Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Messed up World; A Hiei Story ❯ Mukuro's Beating ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Millie: Can't wait for these next three chapters, can you Black? *sly smirk*
Black: *glares.* Yes now type woman. >_<
Hiei: Why do you want them so bad? *appears right behind her*
Black: O_O
Millie: *cracks up on the floor.*
Hiei: *waiting for an answer*
Millie: *still cracking up*
Black: O_O
Kurama: Hehehe…eh. Melissa owns nothing. Enjoy. Heh.
Black: O_O ……..(to be continued.)
Hn. I woke up the following morning with an irritating migraine piercing my brain. The night before invaded my dreams, making me want to scream out in anger. I decided not to. It would only make those fools come to me with stupid fucking questions and want to talk. Talking was the last fucking thing I wanted to do at this point. Right now I wanted to blow Mukuro's brains out. I stayed in my tree and cursed the bitch's name. How dare she come back after all this time only to take the one thing I truly cared for. My eyes widened as I heard myself think. Did I really fall for that baka we all tried to save? I asked myself that question only every other few minutes. I couldn't get her out of my head. Why? I had only known her for about two months. I shook my head in disbelief.
~No.~ I thought. ~It can't happen. I can't get hurt like that…She would reject me~ I continued to fool myself until Yusuke ran outside.
“We have a lead.” He yelled from the ground floor and then ran back off into the temple.
“It better be something good.” I said to myself as I jumped from tree branch to tree branch, not stopping until I reached the one right by the door. I hopped down and entered the old lady's home. Melissa sat at the open breakfast bar with Kurama and were both looking at Genkai intensely. I walked in and zipped to the window sill I had claimed to be mine.
“Ok, so everyone seems to be here.” Genkai stated as she looked around the room.
“All but Kuwabara.” Yusuke replied. I rolled my eyes.
“Forget the baka sidekick. Get on with the fucking news Dammnit.” I cursed to them all. Yusuke only glared at me and I looked over at him with a death glare of my own. He cringed and looked away just like I knew he would and we put our attention back to Genkai.
“Sarah has been taken by Mukuro-“ She was interrupted.
“No shit, now what are we going to do about it?” The baka detective called out of term. He was literally a smack away from being permanently unconscious.
“The whereabouts of where she is being held are still unknown.” She went on without saying a word to Yusuke. This made me even angrier.
“You called us all here to say you know nothing?” I growled and got up from my seat. I balled my hands into fists and walked with a fast pace over to where the rest were all situated.
“This is bullshit!” I yelled. “Say something important for once you wrinkled bitch.” I continued up at her. Genkai only looked at me with the same expression she had always obtained.
“I'm doing this on my own.” I snapped and began storming into the hallway to my room. In a matter of minutes I was at my door and Melissa was running after me. She put her hand on my shoulder and I growled as she touched me. She then pulled away as I turned slightly to look at her.
“You can't do this on your own Hiei.” She told me.
“I can and I will.” I replied and walked into my room. I planned on slamming the door but Melissa was quick and had known me long enough to run in when I wasn't paying her any attention. She ended up leaning on the door once it was closed with her arms crossed and glaring at me.
“What?!?” I snapped. “Get out.” I added, turning my upper body to face her. I was looking out the window just seconds before and she hadn't said anything so I thought I should speak up. Hn. I didn't want her in my room analyzing everything I owned down to why I had certain belongings in the first place. That's why she and Kurama were such a good couple. They each were better at specific aspects of the power but were still skilled in the task.
“You know we won't let you go alone no matter what you do or how you threaten us.” She said to me. I only growled at her.
“You come and you will only make fools of yourselves.” I growled as I clenched my jaw. I didn't want them messing up my plans.
“Well then what's your plan, Sherlock?” She asked me as she rolled her eyes. Hn. No reason to tell her.
“None of your damn business.” I replied with a glare out the window.
