Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey guys!!! ^-^

Third chappie of Meant to Be is here!

For those who have read this story before the major revamping, it’s the last section of the first chapter. Like I said before, it has been altered, so re-reading would be a good idea, but no pressure. LoL ^-^

Here is my...

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Yu Yu HAKUSHO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN IT. (However, everybody else present within the story (Kiara, Rika, Rio, etc…) are my original characters.)

AND just to let you know…

There happens to be and will be (in the near future) mature content (a.k.a lime and lemons). SO IF NOT PREPARED FOR THIS, DON’T READ MY STORY. Keep your innocence. (Hahaha LOL ^-^) ALSO, you should be made aware that there is profanity in this chapter and in all the other chapters that follow it.  

Okay, so now with everything said, READ ON! ^-^


Meant to Be

Chapter 3: “The Beginning”

“I’m sooooooooooooooo hungry Rika. FEED ME!!!!!!!!! It’s the least you could do after what you put me through today!” Kiara demanded as she left her last class of the day.

Walking ahead of her, Rika smirked, saying, “You’re so full of yourself.” Before Kiara could comment, Rika continued, “But with the fact that I’ve lived here practically all my miserable life and you have no sense of direction, I’ll take you to a café nearby. So follow.”

Not waiting for her response, Rika turned around to leave, leading the way.

Following Rika, Kiara smiled. Today had really been unexpected. If someone had told her she would have made fast friends with someone like Rika, she would have laughed to death in disbelief. Even if she had happened to get a vision about this, she still wouldn’t have believed it.

In step behind her, Kiara hadn’t realized until now that Rika was quite short for her age. In a conversation that came up during breakfast, Rika had revealed that she was 21 years old. Highly intelligent, Rika was attending her last year at the institute, planning to become a doctor of some sort. In which field? Well she hadn’t thought that far ahead.   

Laughing at something Rika said this morning, Kiara realized that Rika was highly sarcastic and semi-pessimistic about life. But who wasn’t these days? Regardless, Kiara became quite fond of Rika, although she began to think that her life’s goal was now to drive Rika utterly insane instead of becoming the Pediatrician she aimed to be. She never knew it could be so fun.

Rika’s black-as-night hair was kept in a messy bun, accentuating her beauty even then. Her eyes were light lavender in color, holding much wisdom. She had a small nose with small lips, but this only enhanced her gorgeousness, though she tried so hard to hide it. Having a nice build, Kiara was sure she worked out on a regular and the fact that she wore short sweats and a plain black shirt signaled that beauty and appearance were’t a priority for her. And Kiara liked this about her, because she too rarely cared about her appearance. Beauty……yeah there wasn’t any.

“This is it.” Rika pointed out to the small café a few blocks away from the institute. Occupying one of the tables set outside, Kiara admired the scenery.

“This place is nice!” Kiara commented aloud.

“Well, thank you!” A voice said behind her.

Turning around, Kiara came in contact with an old lady whose smile lightened her face.

“Hey, Mrs. Su.” Rika greeted, a small smile gracing her lips.

“Hey Rika, how’s my sweetie pie doing?” Mrs. Su asked.

“I’m fine.”

“How’s the family faring?”

“They’re doing well. Makota’s walking now.”

“Oh my stars! Really?! That precious little thing is walking now! Oh! Now I know I’m getting old.”

“Never Mrs. Su. Never.” Rika replied, grinning.

“Who’s Makota?” Kiara inquired.

“She’s my youngest sister. She’s about one now.” Rika answered.

“Awww. Cuteness!!!!”

“Yeah whatever, Bubbly.” Rika uttered. Kiara giggled.

“Now who’s this?” Mrs. Su asked, looking towards Kiara.

“My worst nightm—” Rika started.

“Kiara Ashitaka at your service. I’m Rika’s new friend!” Kiara answered cheerfully.

“Awww, how wonderful! She’s just precious!” Mr. Su said.

