Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Links ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mind Links
- Chapter 7 -

Kurama knew right away that he was in a dream. Though the question of whose dream it was, was still up for debate. He stood in the middle of a dense forest and taking in the types of plant life Kurama came to the conclusion that it must be his dream. There were species of plants here that could only be from the demon world and he highly doubted that Keiko would know of such.

As he was reaching to examine a particularly odd colored vine, a shrill female scream shattered the tranquil air of the forest.

Worried, Kurama dashed toward the sound, breaking into a small cluttered space of trees. Beneath a growling youkai, Keiko lay, struggling and panting. Her fear rose around her like a palatable youki cloud enticing the creature with the salivating jaws currently pining her via her shoulders, to the grass.


Of course, he should have expected this. Her being dragged into his dream. Or at least been prepared for it. But he'd never dreamed of her before, so he simply hadn't thought. But here she was and, though he knew this wasn't real, she didn't know that yet and would more than likely hurt herself if she were not made aware of it. Calling forth his rose whip, Kurama leapt forth and dispatched the demon that was holding Keiko prisoner.

He reached down with one hand to help her up, the thorny whip still held in the other. She accepted his offer and allowed him to pull her up to her feet, taking a good up close look at his signature weapon.

"Ouch..." She murmured before looking away from the whip, no doubt thinking what it must be like to be on the receiving end of it. She glanced around uneasily. "Where am I? Where are we?"

Kurama looked around. "A dreamscape. We are in a section of forest located in demon world, so I'm assuming that it is mine... unless you have knowledge of Makai scenery?"

She shook her head. "Um, not really. I spent most of my time during the youkai tournament in the hotel." She paused briefly. "Why are we here?"

He shrugged slightly. "Why does anyone dream what they do? This one is merely a bit more... tame, than the last."

"So I noticed..." Keiko murmured, blushing as she recalled the content of their last dreamy encounter. "But why am I here? You didn't intend on me being here, did you? Have you had a dream like this before? You know, with me in it?"

"No." He replied.

~Oh, but I have. Beautiful visions of you clothed in only moonlight, bound with vines flowering with blossoms. Your body tilted at just the perfect angle for-~

Youko, Shuichi warned.

~Even in dreams, you annoy, Shuichi.~

Keiko's blush intensified. "Oh...." She said faintly, rubbing her arms as though she were cold. "Well... what should we do?"

A deep chuckle resounded in the clearing in which they stood. Startled, both Keiko and Kurama's heads whipped in the direction of the laugh, their eyes widening as a familiar form emerged from the shadows created by the tree line.

"Can't you figure it out, little yamaneko?" The silver kitsune smirked, arms crossed over his muscled chest as he looked down upon the petite ningen as well as his human host's body.

"Youko!" Shuichi exclaimed in shock. He'd never even registered the absence of the youkai fox's spirit from his body.

"Welcome to my domain, I humbly greet you." He bowed to them, distracting them both as the grass beneath their feet began to lengthen. "What do you think of my world, yamaneko?"

"It's .... um... wild and pretty. Actually, it feels kind of dangerous."

He grinned. "Dangerous indeed. Ah, the good old days... even an artificial Makai is better than none at all. I find the human world quite boring sometimes. Do you know why?"

She shook her head.

"Too many rules."

The grass was growing, slowly and Shuichi was the first to notice it had reached to their knees.

Shuichi's green eyes darted to meet the gaze of his amber eyed counterpart. "Youko, don't! Whatever you are planning-" The red haired human's command was cut off as the rapidly growing grass suddenly shot up the remaining length required to wrap themselves around their wrists while the lower blades confined their ankles, pinning them where they stood.

"Why not, Shuichi? We got to play out Keiko's little fantasy, it's only fair to return the favor, don't you think?" Youko's voice deepened as his golden gaze swept over in Keiko's direction.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea. She hardly looks receptive to it anyway."

The girl in question was currently struggling under her new bondage and looking quite frightened.

"Let me go."

"The more you struggle, the tighter I'll hold you." Youko smirked playfully. "It's been so long since I played..." He sighed wistfully. "I have just the thing for such an occasion, of course."

From about the base of their ankles something else began to move, thicker and wider. The captives both looked down to see a thickened cord of ivy curling up their legs.

Shuichi's eyes swung back to Keiko just in time to see the ivy inching beneath the hem of her skirt and along her inner thigh. A loud gasp was issued from her lips as she arched sharply against her bonds.

His eyes darted back in Youko's direction as he hissed. "What are you doing!?"