“We're coming whether you like it or not.” Was all she said as she walked out and slammed the door behind her. I only growled loudly as I punch the wall with no pain entering my hand. What the hell was so hard about getting Sarah back? I asked myself as soon as that baka of an ice demon left my room. My emotions clouded my good judgment just like I thought they would.
~H…Hiei~ My eyes widened as I heard a voice in my head. Unlike that baka Kuwabara, I knew it wasn't god or my conscience talking, but instead someone I knew.
~S-Sarah?~ I thought back to her with a stutter. I mentally smacked myself for it as well. Hn. Damn. Her energy seemed weak and like she had been using all she could to speak to me telepathically.
~Are you ok? Where are they keeping you?~ I asked hastily. In order to get her I obviously needed to know where the hell she was.
~I don't know. I'm in a dark room and there's a small window but it's too high to see anything….~ There was a pause in her voice.
~Onna?!~ I quickly asked. I didn't want anything to have happened to her.
~I-I'm here…They just…they hurt me pretty badly heh.~ She answered me and it pained me to here those words.
~I'll be there soon. Just hang in there.~ I replied and stalked out. I went right through the living room not saying a word. The rest of the shit heads remained where they were and only looked at me confused and I was happy to leave them that way. Hn. Lucky for them they didn't follow me. I used my demon speed and energy to locate the source of where Sarah's power was generating. I swore to myself I would decapitate Mukuro if it was the last thing I did. I tried to convince myself once again that the only reason I was so worked up about all this was because she had ruined my life beforehand and was now going to steal the amulet and try to rule all worlds. Not only that either, but be invincible as well. As I ran through the forest I was grazed at the ankle by an unknown weapon causing me to stop in my tracks. I looked down as the smallest trail of blood I had ever seen trickled down my shoe and through my pants leg. I averted my gaze upward and saw that sick bastard that made me cringe almost as much as that bitch Mukuro.
“Fuck, I should've known.” I said aloud as he regained his weapon of a massive circular blade in his hand. “Shigure.” Was all I had said after a long pause. He nodded his head.
“Long time no see.” He replied with a ghoulish grin on his face. I only growled.
“You son of bitch, Hiei.” He added.
“Me? Hn. You're the asshole working for Mukuro. I think you need to learn your title.” I snapped. I didn't want anything to do with him. All I wanted was to kill him like I have the right and get Sarah back after I murder Mukuro. No one is going to stop me from keeping her safe this time.
“No one's gonna stop you huh? Well I can change that.” He said in his rough cigarette voice. I growled at him profusely. I pulled my katana from its sheath the minute he threw his disc shaped blade at me. I blocked it as best I could although it was thrown with great force. Hn. I slammed into a tree as I tried to keep it from slicing me in half. Once I hit the trunk I pushed the monstrous thing off of me and got into fighting stance. I ran at him only to get punched in the stomach and then again in the face. Damn, he was strong. Hn. No sweat off my back though. I could take him. He looked older and more drained then normal. No doubt Mukuro was the cause of it. He might've looked drained but he could still pack a punch.
~Fuck.~ I thought to myself. I jumped high into the air and landed on a branch out of reach. He called his weapon back to him and threw it at me as best he could. The dragon of the Darkness Flame was begging to be used on him. I wanted to use that source of power on him because of what he did to me but I knew if I did I wouldn't have enough strength to get through Mukuro. His eyes looked me over as if he new me as someone he wanted to kill. Of course he did, and I looked at him the same. He was always one to pull fast ones on you and not tell you the whole story. Hn. I despise scammers. Especially one that crushes your family like he did. I looked at him with fire in my eyes and pounced on him. I caught him off guard and started punching him everywhere I could get; stomach, neck, face. He grunted a few times in pain but only kicked me off when I was finally about to finish him.
“It's not that easy.” He stated out loud. I only smirked at him my evilest and he glared back at me confused. It must have hit him so fast he didn't even realize I had slit his torso in two just as he supposedly kicked me off. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his top half slid off at his waist.
