Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mika ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Don't break your computer, your Dad's computer, your Aunt's computer, etc. just because I stink at writing and I don't reread my chapters thoroughly enough to get all of the mistakes.

Disclaimer: People . . . I mean it . . . seriously . . . think about it. I don't own Yu-Yu Hakusho or Donnie Darko. And Donnie Darko is the best movie ever. Even though I make it sound terrible, it's really good.

Mika hated it when people called her M-e-ka like it was an E. It was an I and it sounded like it was spelled. M-i-ka with an I. Long I, not short.

Mika sighed and looked at the birth mark on her stomach and chest. It was a changing dragon that all Good People had. Werewolves had it on there tongues. Vampires had it on the right pinkie fingernail. Sphinxes had it on their stomachs.

Her dragon was red right now. She was mad that she had to move just because Koenma said so.

She scowled at the dragon and turned over. It wasn't her fault she couldn't control it. She, personally, blamed it on her Sphinx part.

It would have been surprising that she even knew about that part of her, if her mother had not used to work at King Enma's office. Shelock had been working on King Enma's papers when she came to a file that said


Being curious and young (younger) she had read the file. Usually she would read the first three words and put it in the appropriate place to categorize it. If King Enma had found out she would probably be dead. As it was, once she had read the file and memorized it, she quit. She had enough money and King Enma trusted her. He gave her permission to live the human world for all her hundreds of years of service.

She had still lived in Makai when Mika's mother had come to her. After that, though, Shelock had moved into the Human World after she asked Koenma if she could move there. That was all sixteen years ago.

Shelock had told Mika about her being a Sphinx and Demon right when she was brought to her, thinking it wise to have her know all her life and grow up knowing it. It turns out she had been right, for Mika never thought it weird in the slightest.

The Dragon was writhing in fury on her chest. It was one of those dragons that wrapped around her stomach three times (the tail was awfully long) and the head rose up in the middle of her chest to stop at the bottom of her neck. For this reason Mika always wore turtle necks.

The Dragon looked real enough. It looked like it had scales. It looked like it was moving. It looked like it was always ready to bite her head off. The fact was it wasn't real. In fact, there was no such thing as dragons.

People, once, saw a phoenix. There are all kinds of different phoenixes. This one just had scales. Thus the legend of dragons were born from phoenixes.

Mika heard a little ringing sound from her computer and turned around. On the screen was an instant message.

mellykra: whas up Y wernt you at skool

Mika smiled as she walked towards the computer. Making sure her hands were dry she wrote back.

MikaMia: I'm moving.

mellykra: what Y

MikaMia: The school suspended me forever.

mellykra: Y

Mika had to think of an answer.

mellykra: what is ther something on my fce

MikaMia: No, there isn't. That wasn't funny. I got into a fight. And just WHAT did I tell you about punctuation . . . and spelling . . . and capitalization?

mellykra: dude its the inernet nobody checks spellinfg or sanythinfg and your chandgnig the subject

MikaMia: You're typing so fast I'm having a hard time understanding you. And I'm NOT changing the subject.

mellykra: whaever yuo want me to gret mally so she can teipe insdtead

MikaMia: Yes, please.

There was no answer.

Mika sighed. Well, I'll just have to stay here and wait for them.

Next door to Mika's house were twins. Melly Krang Knoosh and Mally Kreng Knoosh. Their father was American, their mother was African, but Mal and Mel (nicknames, or M and M for short) were born in England. They had moved to Japan when they were eight and met Mike (another nickname). Mal and Mel taught Mika English, African, and American (which was easy because it was like English slang), and Spanish (they'd gone to Mexico when they were five.

Mal and Mel also shared their collection of poisonous snakes their mom had given them. Their mother was a snake charmer (she was actually only half African, and her father had come from a snake charmer family), and Mal and Mel were learning to become snake charmers, too! Mal, who was better at snake charming than Mel, had taught Mika to charm them. It took a few years, and she got bit on more than one occasion, but in the end she could bend snakes as easily as a spoon (it was still a challenge, though smaller) to her will. Her blood was slightly adapted to the poisons, and she no longer had to have her mother treat her when a rattlesnake bit her, though she still got dizzy and occasionally fainted.

Mel was clumsy, there was no getting around that. She was the worst at almost everything. The only thing she did better than anyone else in the world (as far as Mika knew) was talk. her voice was like food for the ear. Just to give an example of how good her voice is, the TEACHERS stop talking if Mel has something to say.

Mal was perfect. Her writing, grammar, math, homework, piano, snake charming, manners, clothing, social skills, mind, etc. were perfect. It didn't help that she had a photographic memory. She could just glance at a page in a book and tell you everything it says. Even so, Mal did not go about announcing she was the best person in the world. Instead she was kind, helped out around the house and school, and cared about others more than herself.

