Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Links ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mind Links
- Chapter 6 -

To be honest, Keiko was kind of miffed. After all, Kurama had all but kicked her out of the conversation, hadn't he? She shouldn't have been offended; she knew that, it wasn't any of her business. After all, he and Hiei were long time friends, far more so than her and him.

It was just plain irrational.

She was closing the front pocket of her bag as she stepped into the courtyard when she noticed a flash of unfamiliar color.

Three girls, in strangely familiar uniforms appeared before her, disdain upon their pretty faces.

"That's her!"

Keiko frowned recognizing the one in the middle. It was the fan girl from before. She paused.

With two fan girl friends, oh goody.

"Hello," Keiko greeted and then frowned again. Ah, yes, she had threatened to beat her up, hadn't she? If she didn't stop bothering Kurama?

And so the fan girl brought friends... ugh.

On the lapel of the girl's uniforms was a tiny golden pin. Keiko stared at it astonished.

"Is that a... "

"This is our fan club insignia. We're Minamino-san's most dedicated followers. We videograph him and manage the club's photo albums."

Keiko's left eyebrow twitched. "So I.... see..." Was all she could manage to say to that. It was apparent that Kurama's little fan club were very... dedicated, as well as psychotic.

She caught herself before she said 'Kurama'. "Oh, well, Shuichi isn't here."

The girls gasped as though Keiko had done something particularly horrible right in front of them.

"She used his first name! Did you hear her?" One of the new girls, a tall, willowy brunette with dark blue eyes stated in accusation.

"See, I told you. It's just as bad as I thought!" The middle one, a short, pudgy girl with black hair slightly longer than Kyoko’s shoulder length locks, exclaimed. She glared at Keiko from behind a pair of wire frame glasses, emphasizing her dark brown eyes.

With a roll of her eyes, Keiko attempted to side step the trio of girls in order to make her way home. She still had a test to study for the following day, not to mention the fact that she had gone the rest of the day without hearing Kurama in her mind. Right around the time he'd left with Hiei. Where had they gone? Why wasn't she hearing him in her head anymore? She'd tried a couple times to call out to him, and each time she'd gotten no response. Was the link that had formed between them now severed? Was this whole insane thing over?

She needed to think and she couldn't do it with fan girls 1, 2 and 3 in front of her. They blocked her path and she groaned.

"I have a test tomorrow; I don't suppose we could pick this up another day?" Keiko asked hopefully, not really wanting to get into a fist fight with them. Plus she felt a little less bold without Kurama at her side.

And just where was he, anyway?

"We just wanted to warn you." Pudgy said.

‘Oh, here it comes,’ She thought.

"That's right," Tall and willowy perked up. "Kyoko told us all about your scheming and hanging onto Minamino-san."

"Scheming? I don't scheme," Keiko answered weakly.

"Right!" Kyoko said, ignoring Keiko's reply. "You're scheming to take him away from us. But we're going to stop you." A smug smile formed itself on the head girl's lips.

Her cohorts agreed with nods of their heads and matching smirks of their own. Kyoko seemed emboldened by their presence as she actually had the audacity to walk up until she was mere inches from Keiko and jab her in the chest with a finger, tipped with a well manicured fingernail.

'Ouch,' Keiko thought, wincing inwardly.

Question was: bluff about pounding them into the dirt or just ride it out? She was outnumbered and Kurama was, as of yet, unaccounted for.

"You stay away from Minamino-san! He cannot be tied down. Right, Misaki-san? Ayano-san?"

“Hai, Kyoko-san!” Pudgy and Willowy, or rather Misaki and Ayano respectively, nodded as they answered simultaneously.

Keiko absently replied that he wasn't tied down at all and the girls collectively gasped. Keiko wasn't sure what she'd done that was so startling until they spoke again.

"Kurama? Who's Kurama?" Ayano asked.

"She's cheating on Minamino-san!!!" Misaki chimed in with an accusation.

Kyoko got a devious look in her eyes as she smiled menacingly down at Keiko. “I see now, you’re just playing Minamino-san for his popularity in hopes of boosting your own after the degrading act of associating with that riff-raff Urameshi. Well, it’s not going to work! I’ll see to that. Come on, girls!”

With that, Kyoko spun on her heel and walked off, Ayano and Misaki following behind.

With a sigh, Keiko began her walk home.

