Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Messed up World; A Hiei Story ❯ Death and shit. ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Millie: You like?
Black: Maybe.
Millie: -__- Well thank you very much.
Black: Keep writing and maybe I will like it even more. ^_^
Millie: So you do like it?
Black: O_O I never said that.
Millie: But you sai-
Black: JUST TYPE!!! *gets shifty eyes*
Millie: *Rolls eyes* Ooooooook well I own nothing so Enjoy!! ^_^
(Hiei's P.O.V >>…<< Just a reminder ^_^)
Hn. That baka has been in the infirmary for almost three weeks now. I have spoken to her every night since then, getting to know her better as I try and pry this mystery out of her. Not that I would want her doing that to me…..Hn. not that she would get anything out of me anyway but if we are supposed to save her life then I want some fucking answers. I am taking time out of my life to save her ass and she won't tell me a damn thing that retains to what I should know in the first place. All she did was avoid the subject. Hn. That baka Onna. She is so stubborn sometimes.
“Onna, when are you going to tell me about why you're here?” I asked her yesterday night.
“Hiei, you know why I'm here.” She answered looking at me, her eyes staring into mine like she was going to cry. Hn. Emotions, like I said they get you now where when things matter.
“Hn. I know why, but you haven't explained anything. Who was that other person that wanted to kill me?” I asked her. She didn't say anything. She just looked the other way.
“It's not a problem Hiei.” She replied.
“The hell it isn't. Look you need to tell me so that we can help you.”
“It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's that I can't.” Hn. I just grunted at her and left the room. She was looking up at the ceiling, thinking hard about her answer no doubt. I would just read her mind but she is capable of blocking me out. I just went into the living room to see Kurama and Melissa talking.
“Hn. That baka won't spill anything.”
“Well give her time Hiei, god. I mean you've been in her room everyday for the past three weeks almost. Give it a rest why dontcha?” Melissa retorted.
“Baka don't talk to me like that. I saw what she looked like when she changed and it is dangerous for her to be unstable like that again.” She looked at me with wide eyes. I was going off and getting angry over the health of someone that I wasn't even supposed to care about and I didn't even notice. “If it happens again then things could even worse and she could kill us along with herself.”
I was huffing and puffing towards the end and I slammed my fist on the breakfast bar.
“I didn't think you of all people would care so much.” Melissa was still looking at me shocked. Then her look of amazement was gone as fast as it came and was replaced with a secretive smile.
“Hn. What are you looking at baka?”
“You. Haha.” She answered. “Can't you see it Kurama?”
“Mhm. It is written all over his face.” He smiled as well that baka kitsune.
“Hn. What the hell are you talking about?”
“Does she really have to spell it out for you Hiei?” Kurama butted in.
“Hn. Apparently because she is talking like Kuwabara and yes that is an insult.”
“And I took it as that Hiei, don't worry. Now back to what I have to spell out for you. You're in loooooooooove.” She sang, twirling her finger around and stopping at the end having it pointed at me.
“Grrrrr, you're insane baka.” I was angry now and she knew it but didn't care.
“Nope, I'm perfectly sane. You are just being delusional about how you really feel. Well you better suck it up bad ass because sooner or later you will realize it and it will be too fucking late.” She replied getting a little aggressive toward the end and stopped smiling but instead was smirking at me. Hn. What did she know? Nothing that's what. I stormed into the kitchen and pulled out a beer. I could hear someone coming down the hallway. If it's Kuwabara I am going to beat him the fuck up. I was not in the damn mood to just stand there and hear his stupidity gene show itself through his fat ugly mouth.
“Team we need you.”
It was Genkai, lucky for Kuwabara. Not for me though. I could've had fun kicking his ass. We all followed Genkai into the infirmary. Sarah was seizing now and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
“Melissa I need you to perform a spell to calm her.” She ordered her. She did as told and rushed to the side of her bed. She clasped her hands together and brought them up to her face. Her fingers inter mingled with her index fingers together pointing up. She was mumbling some spell that obviously I didn't know. Her seizing slowly receded and reverted back to…well I would say far away from normal. Now she was breathing really hard and grasping the bed sheets like she was in pain. She was still moving around quite a bit and grunting and growling.
“Grrrr WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?” She asked but wasn't directing it to us.
“I am taking over that's what. These are not your friends Sarah. They want to hurt you. With me, you could rule!!”
“SHUT UP!!!” She started to cry. “JUST SHUT UP. You don't know them.”
“What the hell is going on!?!?!” I asked with a growl.
“Just for saying that, you are going to pay.” At that Sarah's mouth filled up with blood. She choked and gasped for breath.
“Sarah!!” I yelled and ran to her bed.
“Please Hiei I don't want anything to happen to you.” Tears streamed down her face. “Kill me.” She begged. She grabbed my shirt and looked me in the eyes. She was serious.
