Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ Unexpected Surprise! ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey guys!!! ^-^

Dun tada DUN!!!!!  Chapter 5 of Meant to Be is here! ^-^

Oh I almost forgot,

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Yu Yu HAKUSHO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN IT. (However, everybody else present within the story (Kiara, Rika, Rio, etc…) are my original characters.)


There happens to be and will be (in the near future) mature content (a.k.a lime and lemons). SO IF NOT PREPARED FOR THIS, DON’T READ MY STORY. KEEP YOUR INNOCENCE! (Hahaha LOL ^-^) ALSO, you should be made aware that there is profanity in this chapter and in all the other chapters that follow it.  

OH! By the way, there may be times where I have characters portray their thoughts to you lovely readers. In general, their thoughts will be italicized, with only Youko’s bolded. (However, you may see them underlined too. I’m having some word color issues, where the color of the thoughts takes over the rest of the story…yeah…aiming to fix that one day…hehe ^-^)

Youko –

Kurama –
Hello! (Not bolded)

Raisha – Hello! (Not bolded)

Rika – Fuzz off! (Not bolded)

So now that everything is said, (or so I hope anyway -_-?) ON TO THE STORY! ^-^


Meant to Be

Looking at her, Rika spotted a woman of average height, with a slender body and curves others would die for. She looked decent in terms of strength, but her innocent aura would throw you off.  Lord knew it threw Rika off every time. For the past two weeks, Rika had to constantly remind herself that Kiara was a grown woman, just like her, and not a child, like her siblings. But her innocence...it made you instinctively want to do something like…protect her and it made you assume she was vulnerable to everything, unable to care for herself. However, events like that monstrous bear hug would suddenly bring Rika back to reality, which was that this woman, her new best friend, was unpredictable and would be the death of her yet.     

Failing to hide the smirk that graced her features once again, Rika replied, “Well you should take it down a notch. You could kill someone with one of those bear hugs of yours.”

Kiara smiled at Rika as she continued to devour her food.

Unable to relinquish her smirk, Rika grabbed her pen while shaking her head as she opened her notebook to review her notes from yesterday’s class.  

Chapter 5: “Unexpected Surprise!”


Kurama sighed heavily for the fourth time this morning.

He was… tired. So tired of these women pursuing him as if he were honey and they the bees. He felt like telling each and every one of them personally to buzz off.[1]

He smirked at the thought. If he were to do that, the look on their faces would be priceless, definitely worth it. However, chivalry was as much a part of him as breathing. So no matter how much he might want to, he couldn’t fathom cursing a woman out for any particular reason.

Sighing for now the fifth time this morning, Kurama made his way down the hall to his new Calc class with one hand in his pocket and the other carrying a brief case for his laptop and books. Finding the difficulty level of his previous Calc class to be quite easy, Kurama requested a transfer by the end of the first week in. Informed early this morning by a letter in the mail, Kurama was pleased to have been accepted in Professor Yu class. She was a phenomenal woman with an even greater mind. He believed she was the only other woman he respected besides his mother. Why? She looked past his beauty and saw him as an individual, which could not be said for the rest of the female population.  

As giggles and small chatter heightened behind him, Kurama sighed for now the sixth time today.

“Do you see the way he carries himself?”

“Yeah, he looks sooo professional and sexy all at the same time! Yori, you should tell him!”

“I’m n-not sure. I-I’ve n-never act-tually said anyt-thing to h-him d-directly before.”

“No Way! Really!?!?! You have to try it. It’s amazing!”

Kurama almost laughed. Almost.

Are they serious?

I think you already know the answer to that question.
Youko replied amusement evident in his voice.

Kurama scrunched his face in annoyance. This is ridiculous! I know these women have better things to do then just—

  Nope, you know they don’t. We’re their source of…entertainment! And besides why don’t you just give in to them? It would be so much easier then

No. You need to keep your testosterone levels under control, you hormonal fox demon. And you even said so yourself. They’re all the same which makes them all a bore to you and you hate boring.

Youko chuckled. I see you know me well.

Well you’ve only been in me for what..???....MY WHOLE LIFE… sooooo I believe it’s only natural that I do.

Your sarcasm is so overrated.  

Kurama couldn’t help but smirk. You’re starting to sound like a human.

Ewww, don’t say that!

But it’s true!

