Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ An Official Couple, Or Not ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey guys!!! ^-^

Are you ready for the sixth chappie! Hope you like it! ^-^

Oh I almost forgot,

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Yu Yu HAKUSHO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN IT. (However, everybody else present within the story (Kiara, Rika, Rio, etc…) are my original characters.)


There happens to be and will be (in the near future) mature content (a.k.a lime and lemons). SO IF NOT PREPARED FOR THIS, DON’T READ MY STORY. KEEP YOUR INNOCENCE! (Hahaha LOL ^-^) ALSO, you should be made aware that there is profanity in this chapter and in all the other chapters that follow it.  

OH! By the way, there may be times where I have characters portray their thoughts to you lovely readers. In general, their thoughts will be italicized, with only Youko’s bolded.

Youko –

Kurama –
Hello! (Not bolded)

Raisha – Hello! (Not bolded)

Rika – Fuzz off! (Not bolded)

So now that everything is said, (or so I hope anyway -_-?) ON TO THE STORY! ^-^


Meant to Be

Previously in Meant to Be…

Kiara looked at him with an incredulous look. “You still want a favor from me after what I told you!”

“Yes. Will you grant me one?”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes I am.”

Eyeing him for several seconds, Kiara finally said, “Okay fine…but don’t be surprised if something goes horribly wrong with whatever it is your about to make me do—”

“Be my girlfriend.”

Chapter 6: “An Official Couple!...Or Not”

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re immersed in a crowd of people talking amongst themselves and at one particular moment in time everyone’s conversation ends, leaving a lingering awkward silence due to something that shouldn’t have been said and was unfortunately heard????.......Yes…..No…….Maybe So……Could Be……Possibly….—okay I’m having too much fun with this—but yeah…this moment was one of those times.

The second those three words left Kurama’s lips, the room and everyone in it went still. Sharp gasps filled the still air soon after and this time Kiara heard them all. She looked around to see all eyes on her. Some reflected utter surprise, while others were not so pretty. She could feel those heated stares—or rather evil glares—targeting every cell of her body in hopes she be…obliterated. Literally.  

Keeping their reactions ingrained in the back of her mind, Kiara’s gaze flew back to Kurama and her heart suddenly skipped a beat! Those eyes…those intense eyes were fixed on her again as if he...

…No NO! Stop it Kiara! It’s not what you think. It can never be that…

Closing her eyes, Kiara took a deep breath and let it out slowly. When she reopened them, her resolve was set. She would not let those eyes get to her. She was better than that. Way better. And besides, wasn’t she supposed to be doing something…

“Oh yeah! Girlfriend huh? Hmmmmm. I guess it wouldn’t hurt……soooooooo……yeah, sure! No problem!” Kiara exclaimed with that one-hundred-and-two-million-dollar smile.

Kurama was slightly taken aback and in that instant his eyes no longer held those shimmering specks of amber. They were pure green once again.

What a waste of time. She’s just like the rest.Youko said, his voice as cold as ice.

I wasn’t expecting her to agree so quickly……Maybe she is just like the others…

There’s no maybe about it. She is.

Masking his disappointment quite well, Kurama smiled—his usual fake smile—and said, “Really?”

“Yeah! I’d be honored to be your friend!...Although you may come to regret it. I’m pretty sure Rika has at this point…hehe!”


Slightly stumped, Kurama restated his demand, “Wait…I don’t think you understood. I just asked you—or rather demanded you—to be my girlfriend.”

“Yeah, I heard you the first time and I said ‘Sure! No problem.’ I think it would be fun to have a boy-hyphen-friend.”


Kurama was almost afraid to ask her what she meant by that, but his natural born curiosity would never let him get away without asking her for a full blown explanation.

“I don’t think I understand what you’re saying.”

Letting out a heavy sigh, Kiara walked towards him and said, “Okay, so you see Rika—the raven haired woman who I’m still gonna kill after this class for many reasons unknown to man—well she’s my ‘girl-hyphen-friend’……………wellR 30;… actually….. she’s my best ‘girl-hyphen-friend….but you get the idea right?”

Well, I’ll be damned. I think she’s the only girl in history to take the word ‘girlfriend’ from your mouth and make it seem as if you want to literally be friends with her!!!     

Kurama couldn’t believe it either and ended up laughing for the second time today. She truly does believe I just asked her to be my friend!

Starting to get pissed off, Kiara said, “Why are you laughing now!?!?!? Is my acceptance to your friendship that hilarious?!?!?,” with much agitation.

