Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Links ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mind Links
- Chapter 3 -

The next morning brought on an interesting revelation to the mind melded couple... or was that perhaps threesome, considering Youko's presence? Keiko opened her eyes, the light streaming through the window she had closed the night before. The prior storm had abated during the night and there was now not a cloud in the sky as the sun proceeded to soak up the rain. Stumbling from her bed, Keiko made her way to the bathroom, grabbing a change of clothing as she went to take a morning shower. She had just disrobed and stepped under the cleansing spray when...

~Good morning, sleepy head, about time you got up.~

She gasped, loudly, startled, before remembering he couldn't see her, only talk to her 24 hours a day. She relaxed, was he even talking to her, she didn't hear Shuichi respond.

At least, not at first.

Don't hassle me, Youko, you caused me enough grief yesterday. And before you get any ideas I do not want you comparing the pro's and con's of my fan club and their bodies to me on the way to school. I've had quite enough of that.

~Hmm, perhaps a change of topic then? Why not discuss the pro's and con's of the Detective's little friend's body? What's her name again...?~

Leave Keiko out of this, she isn't the subject.

~Isn't she? That little dream we experienced last night seemed to imply that she is very much a topic worthy of discussion.~

Keiko gasped again.

Keiko is entitled to her privacy, Youko, we inadvertently invaded that. It would be completely unfair to form any opinions based on a dream.

~Of course it wouldn't, if she were unaware of the circumstances. But as it is, she is totally aware and listening in on us as we speak...~

What? Youko, what are you- Kurama's gentle voice cut off and it was then that Keiko imagined that it finally dawned on him what Youko was saying. The human side's sleep fogged mind had obviously momentarily forgotten the occurrences of the previous day and it was all now rushing back in to meet the now fully awake red head.


Keiko giggled. 'Good morning.'

Kurama tensed, slowing his own trek toward the bathroom. Did... he smell... soap? What was that floral scent, much too flowery to be his own bath wash...

Distantly, he heard the patter of water hitting tile... s-shower?

He stopped and listened. Was Keiko showering?

Oblivious to Kurama's mysterious new link to her, Keiko continued on with her shower. Beginning to hum as she ran the soapy sponge over her body, she sent a message via their link. 'So, did you sleep well last night?' She asked in a mischievous tone.

~Ah, so the wildcat from last night is still there. Good morning, little yamaneko.~ Youko responded for his human half, bestowing his little nickname on her yet again. ~A better question would be, did YOU sleep well last night?~

Kurama stepped into the bathroom, pausing at the mirror when a peachy smell caught him. Peaches?

'P-Peaches?' Keiko questioned, seeing an opportunity to dodge the fox's question.

Kurama paled. Ah, thinking of... my mother asked me to get some yesterday.

'Oh…' Keiko replied uncertainly, replacing her bottle of Peach scented body wash back in the caddy. 'If you say so…'

She proceeded to finish her shower and climbed out of the stall, reaching for the towel hanging on the rack on the wall. 'Is there anything you had planned to do today after school?' She asked a bit timidly as she dried herself off. She wanted to talk some more about what was happening to them, face to face, not through this forced telepathy. 'Cause, I kinda thought we could perhaps meet at the park or something.'

~Oh, a public rendezvous. She wants to stake a claim on us in front of her rivals for real,~ Youko snickered.

I hardly think that's what she's planning, do calm yourself Youko. I know you heard the uncertainty in her voice, clearly she's worried, Shuichi chastised.

~Yes,~ Youko was disappointed and it showed through his voice. ~I imagine talking will involve no public park sex. In any case, you're making a fuss over nothing, this is hardly the worst of things that could've happened to us. I could tell you wonderful stories about humans and the side effects of youkai blood, although ... most of those ended in insanity or death.~

That is not reassuring, Youko!

The fox's response was non-verbal amusement.

Keiko couldn't help herself. She thought the banter between the two souls oddly amusing and found herself giggling in spite of herself. She could practically feel the curiosity pique in Kurama's conscience.

Keiko, are you alright? Shuichi asked worriedly.

~She's enjoying our conversation, Shuichi. Why don't we give her other reasons to enjoy us?~

'It's so amusing to hear you two together,' Keiko answered.

The sound of pattering water had stopped, the scent long vanished. Keiko knew her response was a loaded one and was ready for Youko's come back.

~Might I add that it's even better to feel us together, yamaneko.~ The fox spoke in that almost seductive tone that Keiko was beginning to become familiar with.

They awaited her delayed response as the scent of food drifted past their nose. They were suddenly reminded they hadn't showered yet and they weren't dressed for school.

They were both disappointed they couldn't see her face as Youko teased her. He was undressed and in the shower before she responded.

'Sorry, Mom was talking to me about school and breakfast,' She admitted sheepishly.

That's quite alright, Keiko, I'm just finishing up my bath. Kurama replied, then winced at the unintentional visual he'd more than likely given her.

