Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Owning you ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
DISCLAIMERS- I own nothing. But for a moment I shall own you.
Obsession - Animotion
You are an obsessionI cannot sleepI am your possessionUnopened at your feetThere's no balanceNo equalityBe still I will not accept defeat
I will have youYes, I will have youI will find a way and I will have youLike a butterflyA wild butterflyI will collect you and capture you
The steel bench burns the back of my thighs as I sit in the hot mid afternoon sun with nothing protecting me but the passing clouds and the occasional passing bird. I shall wait for you. I know you will be here. This park it is your sanctuary. These trees your confidantes. Many things have happened to you cannot explain or rationalize.
I will wait for you.
My hand slide into my pocket, my fingers wrap around a something that feel like unexposed corn silk but looks like fire. I pull my prize out of my pocket and let the strands float across my skin the ghostly touches sends a deep sensation through out my body. I glide the strands of ill-gotten goodsup my arm watching as the goose bumps appear in its wake.
“For one night you were mine.” I whisper remembering the dark joys of the previous day.
You are an obsessionYou're my obsessionWho do you want me to beTo make you sleep with meYou are an obsessionYou're my obsessionI feed you I drink youMy day and my nightI need you I need youBy sun or candlelight
I lean my head back dragging the deliciousness up my arm, over my chest, across my neck andover my chin to linger on my lips. My tongue peeks out of its holding place and plays with the gift I have giving it. I twirl my tongue around and around moistening every beautiful shade of red strand. I gently pull the accumulation out of my mouth not caring some strands remain tangled in my teeth. I pleasure in the thought of have any piece of you inside of me.
You protestYou want to leaveStayOh, there's no alternative
Your face appears againI see the beauty thereBut I see dangerStranger bewareA circumstanceIn your naked dreamsYour affection is not what it seems
“Kurama are you alright?”
The sound of your name break me away from my fantasy knowing the site of you is a thousand times better then just seeing you in my minds eye. I sit up and look in the direction of the concerned voice. You answer exactly how I knew you would with a sweet lie. I watch as immaculately color lip curve around each syllable of your unpracticed but perfectly executed lie. Your voice dances over to me feeling my audio sense with unparallel pleasures. You look around with hidden caution. Hidden to all but me. I know the reason why scan your surrounding so suspiciously. I am the reason.
“Have I affected you that much my love.” I muse to the wind my gaze never leaving your form.
My fantasy has turned to madnessAnd all my goodnessHas turned to badnessMy need to possess youHas consumed my soulMy life is tremblingI have no control
Your hand reaches around your neck as finger creep up in to your scalp. Your face loses all expressions. I know what you are feeling. Your bright green eyes express your confusion as you try and remember all the details of our wondrous night together. One day I might let you relive those moments but for now the haziness of the drugs clouding your mind will have to be enough. I look down in my and smile at the cluster of red hair I have cut from your head and bound with a thin white ribbon. You scan the surrounding once again for a brief moment our eyes meet I quickly look away not wanting to give myself away as if my eyes could tell you secrets my lips are not quite ready to share. You start to walk. I already know which way you are going. Many hour of studying you has taught me one sure thing when you are troubled you are a creature of habit. I know whom you will talk to. I know what foods you will eat. I know how many times you will toss in your bed tonight before sleep actually embraces you. So knowing what bench to sit on in a park is mere child’s play. I get up and begin to walk up the well-worn path you are strolling down. Your footstep become louder and louder. I take a deep breath to calm myself down. You round the bend and I gaze straight into your eyes. A gaze I have been practicing the mirror to master. We pass I let my hand fall swinging it wide so my fingertips brush against your hip. I will my fingers not to grasp you as they start to curl on their own desires.
“Excuse me,” your voice peaks as a question develops in your throat. “Have we met before?”
I pretend I do not hear your question. I pretend I do not hear the tremble in your voice as your subconscious trys remembers me. I walk on; hand in my pocket and a smile floating on my face as I play with one of tangible pieces of you I have stolen.
“Not officially” I whisper to your retreating image. “But what is in an introduction, you will only forget my name again. When I know soon enough you will remember my touch.”
A large butterfly drifts towards me I smile lift my finger and like fate he lands pefectly apon it. I gentlely carress it's delicate wings the irroscent flakes dust my fingertips. Its beauty is pale compared to your. I blow the creature away and watch it as it attempts to fly. All of it's heart felt efforts are in vain as it slowly falls to the ground. I careful pick the insect up and allow it to walk over my hand.
I will have youYes, I will have youI will find a way and I will have youLike a butterflyA wild butterflyI will collect you and capture you
When you do remember my touch Kurama, you shall fall like the butterfly. (1)
1- I am not sure but it is said if you rub the color off a butterflies wings it loses it ablity to fly. I don't know if it true because I never tested it.