Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ Two Men, One Girl Of Interest ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey guys!!! ^-^

Here’s the seventh chappie!!!! Hope you like!!!!!! ^-^

Oh I almost forgot,

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Yu Yu HAKUSHO OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN IT. (However, everybody else present within the story (Kiara, Rika, Rio, etc…) are my original characters.)


There happens to be and will be (in the near future) mature content (a.k.a lime and lemons). SO IF NOT PREPARED FOR THIS, DON’T READ MY STORY. KEEP YOUR INNOCENCE! (Hahaha LOL ^-^) ALSO, you should be made aware that there is profanity in this chapter and in all the other chapters that follow it.  

OH! By the way, there may be times where I have characters portray their thoughts to you lovely readers. In general, their thoughts will be italicized, with only Youko’s bolded.

Youko –

Kurama –
Hello! (Not bolded)

Raisha – Hello! (Not bolded)

Rika – Fuzz off! (Not bolded)

So now that everything is said, (or so I hope anyway -_-?) ON TO THE STORY! ^-^


Meant to Be

Previously in Meant to Be…

Massaging the back of his head, which hit the floor pretty hard, Rio got up off the floor and turned towards the person who collided into him, ready to give him or her a piece of his mind, when he stopped, spotting the woman he had been searching for the longest.

A sly grin worked its way across Rio’s face.

“Well, hello there.”

Chapter 7: “Two Men, One Girl of Interest”

After their first encounter, Rio made sure he’d recognize those crystal blue eyes anywhere. From the minute his eyes met hers, he was unknowingly drawn to them. Why? He hadn’t the slightest idea. It wasn’t like she was the most alluring specimen on the planet. He’d bedded and dated women far better looking than her. On his radar, she would probably be considered a 6 or 7 out of 10. And it’s not like he wouldn’t date her. Rio dated all types of women. Even the ones he considered a 4. However, if he were to date someone like her, she’d have to have a damn good interesting quality about her that he could fixate on to keep him occupied. If none were present, then he’d bed her and leave the next morning to find someone else.

Heartless much?………..yeah.

Did he know it?………….yeah.

Did he care?................nope.

Rio believed he was a natural born lover, a man born to be pleased by women. Many women. He had at least eight different women a month. And it wasn’t hard to get female these days, especially for him. All he had to do was smile and all the females he wanted and more would come flocking at his feet. Also, Rio liked variety and therefore, never believed in that whole one partner shit. He left those for the serious men who wanted to “settle down.

He shivered at the thought. He would NEVER, EVER consider settling down. It was like taboo to him. How could he stay with one female when there are so many roaming the earth? It would be humanly impossible.

Eyeing the blued eyed wonder, Rio knew he should have dismissed her to find someone worth his time. However, he came to realize that she just might be. There was a reason he kept thinking of those eyes of hers and he was going to find out why one way or another.

Unable to help himself, Rio smiled up at her and said, “It seems fate has brought us back together, wouldn’t you say Kiara.”  

Kiara‘s eyes widened as she heard her name leave his lips.

H-how does he know my name--………..ughhh RIKA….YOU LIMP NOODLE!!!!

Remembering the fact that Rika had uttered her name aloud for all to here that day—well maybe not all to here, just loud enough for him to here apparently—Kiara made a mental note to position Rika’s murder at the top of her hit list.

Laughing sheepishly, Kiara replied, “Ummm, yeah…I’d…I’d say fate might have brought us…together, yeah….fate would do something like that……however, I-I think fate likes to play with people too, sooooooo maybe this is just a coincidence…yeah….a coincidence………so don’t think too much about it and……yeah I’m--I’m gonna go now and I hope you have a good life—I mean day!…...yeah day……okay…BYE!!!”

With that Kiara quickly turned around, ready to make a run back to her class when Rio suddenly positioned himself in front of her, blocking her with his tall body. Before she could maneuver her way around him, Rio took advantage of the situation they were in and advanced towards her, locking her in with firm arms. He pulled her close against his chest as she squired for release. Unable to free herself due to a massive difference in strength—a surprising difference in strength – Kiara gave up. She sighed out loud then looked up at him with a fake smile and said, “Rio……could you do me a favor and let. Go.

Rio simply grinned, his eyes dancing down at her. Oh how she wished she could just smack that grin right of his face!!!  

“I don’t think I will.” he replied, his grin growing in length. He suddenly pulled her even closer to him if that were even possible and continued, “I believe I like the feel of your body against mine.

Kiara gave him a blank stare then smiled once again, her fake smile showing those wonderful, white teeth of hers.