Looking at Rika, Kiara smirked saying, “See, she said I’m precious…Ha!”

Rolling her eyes, Rika replied with a, “Whatever.”

“Well, since she’s your friend Rika and she seems to be quite fond of my café, both your orders for the day are on me.”

“Oh wow! Thanks Mrs. Su!” Kiara exclaimed.

“No problem sweetie.” When both girls told Mrs. Su what they wanted, she left, and within five minutes their orders were ready.

“Thanks!” Both said in unison.

“No problem girls. Call me if you need anything else, okay.”

“Yup, will do!” Kiara answered in an excited tone.

 Digging into the wonderful array of pastries, Kiara’s eyes closed in pleasure.

“Oh. My. GOODNESS! This is like the BEST THING I HAVE EVER TASTED!” Kiara said out loud oblivious to everyone present looking her way.

“Told ya.” Rika responded calmly, obviously unfazed by Kiara’s outburst compared to everyone else. It hadn’t taken her long to get used to them, which was suprising…….very surprising.

“And geez that tea is…WOW, that’s good!” Kiara said, drinking greedily.

“Please don’t choke!” Rika semi-begged her, though she was totally occupied with her meal.  

 Placing the hot one-quarter empty cup of tea down on the table, Kiara smiled saying, “Awww. You’re so kind!”

“Ugh, no I’m not. I said that so I wouldn’t have to take you to the hospital if you by chance find yourself on the verge of death. That would be too much of a hassle.”

Kiara gave her a nasty glare, while Rika took a sip of her tea, smirking of course, before saying, “Oh, by the way. If you don’t have anything to do for the rest of the day, I could show you around before you end up getting hopelessly lost again.

“That would be AWESOME!” Kiara exclaimed excitedly, throwing her hands in the air subconsciously.

And all would have been well if her tea wasn’t still in her hands at that moment.

Realizing this, Kiara quickly turned around, spotting the victim of her excited outburst.  

Oh butterfied crackers! I am soooooooooooo sooory!” She yelled apologizing to a young man, probably in his early twenties. His hair, face, and the top portion of his shirt were drenched completely.

Behind her, Kiara could hear snickers coming from Rika. Turning to her, Kiara glared for like the umpteenth time today whispering, “This is not funny!” in a harsh tone.

“Of course it isn’t.” Rika replied, grinning from ear to ear.

Refocusing on the young man, Kiara picked up her spare napkins and started drying him off, repeatedly apologizing.

“It’s okay, miss. It’s no big deal.” The young man began, stopping Kiara’s frantic hands with his firm grip. “It’s not the end of the world. “ He then added, spotting Kiara’s horrified-slash-apologetic expression.

“You positive?” Kiara inquired, not sure whether to believe him or not. Her questionable look was cute. Too cute.

Smiling the young man replied, “Yes, I am.”

“Awesome! So, if everything’s good and all is well…do you mind...ummm…releasing my arms, please?”

Pulling her closer to him with only a few inches to spare, the young male lowered his lips to her ear and said, “On second thought, I do think this is a big deal, so I’ve decided that I won’t release you…well at least for now anyway.

Eyes huge as saucers, Kiara stayed put because…well for starters she was completely stunned!

Utterly stunned…

…Ugh….what just happened here!?!

Rio, let her go.” Rika enforced from behind her, arms crossed with a hard glare.

The young man looked up at Rika and smirked. “If it isn’t it I-don’t-give-a-fuck-about-anything Rika Sukashi. What are you doing here?”

“None of your business, asshole. Now let go of Kiara, now, or else I’ll call the-!

“Okay, okay! No need to get your panties all tied in a knot!” He said eying her lower region as if he could see right through to her panties. He then shifted his gaze back to Kiara, looking at her as if she were prey and he the predator. Kiara’s eyes widened even further, allowing Rio to grin maliciously before saying, “I’ll see you around, Kiara!”

With that said, he released her, allowing her to take the necessary steps away from him. Staring him down, Kiara couldn’t quite define it but something was off about that guy. She didn’t know what, but something was definitely off.

