Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Rose ❯ Setting Off ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all or the song used in this story. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

Warnings for this chapter! : Language, mentions of male pregnancy, malaxmale relationships, malexfemale relationship. Not much else.

AN: First thing first, let me say a big thank you to zsfantasy. She types up my stories as I type really badly, actually I really can‘t type. I’m a hunt and peck kind of person. She also betas for me too. She is great!! Thank You!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!!!

To all of those that has reviewed already, thank you so much!! I love reading every review I get. Please keep it up, as they motivate me with my stories. Thank You!!! Thank You!! Thank You so very much!!!!! You guys are so awesome! XD

Now I know it’s been awhile since I posted and I know I promised 1 week, but real life reared it’s ugly head again. My mom was put in the hospital for she was in there for nearly two weeks. I will be so glad when this year is over!!! Maybe next year will be so much better. So I guess I must apologize for not keeping to my promise. I will try very hard to start posting regularly once again. Hopefully all the rough water I have been sailing through will start smoothing out.

Anyway, you all have waited long enough, to long really!!……. On with the story!!!


Mission Rose

Chapter 2 of 10

Setting Off



Hiei and Kurama spent the next two weeks patiently training Gailic and Tenshi day and night. They even performed surprise attacks when the kids were sleeping just to prepare them. The fox had affectionately named the whole rescue attempt, Mission Rose. It was assumed because he liked roses, but really he just liked the name Rose in general. It was a pretty name for a very pretty flower. When they had first started training Gailic, the fox and fire demon thought it would be somewhat of a hassle; they had been wrong.

Normally it was the parent’s responsibility to train their child as they saw fit. Junaco was doing what he could, but it hadn’t been helping. Shiori had been too easy on the boy. She believed that since she raised Gailic the same way she had Kurama that he would turn out fine, that she wasn’t being too easy. What she didn’t realize and everyone tried to explain to her was that Kurama, though young in appearance, had over a thousand year’s experience and discipline where Gailic did not.

Junaco ended up turning Gailic’s full training over to Kurama and Hiei before he got completely out of hand even for a demon. The fox and fire demon accepted the challenge. Gailic had been somewhat of a womanizer and very insubordinate two months ago. However, when he started training with the fox and fire demon he eventually flourished under their tutelage, all his behavior problems corrected.

At first, Gailic believed that he didn’t have to listen to them and that he could do what he wanted because he was a grown male of fifteen and a half years old . Hiei and Kurama laughed out right at the boy and quickly put him in place. They didn’t have any trouble from him after that and he progressed quickly. Gailic also did will under the very strict rules and gained a great deal of respect for adults, superior demons in general.


It was sunset and time to send the young demon and demoness off on their important mission. The fox and fire demon set up a supposed slave trader to take the kits. His name was Thite and he was a badger demon that truly used to sale slaves, even made a good name for himself in the business. When slavery had been abolished in the Makai, he had freely given up the business for he was completely loyal to the throne. But his name was still well name, so he had been the first choice for this mission. Thite had even sat up an audience with the slave holding demon, with promises of valuable stock. The slave holding demon had been very excited over the prospect.

Now, most everyone had said their goodbyes to the young vixen and phoenix already, but Toushi, Kaihei, Junaco, and Shiori insisted that they go with Hiei and Kurama in seeing Gailic and Tenshi off. Namida had been left with Kola for the time being, the demons hadn’t wanted her out in the night air. The group had just arrived at the desired meeting spot.

“Take care of yourself, Tenshi.” Kaihei said as he hugged his sister tightly. “Don’t let that demon even touch you.”

“Yeah right!” Tenshi laughed, moving back from her brother. “If that demon touches me, I will cut off his dick.”.

“Tenshi!!! You’re a girl and shouldn’t say such!” Kurama reprimanded his daughter, but then a sly smirk slowly appeared on his face. “But I like that course of action, if he does touch you.”

“Thanks, daddy. I love you and take care of my baby sister.” Tenshi smiled, quickly hugging the fox.

“I love you too; baby. Namida will be fine, but you need to take care of yourself as well.” Kurama returned his kit’s fierce hug.

