Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Links ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mind Links
- Chapter 2 -
"I think it best that we do discuss this, yes." Kurama replied, a bit relieved that she wasn't retreating behind closed doors in order to avoid him. He hoped Youko would be on his best behavior throughout their conversation.
"Alright then, please come in. I'm sure mom has some tea made by now. She always makes it in the evening, says it calms her and allows her to fall asleep more easily." Keiko said, wondering if perhaps she was beginning to babble and so simply opened the door and allowed the red head to go in before her.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" She called out as she entered behind Kurama, her brows furrowing a bit when she received no reply. "Hmm… strange, I could have sworn they said they would be home early tonight."
She shut the door behind her, hanging her house keys on the small rack centered on the hall wall for just such a purpose and then gestured to Kurama to follow her into the kitchen. "Oh well, come on, we can drink some tea and sit at the table while we talk. I'm sure my parents will be home any second." She added the last in hopes to quell any comments that Youko might have been contemplating.
She set about to put the kettle on and gathered some cups. Anything to keep her hands busy.
"Well, it's certainly been some afternoon, hasn't it?" She commented, as much to herself as to him.
Kurama agreed.
~It smells like her - Shuichi, get her to take us upstairs. I want to smell her bedroom.~
Keiko paused and cast him back a glance which Kurama, looking the other direction, didn't see. She sighed and brought the tray of cups and tea bags and related supplies over to the table.
She sat herself down across from him. "How do you think this happened?"
"Well, it might have something to do with the wound I received yesterday. I came by to check that you were still well knowing some youkai have poisons that can cause side-effects in humans. I certainly didn't expect this."
"Could it be from something else?" She asked.
He half tilted his head. "Perhaps..."
He sounded uncertain, but the tone suggested he didn't think it was likely.
Keiko sighed. “So… how do we fix it?” She asked hesitantly, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that hinted at a foreboding answer from the redhead.
He brought the cup to his lips and sipped, thinking. "It's possible the effects may wear off on their own. Unfortunately, cases such as ours are rare and so facts are few."
Keiko groaned, resting her elbows on the table as she buried her face in her hands. "What are we going to do?!" She wailed.
"Please be calm, Keiko. With luck we should see either some fading or a complete loss of our telepathic link by the week's end."
'A whole week with Kurama in my head? How in the world am I going to stand that?' She thought miserably, briefly forgetting that Kurama would be able to hear it.
Youko flared to life with flourish. ~Stand? I assure you, Keiko, Shuichi and I are more than willing to let you lay down. In fact, we rather prefer it. Take us to your bedroom, we will correct this immediately.~
"Would you cut it out!!" Keiko lost it completely, rising to her feet as a blush heated her entire face... or perhaps it was frustration that was the culprit? "Can't you see that this is serious!" She tried to calm herself as she realized that she was, in essence, shouting at a mental presence and not a physical one as Kurama was not the one who had spoken, but Youko. "I'm-I'm sorry, Kurama. I didn't mean to... I just... Oh, forget it." She exhaled miserably as she sank back down into her chair and took up her previous pose.
"It's quite all right, I assure you. Sometimes Youko is something best handled in small doses."
"Yeah... extremely small." She grumbled, though a hint of a smile quirked at the corners of her lips. Yusuke had been the same way when she'd first met him. The thought filtered through her mind and she stiffened. She didn't really want to bring Yusuke into this right now. The tension between them and their subsequent break up was palpable and she hadn't the nerve to face him just yet. She glanced over at Kurama. Apparently, for whatever reason, he hadn't heard her stray thought and was thankful for it. She wasn't quite ready to confide in anyone just yet, though how long she'd be able to keep it a secret with the kitsune's new ability to hear her thoughts, she didn't know.
Besides, for all she knew, he might already know all about it. He and Yusuke had always been close confidants.
Youko was quiet and after a moment, Kurama stood. "Perhaps I should go now, he gets quite moody. I think it's in our best interest not to try anything to fix this until we wait to see if it goes on its own."
Keiko nodded in agreement and rose as well to walk him to the door. "Okay, well, if you learn anything new, please let me know."
He agreed and wandered toward the door with her following after him. He turned there to say his goodbyes and they parted with uneasy feelings about their immediate future.
Keiko shuffled around the kitchen slowly. She couldn't seem to slow her mind down and at the risk of accidentally sending thoughts Kurama's way she'd decided to scrub down the kitchen.
