Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Messed up World; A Hiei Story ❯ The conflict. *shrugs* ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Millie: Ok the last one was a bust but this one will be mad awesome. Lol.
Black: Hn. It better be.
Millie: Yeah yeah. Yeah. It will be.
Yusuke: So what are you writing?
Millie: A story about Hiei for-*is muffled because Black has her hand over her mouth.*
Black: Just a cool new story. Hehe. Tell him and you are dead.(to Millie)
Millie: -__- mhm. *licks her hand.*
Yusuke: riiiiiiight.
Black: EW!!! *rubs her hand on her jeans.* You're dead for that. *advances toward her.*
Millie: Ah ah ah. *wags finger in her face.* I have to write remember? Go beat up Kuwabara.
Black: -__- Fine I guess he will have to do.
M/K: Enjoy!!! ^_^
(a/n: This is all in Hiei's point of view so just keep that in mind as you read. Thank you. ^_^)
Hn. I was walking around the woods for a good opponent for the day but I couldn't seem to find anyone worthy. I walked deeper into the forest and saw a girl sitting there in a circle of what seemed to be glowing. I advanced forward and could see that she was injured. I could hear her chanting something along the lines of a healing spell but I couldn't make out the origin. I had then figured out who she was. The detective and his team had been looking for her for sometime. I walked up to her and stopped when I reached her right. I had my hand clasped around the hilt of my katana just to make sure she didn't attack even though she was in pain.
“Hn. Baka. Come with me.” I said. She turned her head slowly and her eyes widened.
“H-Hiei Jaganshi.” She said. I nodded once. “P-please help m-me.” She passed out and I was forced to carry her back to Genkai's temple, not that I wanted to. I mean she got herself into this mess and she should be able to get herself out but I knew that if I didn't that baka toddler and his idiotic team would be on my ass. I walked in the door with this ningen over my shoulder and I put her on the couch. The team just looked at me in confusion.
“Jeeze Hiei, what happened? You beat up an innocent bystander or something?” asked Yusuke. I just glared at him.
“Hn. Does this Baka look familiar?” I asked.
“We can't worry about that, at least not now. We must treat her first.” replied Genkai. That old bat was getting on my last nerve this past week. Glaring at me all the time and grunting at me like she had any reason to. She quickly got this girl and took her to the infirmary.
“Hiei, what happened? Really we need to know.” persisted Kurama. That fox always got curious and you know what they say? Curiosity killed the cat? Well in his case it's curiosity killed the fox. He liked to analyze everything and figure out what makes people tick. He knew how to tweak my nerves but I was always lenient because of his help in the past. There was Kuwabaka that always plucked my nerves. If I wasn't being put on this idiotic sentence then I would have killed him by now. He was sitting at the breakfast bar crunching away at his stupid chips, staring at me so intensely that it made me want to rip out his eyes and teach him not to stare at people like I'm sure his parents already have. But I am sure he never learned anything as a child for his thick skull is filled with a brain the size of a peanut….Hn. barely even that. And now we have Yusuke who thinks he's all high and mighty because he has been called the leader of this so called pack from the beginning even though I could kick his ass if I really wanted to. He had a stupid look of concern on his face even though he didn't know this person he had convinced himself to be interested in. And then there was Melissa who was sitting next to Kurama. She was new to the group and had only been here for about five or six months. Her and Kurama were now what you would call an item and she was ok I guess. She never compared herself to anybody or thought she was better than her opponents. She always beat them which was a surprise to me because she was so quiet. The thing that I disliked about her was she always made it her mission to bug the hell out of me. She had short brown hair, sort of an emo cut and hazel eyes. She wore contacts.
“Hn. I was in the forest and saw that baka sitting on the ground bleeding to death. Apparently she knew me cause she said my name.” I answered him.
“She does look familiar.” said Melissa.
“From where?” asked Kuwabara.
“Hn. From the toddlers case. You have only been cooeing over her for about a month now.” I snapped.
“Yes, her name is Sarah Sukiyaki. She is a fire kitsune.” Kurama thought out loud. “I think we should go to Koenma about this.”
“I'll go with you.” said Melissa. They both went through a portal to talk to the baby prince and I advanced to the refrigerator. Genkai came out to speak with us as I reached for a beer.
“She has been wounded severely and we are to take care of her by the orders of Prince Koenma. He sent a message and will be here shortly with Melissa and Kurama.”
“Can we at least know why Koenma is so bent on keeping her here? We all forgot.” said Yusuke. She rolled her eyes and just left the room. An hour passed and there the prince of the spirit world was, sitting in all his diaper glory. Hn. Stupid.
“Ok now we have all learned that Sarah Sukiyaki has been wanted by many people to carry through with their plans.-“
“Why?” interrupted that stupid Kuwabara. If he interrupted me he would be kissing the ground right now begging for forgiveness.
“Shut up stupid he was just about to tell you.” said Melissa. At least she knew when to shut up.