Turning around to pick up his things, Rio took one last look at Kiara and grinned even bigger than before, taking his leave soon after.

Walking up behind her, Rika came around and asked if she was alright.

“Yup! I’m good. Just a little shocked is all…actually I’m quite flabbergasted. But like I said before, everything’s good. Who was that guy anyway?” Kiara muttered, unable to not look in the direction Rio had just left in.

“Don’t bother with him. He’s bad news, okay. He puts on a front so that everyone will think he’s a nice, intelligent, and a no-trouble-making guy. But that’s not the case. He’s a man-whore! And once he becomes interested in you, he won’t stop until he’s got you under his dick.” Rika explained.

“Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Really!!??!!”

“Yup, so stay away from him. You hear me?”

“Yes Ma’m!” Kiara said with a salute.

Rolling her eyes, Rika went back to her meal, while Kiara started walking to the café.

Witnessing this, Rika asked, “Where are you going?”

“To get more tea of course. I spilt the rest all over him, remember?”

 “Oh yeah!” Rika reminisced, snickering once again. “That was funny!”

Rolling her eyes, Kiara made her way into the café and ordered something completely different from her last choice. Reaching in her wallet for her money, she paid for it. Once the young woman at the register handed her her tea, Kiara thanked her and took a quick sip, sighing in sweat bliss. This tea was the shit!

She turned around to leave and…yeah…today was just not her day.

Upon turning around to go back to her seat, Kiara bumped into a well-toned, muscled chest, which was now covered in the tea that she just bought. Realizing what she had done, Kiara wanted to cry. Not because she had just drenched another person, but because she wasted perfectly good tea….again!

“OH. MY. GOODNESS! I AM SO SO SORRY!!!!!!!” Kiara began, practically on the verge of tears.

Why of all days do I have to be clumsy today?! My Goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Miss, It’s okay—” The young man started.

“No, it’s not! Let me help you.” Kiara persisted with no room for protest. She quickly turned around, grabbing a handful of napkins from the counter. Furious with herself, Kiara started to dab at his shirt.

“Miss, I’m really okay! This isn’t a big deal—”

“Just hold still!” Kiara spat. Dabbing a little down south where the tea stain reached his pants.

Amidst her constant, repetitive dabbing, Kiara heard laughter bellowing from outside. Able to recognize that laugh anywhere now, Kiara faced the exit and yelled, “RIKA, THIS ISN’T FUNNY!”

 On the floor, dying of laughter, Rika tried to answer back, but the attempt was fruitless.

Ignoring her, Kiara went back to her task; to only be stopped by the hand of the drenched young man. Looking up at him, Kiara’s eyes widened in awe. This man was absolutely gorgeous…no, divine! His fire-red hair and piercing green eyes blew Kiara away. But what really got to her was the adorable way his whole face looked when he blushed.

Wait! Why was he blushing?

Trying to figure out the cause of his reaction, Kiara’s eyes suddenly descended to where her hands were held. Her eyes widened in shock and embarrassment.

What the hell was she doing dabbing this man with a napkin right over his…his….OH BOY!?!

Blushing profusely, Kiara quickly backed away, saying, “Oh, I’m soooooo sorry. I didn’t mean to-o…um…get that close….I just wanted to help…Oh, I do deeply apologize….Is there anything else I could do for you?”

Before the redhead could respond, Kiara continued. “Actually, my help would probably do you more harm than good, so let me just go, okay?…And I’m really, really sorry!”

With that Kiara made a dash for her stuff outside, collecting them before she left with a still laughing Rika behind her.
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WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! How was it??????????

I actually really enjoyed writing this story and I plan to keep going with it.

Also, please let me know if you like it! I hope you did cause I sure did! (hahaha..lol…I would have to like it, it’s like my story…hahaha…ha…ughhh just forget it -_-)

I’ll definitely try to update soon!

Have a Blessed Day! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^

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