Calming down, Kurama quickly replied, “No. Not in the slightest.”

Softening her attitude, Kiara asked, “Then why are you laughing at me?”

“Because you’re the only woman I know that took the word girlfriend literally!”

Perplexed, Kiara said, “Wait! You don’t want me to be your ‘girl-hyphen-friend’?”

Taking a step closer to her, Kurama nodded sideways saying, “No. I don’t want you to be my ‘girl-hyphen-friend’.” Directly in front of her now, practically nose to nose, Kurama continued saying, “I want you to be my ‘girl-no-hyphen-friend’.”

There was a minute of pure silence between them before Kiara replied.    

“Oh………..you mean…..you want me to be your actual girlfriend with no hyphen in between……….oh ummm............uhhhhh…………..will you excuse me for a bit……I…….I have to go to the restroom…”

Unable to get a word in, Kurama watched as his female of interest sped out the classroom door as if she were running for her very life.


Finally finding her way to the ladies room after several minutes of searching with no outcome, Kiara rapidly entered the bathroom labeled: Ladies Only.

She pushed the door, slammed it shut, then slowly turned around to hide in a stall when she stopped dead in her tracks, her mouth open agape.


Remembering the reason behind her trip here, Kiara focused on finding an empty stall—which wasn’t hard at all since all of them were unoccupied. She entered the one closest to her and made an attempt to lock the door with flustered hands. Once she finally got the lock to lock, she turned around and rested her back against the stall door.

Looked up towards the ceiling, Kiara glared….hard!

God….You know Your something else, right?!?!.....Before I came to this university, I had nobody!—not an acquaintance, not a friend, not even a pet hamster! AND NOW You’re telling me that in the span of 14 days...or maybe it’s 15 days, I’m not sure…Uh…Where was I going with this…ummm…O YEAH!...SO You’re telling me that in the span of 15 days, I get an awesome friend—unfortunately not a hamster, that would have been nice—wait……..actually never mind, that would have been a disaster in the making…ummm...where was I again….O YEAH!—and a BOYFRIEND WITHOUT A HYPHEN INBETWEEN THE BOY AND THE FRIEND—though I guess I shouldn’t really complain since  we’re not official just yet—BUT YEAH! A BOYFRIEND! You know You could have warned me! Given me a heads up? Maybe even a vision?!?! THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN JUST LOVELY!!!!!!

Kiara let out a heavy sigh.  This was all happening too fast. Having Rika around was all Kiara needed right now. All she could handle right now. She didn’t need or want to be a girlfriend!?!?!?! This was turning out to be all too much.

And what’s worse is that I don’t even understand that man. How could he ask me to be his girlfriend right then and there!!!!!! We don’t even know each other! AND WHAT KIND OF A FAVOR IS THIS ANYWAY! YOU DON’T JUST GO AROUND ASKING PEOPLE TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!......ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE IS NO HYPHEN IN BETWEEN……SHESSSHHHH!!!

Pissed off, Kiara inhaled than exhaled in little increments. Performing this several times brought on this calming sensation that took over Kiara’s body. Somewhat level headed now, Kiara smiled to herself before she opened the door to exit the stall. However, as she began to make her way out of the stall, she spotted a certain red head leaning against the wall, staring back at her with his arms crossed over his chest.

Without so much as a peep, Kiara slowly walked back into the stall and closed the door.


Opening the door in a rapid motion, practically tearing it off its hinges, Kiara yelled, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THE LADIES ROOM—Wait a minute…are you a—”

“No, I’m not. Don’t even go there.”

“Oh!.... Okay! Because if you truly are one and plan on keeping it a secret, your secret is safe with me….Trust me when I say this cause probably in the next minute or so I won’t even remember what you—”

“I can assure you, I am not.” Kurama replied, smiling that fake-slash-annoyed smile of his.

Seeing his smile for what it truly was, Kiara quickly apologized.

“Okay. Okay. OKAY! I get it now! You’re not a woman disguised as a man. I understand so you don’t need to get all annoyed and whatnot…shesssh!” Crossing her arms over her chest, Kiara mumbled to herself as she avoided all eye contact with him.

A minute or two passed in silence before Kiara looked over at him again and said, “So…you really aren’t a woman—”


“OKAY! FINE! I BELIEVE YOU! Sheesh!! You don’t have to get so angry about it! I was just making sure that’s all….shesssh!!!” Kiara finished, muttering to herself. After another minute passed by, Kiara then came to realize that she was in the ladies room with…….with a man!