Mal and Mel even looked different. Mal had a natural tan look to her. Her hair was down to her shoulders and slightly wavy. Her face and body were perfect. Mel was dark in skin and hair. Her hair was frizzy, except now you couldn't tell because she had shaved all her hair off. Mel was also kind, but she thought of herself more than Mal did herself. Mel had all kinds of tattoos on her body, as well as piercings on her stomach, nose, and at least ten on each ear. Most people got the impression that she beat up kids for fun. Thing is she didn't, she only beat them up because they were making fun of her or Mika (no one would dare make fun of Mal).

Mika looked over to the computer when it rang. Ah, that must be Mal.

MallyKre: Why were you expelled?

MikaMia: I hit a guy.

MallyKre: Why would they expel you for that?

MikaMia: Guess where I hit him.

MallyKre: . . . Oh . . . . You know Mel is laughing herself silly over this, right?

MikaMia: That's why I wanted you to guess. ^_-

MallyKre: Oh well. I guess you two will always be immature . . .

MikaMia: Hey, I resent that!

MallyKre: Where are you going?

MikaMia: Someplace named Genkai's Temple or something.

MallyKre: Where's that?

MikaMia: No idea whatsoever.

MallyKre: Well, when you find out could we visit you?

MikaMia: I don't know if Genkai would like that. When I find out, maybe.

MallyKre: What are you going there for?

MikaMia: To train myself and control the urge to kill all boys and teachers for thinking I have to wear the girl uniform.

MallyKre: Oh, okay. Hold on just a second.

Mika frowned and went to put on her clothes. The whole reason she had been looking at her stomach was she had just taken a shower. She smiled again when she saw the clothes in her closet.

Her clothes were all bright, and the closest she got to white and black was yellow and gray. She had seven pants, seven shorts, seven turtle necks, a skirt, a dress, and seven boy uniforms for Finikan High School. All her clothes were a different color, except for the uniforms which were gray. Everything else was bright, including her three belts she used to hold her pants up. She liked baggy things. All her clothes hung off her like elephant skin and gave her no form whatsoever, but she liked it like that.

The computer, once again, rang.

MallyKre: I was just asking mom if you could have a snake. She said yes. This is your going away present.

MikaMia: Thanks! Could I have Sati?

MallyKre: But she was just born two weeks ago.

MikaMia: Exactly. I'll have her mainly her whole life.

MallyKre: Whatever. Coming over in a minute. Bye!

Mika exited out and noticed her search was done. There was no reference to Genkai on the Internet. She shrugged and logged off. Grabbing some hair ties she ran out of the house.

She ran next door and skidded to a stop in front of the house. Mika ran up the drive way and tripped over a cat. Putting her hair in a messy braid she rang the doorbell with her toe.

"I'll get it!" Melly yelled, her usually soft voice becoming loud enough to ring through the house. There was the sound of bumps and thumps as she ran into things leading up to the door. "Oh, hi." Mel's voice was soft again as she opened the door, albeit slightly ragged.

Mika smiled a her. "Can I come in?"

"Oh, sure." Mel stepped aside an to let her in.

"Where's Mal?" She asked as Mel closed the door.

"Downstairs with mother getting Satan."

"It's Sati. Short A and no O."

"I know, but she's like the devil." Mika simply stared at her. "I'm serious!"


"I mean it! She bites anything! Why did you pick a cobra baby?"

"They're cooler than the others."

"They're COOLER?! Listen, Sati's just as warm as the others. And it's mighty cold down there."

"Um . . . Mel . . . ."


"You just walked past the basement."

Mel stopped, turned around, went to the basement, and walked down the stairs. The besament was, actually, more like a gigantic freezer. The snakes, being cold blooded, shut down until Mal, Mel, and their mom came down to put them in the garden under a huge glass case till they warmed up enough so they wanted to find a rock to cool off under.

Mal was putting a snake in a glass container. Sati's ribs were spread out to make her look more ferocious, but, as her eyes were half closed, she didn't look quite as menacing as she should have.

"Do you just want her because she's an albino like you?" Mal asked knowingly as she put the weakly struggling Sati in the container and shut it. "Finally," she whispered as her mom picked it up.

"Oh However did you guess?" Mal simply rolled her eyes.

Mika was, no mistaking it, an albino. Her skin and hair were pure white. Her eyes were a silvery blue contrasting greatly to the dark green outline. Contrary to popular belief, her eyelashes were black and long. She was shorter and stockier than both Mal and Mel, who were lanky, yet average in height.

Sati laid down in her cage to sleep, completely ignoring the people in the room now that she was in a comfortable environment.

"Are you going to milk her?" It was M and M's mom this time. Her voice was accented heavily with African.

"Yes. My blood needs to make antibodies to cobra venom. Why do you ask?"

