Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Links ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mind Links
- Chapter 5 -
Kurama awoke the next morning, not to the sound of his alarm clock, or to Youko's mental taunts, but to the soothing sensation of someone touching his face. His eyes shot open as he bolted upright in bed only to find no one else in the room with him, and yet whatever was caressing his face maintained its contact with his skin, this time moving down the column of his throat to begin massaging first one shoulder, then the other.
Kurama's eyes fluttered as whatever was touching him moved down his arms one at a time almost as if washing him. For some reason, Youko remained quiet, not speaking up and Shuichi wondered if the kitsune was still asleep. His breath hitched as the phantom hand moved to his chest and was joined by another unseen limb as they began to stroke his pectoral muscles in a rhythmic motion that had him letting out an audible groan.
“What is going on?” Kurama moaned aloud, uncertain if the hands belonged to some sort of invisible apparition, or perhaps… He grunted in surprise when the hands suddenly dove down his chest to his abdomen and “washed” that area as well before descending even further…
Covering his face with both hands, Kurama collapsed back onto his bed with a loud moan.
He couldn't tell much about the ghost hands, he didn't want to think past the sensations as they drifted lower, gliding over his thighs, around and down touching every part of his skin. Then up again. The other leg was the same.
Where is Youko?
It was a brief thought.
'Maybe he's asleep?' Another voice suggested suddenly and Kurama tensed as he heard Keiko's voice in his head. 'He does sleep, doesn't he?'
Shuichi supposed he did, but...
The hands touched his calves and feet. He struggled, trying to focus, but his body was not responding to reason.
As the hands came up again, this time sliding against his groin, he groaned aloud.
'Kurama? You okay?'
She heard that?
But the hands were still moving, he could feel the ghostly softness moving over the bulge in his shorts.
He tried to think of a response, but he didn't want to talk, he didn't want to think. The hands drifted away and a whiff of peaches drifted over him, accompanying the patter of water against tile.
Keiko was showering?!
“Shit!” Kurama was once more bolting upright, this time rising up to his knees as realization dawned. `Keiko, stop! Whatever you're doing, stop it right now!' Was all he could manage to think as the caresses he was receiving between his legs were revealed for what they were.
It was hands alright. Keiko's hands. He was feeling Keiko's hands on his body as she washed hers during her shower.
At his command, the mysterious hands, which were now not so mysterious, stopped their movements on his body.
Youko! Where the hell are you!?
~About time Shuichi, I was wondering when you'd figure out what was happening. Took you long enough, too, though I think perhaps it was due to your mind being somewhat… distracted. Good morning, my little yamaneko, thank you for the stimulating morning massage.~
Shuichi closed his eyes in dismay and awaited the inevitable.
Keiko sounded outraged, as though he were spying upon her on purpose. Or, in this case, taking advantage of her somehow.
I'm sorry, it's not my fault. Just... stop... He tried not to think of his arousal pressed tight against the fabric of his shorts and hoped she didn't catch any stray thoughts about it.
Youko saw fit to eliminate the cause for such worry. ~Don't stop, keep going. We aren't done yet.~
'Done yet? Done with what?' She asked blankly.
Youko chuckled apparently amused. ~Ah, fiery and innocent and such a little tease.~
Youko, leave her alone.
~It was cruel of you to touch us that way, leaving poor Shuichi moaning and arching on the bed as you stroked us.~
Keiko's mental gasp was all it took for Kurama to know that she now knew what Youko was not so subtly hinting at.
`You mean… you can feel what I'm doing now?'
I'm… afraid so, Keiko, yes. So please, stop washing yourself if you don't mind. Shuichi asked as politely and as gently as he could, not wanting to cause her to go off on him. Rolling off of the bed, he had to suppress another groan as the fabric of his boxers brushed against his straining erection.
`Oh, God…' Keiko mentally bemoaned. Kurama felt a cold hardness press to his forehead and could practically picture Keiko, naked in her shower stall, forehead pressed against the tile wall…
He stepped into his own bath and headed for the shower. He didn't need to wait for the water to warm, he wanted it cold.
'Sorry Kurama, I didn't know.'
He growled without meaning to. It's fine, Keiko. You couldn't have known.
~Keep touching us, hurry before he shoves us in cold water.~
'W-what?' Keiko sputtered as Kurama began to pull off his clothes.
~If you get us off before he shoves us in the cold water, we won't have to go in the cold water. Shuichi's cold showers are a poor remedy. I've never taken a cold shower.~
You've never done a lot of things, Shuichi snapped. That doesn't mean everyone should follow your example.
The shirt was off and his bottoms were halfway to the floor when the first touch startled him into stillness. The gentle sweep of a hand against his thigh made him shudder. He kicked off the bottoms and stood straight.
