Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ Running Late ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey guys!!! ^-^
HERE'S A NEW STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! I seriously just came up with this on the spot! My cousin—who also writes GREAT fanfiction—inspired me to make this story. ^-^
I hope you all like it! ^-^
Oh I almost forgot,
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Yu Yu HAKUSHO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN IT. (However, everybody else present within the story (Kiara, Rika, Rio, etc…) are my original characters.)
There happens to be and will be (in the near future) mature content (a.k.a lime and lemons). SO IF NOT PREPARED FOR THIS, DON'T READ MY STORY. Keep your innocence. (Hahaha LOL ^-^) ALSO, you should be made aware that there is profanity in this chapter and in all the other chapters that follow it.
Okay, now with everything said, (or so I hope anyway -_-?) ON TO THE STORY! ^-^
Meant to Be
Chapter 1: “Running Late
“BULLSHARK!” Kiara exclaimed as she examined the time displayed on her ipod touch, held in a sweaty palm.
Where the heck did the time go?!?! She thought to herself. She was going to be late for her first class of the semester if she didn't get home in the next four minutes.
Sprinting back home after her regular, half hour morning jog, Kiara entered her lovely apartment, almost forgetting to close the door behind her. Quickly taking her sneakers off, she ran bare foot into her kitchen, disregarding her slippers to swiftly place her ipod on her kitchen table. Dashing up her stairs, Kiara slammed the door to her room open and undressed in less than 10 seconds flat. Seconds later, she jumped into her shower—nearly slipping and cracking her skull open in the process—and began washing her body thoroughly in refreshing, semi-cold water.
Once she finished, she quickly dried herself off, wrapping her hair in a towel too before entering her room again to pick out an outfit for the day.
After deciding on a pair of dark blue jeans with a long, but cute red shirt, Kiara quickly combed out her excruciatingly long light brown tresses, adorned by several blue highlights in a vigorous fashion. She ended up putting it up in a high ponytail, although that did little to fix the length factor - the ends of her hair still reached the back of her upper thighs.
Finished with her hair, Kiara semi-tidied her room before running down the stairs to make herself some breakfast. But before she could pull out the milk carton to make herself some cereal, she glanced at the time.
“HOLY CHEESE CAKE ON A PIZZA ROLL! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!” Kiara bellowed to herself, quickly grabbing her bag, iPod, and keys. Putting her red flats on, she made sure to lock up before jetting out her apartment door.
Upon walking over to the stop that would bring her to destination, Kiara let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes, praying that today would be the start of something….new. The start of something different, maybe even wonderful. God knows she definitely needed it.
Why you ask? Well, Kiara's past was not one to be desire at all. Being the only sole survivor of two family tragedies, Kiara has been supporting herself for 11 long, years.
After the first horrific event, her grandmother—God Bless her soul—helped her out tremendously. Emotionally and mentally disturbed, 4-year-old Kiara relied on her grandmother for everything. She became her everything since she was the only living family member she had left.
However, that all changed when she suddenly passed away, leaving Kiara all alone at the early age of 8. She now had absolutely no one else to turn to and this had nearly killed her.
Loneliness. Sadness. Heartache. Those were all Kiara knew then and still knows now. The days when laughter was a constant part of her life and she was happy basking in the presence of the people she loved, were over. And what made that realization even harder to acccept was the fact that she'd probably never experience such joyous feelings ever again.
Opening her eyes, Kiara sighed heavily, trying to desperately shift her thoughts in a more optimistic direction. For starters, she was perfectly healthy, which was a blessing all in itself. If this hadn't been so, she figured she'd have been dead a long time ago. Why? Well, Kiara was a disaster when it came to taking care of her own health. If she was made to take care of others, they'd be fine. Even more than fine on some occasions. Many a time, she was told she had a “natural born gift of healing” that enable all she helped to be cured of whatever illness they had. Why this so called “gift” didn't work on her, the world may never know.
Pondering some more, Kiara was more than happy to say that she was only mere months away from becoming financially stable, a feat she never dreamt she'd ever make. And what an amazing relief it was to know that her tuition was fully covered for her two years at one of the best universities in Tokyo! A transfer student from United States of America, Kiara recently moved to Japan to finish her last two years of college at Showa University. And if this weren't so, she'd probably still be living on the streets than in the generous sized apartment soon to be hers completely.
Kiara smiled. Why do you ask? Well realizing all that she accomplished in that moment, Kiara couldn't have been more proud of herself. If someone had told her that she'd be where she was today after her family's death, she'd had laughed first then cry later.
But that smile slowly receded the second that familiar sense of loneliness crept in. Because what dis it mean to have all these accomplishments, but not one person to share it with?
“Your life is a tragedy, Kiara. That's what that means…” Kiara mumbled to herself, her sadness practically suffocating her this time around. “I would trade all that I have to at least have someone, anyone to confide in. Someone who would do anything for me as I them. Someone who will like me—no!—love me for who I really am, just like my family did.”