No it’s NOT!

But it is!


See what I mean.
Kurama’s smirk grew wider the minute he heard Youko’s growl in the back of his mind. He loved messing with Youko. And it wasn’t until only a few years ago that Kurama could do so with no consequences attached.

The first 15 years of Kurama’s life was hell. This playful side to Youko did not exist. Youko was a cold, ruthless demon, only emitting violent thoughts and planning evil deeds. Often times Kurama would wake up to find himself in the middle of a crime scene or violent outbreak. These were the days when Youko was at his worst. Uncontrollable and purely demonic.

It wasn’t until Shiori, Kurama’s human mother, was on the brink of death that Youko’s behavior changed for the better. Her love for him, as her son, was something unimaginable to Youko. Something he thought no longer existed.

Being that his birth parents died at young age, Youko was barely exposed to this kind of love. A parent’s love for their child. But soon after his parent’s death, Youko was lucky to have met a phenomenal couple who showered him with endless parental affection. The wife was so compassionate and motherly that it blew Youko’s mind. And the husband was full of unimaginable wisdom, honor, and strength.

Drawn to them, Youko would spend his entire day with them, learning everything he could from them. It was the first time since his parent’s death that he felt complete and part of a family. However, that feeling of wholeness disappeared the second he learned they left without a trace as if they never existed.

In that moment, Youko changed. All that hurt, pain, and anguish drove him mad. So he closed his heart to everything becoming an emotionless, lethal bandit soon after. He vowed never to allow anyone so close to his heart again. He didn’t need that so called ‘love’ and wanted no part of it.

But life has a way of foiling one’s plans from time to time. And he was somewhat thankful for that. Because if not, he would have never met Shiori for she was now the only treasure he needed…even if she is human.

Kurama smiled at the thought.

Knowing Youko’s distaste for humans, it was a surprise to know that Shiori meant something to him. She was and probably will be the only human-slash-woman Youko will have true affection for. No other woman—let alone a human—was able to make their way successfully into his heart since.

During Youko’s lifetime in the Demon World, all females, whether they denied it or not, only wanted to experience the thrill of being fucked by the king of all lethal bandits. This goes for the females in the Human World also. They all only want Shuichi for his looks and body. Nothing more, nothing less.  
Reminded of them, Kurama unfortunately came back to reality. He could still hear those same two girls bickering about whether they should tell him how good he looks. Saving them and himself the trouble, the second he reached the classroom door he held it open for them and said, “After you ladies” with that usual empty smile of his.

All fifteen women blush profusely, especially the two bickering a storm before.

“T-than-nk y-you-u, Sh-huichi!” Said the girl who ‘hadn’t said a word to him directly.’

After saying, “You’re welcome,” all fifteen women made their way inside…of course after they got over the fact that he was holding the door for them.

“Oh. My. Goodness. That was soooooooo amazing! Did you hear the way he spoke? It was…wow!”  

“See! I told you! He’s so perfect!”

It times like these that he wished he didn’t posses all this charm and smashing good looks. It was truly annoying to see grown women do this in front of him every day.

After all fifteen went in, Kurama released the door making his way to his seat near the window towards the front of the room.

The seventh sigh of the day was released just then.

Not one of these women ever saw past his armor. Not one of them took the time to actually get to know him. Not one of them was capable of being a lifetime companion or partner.  

Kurama heard laughter in the back of his mind. You’re still not giving up on that dream of yours, are you?

What are you talking about? Kurama mentally inquired, skillfully masking his full understanding of what Youko has uttered.

Youko chuckled. You damn well know what I’m talking about?

Apparently I don’t since I asked you the question to begin with?

Ignoring his remark, Youko continued. Don’t get smart with me, human! And like I’ve said before, GIVE UP on that petty dream of yours. There is no such woman out there capable of providing what you want, let alone what you need.

Those words cut deep into Kurama’s soul. He didn’t know whether it was because of Youko’s harsh tone or because what he said may well in fact be the truth.

Not wanting to think about it any longer, Kurama dismissed the conversation he was having with Youko and continued to make his way to his seat.

Or… at least that was what he planned to do until he was catapulted to the floor by what felt like a human being. A female one at that. It had to be. The body against him was firm, but soft…


What ails you now, human?

You already know the answer to that!