Keiko, Shuichi warned.
~Keep going, that's it. Slide your hands down your thighs again.~
She obeyed, following his instructions and Kurama stepped into the shower while he felt the sensation of her hands pressed along his legs. Her hands moved slowly and hesitantly.
As her hand moved slowly up toward her navel, Kurama managed to reach toward the faucet and turn on the water. A blast of cold water splashed down on them and Youko seemed to hiss in displeasure.
Her palm was flat against her skin as it moved. He could feel the slight scrape of her nails as her hand slid lower.
~Turn it off, turn it off, you baka! Can't you see she's willing to aid us without this cold water business?!~ Youko all but howled. ~No! Don't stop!~ He snarled as Keiko's hands hesitated.
Keiko briefly wondered why she was doing as the kitsune demanded, but allowed her hands to continue their journey over her body anyway. She reasoned to herself that it was because she needed to finish bathing... but deep down, she knew... She knew it was something much, much more. She wanted to do this. She wanted to touch Kurama... to have him feel her touching him. It was somehow erotically thrilling to know that he could feel her hands on his body despite them being in two totally different locations. She moaned lowly as one hand rose up to brush a taunt nipple as the other delved down between her thighs again, stroking gently. Within her mind, she heard Kurama's gasp accompany her own as she lightly tweaked the sensitive tip of her own breast.
With the twist of a hand the water had warmed, spraying down upon the young male. Kurama moaned as Keiko's touch feathered over him. Briefly, he wondered if Youko had ever experienced this kind of thing before, but the fox didn't acknowledge the question.
He felt strangely cheated as he could neither see nor touch Keiko, but the physical sensations overwhelmed any lingering thoughts as his body tightened, awash with pleasure. This time, when Kurama moaned, it was mental as well and traveled through the link to reach Keiko's mind. A satisfied smirk settled on her flushed face as she continued to move her hand, pleasuring herself as well as Kurama.
With his pleasure growing, a seed of frustration sprouted and some slight frustration. Kurama reached to encircle his hand around his own sex. He groaned at the feeling, tightening his hand as he began to stroke himself thinking of Keiko and her still rubbing fingers.
A sharp gasp on Keiko's side, along with the abrupt stilling of her hands, alerted Kurama to her surprise. What's wrong? Shuichi asked worriedly, his own hand stilling on his throbbing shaft.
'I... Oh!' Keiko's voice broke off abruptly when Kurama couldn't help but move his hand over himself once again. 'I can feel you....Mmmm... don't stop, please.'
His movements quickened as Keiko's hands began moving again as well and he plastered himself back against the wall, the water just barely touching him. The sound of Keiko's moans and her touch were quickly undoing him.
'Kurama...' She answered in a moan of her own as she unknowingly took up a similar position to his against the shower wall. 'Oh, God...'
His name moaned from her lips tipped him straight over the edge and he groaned. His muscles coiled and then seemed to spring as his seed shot forth, up and against his body and over his hand.
His seed was washed away by the gentle spray of water that managed to reach him from the nozzle and Kurama allowed it to as he slowly slid down the wall to sit on the floor of the shower stall. He felt that Keiko's own hands had stopped their movements but still remained where they were, planted between the apex of her thighs and cupping one breast. Kurama attempted to even out his breathing.
Why did you... Kurama began, You didn't have to-
~But she did...~ Youko broke in, recovering from the aftermath of Shuichi's climax. ~Does that not prove to you, Shuichi, that she is worthy to be ours? Such a delightfully,mischievous little yamaneko. I want to keep her, Shuichi!~
'I-I'm sorry, Kurama, if it was the wrong thing. I guess... ' Suddenly, she felt awkward. 'Well, you really seemed to like it so... '
Youko laughed.
Feeling uncomfortable, she stepped out of the shower. 'I ... um... think we're running late.'
Wait, wait, Keiko! It's fine, I ... Don't pay attention to Youko.
'We should be getting ready.'
'And I still need to have breakfast, and I'm sure you do too.'
But Keiko...
She didn't respond.
You idiot, Youko. You upset her!
Highly miffed, Youko replied, ~I didn't upset her, baka! That was youinsulting her after she was so niceto us!~
Shuichi, realizing that Youko might have actually had a point, but still not sure what to make of the whole thing, asked, It couldn't have been me, could it? I thought we'd offended her when we took advantage of this.
~Well, at the moment, you came off like a first class jerk and idiot besides! Now let's go eat breakfast and try to repair this breach with Keiko!~
Shuichi, seeing no other option, agreed.
Kurama met a shyly quiet Keiko at the print shop where they had agreed to meet the day before. Barely exchanging greetings they began walking. Yet another street up they turned into a fast food restaurant and quickly changed out of their school uniforms as they had discussed doing the night before while they each sat at their respective dinner tables.
