Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ Friendship ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey guys!!! ^-^

I’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the wait! August in general wasn’t that great of a month for me and with the start of my second year in college, my life is now not my own. I had seriously planned to update this chappie a LONG time ago, but like life, it didn’t go as planned. -_-

Well on to the bright side of things, here’s the fourth chappie of Meant to Be! I truly hope you like it! ^-^

Oh I almost forgot,

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Yu Yu HAKUSHO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN IT. (However, everybody else present within the story (Kiara, Rika, Rio, etc…) are my original characters.)


There happens to be and will be (in the near future) mature content (a.k.a lime and lemons). SO IF NOT PREPARED FOR THIS, DON’T READ MY STORY. KEEP YOUR INNOCENCE! (Hahaha LOL ^-^) ALSO, you should be made aware that there is profanity in this chapter and in all the other chapters that follow it.  

OH! By the way, there may be times where I have characters portray their thoughts to you lovely readers. In general, their thoughts will be italicized, but for Youko, Kurama, Rika,  and Kiara’s thoughts, they will be color coded.

Youko –

Kurama –
Hello! (Not bolded)

Raisha – Hello! (Not bolded)

Rika – Fuzz off! (Not bolded)

So now that everything is said, (or so I hope anyway -_-?) ON TO THE STORY! ^-^


Meant to Be

Chapter 4: “Friendship”

About two weeks later…

“Yo, bubbly! We’re gonna be late…again!” Rika yelled before taking a bite into her scrumptious apple.

“I’m comingggggggggggggggggggg!” Kiara sang, making her way out of the bathroom then into her room to get dressed for the day.

“Do you think you can come down before I turn 30 and miss our morning class? “Rika uttered heading to the kitchen to throw away her apple core, grabbing a glass of water in the process.

“Oh shut it, Rika! Did you forget the fact that I called you this morning to wake up?!?! Providing you with that awesome favor, I would appreciate it if you could AT LEAST GIVE ME 10 MINUTES! SHESSH!” Kiara bellowed playfully from her room upstairs.

Exiting the kitchen and sitting on the bottom step sipping her water peacefully, Rika replied with a,” You have only 5. And I didn’t forget about the call so ‘thank you’ for that.” Rika took another sip. “However, can you explain to me why I’m dressed and ready to go to class before you, though YOU CALLED ME!”

Sliding down the railing of the stairs—as if it were normal—Kiara landed gracefully in front Rika swiftly grabbing the cup out of her hand.

Before she began sipping the rest of the water, Kiara said, “Rika, there are some things in life that just can’t be explained,” in her sorry attempt to speak with wisdom. “And that was 4 minutes and 11 seconds that passed for your information…so HA! I beat your 5 minute request!”

Getting up off the step and slinging her ‘everything bag’ over her shoulders, Rika walked passed Kiara with one eyebrow raised in inquiry saying, “Really, now?”

Still drinking, Kiara could only shake her head in confirmation.

“Some things can’t be explained, huh?”

Kiara nodded again.

“So there’s probably no explanation for why we only have ten minutes to get to class when we woke up an hour before, right.”

At the end of Rika’s statement, Kiara half choked, half spat out all the water that was in her mouth just then in a quick rush. Eyes wide as saucers, Kiara quickly placed the cup on top of the kitchen table, grabbing a napkin to wipe her mouth. She then ran to get her keys and her bag before she zoomed out of the house.

Sighing in amusement, Rika folded her arms and counted to three.

“One. Two. Three—”

Kiara came back in and laughed sheepishly saying, “I forgot my shoes.” She quickly ran upstairs and came back down wearing cerulean blue flats to match her same colored shirt and black leggings.   

“You’re a mess. A complete mess.” Rika replied shaking her head with a smirk on her face as she made her way outside.

“RIKAAA!!! WAIT UP!!!” Kiara yelled, running after her friend once she remembered—by the grace of God—to lock the door.


“Rika. I’m gonna murder you.” Kiara said as she made her way over to the seats they usually sat in.

“What for?” Rika asked as she took her seat beside Kiara.

Glaring as hard as possible, Kiara muttered, “You. Know. Why,” through clenched teeth.   

“Actually, I don’t. Why don’t you enlighten me.” Rika responded with a serious expression though her eyes flashed with amusement and acknowledgment.

“You lied to me about what time it was, again!”

Grabbing her notebook, Rika replied with, “Your point!”

“I had plenty of time to take a full shower and you made me miss breakfast!” Kiara wined, almost on the verge tears. More to herself, Kiara continued saying, “And you’d think I’d learn from all those other times you’d tricked me, sheeesh!!!” her head now on her desk, covered with both arms.  

Turning towards Kiara with a smirk, Rika answered, “First off, you know very well that if you had stayed in that shower any longer then you already were, your name would be printed in the World Record Book for the first human raisin to walk the earth. And besides you were definitely in there for a good solid 30 minutes. It was time you got out—”

“I was in there for 28 minutes and 52 seconds!” Kiara quickly corrected.

All Rika could do, for her sake just then, was stare at her.

Raising her shoulders, Kiara replied with a, “What?”

“I’m just gonna pretend you didn’t say anything.”

“No seriously, what did I say wrong?”  

Refraining from rolling her eyes, which was becoming a bad habit, Rika refocused on what she was saying. ”Nothing. You absolutely said nothing wrong. Only something absolutely stupid!”  Kiara was about to protest, but Rika stopped her before she could start, continuing with what she had to say. “Well since I knew you would miss breakfast this morning—like every other morning—”

“Hey!” Kiara said, lightly pushing her shoulder.

Rika smirked at Kiara’s antics before she reached into her bag and pulled out a box filed with a delectable looking omelet next to a slice of bread and an array of juicy, cut up fruits.

Kiara’s eyes beamed with happiness. She was actually so overjoyed that she threw herself at Rika, giving her her biggest bear hug ever!


“O-kay… O-kay, b-ub-bbly! I-I get it-t. N-now rele-ease m-me before I die-e from stran-ngul-lat-tion.”

Quickly releasing Rika from her hug, Kiara apologized. “Oops. Sorry.”

Checking herself for any broken bones, Rika quickly gave Kiara her breakfast and said, “Shessh, man. Have you been working out or something because you’re abnormally strong for a woman like…well you?!?!”

All Kiara could do was turn her head from side to side in a so-so gesture due to the fact that she was solely invested in her breakfast.

Looking at her, Rika spotted a woman of average height, with a slender body and curves others would die for. She looked decent in terms of strength, but her innocent aura would throw you off.  Lord knew it threw Rika off every time. For the past two weeks, Rika had to constantly remind herself that Kiara was a grown woman, just like her, and not a child, like her siblings. But her innocence...it made you instinctively want to do something like…protect her and it made you assume she was vulnerable to everything, unable to care for herself. However, events like that monstrous bear hug would suddenly bring Rika back to reality, which was that this woman, her new best friend, was unpredictable and would be the death of her yet.     

Failing to hide the smirk that graced her features once again, Rika replied, “Well you should take it down a notch. You could kill someone with one of those bear hugs of yours.”

Kiara smiled at Rika as she continued to devour her food.

Unable to relinquish her smirk, Rika grabbed her pen while shaking her head as she opened her notebook to review her notes from yesterday’s class.  
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