I do?
Youko replied, ending with an evil grin. Kurama just ignored him, needing to deal with the situation at hand.

Since the female on top of him was…in fact...on top of him, he could only slightly sit up on both elbows. With the exception of one female, whose uncontrollable laughter filled the room, all other females released a boatful of horrible screams and gasps. You would have thought they found a dead body or something.

Refocusing on the female still pressed against his body—dammit Youko!—Kurama watched as she got up off him onto her knees shaking her head with a groan. Her face was covered by a waterfall of light brown tresses, hinted with several strands colored light blue. Kurama could only imagine how soft and silky those strands were. His hands itched at the thought. ..




I have NO idea what you’re talking about!

“Liar,” Kurama whispered to himself.

Kurama stood up, lending a helping hand to the female still kneeling on the floor before him. However, his chivalry was ignored and she quickly got up herself. In doing so, she risked falling again, swaying backwards from getting up to quickly. But her reflexes were quick.

“Ouch…my head…” The female muttered, running her fingers through her hair, which still cloaked her face, to rub her head in a smooth, circular motion.

Kurama’s eyes widened slightly.

That voice. It’s her! The one from the tea shop!

You mean the one who ran away as fast as a cheetah suddenly after she drenched you in tea?
Youko asked, laughter coming soon after.

Refraining from rolling his eyes, Kurama replied. Yes…that one! Now get over it already!

What?!?!?! Never!!! Are you kidding me?!?! That was hilarious! Did you see her facial reaction?!?!?! That was priceless!


What? You know it’s true! And besides all that I believe she is the first—no!...the ONLY female who looked you straight in the face and didn’t swoon or sigh over you in awe…well besides your teacher of course…

He was right. She was the only female, besides Professor Yu, who wasn’t fazed by his beauty upon first glance.

And that peaked his interest.  A lot. So much so that he found himself thinking about her and her adorable face purposefully. But that wasn’t the only thing that caught his attention.

This female did what no other woman has ever done. She sincerely apologized for what happened weeks ago. And from this and only this did Kurama believe that the tea incident wasn’t planned, but instead a true mistake. You’d be surprised at what lengths these women would go just to catch his attention, let alone try to touch him.

Suddenly wanting to see her face, Kurama began with, “Umm…miss? Are you alright—”

“Hold on a sec.” The female interrupted, holding up her index finger as a signal to wait. Flipping her hair back out of her face, she turned around to the female who was currently on the floor laughing her heart out.

Releasing a long sigh, the female did the unexpected. Well…at least for him.


Rika continued to laugh a storm, if possible she laughed harder.

Hands on her hips, the enraged female said, “YOU COULDN’T HAVE WARNED ME THAT SOMEONE WAS BEHIND ME!?!?!?”

It took Rika a good minute to compose herself before trying to say what she wanted to say. But she was unable to make herself do so, giving in to the laughter in under three seconds.

Rolling her eyes, Kiara turned to Kurama and just…stared. She made no sudden movements at all. She just kept staring him down until her face contorted into one of confusion.

“Ummm…is there a reason why you’re staring and standing in front of me?”

Is. She. Serious?!?!

Kurama heard a foreign noise in the back of his mind.

Was that….Youko….laughing….purely from the heart?

No. It couldn’t be. Youko never laughs ‘laughs’…he just doesn’t. He may chuckle yes, grin yes, smirk yes, release a good-natured or evil laugh, definitely. But pure honest-to-God-laughter? The one from the depths of the soul? No never!

Waving a hand in front of his face, Kiara began to say, “Uuuuu whooo…anybody home?...”

Snapping out of his internal shock, Kurama looked at Kiara and apologized.

“Oh, I apologize for my absent-minded behavior.”

Kiara smiled and said, “That’s okay. I do it too from time to time.”

You don’t say…

Youko put a cork in it!

Alright…Alright! Don’t kill yourself over it…shesssh…so touchie all of a sudden…

Kurama mentally rolled his eyes before he focused on Kiara who was once again staring at him. Her eyes were an intense baby blue with what looked like silver crystals surrounding her irises. They pulsated furiously with various emotions, which added to its beauty.

Her beauty…

“Hey! You’re staring again! Why? Is there something on my face?” With that Kiara quickly wiped her face with both hands over and over again.

Embracing a small smile, Kurama replied, “No. There is nothing on your face.”