“I told you. I always win.” I said to him in a cocky tone as I went on my way. I turned on the balls of my feet and sped off my fastest. I finally approached a huge temple-like building with a large tower at the far end. I was worried about Sarah of course but if I was to get to her I needed to find and kill Mukuro first. I saw two guards waiting outside the great iron double doors and I rolled my eyes and sighed. I began rubbing my temples. She always had to choose idiots to defend her so called organization base. The incompetent fools that gave up easily in every task they did. I continued to rub my temples in aggravation at how stupid she was until one of them spotted me. The simpleton moronically called my name out to show that he had seen me which made me look up. Any skilled craftsman would know not to draw attention to themselves when wanting to sneak up on a target. Apparently he was anything but. I, on the other hand, wanted him to see me and retreat from his post. I smirked at him smugly and jumped into a low branch as he and his equally as foolish friend approached me with bulbous heads filled with nonsense about how great of fighters they thought they were. Once they stopped in their tracks from not seeing me, I jumped down on them and slit their throats swiftly. I didn't need to drag anything out at this point. Seeing the doors, I walked forward and inspected the opening carefully. There was bound to be a trap the minute I stepped through the door. I was too smart not to know and Mukuro was too dense to realize that I hadn't forgotten my past that easily and didn't plan on it until she was lying limp on the floor with blood seeping from her body caused by my katana through her heart. I turned to face the forest in which I had just come and saw the corpses of the ones I had just killed. Using the power of my jagan I levitated one of their bodies off the ground and through the entrance door into the main hallway. The second it passed the door frame, arrow after arrow attacked the already lifeless body in an attempt to kill what was already dead. I chuckled a little at Mukuro's sad attempt. Even if I didn't put someone out before me I would have easily been able to dodge every single weapon that was meant to be aimed at me. I continued to place the body front of me as a shield and venture further into the castle. Each flight of stairs consisted of tasks that only got even more difficult as I ascended them. Eventually I had to dispose of my `shield' and go alone and use my own powers to the best of my ability. I used my katana to fight off the last horde of poisonous insects and ran into the nearest and only room I could find. Lucky for me it was Sarah's room. I could feel her energy close around me the whole time but I guess she was so weak that it didn't come to me as her being mere feet away. I saw her crouching on the floor behind the bed that they had given her.
“Onna!” I cried out as I ran to her. She had her legs up to her chest; her chin resting on her knees. I could see trails of water staining her beautiful face. She didn't open her eyes at my words. She only broke out in tears.
“Hiei.” She cried. I put my arms around her and let her cry. “I thought I would never see you again.” She admitted through sobs.
“I know Onna. I'm sorry. I would have been here sooner but I had to lose the rest of them. Please don't cry. I'm here now.” I told her and changed my sitting position so that I was in front of her. I placed a hand on her cheek and she looked up at me. Her eyes were filled with relief that I was alive but sadness as she knew I hadn't killed Mukuro yet and wasn't sure if I would make it.
“I will defeat her don't worry. I promise.” I swore to her as my thumb lightly smoothed over her soft cheek. She placed her hand on my wrist and moved her head into my hand, kissing my palm and then turned to look at me.
“You better come back.” She smirked. I smirked back and leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips. She accepted and kissed me back, deepening it with every second. I parted from her and pecked her lightly one more time and left the room. The walls were an unwelcoming color and I knew she had spy cameras everywhere. It was only a matter of time until I found her or she let loose any other guards to come after me. As I neared the end of the hallway I heard footsteps coming my way. I changed my footing and stepped closer to the wall, in the shadows as to not be seen by any that may come around. The jagan was glowing under my white bandana, begging me to take it off to see through the walls and who it was that just happened to be strolling down the corridors at this time of night. I tore it off and saw that it was only one of her minions….but they were talking so I listened in, hoping that they were speaking of the whereabouts of Mukuro in her enormous mansion. I smirked as thoughts of her slow, painful death entered my mind.
