Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Me Sweet Nanashi ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

O.H.: New Fic. HieiXOC and whatever couples come along. Don't bitch at me if ya'll don't like. See ya all later.
"Shizuru!" Koenma's high pitched squeaky, childish voice soared through out Genkai's Temple.
"What?" The brown haired woman murmured while putting out a cigarette. After that task was done she lit another.
Her younger brother, Kuwabara frowned at the smell and moved away from her and closer to the ice apparition, Yukina.
The blue haired female smiled at him softly before turning to face the Prince of Spirit World. Her brother, Hiei materialized next to her sword swinging loosely on his belt.
"Shizuru. I found a school picture of yours. Who is this?" The toddler sized ruler pointed to a small child. Even for a person in kindergarten she was short.
"Oh. Her. I think her name is Nanashi. No one ever figured out her last name."
"Those bruises…"
"Koenma. She's a KID. All kids have bruises or scrapes or bumps of some sort."
"Fine. I was just wondering because I need to know a lot about her."
"Why?" Spirit detective, Yuske Urameshi cut in.
"A mission of course you fool."
"Yuske" Kurama cut in by grabbing the detectives arm and pulling him closer towards himself.
"Involving what?" Yuske muttered cheeks tinting to a soft pink hue.
"This mission is so we can capture her. She is, coincidentally a Youkai."
"But she was such a nice kid." Shizuru's full attention was placed on Spirit World's ruler as she put out her cigarette. Her hands stayed in her lap instead of straying for another tobacco stick.
"Yes, But Kurama here is Youkai as well and he is always so sweet and quiet." Koenma pointed out calmly.
The read headed kitsune smiled at the group, keeping up his reputation of pretty boy.
"Right…I still can't believe she is a Youkai." Shizuru snapped. "My sense of detection for these things was already developed properly when I reached Pre-K. She would have given off vibes. I would have been able to tell. Her aura is pure. She didn't have the tainted aura of a Youkai."
Everyone stared at the Brunette who had probably just given the longest speech in her life.
Koenma cleared his throat. "Do you want proof?"
"Yes as a matter of fact we do dinky breath" Yuske handed the prince a smug look, complete with smirk and cocking of eyebrow.
Koenma's face when beet red and he narrowed his already tiny eyes. Then he turned to the massive TV screen which magically appeared in Genkai's tea room.
"Ogre! Put the picture up."
"Yes Koenma sir, right away" George, the blue ogre punched a button on the remote.
A picture of a girl showed up on the big screen. Her eyes were as black as night but the pupil was a smooth purple. It also had a slit like a cat, or dragon's eye. Her hair was the same color black as her eyes and fell down to about mid-back. The bangs in the front were the same length except they were the same purple as her pupil. Two large black wings were folded neatly behind her. The outfit she had on was blue. She was grinning at the camera.
"Boys. I want you all to go and find this girl. I am giving you two weeks. Dead or alive she WILL be ours."