Now she was exhausted and still worried. Perhaps if she gave into her exhaustion and went to bed? That should at least keep her thoughts from being broadcast across the city and directly into Kurama's head. Yes, that would be the perfect solution for now. She would simply worry about this strange occurrence when she woke up. For now, she would sleep.
Putting away her cleaning utensils, Keiko made her way upstairs to the bedroom. She didn't even want to take a bath; she stripped off her garments, slid into her bunny print pajamas and into bed. She turned onto her side and flipped off the light, forcing herself to stare at the glowing numbers of her alarm clock. Eventually she drifted off.
She stood at the head of the classroom, her regulation uniform adorned in a sinfully tasteful way. The blue vest was open, revealing the partially unbuttoned white blouse beneath, which, in turn revealed a black lace bra covering her ample breasts. Her navy blue skirt had been shortened to unethical proportions and the bottom hem now just brushed the top of her thighs. With the slightest move, another hint of black lace could be seen.
The room was devoid of people, save for her, and with a start, the girl knew she was in a dream. Keiko's brown eyes recognized the room from the dream she'd had that morning. That sensual…tantalizing… naughty dream that had starred none other than the one person who it had been later revealed could read her mind, hear her thoughts, and for a moment Keiko wondered just what Kurama would think if he knew what her subconscious was now conjuring up.
With that, the door behind her slid open and she turned, expecting to see Kurama, and she wasn't disappointed.
There he stood in all his perfect glory, a long white shirt opened straight to the waist. Her heart began to pound faster as he stepped inside and closed the door but the dark look of hunger on his face; the passion glazed expression was missing.
Instead, he looked semi-perplexed, glancing around the room before his eyes settled and then seemed to appraise her.
She smiled at the perfect pitch of his voice and waited for him to come to her. Waited for him to pick her up and deposit her on the desk and run his hands up the length of her thighs, hitching up her already indecently short skirt...
But he just stood there.
Keiko frowned. This wasn't how it had gone the first time… She took in her surroundings. Yep, same classroom. Same hardwood desk. Same gorgeous red headed fox. So why wasn't he following the previously set scheme?
Not one to be deterred, Keiko simply reasoned that all dreams, no matter how similar, couldn't be exactly the same. She simply needed to be the aggressor this go round and with that thought in mind, she advanced on the still staring Kurama.
She approached slowly, swaying her hips suggestively and pulling her hands behind her back to push her chest forward in the most positive light. His eyes dropped toward her parted blouse obediently.
She stepped up to him with a soft murmur of his name and he fell back against the door under his own power as her palms pressed against his chest. She spread her fingers against him, absorbing his warmth as she raised them higher and higher.
With a slight growl she grabbed the edges of his unbuttoned shirt in her fists and pulled it open, wrinkling it over his shoulders.
"Kurama..." She murmured, ducking her head. He shuddered as she laved her tongue along his chest. "Where did that randy fox go, hm?"
Kurama didn't respond. Could not respond, in fact. He'd been taken off guard, surprised the moment he suddenly disappeared from his living room, mysteriously reappearing in the hallway outside the door. Wondering what was going on, he'd opened the door to investigate. His lack of verbal skills had been thoroughly vanquished the moment he'd stepped into the room and laid eyes on what awaited him.
More precisely, Keiko dressed in the most… inappropriate… and yet, undeniably sexiest clothing he'd ever seen her in. He could feel Youko's presence as the silver kitsune took in the vision as well. The spirit's interest grew even greater as they watched her approach them, a devilishly seductive tone in her voice as she called his name accompanied by a hungry gleam in her eyes. Trying to work out facts in his head was made difficult when Keiko reached where he stood as she proceeded to put her hands on him in a most... familiar way. Kurama jolted when Keiko nipped gently at one of his flat, male nipples, sending involuntary shivers down his spine. A groan escaped his throat and his hands rose up to hold her to him.
Her weight shifted as she rose up on her toes, leaning heavily on him as she turned her face up and pressed her lips against his jaw. She dropped her hands, sliding them down and inward, dipping inside his draped shirt before wrapping around his narrow waist.
She was unprepared for the tightening of his hands and the sudden motion that had her plastered back against the sliding classroom door. She gasped, surprised as the hands around her waist slid away and the buttons of her blouse popped off one by one as his hands grabbed and ripped at the material.