Again the fox's dark chuckle graced his ears. "Exactly what it looks like I'm doing, Shuichi." The subtlest flick of his wrist had Keiko crying out again in a strangled sort of way as the creeping vine brushed against her intimately.

It was then that their newly acquired link decided to kick in, causing the red haired young man to shudder as the sensations that Keiko was feeling washed over him as well.

"See, enjoying it already... I knew you would." Youko's voice rang smooth with arrogance. "Although I bet she's enjoying it a lot more..."

"Y-Youko! Don't you think you're getting out of hand?" Keiko pleaded, her voice just shy of pleading. "I didn't do anything half this... this... wild in my dream!"

He merely shrugged. "But mine's more fun anyway, isn't it?" He grinned.

Neither teen could reply as they were far too busy succumbing to the erotic feelings that were sweeping through their bodies courtesy of Youko's plants as well as their sensory link to one another. All the while, more vines moved to assist their brethren in manipulating the clothing from Shuichi and Keiko's bodies. Buttons were popped free, allowing the green appendages to sweep beneath fabric and removed with the slightest of tugs. A dress shirt, pants, blouse, skirt; all were methodically removed in the most skillful of ways, finally leaving Keiko in only scant pieces of silk and lace as Shuichi's only modest attire was a pair of cotton briefs.

Youko continued with his game until, finally, with a sharp cry, Keiko's body arched harshly against the binding blades of grass as her orgasm ripped throughout her. The sensation carried through the link to the helpless Shuichi who also cried out in the shared pleasure. Once the cascading feelings faded, both slumped against their restraints as Youko smirked in satisfaction as he manipulated the blades to lower both their spent bodies to the ground.

Keiko lay, heaped upon the ground while, not too far away, Shuichi mirrored her.

Youko smiled as he approached Keiko, sliding down onto his knees and leaning over her.

She turned her head, her dampened bangs shifting along her sweaty forehead as he leaned closer, draping himself down over her, his knees on either side of her hips and his hands on the ground just above her shoulders.

His tail swished languidly behind him, just barely brushing her thighs and his ears twitched. He grinned at her.

"Like that, yamaneko?" He softly purred.

Still too dazed to reply verbally, Keiko could only nod the barest of nods. What else could she do? As much as she hated the fact, it was the truth. Her response seemed to please Youko even more as his grin widened. "I'm glad," He murmured, leaning down to capture her lips in a brief kiss before drawing back to his feet again. With a smooth, graceful glide, he made his way to kneel beside Shuichi.


His human counterpart turned his head toward him, the expression on his face just short of displeasure. "You shouldn't have done that."

Youko's grin widened. "Are you going to be stubborn and pretend you didn't like it?"

Shuichi didn't respond immediately and Youko stood and reached down and pulled Shuichi up onto his feet.

"Look at her there, sweet, innocent, ours... " He turned his head toward Shuichi, whispering against his ear. "Want to play?"

A low growl escaped Shuichi's throat, diverting his gaze from where Keiko lay sprawled out on the ground before them. Whether the sound was one of refusal or acceptance to Youko's offer was entirely unclear. Unable to help himself, Shuichi's eyes darted back in Keiko's direction, the gentle emerald hue seeming to darken to a dangerous shade of forest green as he took in the beautiful vision before him. Even then, the red haired human's voice was low and unyielding as he spoke.

"I won't harm her, Youko, nor will I take her against her will."

"We won't be doing either," Youko replied, slipping away from Shuichi's side. He stretched lazily. "She'd be more than willing-"

"No..." The sound was soft and murmured and both turned to see Keiko rising to her feet. "I really can't... I... I, um..." She began, only to have her soft mutterings abruptly interrupted by a shrill ringing sound.

Youko looked perturbed. "What is that abysmal sound?"

"Alarm clock." Keiko stated with a somewhat relieved smile and promptly vanished.

A sigh of relief escaped Shuichi as he too began to fade from the dreamscape. As his subconscious left that plane he could hear his demon half's frustrated growl and couldn't help but smile.


Keiko woke and absently pressed the button to turn off her alarm. The uneasy feeling had swept over from her dream and held onto her. She hadn't quite realized that Youko could be so... overwhelming. And yet, at the same time, her attraction to Kurama made her wonder… If the alarm clock hadn't pierced the dream, would Youko have been able to coax her into complying with his wishes?


The voice of Shuichi in her head made her all but jump.

I apologize. When Youko has free reign... well... he takes it.

What should she say?