To his surprise, her light laughter filled his head. 'You're running behind, Shuichi, you'd better hurry or you'll be late for school.' Kurama blinked. Was she... was she teasing him?

More of Keiko's laughter followed.

If you'd like, I'll meet you at your school gate this afternoon.

'The school gate?' She asked. There was a slight dip of awe in her voice at the possibility that he'd come to her school to get her. Boys from other schools waiting at the gates were a major gossip topic. Everyone would be talking about her tomorrow if that happened.

Everyone, school associates aside, knew Minamino Shuichi.

~You did claim to be our girlfriend and I would quite enjoy seeing you fight for us. I insist she's staking a claim on us.~

Keiko's mental response revealed how flustered Kurama imagined her face was at Youko's statement. 'O-okay, sure, Kurama. That'd be fine.'

Good. It's settled then. I shall see you in the flesh this evening after school.

~My, Shuichi, are you suggesting we go to meet our yamaneko nude?~

NO! Came the emphatic mental reply from both Keiko and Kurama.


It was practically mid-day before any other mental contact was made between Kurama and Keiko. Kurama had just left fourth period when he found himself cornered by a certain enthusiastic fan girl that he had made the mistake of rescuing the day before…

"Minamino-san! How nice it is to see you!"

Oh, God, please no! Kurama immediately thought, then groaned as he realized that Keiko would have heard that.

'What happened? Bad teacher? Annoying tag-a-long?' Keiko asked curiously, making her presence known.

They had been aware of each other all morning through each subject. It was a three way conference call with no barriers.

~Better than that, it's one of your rivals for our affections,~ Youko responded.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I don't know if I mentioned it before." The girl in front of him smiled. "My name is Hiyashi Kyoko, but I'd prefer you just call me Kyoko, all of my friends do."

She smiled and Kurama nodded. "Can I help you with something?"

She brightened that he had asked her something. He realized the error too late. He should have parted with her not invited even more conversation.

"Well, I heard that you were going to be involved with the festival planning for our class."

That was unfortunately true, the teacher had hand chosen him and his mother had been delighted and once she found out, he couldn't back out of it.

"Yes, I am." He replied, "Would you excuse me? I don't want to be late for my next class." Kurama attempted to side step around Kyoko, but found that she moved as well in order to block his escape. His eyes narrowed. "Was there something else you wanted?" He asked, feigning politeness while inside he grew wary.

"Ah, well, Taraka-sensei said we should begin planning together as a group and I have some terrific ideas I'd like to run by you. I know we haven't decided on the theme of our booth and games and food are always so uber popular - I was thinking we could..."

'A fan club girl?' Keiko asked, inadvertently interrupting Kyoko, who was oblivious.

The same one from our previous encounter. Most fan clubbers are tenacious, Shuichi supplied, trying to feign paying attention to whatever the girl was babbling about.

Did she just mention kissing?

'Kissing? What's going on over there?' Keiko's voice raised a notch.

~I think she's getting jealous.~

'Am not, just curious.' Keiko's voice sounded pouty. Kurama noticed, a smirk gracing his lips, momentarily forgetting Kyoko's presence and what she was talking about.

"So, I take it you like the idea of a Kissing Booth?" Kyoko cut in, mistaking Kurama's smile.

She wants us for a kissing booth, should we agree, Youko?

If Keiko caught the teasing lilt to his voice, she didn't show it.

~The school would be at our feet with the money we would raise. Plus we would get heaps of free kisses from girls who adore us. Seems like a win-win situation to me.~

'No! You can't do that. Rabid fan girls from every school in our county would go completely insane. People could get hurt, think of the tramplings and the fights Kurama.'

~Is that a promise to fight for us? Defending our lips from the masses?~

'What? Yes, I-I mean NO! I mean... -sigh- Why do you two do this to me?' Keiko's exasperation was evident even though they couldn't see her face.

Kurama turned to Kyoko. "If you were thinking of having me in a kissing booth I must decline. Keiko would be most upset."

The girl flushed, her cheeks pinking. "But... It's for the good of the school! S-Surely, you could just go ahead with? You wouldn't even have to tell her!"

~Hmmmm, she wants us to keep dirty secrets like that to ourselves?~

"I believe she would be most upset at the suggestion, let alone if I did so. She's so close to my heart. Curiously, Kyoko-san, I was under the impression it was against the club rules to speak to me when not in pairs of two or more, is that incorrect?"

The girl's earlier blush returned with a vengeance. He'd heard some of the outrageous club rules before. If any of her club mates caught her with him alone she'd be in for some serious trouble.

Sweat dropping, Kyoko began to slowly back away, her eyes darting nervously from side to side in case she was spotted. "Um... Well, ah, you just think it over, Minamino-san and, ah... I really have to get to my next class, but you just think on it and get back to my if you, ah.. eheh... decide to participate. Bye!" Kurama watched in amusement as Kyoko ran off at almost Hiei-like speed.