Oh and that was another thing. Kiara wasn't a normal woman. Or at least according to the definition of `normal'. Last time she checked, not many people could envision futuristic events nor could they levitate objects or living things with her mind.
Releasing a deep breath, Kiara swiftly got in the streetcar, grabbing a seat towards the front. The second she sat down the doors to the streetcar closed and she was dropped off in front of Showa University within 20 minutes.
Kiara gasped lightly, taking it all in. The campus was truly magnificent. Many tall, superb buildings decorated the whole area, giving an overwhelmingly, intelligent feel to the institute. The lush greenery that covered much—if not all—of the landscape called to you with all of its diversity. And the rush of hundreds upon hundreds of people walking all over the campus pulled everything in.
A small smile grew on Kiara's face.
Maybe there IS hope!
Kiara was given a fresh, new start at this university and she wasn't about to let it slip from under her finger tips.
But just then, a symphony of bells vibrated throughout the entire university. Confused then instantly horrified, Kiara looked up at the gigantic campus clock, located directly in the center of campus.
With only five minutes to get to a building located at the far end of campus, Kiara sprinted down the walk way like there was no tomorrow.
Or so she tried.
Because the moment Kiara turned around to start running, she collided into someone, causing the both of them to hit the floor hard, with a thump.
Kiara quickly got up off the ground, ready to extend a helping hand to the unfortunate stranger, but the female that was back-flat against the floor just a second ago, was standing, arms crossed against her chest with a glare that, if given the chance, would inflict harm.
“OH MY GOODNESS! I am sooooooo sorry! I did not mean to collide into you like that—”
“More like tackle me!” The young female enforced, agitated no doubt.
“Yeah, ummm…sorry about that! I really do apologize for tackling you. I was in such a hurry to get to class because I was running late, you see. And this is my first day here, so I was like, `I have to make a good impression or else they'll hate me and throw me out of the school!' So I specifically told myself that I cannot be late because that will only leave a bad impression, but regardless of what I told myself, here I am probably five minutes late for—OH DEAR PEADLE STICKS, I'M LATE!!!!!”
With that, Kiara tried to make a dash for it, but was quickly held back. Someone was holding her by the back of her shirt. Turning her head, she spotted the black-haired female—the one she had just knocked down—head down and shaking. Thinking she hurt the female in some way, Kiara frantically began apologizing again, her face full of panic, however it turned to one of confusion the moment she heard laughter.
This female was laughing at her!
Not able to hold on to Kiara any longer, the female let her go, practically doubling over from the pain of laughing so hard.
Absolutely clueless, Kiara stood there, looking at the black-haired female with a confused expression.
Finally able to breathe, the female got up on her two feet, wiping away the tears that appeared at the rim of her eyes.
“Oh man, I haven't laughed that hard in years!” The raven-haired female replied, amusement still evident in her voice.
“I'm sorry. I kind of missed the joke.” Kiara claimed, truly clueless.
Giving into a little chuckle, the female said, “Your face was—”
“What's wrong with my face!” Kiara yelled in shock, patting it down in a hot frenzy.
“Never mind that,” the female said, waving her hands in a non-caring motion. “You heading to Calc 240 by any chance?”
Eyes wide, Kiara screamed, “YEAH! How did you know that?”
Shrugging her shoulders, the female answered, “A wild guess I suppose. And just to let you know, Mrs. Yu, the Calc Professor, changed the class time to 10 am instead of 9, due to some circumstance that I don't really care for. She sent a late e-mail regarding this last night.”
Mouth agape, Kiara cursed her luck. She hadn't gotten her laptop in the mail yet and so was handicapped in that category.
And all this time she was rushing for no reason! Geeez!….She missed breakfast for Pete's sake!
Well my day has been just PEACHY KEEN so far!!!!!!
“Well since we got about an hour's wait before class begins, wanna get a bite to eat?”
Kiara stared at the female with an unreadable expression. Then as if she snapped out of her daze, her eyes beamed with delight. In a bout of emotions, Kiara ran to the female and caught her in a bear-like hug.
“Oh, YES, YES, YES!!!! I would LOVE that!”
“Okay, OKAY! JUST GET THE HELL OFF ME! You're overly joyful and it's making me sick!”
Letting her go, Kiara smiled with joy. Maybe there was hope for her yet! Though it was too early to call her a friend, Kiara was overjoyed that this woman wanted to eat with her. Friendless since she could remember, this was a massive change for Kiara. She was truly overjoyed.
Practically jumping out of her skin with joy, Kiara raised her hand in greeting, saying, “By the way, my name is Kiara Ashitaka.”
Shaking her hand in return, the woman replied, “Rika Sukashi.”
“Awww, that's such a pretty name! Did you know that your name means….HEY!!! ...WAIT UP!!!!....DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND!!!!” Kiara bellowed as she ran after her new acquaintance.
***************************************************************** *************
Hey Guy!!!
For those of you who have read my story before, you'll realize that I changed a few things throughout this story…actually a lot of things...lol. So far, I've shortened the chapters a bit, majorly revamping others, which you'll see.
Hope you continue to like it!