Believing that the scenario she was in was defying the very law of human nature, Kiara began with a, “ Ummm…….I don’t mean to pry into your business or anything, but………w-why are you here, in the ladies room…if you’re not a woman?”

Releasing a sigh for the umpteenth time today, Kurama said, “I was running away—“

Oh! You poor thing! You shouldn’t run away like this! Life is difficult you know, especially around this time of year, so I understand if you may be stressed out or even submerging in a never ending hole of depression, but that doesn’t mean you should give up! And if you leave, think about your family who will miss you dearly—”

“I was running away from my fan club.” Kurama corrected her, not knowing what to think when she believed just now that he was running away from home.

He watched her facial expression go blank. One second went by. Two seconds went by. Three seconds went by and then Kiara burst out laughing.

Without warning Kurama advanced towards her and covered a hand over her mouth to muffle her laughter.

“Don’t laugh so loud, they’ll here you.” Kurama whispered to her softly.

Kiara still continued to laugh even as he held his hand firmly against her mouth. It wasn’t until she settled down that Kurama decided to let go, though he remained close just in case she decided to burst out laughing again.  

Grinning from ear to ear, Kiara asked, “You’re joking right? You seriously have a fan club at this university?”

Crossing his hands over his chest, Kurama replied, “Unfortunately.”

“Wow! So you must be famous or something?” Kiara inquired excitedly.

“Not quite…”

“Well then did you write a famous book?!?!?”


“Make an awesome invention?”


“Ouuu…I know….You saved the baby seal population from extinction?!?!?!?”

Kurama couldn’t even answer that one, giving her that are-you-serious look.

Kiara shrugged and said, “What?!?! It was on the news last night and I thought that maybe you—”

“No. I did not save the baby seal population from extinction.”

“Oh, okay……………soooooooo……why do you have a fan club?”

Kiara could have sworn she saw something flash across Kurama’s face, mainly in his eyes, but it was gone as soon as it came. Those eyes of his were such a mystery. They held so much but yet so little. Unable to let it go, Kiara tried to ask him about it, but he spoke before she could utter a word.

 “For an unreasonable reason.”

Curious, Kiara probed, “Well, this reason must be somewhat reasonable if they’re giving you the time of day.” Getting closer to him and using her sweet voice, Kiara asked, “So what is it? Come on, tell me, please!

Desperately trying to avoid the enticing pull that her voice had on him just then, Kurama quickly responded with a, “No.”

Kiara began to pout. “Why not!?!?!? I’ll be a grown up about it and take what you have to say seriously. So please, please, please, please, PLEASE TELL ME!

Kurama sighed in defeat. How could you deny such a face? It was probably the most adorable expression he’d ever seen on a person.

Giving in, Kurama replied, “I have a fan club because of my incomparable good looks, my outstanding intelligence, my award winning charm, and many other insane things that I don’t feel like mentioning for my sanity’s sake.”

After his rant, Kiara stared at him for about three seconds before she burst out laughing again! Instead of muffling her laughter this time around, Kurama just let her immerse in her amusement to her heart’s content. Why? Well he began to realize that he actually enjoyed the sound of it. It was pure and soft, like that of a child’s. But she was anything but.

You got that right


Chuckling softly, Youko added. Don’t act like you don’t agree   

Kurama couldn’t say anything because well…he did agree. This woman was different. Completely different than the rest.

A little taller than the average woman, this female was born with more curves than a man could know what to do with. Lightly built, Kurama could tell that she was physically active which he liked. That blue-brown hair of hers that reached to the back of her knees was nothing he had ever seen before. Never would he have believed those two colors would blend in so well together. But on her, they were perfect. The blue in her hair brought out her sapphire orbs that were truly mesmerizing. They held something in them. Something more that Kurama itched to figure out.

I rather figure out how those delicious lips tast—

Will you stop

At Youko’s mention of her lips, Kurama couldn’t help but lower his eyes to them. They were so small and full. They were perfect for her face, enhancing her genuine beauty. She looked so young but yet she was anything but. And Kurama was drawn to her unique beauty like a moth to a burning flame and he didn’t know why.     

You don’t need to know why! Just--

No! You’re the last person I’d be willing to take advice from. And we agreed that you can only take over when in battle and during lunar cycle. Suddenly taking over like you did was unacceptable--

Instead of reprimanding me, you should be thanking me, you ungrateful human! Your burning interest in her is growing by the second and so I took it upon myself to aid you in courting her. Is this not how you humans court each other?...