Kiara stopped, lowering her hands before saying, “OH! Really!?!?!?! So…ummm…why were you staring at me?”

Yes Shuichi, why were you staring at her…..hmmmmm?????

 Ignoring Youko entirely, Kurama responded, “Because you bumped into me, remember?”

At first there was a confused look upon her face…….but then her eyes grew huge, like saucers.

“OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I’M SOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! I didn’t mean to maul you over like that…oh I apologize severely… I was just walking away from my friend—whom I’m gonna secretly kill after this class by the way—because I have to go to the bathroom, which I realize I don’t know the location off……humph……. that may be a problem……….OH well!...Yeah so I began walking and then—”

“It’s okay. You don’t need to explain yourself.” Kurama said, interrupting her speech, which he figured was never going to end.  Normally women who babbled on and on like this annoyed him senseless. However, it wasn’t so bad coming from her mouth. In fact he sort of liked it. It made her look…..cute.

“Oh….okay!.....But are you sure I didn’t break any bones, ribs…” Kiara said trailing off with much apprehension.

Kurama chuckled and said, “No, I’m positive you didn’t break anything.”

“You really, really sure?”

“Yes I am.”

It was then that Kurama believed he’d been gifted with a rare treasure. Her smile—wide as the planet itself—was beautiful, lighting her eyes, which then lit her whole face. She was absolutely stunning all of a sudden and Youko apparently agreed for he started emitting a low seductive growl that could only have been heard by a demon or being with acute hearing.

“AWESOME! So I’ll be heading to the ladies room then...BYE!!!” Kiara uttered making her way to the door. However, she was stopped in her tracks when a firm hand grabbed one of hers.

Immediately after, an electric shot ran up her spine, causing Kiara to shiver violently.

Bemused out of her mind, Kiara looked back behind her to find Kurama staring at her again with a fixed stare, hands linked.

But this time the stare was different. And his eyes were….

…different…………….They ’re entirely different from what they were ten seconds ago…

Kurama’s eyes suddenly held wisdom well beyond his years with intense mischief not too far underneath. His usual calm green orbs were replaced by this mixture of green and amber with green on the inside and amber crystals embedded within it.

The intensity of his stare before made her worrisome. But this was overwhelming. Without thinking, Kiara quickly tried to pull her hand away, but it didn’t budge. Not under the grip he had her in.

Kurama smirked at Kiara’s attempt at freedom. “Where do you think you’re going?    

…You know……something tells me that I’m gonna dread the next few minutes of my life…

“Ummm….to the ladies room?.... Didn’t I already establish that….”

“Do you really not remember me?”

Kiara completely turned around now to face him, looking him up and down with much scrutiny. She would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit that this man wasn’t ridiculously good looking. His face was truly a divine master piece, etched to perfection. His nose and lips fit his face flawlessly. Speaking of his lips, if Kiara was mentally and emotionally ready to have a companion, a boyfriend per say, she wouldn’t mind asking him to be hers just so she could kiss him all day long. They looked so soft, but firm, ready to be gentle with you one second then devour you the next. And those eyes, those intense magnificent looking eyes were mesmerizing. Every time she looked in them she felt trapped, unable to just divert her attention elsewhere. It actually took much needed concentration to even think of doing so. And let’s not forget that extremely toned and fit body hidden beneath those clothes. Kiara knew that if she saw this man somewhere before that she would have remembered…but then again she couldn’t remember how her day went yesterday sooo…….yeah…..

“I’m really, really, really sorry when I say this…but…no, I don’t remember you at all.”     

Several gasps were heard from across the whole room. It was then that Kiara realized that there were probably more students here now then ten minutes ago. However, that was of little circumstance compared to the glares Kiara felt more than saw from a group of women a few seats away.

WAIT…What’s going on? What did I do!?!?!?!?...Was I not suppose to say that or something cause they’re looking at me like they would gladly butcher me if given the chance…and I really don’t want them to find that chance…

Focused on the glaring groupies, Kiara failed to notice him talking to her until he boldly placed his fingers under her chin and turned her head to look back at him saying, “Don’t pay them any mind. Look at me.”

If it wasn’t for the fact that Kiara was feeling awesome after immersing in the wonderful breakfast made by her only friend in the whole wide world, Kiara would have probably cursed him out by now. She wasn’t fond of taking orders; let’s just leave it at that.