“Awww, you’re so kind! That was really, really sweat of you to say, but I really need you to unlike my body against yours so you can release me and then I can leave to go to class before it starts and impress my teacher and—”

“You really like to talk a lot don’t you?” Rio replied, still holding her to him. If there was anything Rio hated the most in the world, it was women who talked nonstop for days on end. He couldn’t take their useless chatter at any moment of the day. However, when Kiara did it, it was quite…entertaining. She was so animated while explaining whatever it was she was explaining and it made her kind of….cute.

As if forgetting the situation she was in, Kiara nodded her head, a huge smile creeping across her face—a real one this time around—and answered, “It’s really fun! You should try it sometime. Rika believes that talking as much as I do isn’t normal, a waste of time, and as always, detrimental for my health, but I think it’s good to engage yourself in something like this. Actually when you think about it, talking a lot can really, really be healthy for people—”

Kiara, what are you doing?” A deep voice uttered from behind her, interrupting Kiara’s ongoing rant. It vibrated up and down her spine in a way that was terribly sinful. Never should a voice have this much power on a human being.

More afraid to ignore it than confront it, Kiara turned her head and looked back to see Shuichi Minamino in all his glory, standing with both his hands causally placed in his pockets. However, the usual charming smile that swayed the ladies—even a few males—was nowhere in sight. Instead, Kurama adorned an expression that was honestly….bone chilling. His face looked calm, but his eyes were anything but.

Picking this up the minute he looked at him, Rio frowned slightly and without even thinking tightened his grip on Kiara’s waist, pulling her even closer to him as possible.

Rio’s movement didn’t go unnoticed and Kurama’s eyes narrowed slightly, growing in its raging intensity.       

Catching this, Rio’s back straightened a bit though he kept a tight hold on Kiara. If looks could kill, he’d bet his good looks and all his life savings that he’d be dead now ten times over.

What’s his deal? I did nothing to him…..

But then it clicked.

Rio looked back at Kurama and saw his gaze aimed directly at his hand holding Kiara’s waist in a firm grip.  

This guy………..he’s reacting like this because of……….the girl?………wait….are they.……

Rio continued to look at Kurama, who now shifted his death glare back at him.  

His eyes were no longer that dark green hue he swore he saw earlier.  They were instead amber with flecks of green imbedded within them.

Did his eyes really change color? Or did he have that peculiar eye color to begin with? Or rather was he losing his mind? Rio didn’t know. And at this point he really didn’t care. Why? Because this male obviously had a major problem with him holding the female in his arms, which could only mean one of two things.

He’s either her boyfriend or he too is interested in her.

But regardless, he wasn’t going to have her.

Rio smirked. Kiara was his woman of interest and when it came to a woman he was interested in, Rio could care less whether she had a boyfriend because at the end of the day, Rio always got what he wanted. And right now he wanted this peculiar woman who boggled his mind.

  But before he could voice his intentions, Kurama spoke, or rather snarled, “Release. Her. Now.” his eyes never wavering off Rio’s face.

Rio met him eye to eye and stated, “Who the hell you think you talking to, asshole. I can do whatever I want with my female. So back the hell off.”

Kiara stopped breathing, losing all train of thought.

 …He did not just……..OH MOTHER OF HALF TOASTED JAM!!!  WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?! Everything is suddenly spiraling out of control!...  

Desperately wanting to avoid any bloodshed—which she could see was burning furiously in Kurama’s amber orbs—Kiara turned her head to look at Rio.  

“Ummm Rio…….honey…....I think you misspoke. You said ‘my woman’ as in me being yours and that’s not true—”

“Kiara, I want you to be my girlfriend.” Rio said in all seriousness.

What the heck was this…ASK ME TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND DAY!!!...SHEEEESHHHH!!!!!...

Suppressing her utter shock and confusion, Kiara wiped both hands over her face while letting a sigh escape her lips.

“By any chance do you mean ‘girlfriend’ with the hyphen in between?”

“What?” Rio replied, giving her a confused look.

Lowering her shoulders in defeat, Kiara shook her head, quickly muttering, “Never mind. Rio look, I’m sorry, but I can’t—”

She’s already mine!”

Kiara’s heart skipped a beat and for a moment she couldn’t breathe. That voice. His voice was killing her. Its compelling tone did things to her she couldn’t explain. And now she was more aware of him then should be considered normal.

He was so close to her body. So close she could feel him as if he were...


She couldn’t do this. She wasn’t supposed to feel this way about a complete stranger. So what was wrong with her? Why was she reacting so out of character?

Kiara had no answers to her questions. However, what she did know was that she desperately needed to get out of here. And fast. But before she could make any attempts to leave, she was suddenly free of Rio’s grasp and secured safely behind Kurama’s back.

Looking from behind him, Kiara could see Rio’s hand held by Kurama’s in a tight vise. His face contorted in pain proving that Kurama’s grip was not to be taken a lightly.  

OH CALIFORNIA ROLLS IN PICKLE PIE, I CAN’T DO THIS!!!!! This is getting wayyyyyy out of hand!