'Who does she think she is?' Keiko fumed and both males smiled as they headed to their own class.

Kurama's scolding for being late was mild as the teacher was really too stunned his model student was showing up late, he was convinced whatever had kept him away had to be important and let it go.

Kurama managed to slip away from school with a general lack of fuss. He had spoken to the instructor managing their class' booth for the festival and been excused from this afternoon's meeting.

Kyoko had seen him leave and had made to move to come talk to him, this time with one of her friends, but they had been intercepted by yet another pair of girls. The looks they were exchanging hadn't been friendly.

Keiko's school was about three blocks away. He walked quickly. By the time he arrived he saw only a few students milling through the gates. Keiko was not waiting for him, he noted, seeing no sign of her.

He approached the gates and stepped just inside, glancing around the courtyard. Where was she?

The few students dwindled to none, leaving Kurama standing alone at the gate. He looked around the school yard, wondering where Keiko could be. Had she decided not to meet him here? Did she not wish to talk to him after the incident with Kyoko? She had sounded a bit put off when the mention of a kissing booth had come up. Still, she would have told him if she were not going to be there, right? Silently, Kurama sighed as he began to hear the beginnings of Youko's grumbling in his mind.

Just as he was about to go searching for her, he caught sight of someone else. He frowned as he recognized Kyoko out of the corner of his eye ducking behind a bush outside the gates.

Was the girl insane?

~She's coming,~ Youko spoke up suddenly.

Kurama turned his gaze into the courtyard once more to see her hurrying toward them, straightening her clothes.

It was not her uniform.

He stared at her puzzled.

"Did something happen to your clothes?"

She shifted, seemingly hesitant. "Well... The others sort of got wet, it was just an accident. Sorry I made you wait."

"I see, no harm done, though you could have alerted us that you would be late so we wouldn't worry." Kurama replied. Spying Kyoko peering out from the bushes not too far away, Kurama felt a mischievous sensation come over him.

~Why don't you give her a show, Shuichi? Pull our little yamaneko close and give her a kiss.~ Youko urged. From beside them, Keiko gasped.

"Show who?" Keiko questioned aloud, glancing around and seeing no one as she crossed her arms over her chest.

~Your rival, of course. ~

'You don't mean that obnoxious girl from before, do you?' Keiko thought.

Indeed. It would seem that she's followed me from school. Kurama informed her, and is hiding behind those bushes off to our right. He nodded just the barest of nods in the direction of Kyoko's hiding place.

Youko scoffed. ~I still think we should give her a show. Keiko did claim to be our girlfriend after all.~

Shuichi was just about to argue when Keiko cut in with a statement that both startled the human half and pleased the demon half of Kurama.

'You know, you're right, Youko, I did claim that, didn't I? I suppose the only thing to do now is to play the part.'

And before Kurama could register what she meant, warm lips were pressing themselves against his own in a kiss that only a girlfriend would bestow.

Kurama was surprised at the bold display, but Youko's quick and sudden snarl quickly corrected his previous inaction. To the side, there was a rustling and Kurama tracked with his ears the apparently flustered withdrawal of his stalker.

Keiko waited a moment, just long enough that she figured the fan girl had gotten the point and left. Hopefully. Sighing mentally, she prepared to pull back and break the contact of hers and Kurama's lips, hoping that he wouldn't be too angry with her sudden brain storm. Really, she had no idea where it had come from in the first place. It had simply popped in there after Youko's comment. She placed her hands on Kurama's biceps and pushed away… only to feel strong arms that she had not felt wind themselves around her waist, tighten, drawing her closer as Kurama continued to seek out her lips with his.

She gasped as he deepened their kiss, or tried. The sound was muffled between them.

'What is he doing?'

Keiko's thought penetrated his brain and Kurama's eyes widened a bit in surprise as he stepped back, releasing Keiko as he realized what he was doing.

She flushed as he stepped away, bringing a hand up to her lips. "Wow..."

"I-I'm sorry, Keiko, please forgive me." He apologized quickly as he inwardly glared at Youko accusingly.

~I'm not the only one to blame, Shuichi. Admit it, you wanted it as much as I did.~

'I'll admit nothing of the sort,' Shuichi retorted.

"It's all right." Keiko smiled. "If we're going to be ... well... dating or pretend dating it's bound to come up again, right?"

They couldn't deny that.

"We don't need to argue about it or anything, it's not... Well, I didn't say I didn't like it, or anything, did I?"

Kurama stood just a little straighter as though pleased.

Keiko's cheeks pinkened just the slightest bit as she moved to wrap her arms around one of Kurama's in a way that she'd seen plenty of her friends in school do with their boyfriends. She peered up at him, making sure he didn't mind."Shall we go then?"

Keiko nodded and they started walking.


