Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting You ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mistress: Soo sorry for the late update! But here it is! My reasons are posted at the bottom of my profile and some important info! THANXIES!
Chapter 5
The group left Koenma's office in silence. This could cause more damage than Sensui.
“Botan and I will be accompanying you on this mission; you'll need all the help you can get,” Koenma stated walking out behind them after locking his door.
But what can he do? Sure he's my boss and ruler of spirit world but combat?
“Just a question Koenma but what CAN you do to help us?” Yusuke asked as they approached the portal that would transport them straight into Kurama's abode.
“I can't tell you! It's a secret,” In other words nothing.
“Let's go already! WE can't waster time!” Botan chirped grabbing a hold of Koenma and Yusuke dragging them through the portal which Kurama and Kuwabara had previously used.
“HEY SHORTY WE ARE YOU?” Kuwabara bellowed the moment he stepped out of the portal.
“I think he left,” Yusuke said stating the obvious.
“I believe he may have left for Makai,” Kurama said disrupting the silence.
“HIEI WAS HERE AND YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TELLING ME!” Koenma yelled his face turning the shade of Kurama's hair.
Botan and Kuwabara had backed away into a corner during Koenma's rant. Yusuke and Kurama were making their way over to the kitchen in search of sanctuary. Before they could get far they heard the door opem.
( - ) ( - )
I had been peacefully, well as peacefully as my wounds would allow, when I heard yelling. I decided to investigate. The least I could do for my humble host is make sure his house wasn't broken into. I opened the door and stood stupefied while blinking at the scene in front of me. There was a man with JR. printed on his forehead, he had brown hair. There was also Kuwabara and a blue haired girl cowering in a corner. Kurama and Yusuke were standing near the kitchen looking shook up.
“Uhm…what happened?” I asked in a nervous voice.
The man with brown hair calmed himself and spoke.
“Kurama you did not tell me you had guests, my name is Koenma and you are?”
“Ho- Hotaru Subaru.”
“Sorry, it slipped my mind,” Kurama stated, “Hotaru forget about this and go back to sleep. You need your rest.”
“Kurama, she knows more than you think. Tell her all of the truth. She would figure it out on her own anyway,” Hiei's cold voice rang through the room.
The group jumped and turned to the window to see Hiei stepping down from it.
“Ah, I see you returned,” Kurama said as he smiled.
“I wanted more information that is all.”
“All right….let's sit down this is going to be a Loooong story,” Koenma said running his hands through his hair.
I listened carefully to the small but satisfactory explanation.
“Hiei is a full blooded demon from Makai. Kurama was a demon until he had to escape into a human body whose name is Suiichi Minamino. Yusuke is a half blood. He has ancestry of demon heritage but his parents are human. Kuwabara is human.” Koenma was about to continue when Yusuke said,
“More like Kuwabara is 50% human and 50% idiot.”
Kuwabara reached over and whacked Yusuke over the head, insulted at the comment although the rest of the room was laughing ( well minus Hiei)
“Shut up Urameshi and let the man continue.”
Koenma looked back to Hotaru and continued, “I am Koenma ruler of Sprit World. This is Botan,” he gestured toward the blue headed girl, “she is the grim reaper and spirit detective assistant. Our spirit detective is Yusuke.”
I held up my hand to silence him, “I get it that's all the info I need. So now where are you going?”
“What do you mean we? We as in including you?” Yusuke asked.
I rolled my eyes.
“Duh, don't they teach you anything in Grammar?” I responded.
“You can't come. You're a weak human,” Hiei said as the others had to nod in agreement.
“I can take care of myself. Please I wanna come!” I started my teary eyed puppy face act.
Fool proof.
“Fine you can come but if you get left behind were leaving you,” said Koenma with a sigh.
“Yay! So what will I need?” and the planning started.
Mistress: New chapter! ^__^ Liked it? Hated it? FEEDBACK! ^__^ Remember to check out my profile for info!