Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Control ❯ Servent ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Megumi: Hey here's chapter 2

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho. I do own Matsu.


Kurama sat across the table from Hiei.

"What does Koenma want?" Hiei asked.

"I don't know. Yusuke called and told me Botan told him that Koenma wanted to see us."

They stood up and left the house.

~~At the Reikai~~

'Team Urameshi stood infront of the demi-god's desk.

"What's the big deal Koenma?" Yusuke asked.

On the screen behind the demi-god was a picture of a demon with crimson red eyes and large fangs. It had deep green skin and two horns on his head.

"This is Akurei. A class-A demon." Koenma said pointing to the screen.

"He has the ability to go into the mind of other aparigenies and fufill their deepest desires for a price."

"What's the price?" Kuwabara asked.

"So far he's collected the souls of the most powerful demons in the Makai from every villiage expect..."

"Expect?" Kurama asked

"Expect the Dalai's. He will most likely go after their princess."

"Wait a minute. How come that sounds familliar?" Yusuke asked.

"You baka.Think hard now. This person wants to rip you to shreds." Hiei snorted.

"Matsu. But I thought you sealed her powers?" Yusuke said.

"I did but Akurei is giving her the lasts of her lessons using his own spirit energy.And when she completes her lessons, she'll kill the first person she sees. Most likely your kaasan Kurama."

Kurama wasn't there to hear the last of it. He had run out of the office.

"So what do we do?" Kuwabara asked.

"We go and help her." Hiei said.

"Why do you care what happens to her?" Yusuke asked.

"She is strong and with the mind power could easily kill all of us in minutes. I don't know about you but I would like to live." With saying that, he disappeared.Yusuke and Kuwabara walked out of Koenma's office and to Kurama's house.

~%*~%*~%*Kurama's House~%*~%*~%*

Kurama ran upstairs sighing in relief. His Kaasan wasn't home. He opened the door to their room and ran to Matsu's bed.Kurama grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her.

"Matsu! Matsu, wake up."

Her eyes slowly opened. She looked at Kurama and a smirk fell apon her face.

"Dear brother, I'm glad you're home because you're going to be the first to die."

She closed her eyes and started chanting. Kurama held his head and screamed. Matsu stood up and continued the chant. Just a few more seconds. She felt something hit her in the back of her head. Matsu stopped and turned to see Hiei before fadding away.


Yusuke and Kuwabara ran into the room after she disappeared. Kurama stood up and sat on the bed.

"What happened Kurama?" Kuwabara asked.

"I...I don't know. I don't remember anything that happened since I walked in."

"Where did Matsu go?" Yusuke asked.

"Probly to Akurei. She is under his controll."Kurama said sighing.

"How do we get there?" Yusuke wondered.

"It's in the Makai, near the Four Corners." Botan said, popping out of no where.

"And these'Four Corners' are where?" Kuwabara asked.

"I know. Follow me." Hiei stated.

@@@@@@@@@@Akurei's Castle@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

She walked through the metal doors and knelt infront of him, placing her hand to her heart. Her eyes showed nothing. They were dull and she had cut her hair so now it reached her shoulders and it was layered.

"My Lord. I have failed to kill my first victim, Kurama."

"You may rise. Don't worry, you'll have another chance. Gaze into the mirror. It seems like we have guests."

She rose and glanced at the mirror, a smirk pasted on her face. It quickly disappeared.

"Lord, it takes time for me to take over their minds. The reason I almost got Kurama was that he was distracted and that gave me the time needed. I'll need to weaken them before I can peform the ritual."

"Very well. I'll give you the power you need,but if you fail, I'll kill you myself and it will be very painful. Understood?"

"Hai, my Lord."

A black aura surrounded her. It replaced her old clothes with a black halter that tied at the back and a black short skirt. Around her neck was a black amulet. She wore silver sandals and many silver anklets adorned her ankle. To finish, a black gem was placed in the middle of her brow.


She looked at herself and was pleased. The two demons continued to watch the mirror untill the Reikai Tentai were out he door. The mirror vanished as did Akurei. Matsu walked to the middle of the room and waited for them.

^~^~^~^~^Reikai Tentai^~^~^~^~

They stopped at the huge doors.

"That was easy. So I guess we go in then." Kuwabara said. Everyone nodded. The door opened and they expected to see Akurei and Matsu, but the only one who stood there was a girl dressed in black. They walked in the room as the door shut behind them.

"Finally. It took you long enough." She stated.

"Matsu?" Yusuke asked.

"My, aren't we smart today." She said and laughed, but stopped.

"Who's first?"

No one moved.

"What, too afraid to fight me? That means I get to pick. How about the stupid one that hasn't taken his eyes off of me." Matsu pointed to Kuwabara.

"Stupid?! I'll show you. This goes against my honor code, but I'll make an expection."

She faked a gasp.

"Oh no, he has an honor code. What should I do? Oh woe is me." She laughed again.

"That's it! Spirit Sword!" He shouted as it came out of his hand.

Kuwabara ran toward her and attacked her with the energy. She caught it with one hand and sent a swift kick to his stomach. He went flying across the room and through the wall. Kurama and Yusuke pulled him out of the rubble. He was breathing, but unconcious.

"Aw, that was the best he could do? No point in taking over a weaklings mind. Next?"

Kurama stepped forward. He pulled a rose out and yelled:

"Rose whip."

"Brother, you want to fight? Bring it!"

They ran parallel to eachother. Kurama studied her, looking for a flaw, but was suprised to find none. He attacked the right side of her neck, but she defended with her arm. Crimson blood trickled down her arm. She ignored it and placed her hands in front of her. A scythe formed in her hand. At that time, she resembled the angle of death.


She got in her stance and so did Kurama. He lashed the whip at her. It wrapped around the scythe. Matsu smirked. The whip was stretched. She grabbed the whip and froze it. Matsu kicked it and it shattered to pieces. Kurama was shocked. She took the oppertunity to send flames at him. He swatted at himself, trying to get rid of the flames.

Matsu looked at this and held her head.

"Kurama!" She shouted and the flames disappeared.

He fell to the ground, too exhusted to fight any longer. She didn't understand what was happening. Someone made her stop. Her inner self, the one that cared about Kurama and everyone else caused her to hault.

After returning to normal, she turned to the last two.

"Next up?"

Hiei stepped forward,but Yusuke stopped him.

"You take care of Kurama. I'll handle her."

Hiei nodded and walked to Kurama.

"Urameshi, I've waited for this day."

The scythe disappeared and she got into her fighting stance. Yusuke got into his and they both attacked at the same time. They both sent right hooks that hit the target. It moved them back some ways. Matsu wiped her blooded lip and grined.

"I congratulate you. You're the first one to hit me."

"Gee, I'm honored."

They charged at eachother again and sent kicks to eachother's stomach. They matched each other move for move. Matsu stepped back, out of breath. Yusuke was in the same state. He held his wrist and a blue light formed around his finger. She pondered at what he was doing.

"Spirit gun!"

He fired at her and it hit her chest.

Matsu fell to the ground, her energy drained. She was defeated. The gem fell out as she slipped into unconciousness.