Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Links ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mind Links
- Chapter 10 -

Mukuro sensed Hiei's aura as he approached her bed chamber door and turned from where she had been looking out a large balcony window when he eventually entered a moment later. The fire demon bowed respectfully to the auburn haired demoness.

"I am pleased to see you made a swift return." She greeted her heir as she moved to sit on her settee. "And you have brought the Ma-ji kokoro as well. Very good." She stated, having already sensed the arrival of the three earlier.

"Hn. They're asleep, should I wake them?"

Mukuro shook her head. "No. If they have been contaminated with the Gouryuu demon's blood for as long as you say, there is no reason to disturb them now. Let the human rest so that she might be at least partially prepared for what she must hear."

Hiei eyed her as she sat. There was nothing about her that suggested unease, and she was not rushing to bring them to her. "Is it permanent?"

"It is, as of twenty four hours ago, irreversible." Mukuro replied, meeting Hiei's penetrating gaze with one of her own. "However, that is not to say it is permanent. Only that it will get much worse before it gets better."

Hiei crossed his arms and frowned. "Will this weaken Kurama?"

Mukuro thought for a moment. "Hm... I cannot say for certain." She finally sighed, reclining back to make herself comfortable while waving idly to another seat, indicating Hiei could sit down if he wished. She smirked when the fire demon took his place at his favorite chair and propped his feet up on the small table set up for just such a purpose. "The intensity of the Ma-ji will most certainly be torturous for a fragile human mind. But seeing that he is not an ordinary human, and in fact has a kitsune spirit inhabiting his body... I would not worry too much over the fox." She concluded.

"And what of the girl?" Hiei inquired testily. Apparently, Mukuro was more informed of this Ma-ji kokoro than she had earlier let on and it irritated the fire demon to no end. "Keiko has no youkai spirit, she is fully human. Are you saying that she is in danger due to their linked state?"

Mukuro's lazy interest grated on him. She stared at him a moment as if considering. "Humans are notoriously fragile. As it intensifies she will be overwhelmed, she may not be able to distinguish her own thoughts and sensations. She may not be able to tell where she is anymore. It won't kill her, but I would worry more for her sanity."

Hiei did not respond right away. Generally, he wouldn't care. Humanity was a fragile thing. He knew this well. Many a human had fell under the slice of his katana. But this case was... different. Keiko was different. Though he did not quite know why she was different, just that she was. "Hn," Was finally settled on as an appropriate response before he dropped his feet from their perch and quickly stood up. "So then, why ask me to bring them here if there is nothing to be done for them?"

Mukuro smirked, almost as if she had expected the question. "During the most intense period, which will begin within the next 8 hours, you can use your Jagan eye to block the excess and stabilize her." She stated coolly. "If you wish to save her, that is. Otherwise..."

Hiei silently ground his teeth in aggravation. Sometimes the demoness was too intuitive for her own good. "So that's it? You had me bring them here in order for me to assist in shielding Keiko from the adverse effects of their bond? How very... compassionate of you, Mukuro."

Mukuro laughed. "Hiei, I respect you like no other soldier of mine, but shut up and follow me. You've got some work to do."

“Hn.” In silence, he followed her as she languidly stood and moved toward the doorway and exited the room.


Youko’s eyes flickered around the room before turning downward toward the girl nestled up against him. A pleased smile found its way onto his lips. He liked this. It was almost… homey. He found it comfortable with her lying against him as she was, her soft body molded against his side. It was intimate and warm, and the warmth was given by a female which, in Youko’s mind, was always a plus.

Shifting onto his side, he raised a hand and set it upon her upper arm. Soft, warm… he slid his hand down. She had curled onto her side and her arms were bunched against her chest.

And a lovely chest it was, he thought, glancing at the curves hinted at beneath her opaque blouse.

You need a hobby, Shuichi chastised from within.

~I need a lover,~ Youko purred.

Inside his mind, Shuichi rolled his eyes. Oh, please! He muttered. Youko, give it a rest.

~Such a pretty one…~
Youko rested one hand on Keiko’s hip as he began to gently stroke his hand up, finding the hem of her blouse.

You're ignoring me, aren't you. Shuichi sighed, his words really more of a statement than a question. His suspicions were confirmed when he received no reply from Youko. You're going to wake her if you keep that up! He warned.