Once Kurama believed her attention was now totally and completely directed back at him, he said, “If I were to drench myself in tea again, would you recognize me then?”

Kiara’s face scrunched up in misunderstanding. Then lit up in recognition the next second.  

“HOLY MACRAL!!!!! You’re the one I spilled tea all over!”

Another set of gasps were issued throughout the class, but Kiara didn’t seem to hear those. She was too busy apologizing…again!

“—soooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooo sorry! I really didn’t mean to saturate you in tea, hot tea—though that was some good high quality tea…but yeah—I really didn’t mean to do such a thing—”

“I know.” Kurama ushered calmly.

Surprised, all Kiara could say in response was, “Oh….well then that’s good…soooo…great….okay BYE!!!” Kiara turned around with much haste, ready to leave when she was abruptly pulled back into a hard chest.

“I do believe you owe me a favor for that.” The owner of the chest she was resting on said. As he spoke, Kiara could feel the vibrations from his chest flow into her body. This sudden intimacy was too much for her to handle. So she quickly moved to take a step back, but Kurama didn’t let her, locking her waist against his.     

“I’m not letting you leave until you fulfill it.”

At this point there were not only gasps shared amongst the crowd, but heated glares that came along with unending bickering, envy, and anger…..well more like a shit load of unrelenting anger….But of course, like always, Kiara was oblivious to all of this. All her concentration was headed towards finding a way to get out of this situation she was currently in.

Allowing a small smile to grace her features, Kiara responded, “But I did do you a favor.”

With one eye brow raised, Kurama asked, “Really?”

Nodding her head in confirmation, Kiara said, “Yup.”

“And what may I ask was that?”

“I left you alone after that mishap. If I had stayed any longer, I’m pretty sure something worse would have happened.” As if to whisper in his ear, Kiara raised herself on her tippy toes to say, “According to Rika, I’m an endangerment to the whole human race.”

The minute Kiara finished her statement, Kurama’s laughter vibrated through the whole room.

Every student present in the room became silent. Eyes bugged out of their sockets and mouths were open agape. Shuichi Minamino was laughing, truly laughing out loud….really, REALLY hard!!!!

This was never before seen by any. It was every fan club members dream to get the sexy, chivalrous Shuichi Minamino to laugh even a little. Shuichi would always smile that dashing smile of his for every occasion, even after a funny comment was ushered. He would chuckle once or twice, but even that was quite rare.

But in the span of ten minutes, this newbie, out of God know where, managed to do what many have tried and failed to do for years!

“Ughhhhh! Who does she think she is!”

“I know! Look at her acting all innocent as if she didn’t plan this from the very beginning!”

“She probably thinks she’s all high and mighty now that she…she……made our Shuichi laugh!”(Quiet sobbing heard)

“Yeah! And why is she so close to him! She’s practically on top of him. She should be arrested for that!”

“Ughhh. This woman is becoming a problem. We must tell Fumiko about this later.”

The bickering continued on as Kurama’s laugh simmered down. Having to release her due to his incessant laughter, Kiara hands were now placed on her hips.

“Geez! You’ll kill yourself from laughing so hard!! And what’s so funny about what I said, huh?”

Finally finished, Kurama looked at her with eyes pulsating in amusement. He continued to carry on a smile when he said, “I think I already like your friend.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, Kiara replied, “Well that’s too bad she’s my friend and you can’t have her,” sticking her tongue out at him like a child would.

Grinning this time, Kurama replied saying, “I thought you said you were going to kill her after class.”

“I say a lot of things that I don’t mean……..or remember…”

“So would granting me my favor be one of those things you didn’t mean or remember?”

Kiara looked at him with an incredulous look. “You still want a favor from me after what I told you!”

“Yes. Will you grant me one?”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes I am.”

Eyeing him for several seconds, Kiara finally said, “Okay fine…but don’t be surprised if something goes horribly wrong with whatever it is your about to make me do—”

Be my girlfriend.”
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[1] [lmaooooo…..Did you get it!…….  ‘buzz off!!!!’…hahahahaha..…remember I compared Kurama to honey and the women to b…bees….haha…..ha---OH FORGET IT! Shessh!……..you didn’t have to butcher my joke -____-….making me look like some weirdo from another planet…hehehe…lol…]

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