She thought back to their comments about videos and photo albums and wondered if Kurama knew to what lengths these crazy girls were actually going. What if they followed him home and took pictures of his house?

They don't. I warned them about it previously.

The sudden voice startled her.

'Where have you been all day?' She snapped, without thinking.

~Awww, did our little yamaneko miss us? Perhaps we should come over and keep you company.~ Youko’s voice added.

Keiko would have tossed a mental retort back, but was startled by a sense of amusement filling her. Amusement that could only be coming from Kurama being as she was not, in no way, amused. 'Oh, shit,' She murmured both in her head as well as aloud.

Is there something wrong, Keiko? Shuichi’s voice held a tinge of worry and Keiko felt the amusement fade.

‘I think I’ve just gained another link to you.’ She muttered.

Another link? He questioned. How so?

'I appear to be a budding empath..'

That threw him for a minute and the silence seemed thick. I see. Odd that I have yet to develop this particular link when before I was the first to develop the symptom. Kurama mused, totally at a loss for an explanation. I am truly sorry, Keiko.

Keiko's eyebrow rose in curiosity. 'Sorry? For what, Kurama?'

For getting you in this mess to begin with. Kurama replied, If I had not been so careless as to have gotten that demon's blood on me...

'Oh, hey, don't worry about it.’ Keiko reassured, ‘We'll be okay. Besides, it's not the worst thing that could've happened.'

~Quite right, I happen to like our arrangement.~

Keiko smiled as she reached her front door and went inside.

Just a few short blocks from Keiko's house, Kurama heard the 'chink' sound as Keiko tossed her keys onto the table. Are you up for a bit of company? He asked, not sure if her parents were home yet or not.

'Sure, come on over. Is Hiei still with you? Where'd you two go earlier anyway? I couldn't hear your thoughts and you never answered me when I called out to you.' She said, the miffed tone reentering her voice even though it was mental.

We took a fact-finding trip to the Makai. I suppose we cannot communicate through the barriers then, hmm?

'Guess not...' She frowned. 'Find anything?'

Nothing of interest.

'Is Hiei still there with you? You didn't answer that.'

No, Hiei had other business.

‘Alright, well, just come on over then. My parents aren’t home from the noodle shop yet, we could watch a movie or something.’ She suggested. She sat at her table and waited for him to arrive tapping her fingers against the wood.

Within a few minutes, Kurama was knocking on Keiko's door. She went to open it, greeting the red head with a smile. "Come in," She told him, stepping aside to let him through the door.

Kurama smiled as he entered, pausing to wait for Keiko to shut the door before following her back into the living room.

“I picked out a few DVD’s to choose from. I wasn’t sure what you liked, or if you had already seen them. They’re fairly new, so maybe you haven’t, I don’t know.” Keiko blushed prettily as she realized with embarrassment that she was babbling a bit. Instead of continuing, she simply handed the boxes over to Kurama so that he could choose their movie for the evening.

He glanced at them briefly. "Whatever you'd like is fine, I assure you."

He, still holding the stack of movies, made his way over to the couch and sat down, sitting the stack upon the table and letting it rest there.

Keiko stared at him a moment in awkwardness. "Um... want a drink?"

He smiled. "That would be fine, thank you."

"Okay. What kind?"

"Whatever you are having."

She headed off into the kitchen and ended up returning with a canned drink. She handed it over, feeling somewhat awkward.


"How about that one?"

He pointed to the movie on top of the stack and she nodded. "Oh, of course." She reached for the DVD and rose from the couch, crossing the room to where the television set and DVD player were set against the far wall. After turning on the TV and putting in the disk, Keiko grabbed the remote and returned to her seat beside Kurama on the couch.

For the next hour and a half, neither moved from their seats unless it was to go to the bathroom or to replenish snack food. About halfway through the movie, Keiko felt herself begin to feel oddly relaxed and though she tried to fight it, her head gradually dropped until finally lolling to the side, coming to rest on Kurama’s shoulder as if on its own accord.

Though her eyes remained on the movie, Kurama's eyes drifted toward her. Sensing her ease with him, he slipped his arm around her shoulders and she seemed to settle in against him heavier, accepting.

Her chest, pressed close to his side in this position, rose and fell as a contented sigh passed from her lips. Her own arms slipped around his waist and Keiko snuggled deeper into Kurama's side, her head coming to settle on his chest with his chin resting on the crown of her head.