~I want her to wake up. That’s when the fun really starts. Don’t be such a prude, Shuichi. Let’s enjoy it.~

Before Shuichi could protest any further, Keiko mumbled something in her sleep and shifted, her arms uncurling from their position at her chest to wrap themselves around the welcoming warmth provided by Youko’s body. The movement resulted in Keiko being further pressed against Youko, much to the kitsune’s delight and his human half’s dismay.

~So affectionate,~ Youko purred. ~Feel her breasts, Shuichi, so full and soft.~

Youko smirked outwardly when he heard his human half's mental whimper. Shuichi was slowly but surely giving in.

Sliding his hand down from her hip, he pressed it over the curve of her backside, squeezing. Keiko’s eyes fluttered and then flickered open sleepily.

“Kurama…” She murmured. “You need an off button.”

"Ah, but my dear Keiko," Youko grinned almost wolfishly. "Can I help it if you are so good at pushing my on button?" He gave her rump another playful squeeze.

The sleepiness faded away quickly as she made a small squeaking sound at the bold touch. Her eyes brightened, however and she smiled at him. “We should get up…” She began.

“No,” Youko interjected. “We should get undressed.”

Keiko's groan synchronized with Shuichi's inner one. She warily eyed the silver haired demon, who in turn, eyed her in a way that was far from wary. It was almost predatory. That look caused her to grow a bit nervous. "Um... Youko, do you really think this is a time to be playing?"

“There’s always time to play, Keiko. But if you and Shuichi insist upon ganging up on me…” He grinned. “I’ll just have to get back at you later.”

Youko gracefully pulled away and rose from the bed. Keiko’s sigh, when it came, was a mixture of relief and a tad bit of regret. Much to her surprise, she had been enjoying the kitsune’s ardent advances. Youko heard the regret in the soft sigh and could not help but mentally crow in triumph to Shuichi. ~I knew it. Don’t you see, Shuichi? She wants us!~

I think we’ve established that already, considering we were about to take her in our bedroom only a couple of hours ago.
Shuichi replied and Youko lamented the moment that had been interrupted by the fire demon’s unexpected presence. Damn that Hiei!

As if summoned by the thought of him, Hiei's voice mentally interrupted the kitsune's tyraid.'Hn. I doubt my presence would have mattered, Youko, if it had been you in control instead of Kurama.'

Both Youko and Keiko turned toward the door just in time to witness Hiei and Mukuro entering the bedroom. Keiko's face was painted a pretty shade of pink due to being able to hear the conversation between Kurama, his demon self and Hiei. She eyed both demons, taking in their smug look - oh, she would so be getting back at them later - before she turned her attention to the figure standing beside Hiei. "Hello, you must be Mukuro." She greeted, rising to her feet from the bed and boldly taking a step toward the demoness and bowed politely. "I'm Yukimura Keiko. A pleasure to meet you."

Mukuro stared at Keiko a moment and then inclined her head in greeting. “Are you quite rested then? The human propensity for resting so often can be troublesome.”

Keiko shifted and frowned, smiling tightly. “Ah, yes, sorry about that. I’m sorry about intruding upon you like this.”

Mukuro looked past Keiko toward where Youko was lounged upon the bed. He remained lounging, just staring at the female demon. Something about him seemed to irk her as she crossed her arms moodily and glowered.

Keiko's gaze shifted back and forth between Youko and Mukuro. She could sense something betwen the two demons. While she was certain it was not quite hostility, it most certainly was not comradarie and it made her more than a bit nervous. Her fidgiting was what broke the stare-down, bringing both of their gazes back to her, which only served to made her more nervous. "Umm..." She began, clearing her throat in order to at least sound like she wasn't uncomfortable being in the presence of so many non-humans. "So, what's all this about then? Why'd Hiei bring us here? Can you help us with our..." She hesitated, not quite wanting to call it a problem. "...with, with the connection we've somehow acquired?"

“Hiei,” Mukuro’s tone was short and authoritative.

The shorter demon suddenly became the focus of attention. “It’s permanent.”

Keiko’s gasp was loud and carried something of a tragic ring. She sounded entirely too horrified for the situation that she’d been coping with fairly well since it had begun. “I’ll never be normal again?”

“No,” he answered. “And it isn’t over yet.”

“Ah,” Youko drawled from the bed. “Bad news, is it?”