“She doesn't want to be seen right now because she's getting ready for her lover to come to her.” Lover? I thought to myself. Hn. At that time I wanted to crack up laughing but I forced myself not to. Heh, she didn't know what she was in for. This idiot of a demon continued to talk and they ceased in their walking as he spoke to a red minion of the same class.
“She says this is what's goin' to break him down and make him come running to her.” He added. I stood there trying to catch myself from falling from lack of air as I laughed silently, hearing every word.
“Well where is she? You keep going on and on and I need to know where she is so I can warn her that he's here.” The red demon was getting a little annoyed. The speaker of before, the blue demon, only rolled his eyes at this statement and question.
“She's in the main room of course…in the main hall in the dining room.” He answered this slowly as if the one he was talking to had the mind of a rodent. I nodded and zipped into the small passageway, slitting their throats before they could even squeal with anticipation of a fight.
“Hn, didn't anyone ever tell you not to gossip?” I smirked as I stepped into the opening doorway of the main hall where Mukuro was said to be. Looking everywhere, I couldn't find her. I shrugged and leaned on the side of the frame to wait. Hn. She was bound to get hungry some time and I had the time to give if only it ended in her murder. I then saw her rounding the corner on the other side of the room from another entrance. She was in plain sight and I could just cut her down on the spot if I wanted to. That was what she wanted me to do too, so I decided against it. No doubt she had something planned that I didn't know.
“Ah, baby there you are.” She said in one of her seductive tones. I rolled my eyes and unfolded my arms. Walking forward a little, I looked at her in an annoyed manner.
“Stop bullshitting and let's get down to business.” I stated with a cold glare.
“Ah ah ah Hiei. Not before we have a little fun first my little sex demon.” I growled at her response.
“Don't fucking call me that you evil bitch. I never wanted you! You forced it upon me you wench.” I spat back, not intending to show her my wrath just yet. Hn. Oh yes, it is going to get worse. She only smirked as she saw, hn not even half of how angry I was, and continued to let that things she called a voice come spewing out of her mouth like a disease. Hn. and that's what it was to me, a disease.
“You make me laugh Hiei. Hehe. You look entirely too gorgeous. Maybe I'll have to take you in my arms and ravish you right now….take in all of you.” She added in a low tone as if she would really do it if she was bold enough, which she was. I cringed. Whatever she thought she was doing wasn't working. She had messed with my head to much to make me ever want to come back to her. She licked her lips as she watched me move about the room as to steer clear of her unwanted touch. Once I noticed her change her gaze onto something different I knew she was trying to walk me into a trap. My katana out and ready, gleamed in the light as I swiped at her, trying to cut through her rough scales she called skin. Hn, with brute force she pushed me away like I was nothing. She had acquired a new level of strength since I had been gone but that didn't phase me at all.
“Hiei, why the rush? Heh, and why not the effort? You seem to have lost that spark of fire in you I love so much.” Were that words that spurted from her mouth as I landed on the dining room table, glasses and utensils flying everywhere.
“Grrrrrr.” I growled loudly and charged at her with my katana and arm extended in front of me. I wasn't in the mood for her shit. “Hn and where is the smooth skin that I used to see on your face. Getting' old now are we?” I shouted just before I dropped kicked her and went to slice her leg off. Unfortunately, she jumped up as fast as I can run and kicked me in the stomach, sending me to skid and stop just inches from slamming into a wall with an enormous painting.
“Fuck.” I breathed as I clutched my stomach in pain. I then stood up straight and smirked at her. Hn. This wasn't going to be as easy as I though. Heh, more fun for me. She strode over slowly and began to crack her fingers and wrists, even her neck.
“Come on.” She croaked, looking at me with that crooked, toothy smile that I had seen before. She wanted more than what I was going to give her. I could see it in her eyes. She was fooling herself. Hn. I wanted to kill her and she wanted to fuck me. What a combination. I rolled my eyes at my thoughts. This whole time she was getting ready for an attack I knew I could dodge. Running up to me, screaming, she attempted to punch me in the face. I, in retaliation, moved and grabbed her wrist, pulling her forward to slam her head against the frame of the door. Her forehead bleeding, she turned immediately and tried all she could to drop kick me. Quickly jumping out of the way, I threw a few fire balls, missing by only a few inches each time.
