Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Control ❯ Akurei ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Megumi: Hello! I know I havn't updated my other fic in a long long long time, but it has become boring to me. I started this story a little while later adn decided to post it. Well, read and review. And if you know what Kurama's mom's name is, could you please tell me in your review.


ningenkai: human world

kaasan: mother

nani?!: what?!

nanigoto desu ka: are you ok?

Doushite: why?

hai: yes

doomo: thanks

Maikai: demon world


Mind Control

Prologue- Akurei



She sat on a branch perched infront of her school. Through the window she saw many of the students dozing off. Suichi Minamino and Kuwabara were in the class she was to be in. Suichi looked out the window at her. He caught a glimps of her before she disappeared in a flash.'Skipping again.' He thought to himself before turning back to their sensai.. She reappeared on the roof of the school. Her violet hair was in a braid and she had dark brown almost black eyes. She wore the traditional school girl outfit which she detested. It was blue.


She moved a fallen strand of hair out of her face behind her ear. She wasn't an ordinary girl. She was born in the Makai as a Dalai. Dalai's had the ability to summon monsters. Her speciality was the Pheonix. But her powers were supressed. After "Team Urameshi" invaded her villiage, killed her parents, and kidnapped her, Koenma sentenced her to live in the ningenkai with her powers supressed. Her parents were killed because they took over ningen's minds and turned them mad. Then they would use them to kill others and cause a ruccus. She had just started to learn the new trick when they attacked.


She sat on the edge of the school and heard the bell ring. Within seconds, many ningens, who were pratically falling asleep, got a sudden burst of energy and left the school. 'Where do they get that sudden burst of energy?' She wondered to herself. The door closing behind her caused her to jump. She turned around and saw Suichi.


"Why weren't you in school, Matsu?" He asked.


"That's none of your buisness, Kurama." Matsu snapped.


"Come on. Kaasan made fried dumplings and rice balls tonight for dinner. She'll wonder where we are." Matsu had been put under Kurama's watch since she left. They had put memory syrim in his Kaasan's tea so that she would think that Matsu was her long lost musume.


Matsu got up and followed Kurama out of the school and to their home. They walked side by side. Matsu stared at her feet as she walked, not looking at any one or in the direction she was going. Kurama had ran up to the street light and pushed the button that told them to walk. Matsu bumped into someone and fell to the ground.


"You know, you should really watch where you're goin'." She looked up and saw Yusuke Urameshi. She stood up, ignoring Yusuke, and went to meet up with Kurama just as the light allowed them to walk.


"Yusuke was right. You should've paid attention. By the way, Yusuke and Kuwabara will be joining us for dinner."


"Nani!? You didn't. Don't you know how much I hate him? Geeze, I'm gonna eat in my room tonight."


"I didn't invite them. Kaasan did the last time they were over."




They reached their home and walked inside. "Hello. How was school Suichi?" She asked as she planted a kiss on his cheek.


"Fine kaasan."


"How was school Matsu?" She asked her and planted a kiss on her cheek. Matsu stiffened up at the touch. She wasn't used to this treatment yet.


"Fine kaasan." she said mimiking Kurama. Their "mother" looked at her with a puzzled expression.


"Suichi, go wash up for dinner." She took Matsu's hand and led her to the kitchen. They each sat a chair across from eachother.


"Matsu, nanigoto desu ka?"


"Hai kaasan. Doushite?"


"You looked sad today. Well everyday since I found you were my daughter. How come? I thought you would be happy to live with me."


She felt a stab of saddness. Matsu didn't want to hurt this women's feelings. "I am happy. It's just...I never had a mother that cared for me like you do." She remembered her own mother. She was too busy to think about her. She looked back at her kaasan. Tears glazed her eyes as she pulled her into a hug. She let go of her and wiped away her tears.


"Well, I should set the table for our guests. Would you like to help me?"


"Sure kaasan." They set the table.


"Kaasan, how come you invited Yusuke and Kuwabara to dinner tonight?"


"Well, you never go out and you only hang around your brother when they aren't here so I wanted you to make friends. I don't want my only daughter to be lonely all her life. Is that okay with you?"


"Yeah. Doomo."


She left after the table was set and went to the room she and Kurama shared. She went to her closet and picked out jean shorts and a black tanktop. Matsu banged on the bathroom door.


"Hurry up Suichi!" Matsu yelled.