Kiara was on the verge of flipping out and that wasn’t good or safe to anybody at all. She needed help as fast and as quickly as possible before this turned into a blood bath.

Turning around to look for help, Kiara collided into yet another person this day.

…YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!...

Kiara quickly removed herself from the person she was suffocating to death and was about to bellow out her “I’m SO SORRRRYYYYYYY!” speech, when the individual who was attacked spoke, or rather hollered, first.


Confused at Rika’s chosen terminology, Kiara started, “Angry bull???....I didn’t ram into you like an angry bull?....What’s an angry bull anyway—”

Rika got up from the floor, dusted herself off while rubbing her sore spot, before she crossed her arms over her chest and said, “Kiara, you’re missing the point,” in a dry tone.

As if a light bulb went off in her head, Kiara replied, “Oh, yeah!………..OHHHH, RIKA!!! I’M SO SOOORRRRRYYYYYYYYY! I REALLY DIDN’T MEAN TO—”

“Save it for someone who cares, you endangerment to my health.” Rika replied, closing in on her. “And you really need to cut back on your training or whatever it is you do regarding your strength. By now I know I have a crushed pelvis, spine, and hip because of you.”

“Oh Rika! I’m—”

“Yeah, Yeah. Like I said, put a cork in it will ya. Your incessant apologizing is making me nauseous.” Rika said as she looked past Kiara to spot Kurama staring Rio down, his face serious and body pent up with tension, while Rio was livid, glaring daggers at the read head, while holding on to his wrist which seemed bruised.

She quirked an eyebrow in confusion, then quickly assessed the situation at hand.

…So we have…the top two most popular men in this university. One helplessly clueless girl born a trouble magnet. And seething faces of anger and glares that could kill…….Yup, I’d say I came just in time…   

Refocusing her attention back to Kiara, Rika released a dry sigh then bellowed out of nowhere, “You… dumb nut!  What happened to you?!?!?!? You had me waiting forever for you in class to the point where I had to get up out of my comfortable seat to come and get you!”

“…dumb nut?......…wha-wha…..why am I a dumb nut?…” Kiara muttered, tears brimming the edge of her eyelids, threatening to fall any second.

Rika rolled her eyes. Was that all she heard?!?!?!?!....Ughhh……..figures….

Looking back at her friend, Rika commanded, “Bubbly, forget about me calling you a dumb nut……….though you are no doubt.”

Wiping her tears in a childish manner, Kiara asked, “W-why?”

“Because class started five minutes ago.”

There was complete silence. No noise. No breathing. No nothing.

Kiara was looking at Rika with a blank expression letting everything sink in, before all hell broke loose.

WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!” Kiara started practically on the verge of hysteria. “I CAN’T…I CAN’T…..HOLY PEACOCK IN CALIFORNIA CHEESEEEE, I CAN’T BE LATE!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!I WAS DOING SO WELL! GEEEZE!!!” With that, Kiara dashed down the hallway, heading straight to her Calc class.

Shaking her head with a grin, Rika turned around to leave when she was stopped by Kurama’s words.

“Class has not begun. It won’t start for another ten minutes.”

Rika turned around, arms crossed over her chest with a bored expression.

“Should I give you a metal for figuring that out?”

Kurama’s amber eyes light up in amusement at the bite in her comment, but it vanished the next second. “Why did you lie to her?”

“Because it’s fun.” Once she finished her statement, Rika once again turned to leave.

“You were worried about her……… weren’t you?”

Without turning around, Rika warned, “Stay away from her. The both of you.”

I can’t do that.” Kurama answered.

No.” Rio barked.

Both men glared each other down.

“You will stay the hell away from her.” Kurama uttered in a threatening tone.

Rio moved closer to him, challenge him. “No can do, bastard! I’ve taken quite a liking to her. And I can care less if you both are together. I want her. So I’ll approach her wherever and whenever I damn well please—”  

“The both of you will shut the fuck up and listen to me right now!” Rika shouted, fury evidently coating her voice, “You both don’t have a choice! You two better stay the hell away from her! She doesn’t need anyone coming after her, especially the two of you assholes. Go mess with someone else!”

Forgetting Kurama for a minute, Rio looked at Rika and inquired, “Who the hell do you think you are telling me who I can and cannot see—”

“I’m Rika-fucking-Sukashi that’s who!” Walking up to him, Rika replied, “You think I don’t know what you plan to do with her?” Rika let out a harsh, evil laugh before she continued, “Keep your dick in your pants for once and find another chick to bother. You’re a pro, right? You’ll find many willing to have you in no time.”

Rio was boiling with anger and it took everything he had not to lash out or curse the fuck out of her. Surprisingly, he controlled his anger and responded with a small smile, “Well, well, well. Looks like little miss I-don’t-give-a-fuck-about-anything-Rika actually gives a damn about something for once in her life.” Turning that smile into an evil grin, Rio continued, “I’d love to see the look on your face when I’ve messed her up completely. Defiling her will be quite fun, don’t you think?”