She hissed in surprise, eyes wide, her gaze flickering to his face. Bright gold eyes stared back at her - luminous and intense.
"Were you looking for me, little one?" He leaned down to snake his tongue over her lips. "And earlier you were so resistant to my teasing, you naughty girl. You want it, don't you?"
His lips curled into a smirk as one of his legs slid between her knees and upward slowly until she felt his knee press firmly against the juncture of her thighs.
She moaned.
"Oh, yes... that's definitely more like it." She murmured, giving the sultriest look she could manage.
He shifted his knee against her panties and she arched. "Naughty, yamaneko,” He purred against her ear, his breath hot against her skin. His hands slid around to the hooks at her back, sliding the straps of her bra off with some impatience. "Tell me how much you want it..."
Keiko was happy. Things were now back on track and the dream was going the way it had originally gone before... not that she hadn't been enjoying the other way. It had just been new to her; she'd never acted so bold. But then again, this was a dream, and anything was possible in dreams, right?
His hands closed around her breasts as he continued to speak. "All that offended shouting earlier... and you were thinking about me here... taking you ..." he peered around. "... in your classroom... naughty... maybe I should spank you..."
The more he spoke, the more his words began to actually penetrate her brain, making her think. 'What is he talking about? What offended shouting? He couldn't mean...' Keiko jerked; eyes previously closed tight in passion flew open as she actually took in the golden eyed, and yet still red haired Kurama. "How did you know about that?"
He licked his lips as their eyes met hotly. "Know about it?" He leaned in so his lips caressed hers as he spoke. "You yelled it right at me..."
"B-but..." She evaded him as he intended to deepen the kiss, ducking under his arm and retreating back into the middle of the classroom. "...that was real. I was awake when I said that. There's no way you could possibly know about that unless..." Her eyes widened. "No... no no no no no! How the hell did you get here!?" She shouted, taking on her offended tone once more, only this time it was accompanied by horrified embarrassment. "This is supposed to be a dream! How did you... This isn't... Gah!" Keiko frantically began tugging on her askew blouse in order to cover her naked breasts with one hand as her other tugged fruitlessly at the hem of her skirt. "This isn't fair!"
He laughed and the sound was rich and timbre and held a faint trace of mocking amusement which caused her to tense. "Fair? Ah, but you are dealing with youkai powers now, and if you have it,” He advance a step toward her. "... you use it."
His advance was halted, however, as a flash of gold gave way to green and she was once more staring into deep emerald eyes. "I apologize, Keiko."
The softer tones of Shuichi's voice were only slightly easing.
Keiko awkwardly waved away his apology as she continued to maintain her dignity. Funny how she hadn't been really concerned about that when she'd assumed Kurama was a figment, a desire hidden deep down within her. "No, I... I'm sorry. I thought that... this happened before and I just assumed it was the same and so I went with it and-" She cut her ramble off as she realized what she'd just let slip.
He caught the comment and his surprise was evident. Youko howled with delight, whispering salacious comments in Shuichi's head. He wanted sex and he wanted to hunt something. He didn't care in which order.
Keiko struggled with her clothing a moment longer before it dawned on her. This washer dream. She could control it and thus will herself some more…appropriate clothes. Standing straight, she ignored the sharply indrawn breath that Kurama issued as her blouse once more gaped open and closed her eyes to concentrate on a more suitable ensemble than what she currently donned.
If Kurama was disappointed that her sexy student attire faded into something much more comfortable and concealing, she couldn't tell. He turned away.
"It's most curious that I was pulled into your dreams."
Nodding, Keiko bit her lip nervously. "Do you think this is tied in with the mind reading ability?" She asked.
"I don't see how it couldn't be," He replied, turning his gaze out the classroom window. He was trying to keep himself focused. He was still in semi-disbelief Keiko had a sex dream about him in a classroom. Would wonders never cease? "In fact, it might not be the only side-effect, but I hope it will be."
He was right, of course. This was obviously all tied together and she too hoped that this and the mind reading were the only two side-effects. She was also grateful that he hadn't questioned her about the dream he'd found himself starring in... with her... in the classroom for heaven's sake! Inwardly, Keiko groaned. 'Can this get any more embarrassing?'
~More embarrassing? That is completely doable, next time come to my dream.~ The melodic sound of Youko's voice was loud and clear and crisp even though he was still within Shuichi's confines.