"I'm comming." He said through the door. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently. The door finally opened and Kurama walked out. He wore his pink suit. She walked in and shut the door behind her. Matsu turned on the shower and took off her clothes. She got in the shower and let the warm water droplets wash over her body. Her mind was clouded with emotions. That woman made her feel different. She made her feel whole again. She got out of the shower and dried off before getting dressed. Matsu heard the door open and Kuwabara's loud mouth. She walked down stairs to the dinning room.


Everyone was already seated when she took her seat.Kuwabara was talking about something, but she didn't care.


"Don't you ever shut up?" She asked


"Matsu, behave infront of guests." Her Kaasan said.


"Why should I? It's not like I like them."


"Matsu, what is your problem tonight?"


"They're my problem Kaasan. I hate them."


She got up and ran out the door, knocking her chair over in the process. Their Kaasan put her head in her hands and sighed.

"Gomen. I just wanted her to make some friends. Suichi, could you take your friends and go look for her?"

"Hai kaasan."


Matsu ran down the deserted streets of Tokyo. She didn't bother putting shoes on. Her feet splashed in the newly made puddles. She had to go to the Makai. But how? She turned the corner and ran into the park. Matsu ran under the Sakura tree and sat down.She put her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Thoughts of her family clouded her head. She felt a warm tear fall down her cheek and land onto her arm. Matsu hadn't cried any tears for the longest time. She layed down and fell asleep.


Kurama and Yusuke had split up. Kuwabara went home after 5 minutes of searching. Kurama walked down a dark alley searching for her. This was the last area he had to search. She wasn't there. Yusuke walked into the park. He looked around the gazebo and the water fountain but she wasn't there.'Kami, where is she?!' he thought. He stopped in his tracks.'Wait a minute, why do I care? This girl hates me and I hate her.' He then thought of her Kassan, not the one he slayed, but her human one. He could see her crying at the table wondering where she went wrong. Yusuke walked deeper into the park. He made up his mind. He would find her, but for Shuri's sake. Yusuke gazed at the Sakura tree and noticed something lying beneath it. He walked up to it and saw Matsu. She was lying on the ground wet. It had gotten colder and her lips were a light shade of blue. Yusuke hessitated, not knowing what to do. If he picked her up, she'd hit him and if he left her, Koenma would get mad and hit him. Either way it was a loose-loose situation.

Yusuke sighed and picked her up. She moved a little and got closer to him. He smiled at her and walked back to her house.


When he walked into the Minamino's residence, he saw Kurama and Shuri waiting for them.

"Oh thank goodness you found her Yusuke. I was starting to worry. Give her to me, I'll take her to her room." She said and took Matsu to her room.

She placed Matsu in her bed and knelt down beside her.

"Oh Matsu. What am I going to do with you? All I wanted you to do is make some friends." She stood up and left the room.

Matsu opened her eyes. She felt terrible. She didn't know why. Matsu closed her eyes again. She felt Kurama's presence enter the room .

"What do you want Kurama? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?"

"Kassan is very upset because of you."

"Why should I care? Your friend slayed my real Kaasan. Go away." She turned her back to him ending the conversation. Kurama sighed. He could never get through to her. She had a good reason to be angry. Hell, he'd be the same way if he found out that his whole villiage was murdered.

Kurama changed into his pajama's and crawled in his bed across the room.


Matsu woke up the next morning later then she intended to. She thought of her parents and of their mind controll.

'Use your power' A voice in her head said.

She sat up and looked around the room.

'Use your power. Place pain apon those who have hurt you. Kill them all.'

"Who are you? Where are you?"

'I'm in your head Dalai-hime. I know how you feel. You want to kill everyone, everything in your sight. Don't you?'

"Hai. I do."

'I can help you. For a price that is.'

"How can you help me?"

'I can give you the end of the lessons your parents taught you.'

"What's the price?"

'You. Your soul, your humanity,... your power. Everything that keeps you strong. You will obey me and only me and you can kill whom ever you'd like. Maybe you could start off with... Yusuke Urameshi.'

"How will I know that you'll give me what I want?"

'Believe me. You'll know. You'll feel a fire burning deeply within you, as if your about explode if you don't kill something.'

"What is your name?"

'Akurei. Are you willing to expect this offer?'


'Good. Now go to sleep. I will give you the rest of the lessons in your sleep. And when you wake up...you'll be enraged and kill the first person you see.'

She closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.


Megumi: love? hate? please review