Rika’s eyes widened in shock then pulsed with fury, which practically blinded her. Without thinking, Rika raised her hand, now tight as a fist, ready to sock that disgusting pricks pretty face off to God knows where, when she was beaten to it by a certain redhead.

Rika lowered her arm and looked over to Kurama. Never in her life had Rika seen anyone so deathly furious. Kurama’s face was indescribable. He looked ready to kill and Rika would be lying to herself if she believed he wouldn’t go through with it. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Rika could sense a sort of dark aura emitting from him.

Since she was young, Rika had been able to sense the aura of person around her. She could pick up the emotions of others and tell exactly what they’re feeling. Believing she was just born with a heightened sense, Rika didn’t think much of it. However, now she was starting to rethink this through because she did not only sense a demonic aura coming from Kurama. But she too was seeing a dark green glow surrounding his body.

Hoping she was just seeing things, Rika dismissed the eerie green glow and stepped in front of Kurama, blocking him from Rio’s view.

The movement happened to trigger an off switch to the demonic aura that was radiating in profuse waves from Kurama. Looking at him, Rika made note that she couldn’t spot the outline of that dark green glow either.

Planning to question this another day, Rika said, “The next time you decide to interfere with my battles, I’ll personally sock you in the face just like you did him.” Turning around to face Rio still moaning on the floor, Rika walked over to him and uttered, “There are other ‘fish’ in this damned sea of a university that would love to be caught by you. Pick someone else to play your dirty games with. And leave Kiara alone or else I’ll mess with what you care about most!

Leaving him to his pain, Rika turned back to Kurama. The both of them stared at each other for a good minute before Rika broke the silence saying, “From day one, I thought you were just like this dick head behind me, messing with girls left and right, leading them on only to crush them in the end, but in a very different way. However, I think I was wrong about you.”

Kurama didn’t respond. He just looked at her with those piercing amber-green eyes, keeping that serious expression.

 Continuing, Rika said, “Even though my thoughts of you have changed, slightly, I still don’t like you. So listen carefully because I’m only going to say this once to you, right now……..Stay away from Kiara.”

The both of them were immersed into another silent battle until Kurama opened his mouth and confessed, “I can’t.”

Furious all over again, Rika got into Kurama’s face, though she was like 5’2” and he 6’1”.

“Well you better fucking try!

Though his face remained expressionless, Kurama was half-shocked and half-not to hear her outburst. Her facial expression held a raw anger that if Kurama hadn’t seen every day from multiple individuals—including demons like himself—he would have probably flinched away from. There was fury, determination, and an underlying protectiveness evident in her eyes. And Kurama could feel a threatening aura emanate from her as well. However, all this was for nothing because he wasn’t going to listen to her.

Kurama was highly interested in his new, but fake, girlfriend and he wasn’t going to stay away from her just because this woman said so. He understood this woman’s concerns, but she didn’t know him. And Kurama wasn’t the only one interested in the blue-haired vixen. Youko seemed to want to get to know her too. Actually, more so than he had for any other female before if Kurama wasn’t mistaken. He figured this out the minute he took control. Youko almost never took control unless he had to in battle or in dire situations.   

Looking Rika in her fiery eyes, Kurama replied, “No matter what you say or what you do, you can’t stop me from seeing her.” Rika was about to say something when he stopped her with his words. “I won’t harm her.”    

The sincerity in his voice caught Rika off guard for a second. If that wasn’t enough, it was as if his voice suddenly lowered an octave or two. It carried a sort of wise richness to it that Rika was slightly taken by. But the moment she realized where her thoughts were straying, she dismissed them and refocused on her target.    

Glaring at him, Rika said, “You say that now, but the fact of the matter is, I don’t trust you. As far as I’m concerned, practically all men are dirty, perverted sleazebags that see women as a species to prey off of. And if that ain’t the case, you men use women for any other reason possible. Your noble, chivalrous routine,” Rika spoke, continuing while shaking her head, “I don’t buy it for one second. It’s just a front to me. And until I find any other significant reason to think otherwise,” Rika’s eyes narrowed down to slits full of loathing before she continued. “You will stay the hell away from Kiara or else you’ll be losing the thing you men apparently can’t live without.

With that said, Rika turned around and left, leaving behind the two men she hoped never to see again.
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Well if you did….REVIEW, REVIEW, REVIEW! If you didn't like it….REVIEW anyway...hehe…I'd love to hear your opinions!

Also, I'm SO SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYY about my tardiness! (I meant to update this earlier, but complications arose, so yeah...lol...but you guys have it now, which is all that matters, right? LOL ^-^)



BYE! ^-^

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