Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ First Impressions! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey guys!!! ^-^

This is now the second chappie of Meant to Be. For those who have read this story before the revamping, it’s the second part of the first chapter. This part as well as every other part has been altered, so if you’re wondering if you should re-read it, I suggest you do so. BUT REMEMBER it’s all up to you! Hehe ^-^

I didn’t forget this time!...,

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Yu Yu HAKUSHO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN IT. (However, everybody else present within the story (Kiara, Rika, Rio, etc…) are my original characters.)


There happens to be and will be (in the near future) mature content (a.k.a lime and lemons). SO IF NOT PREPARED FOR THIS, DON’T READ MY STORY. Keep your innocence. (Hahaha LOL ^-^) ALSO, you should be made aware that there is profanity in this chapter and in all the other chapters that follow it.  

Okay, now with everything said, READ ON! ^-^


Meant to Be

Chapter 2: “First Impressions!”

When will this ever stop?!?! The gorgeous red-head thought, mentally crying to himself.

Never, heh heh…You know this more so than I do, Kurama, so why do you fight them? You should just embrace them all. Give them what they want—

top talking, you’re not helping.

Well, someone’s being a BIG MEANIE!!!

Sighing heavily, Kurama made his way through the sea of females that made it their life’s goal to secretly make his life miserable.

He was seriously a fool to think that going to college would be any better than his high school years.

It was worse. Way worse.

With more individuals at the institute, Shuichi—with his unfortunate luck—was able to acquire a fan club nearly four times bigger than his in high school.

“Shuichi! Shuichi! What class do you have now?” One of the girls asked, flirtatiously of course.

Being the gentlemen that he was, Shuichi put on his usual fake, empty smile and said, “Right now I have Calculus.”

There were more down-spirited cries than merry ones. Grateful that a good chunk of them weren’t in his class, Kurama made his way down the pathway to the building where his class was held, his fan club right behind him.

Facing them once more, Kurama said, “Sorry, ladies, but I’m going to have to depart from you all as I do not wish to be late for my class.”

“Awww. He’s such a gentlemen!”

“A smart, handsome gentlemen at that!”

“Well duh! He’s a prodigy!”

“A what?”

“A prodigy. You know, a person who has exceptional talent or is way advanced in numerous things compared to the average person in his or her generation.”

“Oh. Yeah, he is totally one of those.”

Kurama turned around and refrained from rolling his eyes in annoyance. One would think that you would be surrounded by intelligent women being that he was attending practically the best school in Tokyo, but apparently that wasn’t the case.

Kurama sighed for the umpteenth time that day. In regards to these women, past their insane, constant obsession with him, he believed they had potential and could be quite enjoyable in terms of company. But that was never the case. And it wasn’t just these women at the institute. This went for all the women he met.

Ever since he could remember, women, girls—and even men and boys—had been captivated by his beauty. And that was just it. They saw only the exterior and believed whatever bull they wanted about the interior. Nobody with the exception of his family and friends took the time to get to know him.

Every girlfriend Shuichi ever had had gone out with him for his looks and the ability to brag to the world that they were dating the most favored bachelor in town. Women were insensitive individuals who wanted him as if he were an accessory. Fed up, Shuichi stopped dating altogether, finding women nowadays quite annoying.

Of course this didn’t sit well with Youko, being that promiscuity was in genes. His cursed silver fox beauty was to blame for this feeling of emptiness. Kurama wanted a woman who would take the time to actually see past all his physical features and try to understand the real him. He wanted a female who was caring, fun to be around, and tolerant of his alternate ego (a.k.a Youko). He wanted a woman who was intelligent (not in the obvious sense), a total family person, and would be all ears when he needed someone to talk to. But so far that woman was non-existent. And quite frankly, she may never exist.

Focusing back to sad, old, unfortunate reality, Kurama made his way to his Calc class followed by at least ten of the women who had been with the four hundred that mobbed him that morning. Mind you, he was given somewhat of a break today.

Entering the class ten minutes early, much of the room was vacant, just the way he liked. So Kurama went to go sit by the window towards the front – his favorite seat. The view of the landscape below was so beautiful, it was breathtaking. It gave him some sort of peace even when it was disrupted by the crowd that decided to sit all around him.

Sighing mentally once again, Kurama wore his usual fake smile as the horde of students—who tailgated him all the way to class—bombarded him with meaningless questions.
************************************************************ ******************
2 minutes before class starts…

The doors to the classroom burst wide open, revealing a young female woman behind them.

“YES! I MADE IT!” Kiara exclaimed in a victory stance.

“Yeah, you did. And now the whole world knows it too.” Rika said, walking past her to her seat.

Realizing what she just did, Kiara looked back to find the whole class – including Professor Yu, who was quietly setting up– staring back at her.

“Heh…Heh…Sorry about that. Carry on in whatever you were doing. Don’t mind me…….please.” Kiara quickly spoke, making her way to a seat right by Rika’s.

“I’d say that was an awesome first impression!” Rika whispered sarcastically. “They just loved you. Look – they can’t stop staring.” She laughed at the murderous look on Kiara’s face.

“If I don’t die of embarrassment, I’m so gonna kill you after class.” Kiara said through clenched teeth.

“What did I ever do to you?” Rika asked, pulling out her notebook and a pen.

Mouth agape for probably the second time that day, Kiara turned to Rika and said, “What did you ever do to me!?!?!?! Rika, you told me we had about an hour when in reality we had only 45 minutes to eat breakfast!”


“THAT WAS PRACTICALLY 15 MINUTES I DIDN’T HAVE!!!!” Kiara bellowed out loud once again but at a lower tone than before, grabbing the attention of many around her. Thankfully it didn’t reach the professor’s ears………hopefully.

“See, you’re doing this all to yourself, by yourself.” Rika proclaimed, while grabbing her pen.

Defeated, Kiara collapsed on her desk, covering her head in shame.

What did she do to deserve this?

“Don’t worry, maybe they’ll all forget by mid-semester?” Rika suggested, grinning from ear to ear.

Kiara glared at her before taking out her notebook and pen to jot down the vital information that Professor Yu was dictating. This was going to be a fun semester…
******************************************************* **********************
Hey Guys!!!

Are you ready for chapter 3?


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