Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Rose ❯ First Meetings ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all or the song used in this story. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

Warnings for this chapter! : Language, malaxmale relationships, malexfemale relationship. A little language, some lime, and an ANR.

AN: First thing first, let me say a big thank you to zsfantasy. She types up my stories as I type really badly, actually I really can‘t type. I’m a hunt and peck kind of person. She also betas for me too. She is great!! Thank You!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!!!

To all of those that has reviewed already, thank you so much!! I love reading every review I get. Please keep it up, as they motivate me with my stories. Thank You!!! Thank You!! Thank You so very much!!!!! You guys are so awesome! XD

There isn’t much to say this time, except Thank You all so very much for sticking with me through the sporadic updates. I will not abandon this arc until it is done.

Anyway, you all have waited long enough, to long really!!……. On with the story!!!


Mission Rose

Chapter 3 of 10

First Meetings


“Well, let’s have a look at them.” The demon said as he began walking around the vixen and phoenix.

“They are fine specimens, though I told you I wanted only demons, Thite.” He came to a stop in front of the female. “This one appears to be ningen.”

“Yes, my Lord Brickit, she does, but she is all demon, she just looks ningen.”

“Hmm,” Brickit let his eyes roam over Tenshi’s body before moving onto her face. “I think I could actually live with it even if she wasn’t a demon. She is very beautiful with all that long red hair. I could probably get lost in it.”

“I take it you approve of her, sir.” Thite ventured to ask.

“Very much. So come girl, what’s your name?”

“Does it matter?” Tenshi growled angrily. She already couldn’t stand this demon and her anger was rising. She did her absolute best to keep her energy from spiking. She couldn’t let anyone in the fortress know just how powerful she truly was. She had to maintain the illusion of being a weak, harmless female for the sake of the mission.

“Oh, she has spirit. It will be great fun breaking her.” The grin Brickit displayed on his face was pure evil. “Let’s check out her attributes.”

Before Tenshi could utter any form of protest, the male’s hands were running over her hips squeezing them.

“Hey, don’t touch her!” Gailic yelled, struggling between two guards that had instantly grabbed him upon the first slightest show of aggression.

Brickit laughed evilly, sliding his hands around to the vixen’s rear where he squeezed again. “Slaves don’t tell me what to do so hold your tongue or lose it.”

Tenshi remained still as long as she could. She shoved the demon’s wandering hands off of her. “Touch me again and die. I don’t care who you think you are!”

“Shut up, slave!” Thite yelled, taking a threatening step forward.

“Don’t worry, Thite. She didn’t offend me at all, in fact I find it quite amusing. As I have said it will be fun breaking her. Guards restrain her.” Brickit ordered with a wave of his hand.

Two more guards stepped up and quickly restrained Tenshi. She could’ve easily gotten away, but held herself back, only offering up a token struggle for show. She merely glanced at Gailic to see him only half struggling as well. They had to stick to the plan and find Siaira no matter how uncomfortable they were. But she did promise herself that Brickit would forever regret laying hands on her before she left the fortress and headed home.

Brickit approached Tenshi again. He did as before sliding his hands around the girl’s hips and rear.

“She’s got very good birthing hips. She’ll give me many children.” He quickly brought his hands up and cupped her breasts, squeezing them. Even going so far as to roughly pinch her nipples to make them stand up through her flimsy clothes. “She has great breasts too, big nipples. She’ll be able to feed my children as well before they are moved to the ‘nursery‘ and proper ‘caretakers’.”

Tenshi growled lowly, a warning for the demon, but he ignored her as he released her and moved on to a very angry Gailic.

“You’re very handsome, boy. What’s your name?” Brickit asked looking the phoenix up and down.

Gailic didn’t answer the male; he just glared as much as Tenshi was.

“So your silent too? Oh well, I don’t need your name or hers. I’ll just call you what I want.” Brickit stated after a couple of minutes. “You’re part fox, according to your ears and tail.” He observed. “And if I had to guess, the other part is either phoenix or griffin…….. Or just maybe a very rare dragon demon because of those gorgeous wings. Though I figure you probably don’t even know either. No one knows where their blood truly comes from nowadays in the Makai, but it doesn‘t really matter as proven by the half-breeds sitting on the throne.” Then he shook his head as if to clear it. “Anyway, I drifted off, you’ll also make a great addition to my harem, boy. You see, I like females because they’ll give me children for my army. I like males because they’re stronger and able to handle how rough I like to get. I’ll get you broke in as well.”

