Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mika ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: If I owned anything worth owning, someone would probably steal it and claim it as their own. As it is, I don't, and am, therefor, safe. I can only dream of owning something woth while without someone stealing it. . . . .



by Raynin


Many years ago, long before the Egyptians built the pyramids, there was four worlds.

There was the human world, barely on the edge of any intelligent form. Then there was the demon world, who's inhabitants killed humans infrequently. This was also were the Gods lived usually. Also the spirit world where the dead lived and were either sent to hell or heaven by one of the Gods. The fourth was a place for the Good People.

You might call them fairies or some other name, but that is what they called themselves and I only wish to appease them.

They were in all the worlds as back then nobody had a specific place. Everybody was everywhere in every world, but this is where they were most plentiful. There were angels (actually they called themselves Anegelns), things that switched forms and only they knew the true ones (called Swits), the cast out gods came here (as they could pretend to be Swits mocking that god and be saved from ridicule), and there was even the occasional Sphinx (even back then they were rare).

The only way to get to these worlds from another was portals. That being said you could imagine the surprise of everybody when the portals to this world started closing. One by one the citizens of this world were figuring it out. The Sphinxes had known of this for quite some time and were getting ready to leave the world of the Good People.

Then the Gods surprised them and declared that they were going to split up the species and give a planet to each one. Nobody believed them, though, and continued going through the portals as though the fourth world wasn't slowly becoming separated from the rest.

The Gods had a problem now. How to separate the people. Before now everybody was equal and always shared the worlds, now they weren't sure who they should separate from who. They had a perfectly good reason why they should. They saw how the population was growing and knew that if they put everybody only three worlds they would fill up before long. But what should the categories be?

They came up with a solution. They separated them into these categories:

Humans (non-magical, no special abilities, no claws, no fangs, no fur, unintelligent, think they know everything)

Demons (claws, fangs, scales, fur, etc. possible, sometimes looking human, intelligent, longer life span than humans)

Spirits (dead demons or humans)

Good People (Things retaining a power beyond everything but the gods, beyond demons and humans)

They Gods separated these groups into the four worlds, leaving the Good People to the fourth world as they were the most advanced at that time. They put the death penalty on anyone who crossed the boundaries between these worlds, not wanting anyone to accidentally get stuck in another world. Still some people did not listen.

Before I go further there is something you must know. Due to the magic in the fourth world, it was counteracting with the portals. The Good People didn't know how to do anything without magic.

That being said you now know it wasn't anybody's fault that the portals were closing.

Since nobody was listening to them the Gods didn't have any choice but to carry out their threat.

As the Sphinxes started coming through the Gods sent high class demons to capture one unharmed and kill he rest.

Sphinxes hate killings and violence. They avoid it at all cost. They would rather die than even harm an ant. So they died.

Even as they saw the Demons coming they didn't do anything. They didn't fly, or flinch away from the sigh of fifty or so demons coming against them . . . ten Sphinxes. There was no escaping the fact that if they ran (or flew) away That these demons would run after them till they died. As that would be killing them indirectly they stayed to die.

As promised the demons left one alive. They brought her before the Gods, who appealed (*cough* begged *cough*) to her to return to her planet. There was only thirty-four Sphinxes alive back then.

She politelyrefused.

************************* flashback **************************

Shelten stared at the Gods. Surely they didn't mean for her to go back . . . did they?

If they did then they couldn't possibly understand the Sphinxes predicament. They were supposed to stay with the Gods. Hadn't they promised the Sphinxes, not two months ago, that they would be staying with them?

She stared at them in astonishment. Could they lie so easily that they even ignored a promise? Could they truly say that they had no regrets?

She saw the look in their eyes. They didn't remember the promise. Of course they might just be blocking it from their minds. After all, it had been before the Portal Incident.

Her eyes hardened into a glare. They probably just classified the Sphinxes just so they wouldn't be on the Gods Council. The BASTARDS!

Her heart thumped painfully in her chest. She would never go back. Not in a million years. Well . . . not until the Gods found a way to stop the portals from disappearing and put at least her on the council . . . type . . . thing (she wasn't really sure what it was called). But she knew that wouldn't happen.

Her voice was hard when Shelten finally answered. No emotion, she was careful about that. Not even angry.

"Not even if you put me in Hell."

*********************** end flashback ***********************

That's when the Makai Prison was built.

They put all the evil Demons in there. The ones that killed humans for pleasure and their family. Including mate, children, cousins, second cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, mom, dad, the whole shebang.

These Demons were killers by nature. These were the ones that were breeded into the demons of the future while the ones that actually liked humans died out to only a hundred or so. But that was all in the future. They put her in after all the others so she had to hear the catcalls of the demons in the cages. (She was the only female in there.)

Shelton had to either live with the fact that she was in the same building as killers and murderers, or consent to going back to her world. The Gods couldn't make her go back. She had erected a shield around herself. She went to her cell.

Past all the others to the very end of the prison. She walked in with dignity. Well, as much dignity as you can when you're dirty and grimy and hurt all over when your feet touch the ground. The lock made a resounding click behind the guard.