Keiko's eyes shot open, locking with Kurama's green gaze. He could hear her thoughts even in her dreams? Unfair!
~Fair, fair... I tire of talk of fairness. Shuichi, I wish to leave here. If I cannot have her, I will have someone else.~ Youko's voice was sharp and clearly indicated his irritation.
"What? Why you conceited fox! Doesn't Kurama get a say in this at all?" Keiko forewent all mental communications and instead voiced her anger aloud. Kurama looked amused.
~He is a male, what makes you think he will disapprove?~
You're baiting her purposely, Shuichi chided, content to watch for the moment.
~Yes, but isn't she beautiful in all that righteous anger. You see, just another way of proving she wants us. She doesn't want anyone else to have us.~
Keiko gasped. It was worse than she'd thought! He was an egotistically conceited fox! "Now listen here, Youko, I am, in no way, shape or form, jealous!"
~Of course you are. You want us all to yourself. This is not our classroom fantasy. Did you imagine all of our fan girls when you conjured up this little playground? Were you staking your claim on us in front of all your rivals?~
Keiko wasn't sure, but it felt as if her face had just been set ablaze, it burned so hotly. "No! That's not it at all! It was just... this only happened one other time and I... It's not like I did it on purpose." She felt the urge to slap him unmercifully, but held back.
Shuichi's eyes backlit and they seemed to glow. ~Maybe your subconsciousmind was trying to tell you something. After all, I know you want it, I can smellyou from here. You want to be ravished where you stand.~
"In your dreams." She unthinkingly scoffed.
Kurama stepped away from where he stood by the window with fluid grace. “Oh, no, not my dreams. But we both know what's in yours, don't we?
Keiko wished fervently that she'd just wake up. "Not you too..." She bowed her head to avoid catching his eyes.
Kurama stopped moving. ~I like her better when she's angry, Shuichi say something to piss her off again.~
That job seems to be reserved for you, the mild red head replied. I prefer to be on friendly terms with Keiko.
~Friendly? We could be a hell of a lot more friendly if she'd stop being a prude.~
That did it! Keiko's head snapped up, brown eyes darkening to the deepest chocolate brown. "Prude? Prude!” She fumed. “I'll show you prude, Youko Kurama!" As irrational as it seemed, her stung pride urged her to prove his accusation wrong. Once more advancing on Kurama, Keiko rose up on tiptoe in order to deposit a decidedly unprude-like kiss on the red head's lips.
The kiss was clumsy at first but quickly turned into a sensuous caress of lips. Moans slipped past parted lips, hands slid to her waist and she leaned deeper into the touch only to be startled alert when the back of her legs touched a desk.
They broke apart just as he lifted her, sitting her on the semi-cold surface.
She searched his eyes, a bit pleased when she realized that they were still Shuichi's beautiful green and only the slightest hint of gold was present. "So," She smiled with as much confidence as she could muster. "Am I still a prude?"
~Oh, now that's the kind of enthusiasm I like.~
Kurama chuckled, "I never thought you were a prude, Keiko, you simply have high morals as every young lady should." His green eyes darkened to the color of a dense rain forest. "However, I can't say that I am not pleased by your demonstration."
She smiled smugly at the diplomatic comment.
"So..." Kurama continued, cocking his head to the side as he allowed his hands to lightly graze her hips. "What do we do now? Can you make yourself wake up? I assume we will be stuck here until you do."
She made a face at him and opened her mouth to snap at him about not being able to wake herself at will when a loud crack seemed to split the air. A whip of wet wind caused both to shield their faces.
When she pulled her hand away, it was dark.
The lights of her alarm clock glared at her in the darkness. A flash of light drew her gaze to the open bedroom window and the raging storm beyond.
A… storm?
~Damn it, Shuichi! Why couldn't you keep your mouth shut!~ The disappointed voice of Youko echoed in her mind and Keiko couldn't help the giggle that rose in her chest. Rising up to close the window and shut out the rain that was blowing in, she returned to her bed and laid back down.
In the Minamino living room Kurama woke where he'd last been sitting, his book still in his lap.
~Damn it, Shuichi! Why couldn't you keep your mouth shut?~
Kurama rose, suddenly very tired. He pressed a bookmark between the pages and headed for the stairs. As he reached for the railing he heard an answering giggle and Youko's frustration over the situation dimmed.
They headed up to bed with smiles.