“I’m not your play thing and neither is my betrothed mate.” Gailic hissed angrily while managing to work in his and Tenshi’s cover story.

“Mate, huh?” Brickit laughed, leaning closer to the boy. “There are no mates in my fortress or lovers for that matter. I do with what I want with everyone here. Prepare yourself, boy. I will have you and your beautiful would be mate.”

“So, you’re buying them, my lord?” Thite asked, hoping silently that the plan had worked. He didn’t want to disappoint his Lords…………….. But really, he just wanted to keep his head on his shoulders.

“Yes, I will, but tell me what you know about them.” Brickit ordered quickly.

“I don’t know much, but I’ll tell you what I do know. I found these two in a forest three days north from here. They were having a picnic and I managed to capture them, they ran right to the trap I had sat up. The girl’s name, I believe, is Shi or at least that’s what I heard the boy call her. His name I believe is Caver. I don’t know where they came from, what village, or anything else. I just knew they would be to your liking.”

“You did well, Thite. I believe you have earned a bonus for these two.” Brickit smirked slightly.

“Thank you my lord.” Thite bowed, showing ‘proper’ respect. .

“Good, now let’s get you paid so that you can be on your way. Guards, you know where to take them.” Brickit turned and walked off followed by one of his generals and Thite.

Gailic and Tenshi looked and each other and nodded slightly as the guards started leading them in separate directions. They were able to briefly glance at each other before being manhandled into damp, dark stone hallways.


Hiei walked into his bedroom after a long meeting with a couple of his spies that had taken turns following Thite towards the enemy fortress. Currently their was another spy heading out and there should be one heading back, while still a third was keeping watch on the enemy fortress. All was done in the hopes that he would receive a sturdy flow of information on the enemy, his daughter, and Gailic. Nothing else was acceptable, he had to have all information that he could. A small smile appeared on his face when he easily spotted his fox pacing and looking quite worried. He knew exactly what they both needed.

“Kurama, what’s wrong?” He asked, walking over to his mate.

“Gailic and Tenshi should’ve arrived at their destination today. I hope everything goes well for them, but I almost wish that it won’t so they’ll have to come back home.” Kurama answered as he turned to his lover.

“Hn, now you sound like how I feel. I do know that everything will be okay. Tenshi will see to that.”

“I know that too.”

“It’s just that you want her here with you.” Hiei smirked slightly. “You want your baby in sight.”

“Yes, I do.” Kurama answered honestly. “And you as well?”

“Of course, she’s my baby too, daddy’s little girl.”

“You can so tell that, she‘s just like you.” Kurama laughed lightly, feeling a small bit of worry lifting. “You did a good job spoiling her, but so did I.”

“At least you’re honest about having your hand in her spoiling too. She is even more spoiled then Kaihei ever was.” Hiei laughed as well. “How do you feel now, fox?”

“Better, thank you, Koi.”

“My pleasure,………….…. Where is Namida?”

“She’s in the nursery with Kola.” Kurama replied quietly. “I feed her about thirty minutes ago. She went to sleep and Kola is watching her until the next feeding. I’m far to worried about Tenshi so Namida is picking up on my emotions, it was agitating her. I thought it would be good for her to be separated from me for a little bit, let her have a peaceful sleep.”

“Good, for both of you…….. I want you to know that if Tenshi and Gailic are not back with Siaira in a month from now then we are going in after them. So be ready for a battle just in case.”

“I will be and I’ll start training more, just in case.” Kurama said, gently taking hold of his mate’s hand and moving close. “Will you train with me?”

“Hn, you do know by now that you don’t have to ask. I’m always willing to train with my beautiful fox.” Hiei smirked slightly, taking hold of his mate’s other hand. He moved even closer and guided the fox’s arms around his waist. He then slipped his arms around his mate’s waist.

Kurama raised an eyebrow and was about to question his fire demon, but was stopped.

“Will you dance with me, Kurama? We haven’t done it in so long?” Hiei asked, actually sounding very shy and small.

“Yes, but we have no music.” Kurama answered softly.

“We don’t need any. Will you lead?”