Tenshi turned to the fire demon, “I love you, father.”

“Hn, back at you, kit.” Hiei smirked, looking up at his very beautiful and tall daughter. He still didn’t like this, but they didn’t really have a choice and now it was far to late.

“Aw, come on, Pappa,” Tenshi nearly begged, her eyes going soft and round, her lips forming a pretty pout. It only made her look even more like her father. A deadly combination for the poor fire demon who was defenseless against a beautiful redhead with that kind of look. The fox had taught her very well. “I may be gone for a long time. I want to hear what I mean to you.”

“You won’t be gone for that long; I’ll see to that.” Hiei stated, even has he felt himself caving in. “But if you must hear it,” he pulled his daughter into a tight hug, “I love you, Tenshi. Take care of yourself. Like you said, if that demon so much as touches you, you cut off his dick and anything else you can!”

Kurama didn’t even try to respond or reprimand. He just shook his head sadly, eyeing his mate. His daughter already had a naughty mouth on her, so really their wasn’t anything he could do to change it. That was the price paid for raising the redheaded vixen in a family full of males.

“I will, father. He’ll be a bottom for the rest of his life.” Tenshi said with a smirk on her face that made the fire demon proud.

“Good, girl,” Hiei had a smirk on his face too. “Remember what we told you……. If it looks like trouble, you get Gailic and Siaira together. Then you get out of there as fast as you can and get back to our fortress. This demon will not dare attack his Lords directly. He is not that strong.”

“Yes, sir,” Tenshi nodded to the orders. She then moved on to the wolf and hugged him. “Don’t worry too much. I’ll get your sister out of there, Toushi.”

“I know you will.” Toushi returned his sister’s hug. “But you be very careful too. You are my sister as well and I don’t want to lose you either.”

“Again, don’t worry. I’ll be careful.” Tenshi tried reassuring the wolf. She moved on to her grandfather and grandmother.

Shiori and Junaco hugged the girl and bid her to take care. They also asked her to keep a close eye on their son, which Gailic objected to. She only smiled and promised she would. Gailic went over and shook the fox’s and fire demon’s hands saying his goodbyes. They had been hard on him, but now he looked to them for guidance instead of his own parents. In truth, yet he kept it a secret, he had come to see them as a second set of parents even though the fox was his half brother. But he would never tell anyone that. It wouldn’t be right for his mom and dad to know how he felt.

He was telling Toushi and Kaihei good bye when the demon they were waiting for arrived. The male climbed down from the seat of the caged wagon he was driving. He went over to the group and stopped in front of Hiei and Kurama.

“Ah, my Lords,” The demon bowed deeply before the fox and his mate. He then bowed again before Toushi and Kaihei. He then showed the proper respect to Shiori, Junaco, Tenshi and Gailic.

“Hn, you showed up.” Hiei smirked, hands in pocket. “My fox and I were beginning to think you wouldn’t show, Thite.”

“I’ll always show up when my Lords summon me.” Thite replied quickly, bowing again.

“Did you bring what you need to make my daughter and brother look like slaves?” Kurama was direct and to the point.

“Yes, Lord Kurama. I’ll get the change of clothes now.” Thite hurried over to his wagon and dug into a chest strapped to the side. He pulled out two sets of worn,…………. no downright ratty, looking clothes and went over to the kids.

He handed a pants set to Gailic and a dress to Tenshi. “I know you two are used to better, but you can’t go in there wearing the finery you have on now. Could you please change?”

Gailic curled up his lip at the rags he had been given, but stomped off into the bushes to change clothes. The look on Tenshi’s face wasn’t any better. Her clothes were complete rags too; in fact they should have been burned. She looked skeptically at her clothes for a couple of minutes and then stormed off into the bushes as well.

The group talked for a good ten minutes before the demon and demoness reluctantly emerged from the bushes. Gailic’s clothing was baggy and had many holes in them. Tenshi’s clothing was snug fitting and had quite a few more holes in them. The material could hardly be considered decent.