Keiko finished first and waited outside, hoping not to draw attention to herself for being out of school. The uniform had been a dead giveaway.
Kurama emerged a minute later and they quickly proceeded on.
"Keiko?" Kurama ventured. "About this morning..."
She silently groaned and he noticed, but he couldn't not bring it up.
"I'm sorry. Because one of us said the wrong thing or... Well, because of what happened. It was taking advantage of the situation poorly."
~I wouldn't say poorly, I think we took advantage of it quite nicely.~
Guilt flooding him at the thought of actually using Keiko in such a manner held him back. "We shouldn't have taken advantage of Keiko at all, Youko." He then added silently, I feel like we used her.
As the thought passed through his mind, Keiko, who had been walking a couple paces ahead, rounded on him. "Just shut up!" She exclaimed, not quite shouting, but not speaking normally either. "Just... forget it, okay?" For effect, she poked a finger against his chest. "Listen, I did it because I wanted to. I've wanted to for awhile now... kind of like the dream before. And because of the situation I felt bold enough to do it, and I did it and it's over now so... So just... drop it, okay? Just drop it." With that, she dropped her hand from his chest and turned away, blushing.
Shuichi was taken aback, never expecting to be the target of her anger, or the fact that she had been wanting to do that for some time. It gave him more than enough food for thought. He caught her before she could completely run away and turned her face up to his, also feeling unusually emboldened by the situation, not to mention Youko edging him on.
"Keiko," He murmured, cupping her face in his other hand. "This is all so new to me and I've been so used to holding everything in, mostly due to Youko. I don't want to cheapen you to satisfy Youko's lust, but on the other hand, I do want you. I have been denying myself for a long time, mostly because I was sure that you cared for Yusuke that way and respected you enough to let you go if that was what you wanted."
"Well, thank you, I didn't even think of the word 'cheap' until you brought it up," she snapped, even more miffed when Youko snickered.
~You're making much of nothing. It's not like you actually mated and took her virginity or left seed in her and are worried about pups or something. What is the fuss over?~
Keiko sighed. "He's sort of got a point there, but forget that. I've never done that before with someone else, I trusted you and liked you enough to want to. Why does it have to be a bad thing? Something like that, I'm not sure I could've done it with Yusuke; it wouldn't have been the same. Can we still be... whatever we are without feeling guilty or bad about something that wasn't?"
Kurama nodded, smiling down at her. "Now that I know that you wanted it as well, yes, I can." He pulled her into an embrace, one which Youko did not object to.
The two separated at Hiei's mental shout. It was obvious the fire apparition was not of the patient variety and wasn't about to be ignored.
Youko groaned. He had been enjoying this, now that Shuichi understood that he hadn't been taking advantage of Keiko. ~Back to the rest of the world,~ His thought filtered to the two humans.
<Fox, get your tail down here if you want this damn thing to work!>
They exchanged glances and began walking. Hiei just wasn't one for waiting. When they arrived at the preset location they found the fire demon leaning against a lamp post looking slightly more irritated than usual.
He took one glance at them and their smiles and his frown seemed to deepen.
"Spare me whatever drama you are currently involved in. Let us go."
Kurama nodded silently, letting the fire demon take the lead. On the way, he spoke quietly. "Hiei, there's a new development in this situation."
"Keiko and I can feel what each other are doing now."
Hiei paused in his step, whipping around to shoot a look at the couple. "You do realize that it may be too late to use the treatment now."
~I suspected it might be too late when we started hearing and smelling things from Keiko.~
"Does that mean we aren't going?" Keiko inquired tentatively.
Hiei crossed his arms. "We aren't going.” He confirmed, “To risk the health effects of the mineral bath now would be pointless."
"So? What now?" Keiko asked. "We wait it out? If that's the case, I should probably go to school, explain why I'm late... Oooh... I have a club meeting today."
Kurama smiled at her, knowing Keiko's academic record would not go unpolished if she could help it. "You go on then, Keiko, I have a few things I'd like to discuss with Hiei." He said, casting a look over at the fire demon, who nodded wordlessly in return.
Feeling suspiciously like she was being kicked out of the conversation, she went.
Kurama turned to Hiei once Keiko was far enough away. "This far gone, we'll just have to wait it out, won't we?"
"It's only been a few days. You'll need a week at a minimum."
~Well then we might as well make this few days a little more interesting. Let us go to the Makai.~
"What for?" Hiei asked.
Shuichi wondered the same thing.
~A few mineral rocks, rock salt, spring water, and a few leaves of the brocade plant.~
Shuichi and Hiei were both confused.
~It's a surprise.~ Youko paused. ~For Keiko, not you.~
<Hn.> Was Hiei's only reply as both demons flitted away to the nearest portal.