up, rubbing the newly developed bruise on his jaw. His 
arms showed some singe marks, possibly from him blocking the spirit gun before 
dodging it completely. Raizen touched his forehead, noting that his headband had 
somehow been blow away. He focused his attention on his son again. He was still in 
the same position as when he’d fired his blast, crouching in front of Keiko. His 
breathing had evened out, but he was still tense, feral looking like an animal 
trapped. The most interesting thing however were his eyes, now dark crimson in 
‘Interesting, even his beast wishes to protect that girl. Like father, like son. 
Interesting indeed.’
“Well, seeing as you managed to land a blow after all, I suppose you aren’t 
completely hopeless, son. We’ll continue our conversation tomorrow since you don’t 
seem up to bonding with your dearest dad. Get out. Guards, fix that wall.†
Yusuke had a blend between a glare and a smirk. ‘He keeps saying to stop avoiding 
him, but every time I see him, I get my ass handed to me. Still at least this time, 
I’m not the only one with a bruise.’
Yusuke looked at the red mark on his father’s face and smirked. Kurama and Kuwabara 
helped him to his feet and the group made their way out the room and toward the 
castle’s entrance.
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“Yusuke,â& euro; Sanosuke asked quietly. “will we be staying here tonight?â€
Keiko was worried about that too. The king seemed absolutely tyrannical .
“No way! I made sure of that. My place is much more modern than this. This castle 
has been here for centuries and my dad doesn’t bother to do anything with it. 
Besides you see how we greet each other. I’d die living with him now,†Yusuke 
laughed a little.
“You won’t train me like your dad does, right?â€
Yusuke looked down at Sanosuke’s panicked expression. “No, I’m sure you aren’t 
nearly as hard headed as I am.â€
“Does that happen often? Your father attacking you like that, Yusuke?†questioned 
Yusuke looked back. “You know that’s the first time you’ve said my name. Yeah, him 
throwing me like a ragdoll is his way of saying ‘I love you, now get stronger you 
idiot’. I hoped he wouldn’t be so rough with you guys around, but I guess he wanted 
to put on a show since he had the audience. Showoff.â€
“You seemed plenty strong to me, but his power dwarfs yours by comparison. He could 
have killed you,†stated Hiroshi.
“Nah he wouldn’t have gone that far, but look at you showing concern for my life. 
There may be hope for us yet.â€
Hiroshi glared albeit milder than before. Yusuke turned back around. They made their
way out the castle, and navigated through the crowd of demons and humans until they 
reached a large concrete building surrounded by the same guards of Raizen’s castle. 
“It doesn’t look like much on the outside, but the inside is amazing.â€
They walked in and were greeted by a tapestry of gold and crème colored décor. The 
floor was a smooth marble with a shiny finish and the walls contained paintings of 
all the great war gods including Raizen. Yusuke smirked at everyone’s awed 
expression, with the exception of Kurama. They walked toward the elevator and Yusuke
asked for room keys for his guests.
“Yusuke, would there be a room I could share with Keiko?†Botan asked excitedly.
“So you girls can talk the night away?â€
She nodded unashamed. 
“Yeah, we’ve got three and four bedrooms here. We keep this place pretty 
accommodating for larger groups, especially if there’s a conference or a treaty 
about to be negotiated. What about you Kuwabara? Who are you staying with?â€
Kuwabara contemplated, “Well I know I don’t want to be up listening to a bunch of 
girly talk so I’ll stay with you and the kid, but no funny business.â€
Yusuke looked unfazed, “Suit yourself.â€
He handed the Yukimara’s keys to Hiroshi and then gave one to Botan. Kuwabara and 
Kurama received their keys as well. 
“My room is the top floor and you guys are right below me. While you are unpacking, 
I’ll order us something to eat. I’m starving. Come up when you’re done.†Yusuke 
The group broke off and Botan rushed to see what she and Keiko’s bedrooms would look
like. It had begun, their transition to a new life.
I planned on writing more but I decided to break the chapters up. The next chapter 
will be about adjusting to city life as well as the beginning of training. Raizen is
gonna take it upon himself to train Yusuke and his tactics will be more cruel than 
Genkai’s. Somehow I’ll sneak some fluff in there too.   There are probably questions
you have that will need to be addressed in upcoming chapters so ask away and don’t 
forget to favorite, follow and review!
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