Kurama’s only answer was to tighten his arms around his mate’s little waist, pulling him even closer until they were pressed together. He started moving very slowly to the song he had playing in his head, their song, the one they danced to at their wedding/mating ceremony over twenty four years ago.

Hiei laid his head against the fox’s chest and completely relaxed something he hadn’t been able to do for a few weeks now. In truth, he wanted so much more. Kurama and him hadn’t had much time for each other between training the kits, taking care of Namida, and ironing out the details of their little spy mission in addition to taking care of the everyday details of running the Makai. The fire demon let his eyes slip close, giving up all control to his lover. He only hoped his fox would take the time and accept the invitation for him to be the top in a long overdue love making session.

Kurama did realize what his mate wanted and was happy to oblige. He slid his hands downwards and slipped them under the fire demon’s cloak. He cupped the rounded muscled butt he found and started with small massaging squeezes.

Hiei moaned slightly pushing his rear into the fox’s hands. He began slowly working on the fox’s shirt undoing the tiny buttons. He pushed the shirt open. He then nuzzled his head into his mate’s chest, leaving light kisses in his wake. Stopping only briefly to gently suck a nipple, receiving a small taste of milk before moving on. Now wasn’t the time for a nursing session. He would initiate one later after they had made love. In the meantime, Kurama had worked his hands into his lover’s pants. He moved slowly, rubbing a single finger over the fire demon’s entrance, while his other fingers teased the crease between the firm globes.

Hiei moaned softly, tilting his head back so he could look at his lover even as he pushed his rear into the inviting hands. “Please, can I have your other form this time?”

“Anything for you, Koi,” Kurama whispered softly. He quickly lifted his mate, forcing the fire demon to wrap his legs around the fox’s waist.

Kurama slowly walked towards the bed as he spiked his energy. Hiei held on tight to his lover while he watched him switch forms. His hands were no longer tangled in long red hair, but in longer silver hair. The fire demon kissed his mate’s jaw, and then slowly worked around to his ear.

“Absolutely, beautiful,” he whispered huskily, “and all mine.”

“Always and forever yours,” Kurama whispered roughly in return, laying his lover on the bed.

He quickly joined the fire demon and soon they were in the throes of long overdue passion. They enjoyed each other and every second of their love making. They fell asleep tangled together with the silvery fox still buried deep within his lover. Actually they were locked together and would be for several hours, but neither seemed to care, their minds were happy blank………………….. And Hiei, well he was sucking gently from his mate‘s right nipple, completely content wrapped in strong arms.


Tenshi was dragged through the halls of Brickit’s fortress by two demons that still held her by the arms. She was suddenly dropped to the floor, hitting it hard. She looked around and quickly found a new demon standing in front of her. He looked very much like the demon that supposedly just bought her, though he was light skinned, almost as light as her. The male’s features were softer making him very handsome, but the green hair was ever present.

Tenshi’s heart fluttered for the first time in her life. She actually felt like she was blushing and scolded herself for it. She couldn’t believe she was finally attracted to someone and she didn’t even know his name. But he just had to be the enemy didn’t he. Her fathers and brothers were going to love this.

“On your feet!” The demon ordered quickly.

He actually smirked as he watched the redhead slowly and defiantly rise to her feet with fire flashing in her green eyes. He gave her a once over and nodded approvingly. He thought she was beautiful, a jewel ripe for the taking. He was actually tempted to ask his father if he could have her for his own, but knew his father wouldn’t let this magnificent female slip through his fingers.

As he walked closer to her, he realized she had to be six feet tall and only a couple of inches shorter than himself. He didn’t know why, but he felt as if he should bow before her instead of her bowing before him. He actually saw her as an equal even in this first meeting and it shocked him. He had never thought of a female as an equal to him in his life.

“Who are you?” Tenshi asked with a low growl in her voice.

“Show him respect, slave.” The guard to her right yelled, raising a hand and quickly moved to hit her.

Tenshi closed her eyes and braced herself for the hit, but it never came. She snapped her eyes open when she heard a deep and angry voice. Her mouth fell open at what she saw.

“You will not put your damn dirty hands on her!” The new male had twisted the guards arm up behind his back and pressed him into a nearby wall. “Pass it along to everyone! She is not to be touched by anyone. If there is a problem with her, you tell me and I’ll deal with her. Got it?”