“Like I was saying, she holds a special power like no other being. She has what is called the pearl eyes. That means that she is able to use every inch of her human and spirit energy and not die as long as she is wears what we in the spirit world like to call the Momitago amulet. She wears it embedded in her chest and with it she can live over the age of any ruler. The last person ever recorded to have this special gift and to be born with this rare amulet was Limanochi Kasakunich, died only a year ago in a tragic accident. Luckily when that happened we quickly dispensed of it and we have not had a problem until she came along. What happened while Sarah was out there was an attempt to kill her and steal the amulet for themselves.” I was surprised at what he was saying but didn't show it, I never do. I never show emotions for they are a sign of weakness to anybody. They only get in the way of everything. He only went on and on about how we have to protect her from these demons that want her. We all went over what would be happening over the next couple of weeks, or at least until we know she is safe to be on her own. She was to stay with us in a room of her own which there were plenty of and she would become part of the team. Hn. Sort of a way to babysit her. I could feel that her energy was strong; there should be no problem when it became time to train her. She ended up feeling better within a couple hours and was ready to start getting her stuff together. What I didn't understand was if this pearl eyes technique that she had was supposed to keep her alive and unharmed then why was she so badly hurt almost to the point of no return? I am guessing she was knocked out. Hn. Of course there would be flaw in all this. There is no perfect technique that can not be manipulated or fouled.
She was in her new room unpacking her things when I used my speed to quickly get in without her detecting me.
“Hn. Sarah.” Was all I said. She turned around quickly, startled by my entrance. She blushed for some strange reason unknown to me and then went back to normal.
“H-Hiei.” She said. “Thank you for saving my life.”
“Not my decision I assure you.” It pained me to see the look on her face after I had said it and then, even if just for a moment, I thought about correcting myself, but then I realized that I didn't know her and had no reason to feel sorry.
“What do you want?” She asked with yet another confusing blush, only now she spoke with more of an aggressive tone in her voice.
“Hn. Nothing I just thought I would ask you what you were doing in the forest?”
“That would be none of your damn business.” She snapped. I just shrugged it off.
“You're energy is very strong, I have sensed. I hope you will not have trouble with training tomorrow.” A smirk played across her face.
“I assure it won't be.”
“Hn. And what makes you so sure about that Baka Onna?”
“If you haven't noticed Hiei, I don't take shit from anyone and all I have to do to defeat you and anybody else is to be myself and we have no problems. Hm. Well not me anyway, maybe you and your friends.” I growled.
“Those bakas are no friends of mine and I just want you to know that I never back down from a fight so you better watch your ass. Training is on Thursday, today is Tuesday. I suggest you get a lot of rest weakling.” Her face, again, scrunched up in a hurt way as I left her there all alone, hopefully dreading the time that we would have to fight. On the first day of training here we always just get down to business just to see what they can do and then after they get their asses kicked we have to teach them from the beginning. That happened with Yusuke and Kuwabara. I know Genkai wishes she could say that Kuwabaka has improved since he first started but she would only be lieing. I'm not saying that we have stupid ningens come here all the time to learn how to fight, it's only us five but that is what happens when we train every week.
Melissa was sitting in the living room with Kurama when I walked in. They were watching t.v. and laughing.
“Hey Hiei wanna come watch this with us? It's really funny.” asked Melissa.
“Hn. I would rather cut my own foot off then watch that idiotic show.” I said and zipped over and stole the remote to change the channel. She stuck her tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes.
“So Hiei what do you think about Sarah Sukiyaki?” asked Kurama.
“I know.” said Melissa before I could answer. “He liiiiiiiiiikes her.” I growled at her.
“Hn. Baka I have no feelings of any kind relating to that about anyone so just shut up and mind your own damn business.”
“Oh now Hiei. You know I can sense these things.” She laughed, see what I mean when I say bugs the hell out of me? Right then she came out of her room. She was wearing a black tank top with a yin yang sign on it and a pair of jeans. Her tank top was low and I could see the faint image of a symbol on her chest. Melissa invited her to hang out the next day she accepted. She glared at me and then looked away. I didn't care. She wasn't my problem and I didn't want her to be. I was perfectly content by myself and I would have been even better if she would just stop looking at me. I decided to leave and go out for air. I hated this ningens world. All of these people are so blind sighted that they get stupid and don't even know what the hell is going on around them. They only see what they want to see. That's why they are going to be the first ones to fall when a new ruler comes into play.
“Hn. Stupid Baka Ningens. Worthless.” I thought out loud. “People only betray you.” I looked toward the temple and saw inside one of the rooms. It was Melissa showing and talking to Sarah about things that I guess interested them both. They laughed and had there stupid conversation. I tried to convince myself that I didn't care about this new girl but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to look away. She was smiling and I wanted to smile myself but I couldn't bare to fall for anyone; not when it wouldn't mean anything anyway. For the rest of the night I lay in the tree thinking about all the ways I could do damage to anything without breaking the rules of my sentence. Beating up Kuwabara or Yusuke would be ok as long as I egged them on and turned it into some kind of competition. Kuwabara would fall for it easily. I see the way he acts around Melissa and I know he would try anything he could to get her even though she is with Kurama and now with Sarah here he will try even harder and fall into even bigger traps just to make himself look better. I laughed a little at his stupidity. I fell asleep shortly after only to wake up to screaming. I jumped out of the tree and right onto Sarah's balcony. I looked through the door and saw her continuously thrash around in her bed. I could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes and eventually stream down her face, still asleep. I wondered what she was dreaming about. I was so curious that I even thought about using my jagan eye to get into her mind and find out. I would have done just that if I hadn't sensed someone watching me. I quickly turned around but saw no one. I looked all around and walked in and out of places that where close to where I had sensed them but there was no one, or at least I thought.
Millie: Oooooh. I smell a conflict!!!! And you wanna know what else?
Black: -__- what?
Millie: LOVE!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Black: Of course. NOW MOVE SO I CAN READ!!!!
Millie: *moves and Black trips. Tries desperately not to laugh.*
Black: *slowly gets up and glares at her.* You saw nothing.
Millie: Riiiiiiiiiiight. I didn't see anything.
M/K/B: R&R everyone.