“Why couldn’t my clothes be more like Gailic’s?” She asked angrily.

“I’m sorry, Lady Tenshi. All female slaves wear clothes like those. The buyers like to see the attributes they are paying for.” Thite answered quickly and just a little fearful.

“Fine,” Tenshi growled, sounding much like her fire demon father as she pulled on the clothes trying to get them to in a more decent position. “Let’s just get this over with.”

“Yes, my lady.” Thite hurried over and dug around in the same chest that had held the clothes. He pulled out leg irons with chains attached that only had enough length so that the slave could walk. “I have to put theses on you two or this minor lord will think something is up. All slaves have these on until their new master removes them.”

“Whatever,” Gailic shrugged.

Thite quickly squatted down and put the chains around the young male’s ankles. He stood up and looked expectedly at the Vixen.

“So be it!” Tenshi hissed, very angry with the turn of events in her mission.

Thite breathed a sigh of relief and then squatted down. He again quickly put the chains around the slender ankles and very shapely legs he found under the tattered hem of the dress. He stood up and gave the angry vixen some space.

“Do you remember the many ways I’ve taught you to pick a lock?” Kurama asked, walking over to his daughter.

“Yep,” Tenshi grinned, very proud of herself.

“Then you’ll have no problem with the shackles.” Kurama let a sly smile grace his lips. “Take care of Gailic; he’ll probably need it as he has not been trained as much as you.”

“I will, daddy.” Tenshi said before hugging the fox once again. She hugged the fire demon again as well. She smiled sadly at her parents before climbing into the cage on the wagon with Toushi’s help. Gailic went in after her, reluctantly taking the wolf’s help, though he did need it.

Thite closed and locked the door. “I’m sorry for having to do this, Sir Gailic and Lady Tenshi.”

“Its fine,” Tenshi said quickly, shaking her head. “Let’s just get this over with.”

“Yes ma’am.” Thite hurriedly climbed up on the wagon and grabbed the reins that led to oxen like animals. He snapped the leather strips and the wagon lurched into movement. The kits waved bye to their family. They got waves in return as well. The darkness closed in around them and they settled in the hay for the trip to the demon’s fortress.



The group was beginning to break up. Junaco and Shiori had already left heading back home. Toushi and Kaihei watched their parents a few moments longer before turning and heading towards the fortress as well. They knew just how concerned their parents truly were for both Tenshi and Gailic. It could all end very badly if the plan or the two were revealed.

“Try not to worry too much, Koi.” Kurama slipped an arm around his mate’s small waist. “She may look like me, but she’s all you. She’ll be just fine. Our baby can take care of herself.”

“Hn, I know, but…,” Hiei muttered, sadness and just a hint of fear creeping into his voice.

“You’ll still miss her and worry.”

“Yes, she’s our baby girl.”

Kurama couldn’t argue, he just leaned over and kissed the fire demon’s cheek.

“When Tenshi and Gailic come back with Siaira, will we be responsible for her you think?” Hiei commented quietly.

“Possibly, though she will have Toushi. She may be fifteen, but she’ll look to us and Toushi for guidance and help with her problems. I also have no doubt Toushi will send her to us when there is something he can‘t answer or help her with.” Kurama answered as quiet as his mate.

“Are you ready to have another teenager in the fortress, fox?”

“I’m always ready for another child, Koi.”

“Hn, we’ll have to start training her as if she was a toddler since she’s probably had no formal training.”

“Hmmm, you’ll probably right, she wouldn’t have had access to any type of training. I like to train a clean slate as Siaira would be called. Toushi will likely try to train her too. When this is over we’ll finally get the grandchild we want from Toushi and Kaihei.”

“You sound too happy for that.” Hiei smirked. “Might I think you may want another child?………. Even though we have our little Namida.”

“Well, we have seven kids with Toushi’s sister possibly making the eighth. I would love to have another baby with you, Koi, but like you said a couple of weeks ago we are getting to old to be running after children full time.”

“Then it’s a no.”

“I’m afraid so, Hiei. Besides between our seven or eight children, we’ll have plenty of babies to love and see about training to our standards.”

