Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Messed up World; A Hiei Story ❯ Split!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Black: Cliffie!!! *is fuming*
Millie: Don't you love it? ^_^
Black: >__< NO!!!
Millie: -__-;; Didn't think so.
Hiei: Hn. You two are ridiculous.
Millie: *rolls eyes* Hiei leave we are busy.
Hiei: This story is about me, I have every right to be here.
Millie: >_< I am the authoress and I say leave. Go make out with Black or something.
H/B: *fume* I DO NOT LIKE HER/HIM!!!!
M/K/Y/KW: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Kurama: Yes keep saying that to yourselves and maybe it will come true….highly unlikely.
Millie: You said it Kurama. Well enjoy.
(A/n: Remember this is all in Hiei's point of view.)
I was walking back to the temple door when I heard a rustle in the bushes to the right of me. I stopped in my tracks and looked over to its destination. It rustled again and I quickly snatched up the creature in one swift motion by its neck.
“Who the hell are you and what the fuck do you want?” I asked it. He was a demon about five inches taller than me with pale green scaly skin and two horns. All he did in his response to my question was gasp for air.
“Answer me fool!” I yelled.
“P-please release me and I will tell you everything.” He winced as I threw him to the ground in a harsh manner. He scrambled to his feet as I pulled out my katana and had the sharp tip right up to his throat as a sign of a threat. “You have three minutes to explain yourself baka.”
“Ok Ok. I was sent here to take Lady Sukiyaki to my master.”
“And who is your master?” The pathetic creature just cringed at my remark and hesitated to tell. I pressed the blade even loser to his neck, forcing it to make a mark as a small stream of blood poured down and onto the ground.
“M-Masters name is Mukuro.” My eyes widened at the sound of her dreadful name. Hn. So she was in on it. That bitch owes me so much for all the shit I had to put up with. I slit his throat and advanced rather quickly into the living room. Surprisingly the others were still awake.
“Hiei, what's wrong?” asked Melissa.
“I know who attacked Sarah in the forest when I found her.” I said in an angry tone. “Mukuro.”
“Dammnit. How did you know? Are you sure?” asked Yusuke.
“Of course I know baka; I just caught one of her idiot minions and made them tell me.”
“Well there isn't much time until she will come for her again. We must be prepared.”
“Hn. And what do you suggest fox?”
“I think we should move training up to tomorrow.”
“Awwe but I wanted to ask her out on a date for tomorrow.” whined Kuwabara.
“Shut up dumbass. She would've said no anyway.” Melissa yelled. She disliked him as well. Sarah suddenly charged down the stairs and to the window.
“Sarah? Are you ok?” asked Yusuke.
“No. No I'm not. Someone's here.” We all turned to look at each other as she started to bolt all of the windows and doors shut.
“Sarah, tell us what happened.” She went and sat at the kitchen table and started rocking back and forth.
“I-I saw it. All of it.” We just looked at her with confused looks on our faces.
“Sarah, tell me, what did you see?” asked Melissa in a calm voice.
“Look. One thing about the pearl eyes is I can have visions as well and what I saw I really want to prevent.”
“What did you see?” Kurama asked.
“Everyone…..dead. All of you die. Today.” Everyone looked at her with disbelief in their eyes. “I can still see clear as day.”
“Hn. Baka. What exactly did you see?” I was interested. Why was she seeing our deaths?
“I saw an army of demons banging down the door and all of us fleeing to the upstairs. Then they all got in and Kuwabara was first to go.” I could hear Kuwabra gasp and Melissa laugh a little. “ Then Kurama.” Melissa stopped laughing and got a serious look on her face. “Then Melissa. After her was Yusuke.”
“Hn. And then me.” I finished and looked at the floor.
”What?” I asked.
“HEY!! HOW COME SHRIMPY GETS TO LIVE-OWW!!!” Melissa smacked Kuwabara in the back of his head.
“Apparently this person that comes knows him and keeps him for herself.”
“So it is Mukuro?” Kurama was contemplating everything.
“I don't know who she is but if you know then yes. She was part machine it looked like.”
“Hn. There is no time to waste; training will have to be tomorrow.” They nodded their heads in agreement. “Sarah come with me I need to talk to you.” I said to her. We both walked out to the back porch to talk.
“Hn. I-“
“I know you saw me Hiei.” My eyes widened. “I saw you spying on me.”
“I wasn't spying Onna. I heard you screaming and wanted to find out for myself what the hell was going on.” She grunted like I do and looked away.
“So what was up with earlier when I was hanging out with Melissa? What, you thought our laughter was a sign of danger?” She chuckled but I growled.
“Onna would you fucking shut up and let me talk?” I asked in an angry tone. She kept laughing.
“I'm not stopping you.”
“Hn. Smart ass. Look was that dream you were having in your room the vision?”
“Yes.” Her face went solemn.
“Your visions. Can they change?”
“Only if we try really hard but it is highly unlikely.”
“Then we will try.” All of a sudden her eyes went from red to black to her original blue/green color in a matter of seconds. “Onna?” I asked.
“I-I have to go.” She quickly ran into the house and up to her room. I was confused but just shrugged it off. I zipped up to my favorite tree branch and stayed there the rest of the night. I woke up the next morning with the sun shining right in my face.
“Agh. Dammnit. Stupid fucking sun.” I yelled.
`Who the hell cut off my branches that are supposed to protect me from such idiotic things?' I thought. I looked down and saw Kuwabara staring up at me with hedge clippers in his hands.
“YOU'RE MINE BAKA!!!” I yelled. He screamed, dropped the huge scissors, and ran like a penguin. I caught up to him at the training arena and pulverized him.