Hiei ignored him. “During the next eight hours or so the connection is expected to… intensify.”

“Oooh, now that sounds fun,” The kitsune remarked. “What kind permanent damage does that cause?”

“Probably none.” Hiei paused. “To you.”

"Meaning there'll be permanent damage to me." Keiko continued, stating the unspoken part of Hiei's explanation. She hesitated before continuing, her voice sounding frail and scared. "Will I survive?"

Youko could feel Keiko's anguish through the link and came to stand behind her, his arms wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her back to rest against his chest. In additional comfort, his tail curled around her middle, effectively anchoring her to him in case Hiei's answer was negative. Keiko closed her eyes and gave a shuddering sigh, her hands coming up to grip the strong arms surrounding her as she waited for the verdict.

“You will,” he answered shortly. “Your sanity, however, will probably not.”

She took a breath and dry swallowed. “So I’m… going to go insane?”

“With the continual foreign onslaught of thought and tactile sensation humans lose track of their own thought. They get lost in it. Most often this results in the youkai ending up with a human with no will, a zombie sort of slave. The human thinks the youkai’s thoughts are its own and does whatever the demon wants. It can be a convenient situation for some, though, most do not know about this kind of subjugation,” Mukuro answered.

Keiko’s knees felt weak. It was the strength of Youko’s arms that held her up.Youko felt Keiko go limp as Mukuro spoke and he looked down at the young ningen in his arms. Surprisingly, she hadn't fainted and the kitsune felt a brief surge of pride for her courage shown in the face of such devestating news. His ears perked up when he sensed something in Mukuro's tone and he turned his amber eyes upon the demoness. "That isn't all of it, is it, Mukuro. There's more to it than what you are telling us." It was more a statement than a question.

The demoness quirked a brow at the fox. “Humans vary from one to another and if Hiei is inclined to do so, he may assist with blocking stimuli with his Jagan. I offer no guarantees to anything, but it's more than you had a few hours ago.”

Keiko’s mind was a whirlwind, a virtual wind tunnel. Youko brought his hands up and very gently placed his palms on each side of her temples as if to quiet her. The motion caused the riot in their heads to dim.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured. “But what’s going to happen in the next few hours? Should I just… go to sleep or something? Would that make it easier?”

Hiei's scoff was so clear, both the sound and the vibration in the air made Keiko's skin chill. “Of course, what a typical human response to take the easiest way out..” The sound was a veritable hiss in the air.

Youko's eyes narrowed at the uncouth statement that had been made. But before he could say a word in Keiko's defense, the young woman took matters into her own hands. Pulling out of Youko's arms, Keiko stood as tall as her slight frame would allow and stared down at the fire demon. "Oh, right. Sure! Blame it on my being human, why don't you. That is so typical of you, Hiei!" Braveness brought on by her situation and the thought that no worse fate could befall her than the one already fortold, Keiko stepped up until she was nose-to-nose with the dark haired youkai. "Alright, fine. Yes, I am human, and you know what? I'm damn proud of it too. Yes, I am scared now, I'll admit it. But you have no right to throw it in my face, Mr. High-and-Mighty Fire Demon and truthfully I have no tolerance for your attitude!" By the time she was finished, Keiko was practically in Hiei's face, her voice elevated dramatically.

There was a moment of eerie stillness as they waited for the inevitable fiery response. Instead, Hiei turned his gaze toward Youko. “Put her to sleep and save us all from her mouth.”

"But its such a nice mouth and just think of its potential." Youko responded with a wink in Keiko's direction. Keiko's face was flushed and at the moment she couldn't tell whether it was from her anger at Hiei or the kitsune's comment.

“If you’re done flirting, perhaps you might concentrate on the situation at hand.” Mukuro, standing stoically with her arms crossed, didn’t look the least bit amused. If anything it only seemed to make her expression a bit edgier.

Keiko breathed in deeply to help calm her frazzled nerves and nodded at the demoness. "You're right. We need to get ready for... what's to come." she looked over her shoulder at Youko. "So, you're going to put me to sleep?"

“Of course not," Youko grinned. "Hiei is just joking; you know how much of a kidder he is.” Keiko stared at him as if he’d grown a second head. Hiei just snorted and Mukuro watched the trio silently.

"Well, then, now that we have that all settled. How about we get started, hm?"