~What is the point of being free if one doesn't act on what they want?~

'It's alright, Shuichi, I'm beginning to understand more and more about Youko the longer we remained linked together. I know he wants me... it's a bit more than obvious, and to tell the truth, I...' Keiko trailed off, uncertain if she should confess this now or not. She finally came to the decision to charge on ahead while she had the courage. She doubted she'd be able to say it to his face. 'I'm attracted to you too... both of you. Well, maybe the human a bit, or a lot more than the demon, but still, you're the same in a way and I can't have one without the other, right? So... Argh! Listen, I just need some time to figure out what exactly it is that I'm saying. Okay?'

Youko was silent in the background, but his presence was like a faint hum, detectable, but not seeable.

Of course, I understand. You're feeling rushed then?

'Umm... maybe a bit.' She mentally confessed, 'But I fully understand how you both could be confused, what with my dream last night and my actions this morning at the gate and…and I apologize for that. I've truly never had a dream like that except for the one time before... which, coincidentally, was the night before all of this craziness began...'

~A vision...~


'I wouldn't call it a vision... ' Keiko hesitantly answered. 'It was hardly the kind of thing to be prophetic about.'

~Wasn't it, though? You foresaw what I already know. You were meant to be ours, Keiko, our little yamaneko. Shuichi's and mine.~

She wasn't so sure of that but didn't know quite how to say it. Shuichi seemed equally stunned for a moment.

That's a broad... assumption. We are rushing her, Youko, regardless of dreams. Back off a bit.

A resigned sigh filtered through their minds. ~Fine, be that way, Shuichi. Take your time, precious one, and come to us when you've made up your mind, ne?~

With that said, Youko retreated into complete remission, leaving Shuichi and Keiko to converse between themselves.


Shuichi started to apologize again and she interrupted him.

'It's fine. Really. I... um...should be getting ready.'

She threw off her blankets and stood up, combing her fingers through her hair. What else was there to say, she wondered.

Hm, that feels nice. Shuichi's rich voice made her hands pause mid-swipe through her hair.

'Oh... sorry, I keep forgetting you can sometimes feel... well, you know.'

Kurama's warm chuckle filled her mind. It is quite alright, Keiko, it was very pleasant at any rate, so there is no need for apology. Anyway, it's getting late. Shall we ready ourselves for school?

Keiko agreed and without another thought, continued to dress.


As Keiko made her way to school, she attempted to keep her thoughts from filtering through to Kurama as she could. It was more difficult than she could have imagined, guarding your thoughts from someone else. Normal people weren't even supposed to have to do something like that. But then again, who'd ever said she was normal? The people she hung around with certainly weren't.

She was so caught up in her task, Keiko didn't even hear a voice calling her name from outside her head, not until she physically bumped into the owner of said voice.

"Hey! Keiko!"

Her head snapped up at the familiar voice. "Yusuke!"

He set his hands upon her shoulders and gently pushed her a step back from him.

"What's up?" He waved a hand in front of her face for effect.

She swatted the hand away, "What are you doing here?" She asked, staring up at him with a heated, semi-hostile gaze. "I thought you were going back to the Makai." She tried to keep the small ray of hope that was budding in her heart at bay, but she needn't have bothered. Yusuke's next words effectively banished it for her.

"I am," He said with a small bit of regret in his voice. He really hadn't meant to hurt her when he'd come back the last time, but knew when she'd tackled him on the beach that she'd gotten the wrong impression. She thought he had come back to stay with her when, in fact, he'd come back to break it off with her for keeps. The draw of his ancestral home was just too strong to deny. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay before I left out."

She frowned at him. "I'm just fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

She'd have preferred him to have simply gone. This was just a little too much and she didn't want to deal with it. She'd gotten away with not thinking about it for the last few chaotic days, but now her original pain was back and roaring.

He shifted and the motion seemed awkward. "Well, we've been friends a long time, Keiko. I didn't want to just... "

Keiko didn't know whether she wanted to hit him or scream at him, so she improvised. "Didn't want to what, Yusuke? Hurt me? Didn't want to make me believe that you'd actually came back to marry me after your promise that you would? Or maybe you just didn't want to disappoint me with your final decision on the matter." Her pitch slightly elevated with each statement made and she used a pointed finger to jab his chest for emphasis. Each hard poke backed him up a step as she advanced on him. "Well, guess what, you did! So why don't you leave me alone and just go, Yusuke! Just… just go away." Her rant ended on a strangled sob and she stopped her attack, spinning away from him to hide her tears.

He didn't want it to come to this. He really didn't. Keiko was all the friends he'd had for a long time, but he didn't see it any other way. Life moved on, people grew up, and that's what he felt like he was doing.

"Just like that? Poof?"

She wiped her eyes and wished him away, but he didn't go.