Ignoring the beginning of his rant, Kurama thought, Yes, but we should first befriend her before dating her—”

Why do such a crazy thing like that! This one is too good to pass up. Court now, befriend later

Kurama quickly dismissed himself out of the conversation, refocusing on the female still laughing in front of him. If he continued, there would have been a never ending argument between Youko and himself that wasn’t worth the time and effort.  

Coming off her laughing high, Kiara said, “Hehe…I’m sorry for laughing like that on front of you. That was very rude of me—”

“No worries,…” It suddenly occurred to Kurama that he did not know this female’s name.

“Kiara. My name is Kiara Ashitaka.”

“Kiara Ashitaka.” Kurama repeated out loud, more for himself, testing her name on his tongue. He liked her name. A lot. “That’s a beautiful name.”

Smiling that wonderful smile of hers that lit up her whole face, Kiara responded, “Thank you very much. That was very kind of you to say! What’s yours?”

Kurama was almost taken aback by the question, almost. He was so used to people knowing who he was that he took for granted the fact that Kiara wouldn’t know.

Smiling at her, Kurama replied, “I’m Shuichi Minamino.”

“Wow! Shuichi Minamino, huh? I like it!! No wonder you have a fan club, it’s an awesome name!”

Raising a questioning eyebrow at her excitement, Kurama continued to smile as he replied, “Thank….you…”   

Placing her hands on her hips, Kiara explained, “Oh, don’t look at me like that. Your name means ‘Man of compassion, love, and loyalty’ in my family’s language.”

Smirking at her answer, Kurama replied, “And what language is that?” in a joking manner.

Folding her hands across her chest, Kiara asked, “Are you telling me you don’t trust that what I say is true?”

Kurama saw something flash across Kiara’s eyes the moment she finished speaking. It looked like… sorrow…or at least that’s what he thought. He couldn’t tell since it disappeared the moment it came. Keeping a mental note of this incident, Kurama responded.

“No. I don’t.”

“Well you’re just going to have to take my word for it.” Kiara spoke slowly making her way to the main door of the bathroom. “And if you’ll excuse me I have to go before Calc class starts, so it was nice meeting you and I hope to see you around. BYE!!!”

With that Kiara hastily walked the last few feet to the exit, but Kurama’s hand caught the door handle before hers did, keeping the door shut.   
Eyeing his hand on the handle, Kiara placed hers beside her body and asked, “Could you remove your hand from the door handle so I can leave, please.”

“Not until we talk about this favor you owe me.” Kurama wanted to ask her about her sudden change in attitude, but thought to bring it up later.  

Kiara heard the slight change in the depth of Kurama’s voice. It dived lower and held an air of wisdom and…something else Kiara couldn’t quite put her finger on. She picked up on it with ease, but didn’t think much of it so she continued saying, “I can’t be your ‘girl-no hyphen-friend.’”

Kurama moved closer to her, about six inches away from her body. “Why not?”

Remaining in place, Kiara replied, “I just can’t…”

“That’s not a good enough reason, Kiara.” Her name leaving his lips felt like a sin just then. Kiara shivered after the fact and took in a deep breath feeling deprived of air.

What’s going on here?!?!?!?

“Well I’m sorry to burst your bubble but it is for me, Shuichi, so deal with it and let me go.”

“Be my girlfriend.”

Well way to not be so forward!!!!!!

“Why?!” Kiara asked, turning to face him after his demand. “Why would you want me to be?!”

Taking a step closer, which brought them only an inch apart, Kurama explained. “I want to get to know you better.”

For a moment Kiara was quiet, eyes slightly widened in surprise. But she soon snapped out of it and blew a fuse.

“WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING AS CRAZY AS THAT?!?!?!?!” Kiara inquired, eyeing him with an incredulous look like he was crazy or something. Continuing, she said, “Trust me, you’re better off not being with me. Your health would be severely jeopardized otherwise.”

Kurama’s eyes, now practically amber in color, lit up in amusement. Leaning towards her, lips positioned above one of her ears, Kurama said, “You’ve never had a boyfriend before have you?”

Was it that friggin’ obvious?!?!?!?!?!?!? Ughhhhhhh…this is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EMBARISING!!!

Fighting to make a life for herself, Kiara never really had the time to have a social life, let alone a love life. At this point, Rika was all she needed and felt she could handle. A boyfriend…uhhhhhhh…maybe in the next three years or so…

Deciding to be blunt about it, Kiara replied, “Nope. And I don’t plan on having one anytime soon so if you don’t mind, can you let me go so I can go to class?”