Keiko had shifted into him comfortably and was drifting, totally engrossed in the film when the first rattle and muffled voices drifted toward Kurama's sensitive ears. He waited, listening to the sound when the door just behind them suddenly pushed open and voices previously muffled now sounded clear through the room.

"No. I'm sorry honey; I just didn't care for the lighting."

Keiko bolted upright and turned toward the door, her hands at her clothes as though she were indecent.

"M-mom! Dad! You're home!" She declared the obvious as the elderly Yukimura couple blinked back in shock at the sight of their only daughter sitting in the, previously, darkened room on the couch with a red headed stranger. Her father had his hand on the wall switch to the living room lights and had just flicked them on upon their daughter's exclamation.

The two adults exchanged glances and then settled their gaze upon the young man who had been sharing a dark room with their daughter.

"Keiko? Perhaps you'd like to introduce us?" Her mother asked sweetly, her tone devoid of any anger or suspicion.

Keiko nodded quickly. "This is Minamino Shuichi, we were watching a movie. Sorry, I guess I lost track of time otherwise I wouldn't have monopolized the living room."

She was trying, desperately, to make it sound like she hadn't done anything wrong. She hadn't, but she wasn't sure what they would assume.

"Ah, I see... I take it that Minamino-san will be staying for dinner?" Mrs. Yukimura smiled, placing her purse on the small desk beside the living room doorway while her husband remained by her side, arms crossed over his chest as he gave Kurama an appraising stare.

Keiko twitched nervously, "Um... I'm not sure... I mean to say... Shuichi may have other plans-"

"I would be delighted to dine with your family tonight, Yukimura-san. In fact, it would be an honor." Kurama spoke up, having risen from the couch to stand beside Keiko, who floundered as a result of being taken off guard by her parents' arrival.

It's no trouble, Keiko. I don't want you to get into any trouble.

Keiko's mental sigh of relief reached his mind. 'Thanks, Kurama.'

Keiko's mother headed off into the kitchen and the three of them, Keiko, her father and Kurama were left behind. After floundering a moment to make conversation, Keiko's mother called her into the kitchen to assist.

"What a cute young man... How long have you known this boy, Keiko?"

Keiko silently groaned at where this conversation was headed and hoped Kurama was fairing better with her father.

Once Keiko had left the room, Mr. Yukimura moved to sit in a plush arm chair positioned close to the couch Kurama stood in front of. He sat down, motioning for Kurama to do so as well. "Have a seat, son." Once Kurama was seated back on the couch, Keiko’s father took in the appearance of the young man before him, and coming to the conclusion that he had never seen him before, asked, "So, how long have you known my daughter?"

Kurama smiled politely. "Keiko and I have been friends for several years now."

The older man tilted his head to the side slightly in curiosity. "I see. Odd that our daughter has never mentioned you before... you must not have been very close friends or else our daughter would have mentioned you at one time or another."

"We have been casual friends until fairly recently. Keiko and I met through Yusuke, interestingly enough." Kurama replied.

"Through Yusuke, you say? Well, I can't say that I can see that. Yusuke never seemed the kind to have many friends, except for our daughter. But then again, she's always had the knack for seeing things in people that others couldn't. Take Yusuke for example." Mr. Yukimura laughed lightly.

Kurama smiled briefly and wondered how things were going in the kitchen and how close to dinner time it was.

"Yusuke can be a bit rough around the edges but has proven to be a most valuable friend."

Nodding his seeming approval so far of Kurama's responses, Mr. Yukimura was about to continue his psuedo-interrogation when his wife's voice floated into the room from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready, sweetheart, could you please escort our guest in?"

Mr. Yukimura sighed, realizing his time for an individual discussion was over. It was now time to observe the two of them together for further evaluation.

"Coming, dear. Minamino-san, if you would kindly follow me?" He rose up from his chair and waited for Kurama to do the same before leading the red haired young man to the kitchen where his wife and daughter awaited them.

Kurama was sat across from Keiko and the two shared an uneasy smile before turning their attention to something besides each other.

"So, Minamino-san, are you a classmate of Keiko's?" Keiko's mother asked sweetly.

"No. I'm a student at Meiou High, she and I met through our mutual friend, Urameshi Yusuke."

