Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Messed up World; A Hiei Story ❯ OH NO!!!! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hiei: What the hell is going on now?
Millie: Well you are going to save your woman now. ^_^
H/B: >_<
Millie: Oh shut up. Kurama's the smartest one here and he can tell that you two like each other…..smartness. ^_^…O_O HELL KUWABARA IS THE STUPIDEST AND HE KNOWS!!!
Kurama: -__-;;;;; Here we go again. Kuwabara, your entrance is about now as always.
Kuwabara: Yep even I know. ^_^ *all happy about it and didn't even realize the insult*
Kurama: O_O;;;;
Hiei: >_< The baka ningen-
Millie: ICE DEMON!!
Hiei: >_< Owns nothing.
(In this part Mukuro has never defeated the Dragon of the Darkness Flame)
I turned around and knew immediately who it was. She had ruined years of my life by being merely the bitch that she is.
“What the hell do you want Mukuro?” I asked, stupidly.
“Wow, Hiei you have changed since I last saw you.” She looked me up and down. “More muscular, better looking. Healthy even. Oh baby you're killing me over here.”
“Shut the hell up Mukuro and explain yourself so that we can get to the good stuff.” She knew I meant the fighting but she was so sex crazed when we were dating that I knew she was going to act like she had no idea what I was referring to and twist my words as she always did.
She circled me and turned around, watching her every movement. I knew what she had planned. She planned on pinning me from behind and stealing Sarah while I was helpless and unable to get her back. The others were still here of course but they knew that this was my fight and if any of them got in my way then I would have to deal with them after.
“Oh don't look so suspicious. You make me want to take you in my arms right now.” She smirked at me evilly and I scowled at her. I hated her down to the very depths of my soul. I wanted to kill her and then rob her for all she had.
“Stop talking that way Baka and let's get down to business. The only way you can get to her is through me and so far you haven't even tried.” I said with anger in my voice. Sarah was still unconscious and the others were still waiting anxiously for her to wake up. She developed a look of shock on her face, like she had no idea what I had just uttered.
“Why Hiei. I just wanted to drop by and give you a little hello. Baby I missed you.” She was still smirking and put her arms out to me as if she wanted me to hug her.
“You think after all you've done that I would even want to touch you? Hn. Well then I guess you have changed a lot too.” I looked at her like she was the most morbid, disgusting, distorted thing I had ever seen. Hn, only in my mind she really is. She scrunched up her face.
“I guess you are too smart for your own good.”
“Hn. Well I have always been smarter than you.” I replied.
“Don't get too sure of yourself Hiei. Don't want to embarrass yourself in front of your friends.”
“Hn. You should be already. Your minion was some what of an imbecile. I thought you were better than that. Hehe wait a minute, no I didn't” I could tell she was offended by that. Her face got angrier and uglier by the minute but I thought her normal blank expression was scary enough, there was really no need to make it worse.
“You're one to talk Jaganshi. You're about to swallow your words.” She said with a glare.
“Hn. Don't try to intimidate me. I know you, unfortunately. Even if I don't win now, I will later. You just watch. It will happen.” I pulled out my katana and held it in front of me so if she charged I could quickly block her. I looked straight down the side of the blade, razor sharp and just begging to be splattered with her blood. I wanted to sink the tip into her flesh and to hear her cry out for dear life. For her to say sorry for all she ever did to me, for every pang in my heart that she caused.
“You think I owe you something Hiei?”
“Just the honor of letting me kill you.” I smiled and charged at her. Unfortunately for me she developed a new power while I was gone. She disappeared and reappeared behind me. She cut a huge gash in the back of my knee, causing me to collapse.
“Don't forget Hiei, I helped train you. I know all your pathetic moves.” She whispered in my ear.
“Leave him alone.” Yusuke yelled out. That baka always wanted to be the one to save everybody's life.
“Back the fuck away baka or I will hurt you beyond repair.” I called back. The room was pretty big and he was pretty far away but he could still hear me. I growled and zipped up away from her.
“I have learned knew things baka.” I yelled and held out my right hand to start the dragon of the darkness flame.
“You-you have mastered the dragon?” She gasped and had a look of awe on her face.
“Hahahaha.” I laughed at her sudden expression and kept on forming the wonderful black dragon.
“Very clever H-Hiei.” She stuttered still and back away a few feet.
“Hn. It doesn't matter how far away you are. It travels and will always catch it's prey.” A few moments passed as it built up its strength. “DRAGON OF THE DARKNESS FLAME!!!!” I yelled.
As soon as it left my arm Mukuros face dropped to a slight smile and she merely put her arm in front of her to block the impact that was coming her way.
“Silly Hiei. I have been watching you, you know. Like I said before, I know all your moves.” My eyes widened at what she said and how quickly I had become the victim of an attack instead of her. She said something and the dragon evaporated into nothing. Since I had developed the dragon so much that I didn't have to fall asleep anymore and was now strong enough to keep going for as long as I could.
“How the hell?” I growled. She only laughed at me and was coming at me with a counter attack. I dodged and missed her blow to my side with her katana. There wasn't much I could do because I had used so much of my energy so soon. Hn. I was now bound to dodging as best to my ability. That wench watched my every move and knew where I was headed next. I was almost out of breath when she sliced my chest and blood spattered everywhere.
“Bitch.” I yelled.
“Oh Hiei, did I do that?” She must of thought that was a cool, sly thing to say but I just thought it was stupid beyond all reason. She only talked that way to try and under mind me but all she did was make herself look like a jackass.
“You bet your fat ass you did and I'm gonna get you back for that baka.” I growled as I held my chest and winced a little at the pain.