Not taking no for an answer, Kurama said, “What if I said that our get together wasn’t real.”

Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, Kiara stated, “I don’t quite follow…”

Explaining himself, Kurama suggested, “Let’s consider our get together a fake one. If you won’t be my real girlfriend, you can at least be my fake one, right?  In which case, you’ll only have to act as my true girlfriend at the university.”

Eyes open wide, Kiara bellowed, “BUT WON’T YOUR FAN CLUB ASSUME THAT WE’RE DATING!?!?!?”  

Smirking, Kurama replied, “Yes they will, but so what? You have a favor to fulfill Kiara and you’re not getting out of it.”


I’ll take care of them. They won’t lay a finger on your head.

Kiara was taken aback by the dark, threatening undertone held in Kurama’s voice just then and the serious facial expression plastered on his face. Fear should have probably been settling in by now. But instead, warmth filled her. And it was a weird kind of warmth, never felt before. However, it did remind her of something. Something she hadn’t felt in such a long time.

Her brothers and father. When they protected her she always felt this warmth that filled her heart.

With a bittersweet smile plastered on her face, Kiara looked up at Kurama, analyzing him thoroughly. This man was drop dead gorgeous. He was by far one of the hottest men she had ever seen, with a body to match that handsome face of his. Any woman would gladly want him as a partner. So why would he pick her to be his girlfriend? When it came to looks, she was nothing special when compared to half the women who attended this school. And with little experience in the dating department, it would truly be an embarrassment for him to be with her.

But Kiara knew she’d be lying to herself if she wasn’t somewhat elated in the fact that he wanted her to be his girlfriend, even if it was as a favor. Besides his good looks and charm, Kiara sort of took a liking to that bold, humorous side of him. Why?

These characteristics reminded her of her eldest brother, Kyo.       

Looking Kurama directly in the eye, Kiara knew better then to affiliate people to her family, but she couldn’t help it. Kurama was just so much like her brother, but not. The brother she missed so much. And Kiara had an eerie suspicion that this was the major reason why she was planning to consider this absurd request.
Letting out a heavy sigh, Kiara grounded herself and said, “Fine. I’ll agree to be your fake girlfriend. But only under certain conditions.”

Eyeing her with an intense stare-slash-grin , Kurama said, “Shoot.”

“One, you must at all times remember that we are a fake couple, never a real one.             &nb sp;              Got it?”

“Yes. Whatever you wish my— ” Kurama said, edging closer to her lips with each word.

“No. No nicknames! I’m not mentally prepared for them at the moment.” Kiara whispered to herself more so then to him.

Kurama suddenly felt bad for putting this on her.

“Okay. What else?”

“At this moment I can’t think about anything else. But when the time comes, I’ll fill you in on all the do’s and don’ts. So if you don’t mind…” Kiara uttered, eyeing his hand on the door handle for the third time. “…Can you now let me pass?”

Kurama stared at her for a minute longer before he let go of the handle without saying a word, taking a step back in the process. Free to leave, Kiara opened the bathroom door and practically dashed through it. It would have actually been a clean getaway if someone hadn’t been passing the ladies room right at that moment.

Protected from the impact of the fall, Kiara quickly removed herself from the third person she practically killed in the span of two weeks.

And just when she thought she was done tackling people…


The rest of her words were caught in throat and they wouldn’t come out. Why? Well Kiara recognized the person she had mowed down.

It was that same man who she first drenched with tea at the café. The one she and Rika have been staying away from ever since.

Massaging the back of his head, which hit the floor pretty hard, Rio got up off the floor and turned towards the person who collided into him, ready to give him or her a piece of his mind, when he stopped, spotting the woman he had been searching for the longest.

A sly grin worked its way across Rio’s face.

Well, hello there.”
*************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** ********************

How was it?.....I know, I know you’re all probably saying something like “HOW COULD YOU JUST STOP RIGHT THERE!?!?!?!?! THAT’S LIKE INHUMANE!!!!” LMAOOOO!!

But let me tell you that chapter 7 will be posted really, REALLY soon! So don’t worry! And stay alert to see what happens next. This is where everything starts to get complicated and juicy all at the same time!! ^-^

I hope you enjoyed this chappie (…which took forever for me to revamp because of school! -_-…It’s driving me crazy! Lol…)



BYE!!!! ^-^

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