“HIEI!!” yelled Yusuke. “Let him go we are already behind schedule. Plus Melissa wants a whack at him.” He said in a calm voice like it was nothing.
“Hn. Fine but if he touches another one of my trees with those clippers in his hands then he is mine.”
“So who's first?” asked Kurama.
“Me!!!” yelled Melissa. “I want to fight Yusuke.”
“What? But I thought you wanted Kuwabara.”
“Hell no you always make me fight him and in like one kick he's out. That's not fun. That's depressing. Hm. For him anyway.”
“Ok fine. I'll fight you. Hiei has to take on Sarah and I guess Kurama gets Kuwabara.” Kurama scrunched up his face in annoyance. I felt bad for him in a way but didn't say anything.
“Hehe I'll kick his ass.” I laughed immediately. “What's so funny shorty?”
“Hn. You do know he'll be kicking back, right? Plus you can't even beat Melissa do you really think you can beat the fox?”
“Hey!! What is that supposed to mean?” She yelled.
“Ugh nevermind. Can we just get on with it?” asked Yusuke.
“Sure.” Melissa smirked. “We're first.” They both got in what you would call the ring. It was more like a big square on the ground where the grass was cut. They both went to there separate sides of the court and got in there fighting stance.
“Go.” said Kurama.
“Hello? I need music.” Melissa replied.
“Millie just fight.” Sarah said.
“Millie?” I mouthed. Melissa growled.
“I need music. NOW PLAY IT!!” Kurama turned on the stereo and play 30 Seconds to Mars. Yusuke went at her with a sucker punch but missed. She dodged him and kicked him in the stomach. He quickly absorbed the blow and punched her in the face. She jumped up and kicked him in the back and pulled him up by his greasy hair. Unfortunately for her his hair was too slick and full of gross hair gel that he slipped through her fingers and onto the grass. He jumped up and punched her in the face again and dropped kicked her. She flipped back up and formed ice balls in her hands and threw them at his face. He dodged a few but was hit in the temple by three of them and was knocked out.
“YES!!! I WIN!!!” She yelled.
“Yes, congratulations Melissa.” She ran to Kurama and hugged him.
“Hn. Bakas.” I said under my breath. “Who's next?” I asked.
“Well seeing as Kuwabara is still unconscious next will be Sparks and Hiei.”
“Sparks?” Sarah asked.
“Yeah since you're calling me…ugh Millie then I am calling you Sparks.”
“Oooook.” She answered.
“Hn. Somebody help me drag he baka detectives body out of the way.” I said. Kurama came over and grabbed him by his wrists, forcing me to get his ankles. As we dragged him back to the bench he was snoring like an elephant.
“Are you ready to fight me Hiei?” asked Sarah.
“Hn.” Was all I said. We got into fighting stances as well.
“Mils change that music.”
“Oh it's Mils now?”
“Yes.” She glared and they both laughed. Hn. Girls.
“Why do you want to change the music anyway?..Oh wait I know what you want.” At that moment I could hear Getting Smaller by Nine Inch Nails blaring. She smiled and then got an evil smirk as she turned her head to look at me.
“Ready?” She asked. I said nothing but instead charged at her and gave her a huge gash in her shoulder. “Bitch.” She said. She charged at me and tried to kick me in the stomach. I dodged and punched her in the face. She turned around and kicked me in the face. I flew into a tree.
`Hn. She's stronger than I thought.'
`Damn right.' I heard in my head. Sarah was speaking to me. `Now get the fuck up so I can beat you.' Her eyes changed from blue/green to completely black. She charged at me and kicked me multiple times in the stomach until blood streamed out of my mouth. I was getting sick and tired of this ningens thinking she was winning I jumped up and threw fire balls at her. She dodged like a pro.
“Come one. I'm right here. Can't you take me?” She yelled at me. This wasn't like her.
“Sarah be careful.” Melissa called.
“I'm not Sarah baka so just back the fuck off and let me handle mine.” She snapped. They looked at her in confusion. I came down on her hard and threw a rare ice pick at her. She only caught it with her two hands.
“Hn. Is that all you got?” My tactics didn't faze her. I kicked her in the face and then again in the stomach. She skidded across the ground and stopped lying on her stomach. I ran over to her and she jumped up and grabbed me by the neck.
“Sarah!!” yelled Melissa.
“Shut up.” She used telekinesis and flung Melissa into the bench. “It's people like you that give me headaches.” Why was she saying things like this? Just earlier this morning they were laughing and joking around.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I yelled and burned her hand. She screeched and let me go. I got up and took my sheath and stuck it to her neck, choking her. Her eyes changed back and started to cry. Tears streamed down my face.
“Please.” She said in between sobs. “Please kill me.” I was confused. What was going on? She needed some serious help.
“Look we need to get you and her back to the infirmary. You both have been badly injured.” Melissa said as she looked coldly at us. I reluctantly put Sarah's arm around my shoulder and helped her up to the infirmary room. She was still crying when they fixed her up. We were all in the living room doing our own thing when Genkai came out.
“It seems that Sarah is suffering from SPD.”
“SPD?” asked Kuwabara stupidly.
“Split Personality Disorder.” He hung his head. “Don't worry I didn't expect you of all people to know what it meant anyway.
“So is she ok now?” Kurama asked.
“I am sorry but it is not something that heals itself over one night.” I didn't care. I just wanted to know why she begged me to die.
Millie: Sorry I couldn't do a cliffie. I am being kicked off.
B/K/M: ENJOY!! R&R!!!