“Hn, whatever you want, fox. I just want to keep you happy.”

“You should know by now, Koi. I am happy as I can be just being your mate. Everything else is topping on the cake or so the ningen phrase goes.”

“Fine, as long as you know that no matter what I have previously said, I would have another child with you in a demon’s heartbeat, if you wanted.”

“And I you, Koi,” Kurama smiled. He leaned in and lovingly kissed his fire demon. When they parted, Hiei took hold of the fox’s hand before turning and slowly leading his mate towards their fortress. They would not sleep easy that night. They would be too worried about their daughter and Gailic.


Thite, Tenshi, and Gailic traveled for three days. Thite kept drilling the kits on how a slave should act. He treated them well though, knowing his head would be gone if he didn’t. He hadn’t known the girl long, but he could tell she could be very dangerous. The boy was young and naïve, but would make a very formable opponent as well.

“If this demon looks at you, what do you do?” Thite asked glancing over his shoulder.

“You bow low to the floor, almost like you’re laying on it.” Gailic answered quickly.

“That’s right, sir.” Thite praised the boy. “Umm….Tenshi who do you take orders from?”

“Hn, I have to take orders from anyone, but other slaves.” The vixen answered quite annoyed. She was growing tired of all the questioning and was missing her family. “How much further?”

“Just over the next hill,” Thite answered the female. “Remember your survival in this common fortress depends on you two remembering everything I have told you.” When the kits nodded, he continued, “Good, get into position and act your parts. We have to get past the guards first to even get to our scheduled audience with the wanna be lord.”

The kits didn’t say anything; they just huddled into the dried grass and put a perfect look of fear on their faces. The buggy came to a stop and a guard approached them. Tenshi looked up at the fortress, tuning out the conversation, Thite was dealing with the guards. This was it, she and Gailic was the girl’s last hope unless she wanted to see her fathers go to war with the demon that was going to buy her. No, she would not fail her fathers or Siaira. She would get the girl and Gailic out of there if it was the last thing she ever did. No one deserved to be a slave, not even in the Makai.

The wagon lurched forward when the guard granted them permission to enter. The large heavy wooden doors were pushed open by several more guards. The wagon came to a stop in a large courtyard full of soldiers being drilled. The first thing Tenshi noticed about the soldiers was that they all looked alike even down to their green colored hair. The second thing was their age range from eleven or twelve at the youngest all the way up to at least her age, if not older. The rumor of this demon raising an army completely loyal to him appeared to be true. Well, she would have to fix that little problem and quell this opponent’s little uprising against her fathers.

“Get out, slaves.” Thite hissed, pulling the cage door open.

The kits were shocked at the sudden change in the soft spoken demon they had come to know. They quickly shook it off and hurried to the back of the wagon. As Gailic swung his feet over the edge of the wagon, Thite snapped a long chain to the shackle on the boy’s ankles. Gailic raised an eyebrow, but jumped to the ground without saying a word.

Tenshi scooted to the edge, careful to keep her dress down. Thite snapped another long chain to the shackles around her ankles. She growled lowly before jumping to the ground and moving to stand next to Gailic.

“When the Lord comes out, you had better bow!” Thite growled hatefully. Tenshi was about to protest calling this minuscule demon ‘Lord’, but somebody stopped her.

“Aw…Thite, it‘s been years since I have seen you last. I see you succeeded in bringing me some pretty slaves this time as promised .”

Tenshi and Gailic turned towards the voice. The demon standing before them was actually very handsome and was about six feet tall. He wore a yellow fighting G with black boots and black cape, his hair the same color of all the ‘soldiers‘ in the courtyard. His eyes were also a shade of yellow.

“My Lord,” Thite quickly bowed very low to the ground.

Tenshi and Gailic on the other hand just stood there staring at the demon before them. The male was not what they were expecting at all. The energy he was giving off was very powerful, probably an A class demon. This could be a lot of trouble for them, more then what was planned for.


Well, that is it for this chapter. Please leave a little review on your way out, I would enjoy reading them. The next chapter will be out very soon hopefully.