“Yes, sir,” The guard quickly answered, nodding his head.

“Good, now get out of my sight the both of you.” The male growled, pulling the demon away from the wall. He pushed the demon down the hall after he released his arm. Both guards quickly scrambled away. leaving the vixen to fend for herself.

“Don’t even think about touching me either just because you saved me. If you try it, you’ll be left with a bloody stump of something, ‘anything’ that’s protruding towards me.”

“You know what, I actually believe you.” The male laughed heartily. “But I have no intentions for you, you belong to my father.”

“Your father?” Tenshi quickly asked, her eyes getting wider. She knew that, realized that when she first saw him, but then why was she slightly shocked. Maybe somewhere deep down she had hoped that he was not related to the enemy.

“Yeah, my father is the lord of this fortress. I am the first born son of his and first in line for his throne. I am also the demon in charge over all slaves.”

“Big deal,” Tenshi shrugged like it didn’t matter to her, but really she was committing every piece of info to memory. “Do you have a name to go with all those titles?”

“Yes, my name is Xaviar.” He performed a sweeping bow before the pretty redhead.

Tenshi couldn’t help, but blush at the grand display. She was very flattered.

“And your name, my pretty?”

“My name?” Tenshi hesitated a few seconds before finally answering…………………. somewhat. “My name is Shi.”

“Shi,” Xaviar tested the name and then shook his head. “I don’t believe that’s your name, but if that’s what you want to be called so be it. Maybe one day you will tell me your real name.”

“Not likely.” Tenshi answered quickly, though really she already wanted to tell this demon who she was.

“Whatever, follow me so I don’t have to drag you.” Xaviar turned and quickly walked down the hall.

Tenshi sighed and hurried after him. They traveled down the dark halls for a few minutes in silence.

“This is your room.” Xaviar said, shoving the wooden door open. “You share it with two other females.”

“Where are they now?” Tenshi asked looking around the depressing room.

“They’re off doing their chores; you will be joining them tomorrow. They will show you what to do and what the lord expects from you. Do you understand?”

“I suppose so,” Tenshi answered, devoid of any emotion. “What do I do today?”

“You stay in here. Slaves are not allowed to just wander around this fortress. I’ll personally come down and show you where you will be eating at it.”

“Alright, I guess.” Tenshi said, turning towards the demon. “You seem different from everyone else I’ve met so far.”

“And you don’t act like a slave, you act more like royalty, very high class.” Xaviar countered quickly. “What’s your point?”

“I take it back!” Tenshi almost growled, her eyes narrowed. “I had only meant you are a lot nicer.”

“Why thank you. Might I say you’re more beautiful than any other female I’ve ever seen.”

“Say what you like.” Tenshi looked seductively over her shoulder like the vixen she was. “Those pretty words won’t work on me. If you want me and I know you do as I can see it, you will have to come up with something better than that. I am not that easy even if I’m as slave. Tell your father he better be careful. If he tries something with me, I will carry out that threat I used on you.”

Xaviar reached forward, fisting a hand in the female’s bodice of her dress and yanked her close. “My father is a very hard and ruthless demon. He doesn’t like disrespect and neither do I. I must say though, you definitely got spirit, a fire burning deep in your soul. I just hope that it doesn’t die out here in this dark fortress.” He leaned forward quickly and kissed the startled redhead, even managing to sweep his tongue into her slack mouth for a brief completely addicting taste. He realized quickly that this would have to be the way he dealt with her, by surprising her.

He pulled back with a smirk on his face, leaving her breathless. “Don’t let the fire within your soul die. I already know that it wouldn’t be right for you to lose that determination and thrill for life. Goodbye for now, ‘Shi’.” Xaviar turned and walked off down the hall, leaving an even more shocked redhead in the silent room.

Tenshi knew she was in far to deep already. She hadn’t been able to move under the demon’s lips and tongue, totally frozen. Her parents would be so disappointed, for she was even disappointed her herself. But it couldn’t be helped really, she was after all very attracted to the enemy and one thing her parents had always taught her was to follow her instincts on the battlefield and off. ………….. So she would just have to follow her instincts, her feelings, wherever that might lead even if it was towards her enemy.



Well, that is it for this chapter. Please leave a little review on your way out, I would enjoy reading them. The next chapter will be out soon hopefully.