“I didn't think it would be this easy to bring down the great Mr. Jaganshi himself. Why, I am surprised Hiei.” Hn. Keep in mind that we have been going at this for about three hours now and I was not about to give up because of a mere scratch on my chest.
“What the hell is with you and saying my name every other fucking sentence? You sound like a retard baka. What is it? Do you have a fucking name complex of something?” Her eyes narrowed at me and she glared her most `evil' glare she could make, and I say that with fear in my voice…hn, just kidding. Like that baka could scare me? I charged at her as fast I could and tried to swipe her head clean off but was suddenly levitated off the floor and thrown in mid air across the room.
“Do not underestimate me Hiei. I have developed new powers over the years and I am NOT about to let you or anyone else get in the middle of what I have planned. Now stat down or all your little friends die including Sarah. You see I was going to take her amulet and let her live as my slave but right now you are making me want to kill even more with every second that passes. NOW STAY OUT OF MY WAY!!!” She screamed and threw me once again into another wall and blood started to trickle down my face. I was getting dizzy now but I couldn't just let her win. Hn. I knew I should've stopped when I had the chance, I'm not stupid but I had to keep going. I stood back up and wobbled back and forth as I grabbed for my katana at its rightful place but it was gone.
“Looking for this?” Mukuro asked twirling it around in her hand. My eyes widened and I charged at her but once I got to her I passed out from lack of oxygen and strength. She kneeled down next to me.
“You have just failed and I win.” She started laughing and walking over to Sarah's bed.
“No.” said Yusuke, blocking her limp form on the bed from Mukuro. Her face contorted to a `who the fuck does he think he is?' look.
“Get the fuck out of my way. I have things to do.” She flung him across the room when I saw Melissa and Kurama try and move forward.
“What the hell did you do Bitch?” asked Melissa.
“You have discovered another one of my new powers. Hehe. You are frozen to the spot.”
“I already fucking knew that you fucking dumbass, it doesn't take a god damn rocket scientist.” Melissa replied. Mukuro just smacked her in the face and proceeded towards Sarah. I was on the ground and going in and out of consciousness for minutes at a time. It was all a blur, the last things that happened before she left but I do remember the last thing she said to me. She must have called in her dumbass muscle men to get Sarah out of the bed and to where ever they were ordered to because when I got up they were there and she was gone. She walked over to me and kneeled down to my right ear.
“Thank you for making her unconscious. It makes my job a lot easier….Hn. Oh yeah. You're next so be waiting.” I growled and she smacked my head into the ground. When I woke up everyone was on the floor, passed out for some reason. I got up as fast as I could, hurting my head in the process with a major headache. I ignored it best I could and ran over to the “team”. As I was walking over I saw Melissa move slightly and then her head and torso rose up a bit as she gasped for breath.
“Baka Onna, what happened while I was out?” I asked. I could see that she had scratch marks on her face and so did the others. She put her hand to her heart and tried to breath as best she could.
“Answer me.” I yelled a little louder than I should have. I was just a little frustrated with what had just happened.
“She-she took Sarah and you passed out.”
“I knew that. What else? How did you and the others get into this condition?” I persisted.
“The henchmen came in and grabbed her obscenely. I'm glad you weren't awake to see it. And then they took her. Yusuke…..” She coughed up a little blood and then proceeded to speak. “Yusuke tried to get back up and then ran to Mukuro and stupidly thought he could beat her. I yelled at him, because I mean if you can't beat her then he sure as hell can't. She-she smacked him in the face again and kicked him in the crotch and knocked him out with the hilt of her katana. Then she hurt Kurama.” She stopped. I growled.
“She stabbed him in the chest and Kuwabara was already out the whole time.” I looked around and saw Kurama lying on the ground with a dagger in his chest, still breathing but not very well and looking up at the ceiling. He quietly turned his head to face us and Melissa was on the brink of tears.
“What did she do to you?”
“She said that- gaha.” She held her stomach and fell to the floor. She was still awake but in pain.
“What happened baka?” I screamed.
“She stabbed me twice and cut up my face. She said that if we ever try and save Sarah that it will be much worse and she will kill us all. That this was a warning of what will come if we meddled. She al- she also said that you are next.”
“Onna get up we have to get the others to the hospital wing of the infirmary.” She nodded in understanding and tried to get up. I had to help her a few times but she managed to get over to Kurama and tear out the dagger that was in his chest. She used her power to steal other's powers and levitated him into the hall and into the hospital wing. That left me with Yusuke. I just threw him over my shoulder and dragged him Kuwabara by the arm into the same wing.
“Hn. What the hell are we going to do now?” I asked as the others were getting treated.
“We-……we have to wait until we heal first Hiei, so that we are all strong enough to fight her.” Kurama replied. I squinted my eyes closed in frustration because I knew he was right.
“Hiei, it's the only way. Besides, she's not going to do anything to her until she has you.” I looked up as that last word left Melissa's mouth. She was right.
“The only thing you can do now is listen to her thoughts and make sure of what Melissa said.” Kurama added. I was a little angry that they weren't doing anything to try and help her but they were right. All I could do was wait and train and build up my defenses to kick that bitch's ass.
Millie: Oooooh. ASS KICKIN'!!!!!!!
Kurama: -__- I should've known they would be talking about this. Hehe…eh.
Hiei: FUCK YEAH, ASS KICKIN'!!! Where's Kuwabara to make it better?!?! He makes it comedic. *Looks everywhere.*
M/B: ^_^ hehe. That's the spirit.
M/K/B: Enjoy!!