“Damn!” I cursed under my breath. The blood trickling down her face was wiped away sloppily by the swipe of her sleeve, leaving room for the red liquid to slide down her cheek once more. She was growling now, standing by the doorway as I stood on top of the dining table once again. I smirked and ran towards her, throwing ice and fire balls one after another. Missing them like a pro for a while, she lost her footing and rammed down onto the hard wood floor. As quickly as she possibly could considering the damage I had caused, she grabbed at her dagger for cutting dimensions with. I kicked it away from her grasp and stood over her. Looking down at her, I was ready to kill. Feeling a sensation coursing through my veins, I was ready to do what I had now longed for too long without regret. Moving so she lay in between my legs, I looked down at her.
“Wanting me now are you? It's about time.” She choked out. I only glared at her, staring down with a look I had never given to anyone else; a facial expression reserved only for her.
“Hn. Not in a million years.” I growled then began to punch and bash my fists into her face. She grunted and winced at the pain. Trying to get away multiple times, I wouldn't let her escape my grasp. The pain she must have been in I couldn't imagine and frankly didn't give a damn. Too bad for me I was getting a little too cocky and she somehow got away from me. I don't know how she did it but in a matter minutes I was under her and my shirt was ripped off.
“Grrr. What the hell?!” I yelled.
“You think after that beating I'm not going to get what I want?” She replied. Now with a dagger in her hand she forced it through my lower abdomen. I screamed out in pain and she laughed maniacally. Breathing heavily now, I let her insane joy shadow her judgmental and observational skills and grabbed at my katana. Once in my possession I thrust it into her heart, pushing her off of me. She was in pain oh yes, but she was dead. She screamed and continued to curse my name. Struggling as little as I possibly could, I stood up and summoned the dragon.
“Do it and I will never forgive you Hiei!” She yelled. I only chuckled a bit.
“I don't want your forgiveness baka. Hn. In fact you should begging me for mine.” I replied with a smirk spreading across my face. “Dragon of the Darkness Flame!” I called out as the beautiful black form left my palm and searched for her. It wouldn't do its full affect on her, I knew, because she had already defeated it before. The damage would still be unbearable and she would feel the regret now even I she didn't before. Just because she wasn't dead yet didn't mean she wouldn't die by my hand. I just needed time to heal the wounds she had placed on me and get Sarah back to the temple before anything worse were to happen. At that thought I looked up and saw her standing in the doorway with tears flooding her eyes, threatening to escape. I smirked at her.
“Onna she's out cold.” I said to her. A tear flew down her cheek as she ran to me in a hug. I grunted at the pain in my stomach from the gash.
“I'm sorry!” She immediately said with a worried look on her face that made me laugh a little.
“Let's get back to Genkai's and get us cleaned up.” I replied, moving a little hair from her face. She nodded and we left the building. After a few hours of being annoyingly worried over and being forced to take it easy, we were both alone in the infirmary room.
“It's not over is it?” Sarah asked. She sat upright in the bed next to me with her feet dangling off the side, facing my direction. I was silent for a few moments.
“Hn…no Onna.” I answered her, sitting the same as she was only facing her. “But we are safe for now. Knowing her as long as I have she will take a long time to recover from what I did to her. She'll only come back when she absolutely knows she can defeat us.” I finished and she looked up at me from the floor.
“Good.” Standing up she went and sat next to me.
“I love you Hiei.” My eyes widened and then softened when I looked into her eyes, seeing that she was telling the truth.
“I love you too Onna.” I replied and kissed her gently on the lips. Hn, now we just have to wait for Mukuro to return.
Millie: -___- yeah yeah, just read it.
Black: Then GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!
Millie: *rolls eyes and moves.*
M/K: Well R&R everyone. Hope you liked it. ^_^