He walked away, whistling, leaving Shelton to her life of catcalls and food.

Shelton? Well, she laid down and yawned. All the while thinking, This is going to take a while.


I t took longer than she thought.

After being in there for 326 years the guards forgot.

It was gradual. First they simply forgot to give her food. They gave it to her every couple of days instead of once a day. Then they forgot about letting her have a bath. Then they just let her have food every couple of weeks. After that, the guards forgot.

Everybody else in the back of the prison had died already. So she was the only one back there.

She went crazy.

The Good People can't die for lack of food or water. They can only die if someone murders them or they commit suicide.

The guards finally came back to their senses. They remembered her and thought she was probably dead. So two guards went to get the body.

They never came back.

The other twenty-eight guards wondered what was taking so long. They sent four more guards to get the other two and see what was wrong.

They never came back, either.

The remaining twenty-four guards went to see what happened.

************************** flashback *************************

The Gods were having a council about the increasing threat the Demons had on humans when a lone guard burst in the room. One of the ferry girls tried to stop him but he ignored her.

"She's CRAZY I tell ya'"

The Gods looked interested.

"Who?" said a nameless face.

"Thet one Sphinx lady brought in two year ago." His fear made him a rough speaker.

It was then the Gods noticed his clothes.

It was covered in blood and dirt and grime. Ripped in various places along the back. There were bruises along many points that, had they been punctured, he would have died almost immediately (or at least bled to death before he got there).

The God who had spoken regarded him coolly while another spoke up. "Kill her, then, and be done with it."

She turned to face the God next to her when the guard cried out "I can't!"

"Why ever not?" another spoke up.

The guard gasped at their incomprehension. "She already done and killed all bu' me."

"I'm sorry but that is impossible." It was the Goddess speaking again. "Sphinxes hate killing and violence of any kind. What you say is impossible."


Her mate on her right side stood up to tower over him. He trembled in fear.

"You heard her, OUT!"

The guard rushed out the door.

************************ end flashback **********************

This turned out to be the wrong thing to do.

The guard had no choice but to try to fight the Sphinx, but it was in vain.

Sphinxes don't like to harm people, but that doesn't mean they don't know how.

Anyway, long story short she killed the guard and escaped.

Now a crazy Sphinx looking for revenge is not a good thing to cross even on the sunniest days. Unfortunately, or fortunately if you hate Sphinxes, Shelton died before she could exact her revenge. Now fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your view of her, every tenth generation of Sphinxes is like Phoenix because they are so closely related (they may not look it, but they're like cousins to each other). That meant that every tenth generation a Sphinx would be reborn from its own . . . body once. Shelton was a 20 generation.

When she was reborn she still knew everything about her past, but it didn't give her as much anger as it used to. She was sad she killed, but she would never kill herself (act of violence).

For 43 years the Gods looked for her. They never forgot her, but, thinking she was dead, they gave up.

After that she passed herself off as a Demon. She didn't look human and, since the Gods didn't tell anyone about there being one survivor to the ten (yes, everybody knew about the massacre type thing). She found herself a mate and even had three children. Shortly after that both Shelton and her mate, a white tiger Demon named Frero, were killed and, with no one to look after them, only one survived.

His name was Tasuke. He, to found a mate. A black panther Demon. Shelton never told anyone about the Sphinx part. Frero guessed, but thought it only fair to respect her privacy.

The years went on. The bloodline of the Sphinx growing steadily weaker. Sometimes one of the family would notice something weird happen when they got mad. They just mostly took it for part of their strange power. The ones who did look into it didn't get far and just forgot it, like so many things in history.

There was no system to had the magic power. sometimes it would be a boy, other times a girl. sometimes it wouldn't show up for ten generations, other times it would be in three in a row. The only thing any of them had in common was, no matter what type of Demon, their Demon form was the head of a human, the body of whatever Demon blood was the thickest, and wings on the back. They looked like paper and had six joints to fold against the body carefully and with no wind resistance. The wings were strong, despite their thinness, and could withstand hard winds as well as catch soft ones.

Everybody was always baffled by this. They couldn't ever figure it out, though.

Then Mika came along.

She looked nearly exactly as the description above. She had white fur and hair as well as nearly transparent wings. The only way you could tell they were really there was a slight shimmer in the air. Her body was that of a big panther. Her eyes were a bright blue.

Her spirit energy was strange. It felt more enlightened than most Demons, sort of other-worldly-ish. She was, and I quote, "Strange, yet oddly beautiful in a weird sort-of way."

The panthers had an enemy, the jaguar Demons.

They were right next to each other. So one night, the jaguar Demons slaughtered the whole pack of twenty-three. Well, almost.

They didn't know about Mika (she was just born in the morning) and they didn't count the bodies. If they had they would have noticed that a female Demon, that was pregnant just yesterday, was missing.

She went to the nearest Demon inhabitant, a white wolf. Her name was Shelock. After the mother explained her situation, and Shelock agreed to taking care of Mika, the mother, to, died.

I SWEAR it will get better. I'm just not good with prologues. So sue me! Actually . . . scratch that. I only have two dollars and . . . *counts change* fifty-three cents.