“I won't let anything happen to you I swear.” I couldn't believe what I said. Maybe I do like her. No, that's just ridiculous. I'm just doing my job. Her face went from a sad, soft look to angry. She pushed me aside and her eyes turned red.
“Good answer. Don't want you ruining our plans, hn. not now. I have them all perfectly spread out in my mind.” Her voice was a little different. Darker I guess you could say. She sat up straight in her bed with her feet dangling off.
“Sparky I really think you should lye down.” suggested Kuwabara.
“Shut the hell up you fucking idiot. I am in control now and it's not Sparky. It's Arien. Get your fucking names straight.” She smashed him into the medical equipment.
“Oh don't play dumb Melissa I know you are smarter than that.” She glared at Sarah's form and balled up her fists. Over the last three weeks they had developed a good friendship and she was hurt by her words. “What are you going to do fight me? No you can't do that. Hiei has to. Because he is ruining EVERYTHING I HAVE CREATED…… AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGG.” She keeled over in pain and put her hands to her head.
“No don't listen to her.” She yelled out, only this time it was distinctly Sarah saying it.
“Baka I don't want to mess with you. Now what is your fucking problem with all of us Arien?” She was now in full control and got up to her feet. I could tell Sarah was struggling with every inch of her being to get back to us and leave Arien in the dust.
“All of you are infantile, incompetent, idiotic, liars that can't keep to themselves. How do you think I was created?” There was a pause like she was waiting for an answer but we all knew it was a rhetorical question and with Kuwabara knocked out we were in the clear of his stupidity arising.
“Because `Sparky' as you call her couldn't handle it. She couldn't handle the heartaches and being taken advantage of. And that other fucking bullshit that comes along with it. The backstabbers and the people who didn't care what she wanted but what they did. So as she slowly melted into a weak, secretly shy punk, I was forming in her mind. Not that she realized it at the time. I am the one that takes all of the blows and tells off the mother fuckers as I put them in their place. And now it is your turn.” She twirled in a circle and her clothes were changed in an instant from regular ningens pajama clothes to shredded jeans and a black tanktop. She also had with her a katana strapped to her left hip, a belt of daggers, a hand gun at her right hip and a rifle strapped to her back. Her skin went from a really light brown to a milky paper white, like a corpse. She pointed her katana at us and got a wild smirk on her face.
“Hn. You fucking idiot. What the hell are you gonna do now? Kill us? You have to be the stupidest person I have ever met.” I yelled out, not even really thinking before I spoke.
“Do you really think that was the wisest thing to say?” She was getting angry.
“Don't question what I say baka. Killing us will do nothing. There will always be people trying to pry into your life. There is no point in killing them all. So just fuck what you are doing now and put your katana down.”
“Who are you to fucking tell me what to do?” Arien yelled. She broke down again and collapsed on the floor. I ran to her side.
“Sarah? Is that you?” She coughed up blood.
“Y-yes, it's me. Hiei the only way she will leave is if you bring me near death.” She cried.
“What? Onna we can't do that. It could go wrong.”
“Please. P-please do it for me? I can't have her kill you guys. Especially not you.” My face got warm with a blush but I had to hurt to and tears flickered in my eyes, as did hers.
“Hiei no. You can't do that.” Melissa yelled.
“I have to Onna. Arien needs to be stopped and Sarah needs to be happy.” I yelled and pulled out my katana. “I need a beaker for her blood.” Melissa came running up with the supplies.
“So we are just going to drain her blood right here?” asked Kurama.
“We have to. It's the only way to save us all. Arien is of the highest class demon, unlike Sarah. She could wipe out everyone.” Melissa answered.
“Kurama I need your help with this. You are the smarter one of all of us. I need you to tell me where to make the incision and how much to let out.” Kurama nodded in understanding. He told me to cut deeply at the wrists and to let out a gallon of blood. I picked her up bride style as you would say and laid her on the bed. I took her wrist and made a small deep cute. Her face got even paler and paler. She winced as it all flowed into the designated area.
“Don't worry everything is fine Sarah.” Kurama warned her. She nodded and looked at me.
“I trust him Kurama.” She said weakly and smiled a bit before she passed out. As soon as her head turned to the other side she screamed in pain.
“Fuck you all!! DAMN YOU TO HELL.” Arien screamed as loud as she could and a black aura of a spirit flew out of her body. She fell back onto the bed and we saw this ghostly shape die and evaporate into thin air.
“Hurry we must out her blood back before she goes into a permanent coma.” Kurama rushed to get the tools. It took about twenty minutes to get it all back into place. I massaged her arm to help the flow back. We were done and all we could do was wait and make sure we hadn't caused any damage.
“Well well. What's this?” I heard a familiar voice at the door. I could hear scratching as well. We all turned around to see.
Millie: Cliffie but I know you know who it is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist.
Kuwabara: Well who is it?
M/B/K: -__-
Millie/Black: Don't even answer him. Leave him in suspense.
Kurama: I agree. -__-;;
M/K/B: Hope you liked it. R&R please.