"Well . . ." said Mrs. Knoosh, rummaging around in the back. "Aha! Here we go! Now take this and don't milk her to often." She turned around and smiled, holding out a jar with what looked like white plastic on top and a metal stick. The stick was for pushing back the skin that hid the fangs. Then you had to stick the fangs in the plastic and let the venom fall. "And NEVER take out all the venom."

"Okay." She took the jar and noticed for the first time that it was filled with a lot of extra plastic . . . things. "Excuse me, but what are the plastic things called?"

"Heck if I know," Said Mrs. Knoosh, shrugging. "I just know how to use 'em." She smirked and walked upstairs. At the top of the stairs she stopped to turn around. "Your mom home?"

"No. She went to a temple to see if it's habitable enough for me."

"Well do you want to spend the night here and watch your favorite American film with M and M? You could spend the night."

"If you mean Donnie Darko,oh yeah!" Mrs. Knoosh smiled and nodded as she walked out the door.

They were all comfortable in front of the T.V. Mika was next to the couch, out of everybody's way as she had a snake cage with her. She had blatantly told them she would rather have her snake with her on the first night in a familiar place than have Sati with her at a place she herself had no clue about.

The movie was at the part were Donnie was dreaming and being saved

from dying from a jet engine by Frank. Frank, a bunny with a skull face, was saying, "twenty-eight days, six hours, forty-two minutes, and twelve seconds. That is the day the world will end," when Mika tuned out.

She didn't do it on purpose. It was just she knew exactly everything that would happen after that. Donnie's family would try to find out where the jet engine came from, Donnie would find out all this stuff about time travel, He would get a girlfriend, Frank would kill the girlfriend, you find out frank was a guy who didn't even know Donnie existed, Donnie would shoot Frank for killing his girlfriend, Donnie would find a wormhole, Donnie would go into the wormhole back to the day Frank saved him, He would stay up to wait for the jet to hit him, It would hit him, crush him, and he would die. Thus he saved his girlfriend from being killed (they hadn't met yet).

Mika was staring at Sati. Sati's pink eyes were accusing her of taking her away from her family. Sati glared at her until near the end of the movie, then she got to sleepy and just started sleeping. Mika woke out of her hypnotism just long enough to hear "Mad World". It was the best song in the world ( At least the Donnie Darko one was. The other one was faster and didn't sound as good.). She also got to see the last part of the movie.

Donnie's girlfriend (who didn't know him yet) drove up to the house on her bicicle. She surveyed the people crying and the ambulance outside a house that a crane was pulling the jet engine from. The ambulance people were wheeling a body covered in a sheet to the ambulance.

She stopped near a kid on the opposite side of the street to voice her question. "What happened?"

"My neighbor got killed. An engine fell on him." He stared at her staring at Donnie's mom crying against a tree across the street. "Did you know him?"

She continued staring at his mother, and it took her a second to answer.

"No." She said slowly. She saw the mother looking her way and waved to give some moral support. The mother saw it and waved back. The kid, thinking the mom was waving at him, waved back."

Mika sighed as the credits came on. That movie is so good.

"Now can you go get your futon from your house." Mrs. Knoosh stated as she walked down the hall to her and her husbands room.

"I'll come with you," M and M said together as they scrambled over the couch to get to the door first. I t looked like they were in some kind of crazy race were one person had to trip over everything while the other person dodged everything and was pulling ahead. And Mal says I'm immature.

Mika started running after them. As she made it outside and was about to run down the driveway she tripped over a cat.


******************************************************* ****

"Honey, I know you don't like to wear the girls uniform, but, since you're an albino, you should try to fit in until everyone gets used to the idea. Okay?"

Mika made a face of disgust in the back-seat she was sure her mom couldn't see. Beside her Sati was slithering around her cage. A black duffel bag was balanced precariously on top. It held all her clothes and seashells from the ocean in it, as well as a boom box, her CDs, and her single toy. She hadn't been allowed to bring her computer. Genkai had forbidden it.

"Okay," she said grudgingly and turned to stare out the window again.

Shelock sighed and shook her head. Kids today. You try to help them and they accept it without any real conviction. She sighed again.

Mika was very nervous. Whenever she met someone new she would close up. She didn't like to meet new people of any kind. In fact it had taken her two years to open up to the Knooshes, and they lived right next door.

"Here we are!" Shelock said brightly, trying to cut through the tension. Mika got out the passenger door of the car. "Have fun," She yelled as she drove away, waving out the window. Mika waved back before turning to the steps leading up to the door. She looked up and up and up and up and up.

"Aw, crap!" These words were said with feeling as she started walking up the steps to the dojo.

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A.N: How was that? This took me seven days to write, so be complimentary. It turns out the gang didn't come in this chapter. Genkai was mentioned, at least. This was 19 pages long, so there.