"Yusuke?" the woman asked. "Yusuke has friends at Meiou High?" The woman seemed shocked.

Kurama smiled. "No, I believe I am his only friend there. He makes too much trouble; he was banned from our campus earlier this year."

Mr. Yukimura nodded, “Yes, that does sound like Yusuke, doesn’t it honey?” He turned his gaze to where his wife sat to his right.

“Yes it does. Yusuke was always very… mischievous.” Kurama smirked faintly at the mental feminine snort in his mind.

‘Mischievous? Mom and dad never did realize just how bad Yusuke could be at times.’ Keiko softly mused.

Clearly not, Shuichi replied.

"So, you're a Meiou High student, I assume you plan to attend college, Minamino-san?"

He nodded. "Yes. I'm planning an extended study of botany. "

"…Botany? How interesting..." Her mother smiled at him.

The dinner dragged on for what seemed forever with Keiko's parents taking turns questioning the young man who, it seemed to them at least, had become somewhat close to their daughter. When it finally drew to a close Kurama seemed to be semi-relieved and Keiko was definitely relieved. Her parents said their goodbyes and allowed Keiko to escort her friend to the door.

"Well, I hope that you weren't too bothered with my parents' obvious nosiness. They normally aren't like that. I guess it's just that you are the first guy they've seen me bring home besides Yusuke and-" Keiko faltered as she realized what she'd said and how it had sounded. Her face grew red with embarrassment. "Um... well, what I mean is..."

"It's quite all right. Your parents seemed to like Yusuke."

She nodded.

"I'm glad to know that. I must confess, I always wondered if your parents approved of him, especially being such a trouble maker sometimes."

"Well, as you can tell, Yusuke was never a trouble maker in their eyes... just misunderstood, I suppose." She sighed.

"That's good." He smiled. "I won't keep you. Thank you for allowing me to stay."

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow?"

He nodded again and leaned forward, catching it when her breath hitched at his nearness. He pressed a chaste, gentle kiss upon her lips and stepped outside. "Goodnight, Keiko."

She stared dazedly at his retreating back, one hand rising to gently touch her lips where he'd kissed her. "Goodnight..." She whispered.


The room was dimly lit as Kurama moved from his bathroom toward the bed. He absently ran a hand through his hair while yawning. It had been a good day overall. He pulled back the blankets and slipped beneath, settling himself.

He tossed and turned for a bit, unable to find enough comfort to allow himself to fall asleep, images of the day passed through his mind in a sort of collage and all of it starring Keiko. It was quite pleasant. Idly, he wondered if Keiko was in bed as well. It was late after all, and they did have school the next day. On impulse, he gently called out to her in his mind. Keiko... are you asleep?

At first there was no reply. Then a sleepy voice emerged.

'I'm here. What's up?'

Kurama was instantly contrite. I’m sorry, Keiko, I didn’t mean to wake you. It’s just that I seem unable to fall asleep. Don’t worry though, I’m sure I will eventually. Go back to sleep.

'Are you sure? If you would like to talk some, I'm wide awake now.' Keiko assured, then caught him off guard when she said, 'Kurama... why did you kiss me before you left? You know, on the mouth. You didn't have to do that.'

I know. I apologize if it upset you. It felt like the right thing at that moment.

A wave of something he was hesitant to call "sweetness" overflowed into him. The emotion was a gentle wave of feeling washing over him. Keiko, he realized, it had to have been coming from her.

His response made her feel like that?

'No, no... don't apologize. It was... nice. I liked it.'

The sensation of sweetness intensified somewhat and Kurama got a somewhat vague impression that if he could see Keiko at that moment, she would have a dreamy smile on her lips. Had that simple kiss effected her that much? If he were to say, initiate a more intense kiss, would she be as receptive? Kurama wondered.

He smiled, something she couldn't see, but hoped she could feel as she didn't verbally respond to errant thought.

~We could always try it out... She doesn't seem to be protesting.~

Keiko still didn't say anything, simply remaining quiet, and Kurama felt a sense of intense embarrassment overcome him, but knew it was not from him. Youko, please... He then turned his thought to Keiko. I'm sorry for disturbing you, Keiko. I think I should be able to fall asleep now. Goodnight.

'I-it...'A soft sigh filled his mind. 'Goodnight, Kurama.'