She felt her heart breaking all over again. He'd told her of his intent to leave just two weeks before the incident with the demon that had brought on her strange connection with Kurama and had been preparing herself for it, separating his inevitable departure from her normal everyday life. Why couldn't he have just left quietly instead of confronting her yet again and drawing out the pain? From somewhere in her mind, Kurama's smooth voice spoke, worry obviously lacing his words.

Keiko? Keiko, what's wrong? I can feel your pain and it is overwhelming. Do you need me to come to you?

At first, she wasn't sure what to say, wasn't really aware of anything. What was she going to say to make Yusuke leave? Well, leave faster.

Just as she was gathering her courage to turn and face him, footsteps sounded in her ears. Hurried footsteps. She looked up to see Kurama approaching. Yusuke noticed the kitsune's arrival too, though he couldn't imagine what caused the worried expression on the redhead's face.

"Hey, Kurama," He greeted none too enthusiastically. He hadn't wanted an audience for what was to be his and Keiko's final farewell.

"Good morning, Yusuke," Kurama's soothing voice seemed to cut through the tenseness that had been building up between the ex-couple and Keiko couldn't stop herself from stepping closer to Kurama's side.

Keiko looked away, wanting to be somewhere else. The tension among the group was obvious and a small, strained silence followed.

"So..." Yusuke started, glancing at Kurama and silently wondering about his sudden appearance and noting just how close he was standing to Keiko.Keiko tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "Yeah... Well, I hope your trip goes well and you stay safe." She had to all but force the words from her mouth.

Yusuke frowned at the blatant attempt to be rid of him.

Kurama looked over at Yusuke. "Going somewhere?" He asked, even though he already knew, but maintained the facade.

The former detective crossed his arms across his chest and scowled. "Makai," He replied shortly, glancing back at Keiko.

Keiko gave a subtle flinch at his tone, not to mention she could practically feel Yusuke's penetrating gaze on her as she fought to keep her eyes focused downward. From her side, Kurama responded. "I see. But did you not just come back from Demon World? What of Keiko, if you pardon my asking."

"What about her?" Yusuke snapped defensively.

Despite his foresight into Yusuke's decision on remaining in the Makai, the insensitive response from the majin rubbed him the wrong way. "Do you not care about her?" Kurama asked with dangerous eyes.

"What does that matter for? Why the hell are you even here?"

'Kurama, please, don't push this! It's alright, really. Just let him go.'

I don't want you hurt, Keiko. That Yusuke is the cause of your pain is more than enough for Youko, or me.

Kurama felt a pleased vibe radiate from Keiko as he conveyed this thought to her. 'I understand, Kurama, but it's okay. It's true that I'm hurt, but for some reason I think I'll be able to get over it.' Keiko broke eye contact with Kurama to look back at Yusuke, who seemed to be seething.

"Look!" Yusuke said, his voice sharp. "I just wanted to come by and say goodbye. So you're mad at me now, what if I'd just left and then came back later? It would've just given you another thing to be pissed off about. Besides, friends aren't supposed to just walk out on each other. "

"My apologies," Kurama answered Yusuke's question after a pause. The other boy clearly wasn't happy at what he no doubt thought was being ignored. "I had not intended to interrupt."

Yusuke's scowl seemed to indicate he felt otherwise, but he didn't say anything about it.

Keiko sighed, "Yusuke, please, would you just go? You said your goodbyes, now leave so that I can start moving on with my life." She and Kurama stiffened when a low growl emerge from the toushin's chest.

"Don't you mean move on with Kurama? He sure as hell showed up here pretty quickly, are you sure he wasn't following you?"

~Don't tell me he's going to be jealous NOW.~ Youko's voice sounded a bit peeved, prompting Keiko to express the kitsune's as well as her own frustration aloud.

"What does it matter to you anyway, Yusuke. You're leaving, so you have no right to be jealous of Kurama-kun!" Keiko fumed, turning angry eyes on her ex-boyfriend.

"Kurama-kun??? Didn't take you long to move on, did it?" He snapped bitterly. "You know what, forget this! What the hell did I bother?"

He turned to go and was stomping away when Kurama glanced down at Keiko. The girl's eyes were misty and seemed to be trembling.

"Keiko?" He whispered softly.

Yusuke was vanishing now, almost beyond the call of one's voice and the tears welling in her eyes spilled over as her eyes closed. The quiet sound of her sobs made Kurama hesitate, struck at her sudden display of sadness. He hadn't been aware she was suffering this much.

Kurama tenderly gathered her to him, allowing her to soak his shirt with her tears.
